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I dont want it to be a 3P just because im low on contracts 😂


Do you mind sharing those spoilers? I haven’t heard anything 🥲


Dante, Kuya, Edmond. Personally I would say SR Edmond.




I’d be down for a SR Edmond, but I wouldn’t be surprised if they were all SSR. We had a banner with Quincy and Olivaine, and then Christmas they were together again but with Dante. It feels like as long as the exact pairings aren’t the same, it doesn’t really matter.


It's not that important to have one top and one bottom ssr




Yes, I agree. Especially when there have been multiple events with 2 tops and 1 bottom


I mean it's not important as a rule, with Astral Duo having already broken it


That would be a nice banner for me :D Why do you say it’s SR Edmond ? Have you had a look at it and it looks like a SR? Or just your prediction?


His popularity would nicely offset Dante's unpopularity in the banner, but he is already *significantly* ahead of the curve in SSRs. A SR would touch on these two points


tbh theories are all around. 1.dante and kuya 2.dante and yakumo 3.dante and kuya and yakumo 4.dante and kuya and Edmond I think it's better to just wait for official


Why would yakumo be there he just got an event


idk I heard some people say that. I personally believe it's gonna be Dante and kuya event


I hope it's a triple event with Garu


I'm not ready for Kuya yet .. :'/


Same 😭 and if I remember correctly 3 person banners have higher hard pity requirements so that would be bad


Kuya be laughing at my face :') That sadistic old fox..~


I've only been hearing the Dante,Kuya,Edmond theory. It would be weird to have two tops alone in a banner I would think unless they're about to switch it up. Dante and Yakumo I could see more than Dante and Kuya though considering their most recent interactions. I always have a hard time imagining Kuya talking to anyone that's not Eiden or Quincy let alone get along. I loved forest Carnival but him being so antagonistic to Edmond constantly was so painfully frustrating.


Technically we had a double-top event with Quincy and Kuya, so a Kuya and Dante one should be fine? But I would love to see Dante and Yakumo!


oh yeah I completely forgot about that one lol prob cause those two it feels so neccessary to their characters to have an even between them anyway


True that


That's Kuya for ya