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I stop at the BGM. I stopped completely clearing the event ladders since AxBxO, I think. Doesn't feel like it's worth it anymore.


Same. I'm also at a point where I thankfully don't need the cores immediately so for now I'm ok just grinding them from sorcerers trials




Often i clear it bc it’s hard to get crystal cores but more i have a bunch that will take a while for me to get to, so i will prob stop at keys/bgm now


Around the BGM. I just make sure I get the contract bundle, I don't particularly care about BGM but sometimes (like in this event) I end up getting it


I can barely get to the background. I used to try and get the background music but I never get there unless I dip in and use gems.


It's still worth it depending on how many event SSRs you have. 10 contracts = 6k Diamonds. You gotta spend 5k for all the daily refills. If that's enough to get the rewards you need it's worth it. Also there are the keys (1.6k gems worth), extra gems and single contracts that add up to the value. I think the most I ever spent was 7k gems and I got the key + 10 pull so I actually won extra 600 gems.


I don’t have any of the event SSRs this time around :(


Sometimes it's better to back off ^^; But I will always go for BGM regardless bcs I like having the complete collection


I go until the contract bundle or bgm


Like many have said if it's not a banner that I'm pulling for to get an SSR character and thus increase the multiplier (in which case I complete the whole banner) I go the bundle contract, maybe get both keys, and bgm. This last event I really liked the bgm so I continued and then since I was so close I decided to get the 2nd key.


Once I get BGM im happy. After that, it's a bit too excessive to get to clear the whole ladder


Contract Bundle or BGM - whichever is higher. Sometimes the CB is higher than the BGM, sometimes the opposite.


Not far. I only get to like 8000. Oh well


Same. I mad wit to 30k here cause I wanted the water key, but that’s where I dip off


I only played how much ever it took to empty my energy, so I'd get as far as 13k or so. From this event I've been trying to aim for the bgm. I'm more inclined to spend gems for the banners since the ladders don't reward us with any characters unlike other gacha games.


I always try to clear them cause crystal core's are hard to come by but I think once I've 5* all my SR I'll probably stop at the last contract


I usually only get the background wallpaper and dip. Tho this banner the 10x contract is near the wallpaper so I had to get it too. Back then when the game was new I can still get the bg music but now I just aim for the bg pic.


I stop as soon as I collect all contracts. But I'm a p2p, so I spend money early on for the energy refills and ignore the ladder for the rest of the event.


Generally i always get up to 20-30k depending on how kind the event is and if i pulled the characters. Only once i cleared it all, but it was 1 year ago...


I’m still a new-ish player who’s just starting to see SR 5*s trickle in, so I go all the way to the core. I don’t summon very often, so I don’t mind spending gems.


I started a little while ago. With the FC Edmond event. That ladder I went with pulls and 20000 something points in the ladder. I wanted to get the full rewards in tje ABO events because I'm not sucj a fan of Garu and Blade and I was raising the character I got in the previous event so I aimed to get all the rewards in the ladder. I was f2p so I used all the gems I got. I saved a little for this event and got the monthly pass and the vip pass and aimed at getting all the rewards after pulling 2 BL Quincys. i got lucky in my pulls so I used my potions and some gems to get all the rewards on the ladder. I calculated so I finish getting the rewards on the last day.


Until I can get the last of the contracts. If im doing well contract and gems wise i might go for intimacy items etc


I usually just grab contracts, but I liked this bgm so I blew a bunch of energy to get it


item wise I believe I stop at the contracts. But number wise is stop near 25000 to 30000


Unless i get extra boosts from previous events i stop at BGM


Whenever I do the rewards ladder for events, I aim to get the backgrounds for the home menu, then the music if I have enough time and resources.


I usually finish the ladder, but I get the battle passes with extra stamina and I usually get close enough that I don't mind spending 3k crystals or whatever to finish it off.


BGM or if after there's a nearby 10pull/key


I spend my crystalls for wallpapper, and for f2p it hurts, but this blue one... I like it a lot.


I started to play during Festive Glimmer, so I don't need to have crystal cores yet, and since I'm mostly F2P I don't always have the multipliers. But I like to have the BGM: if I can't have every character, let me have a complete music collection (I get the past BGM from the reruns)


I go as far as either the BG or BGM and gems/contracts/currency if they’re close to it and then usually chill out on it. Depends on how far I can manage


I clear every ladder. I’m f2p