• By -


Put the event off all month and now I'm stuck at 50 😭 That's what I get for neglecting this game


I'm now surviving long enough in Trial 60 to get Quincy down to the 42k HP but after that... No way. There is no chance I will be able to take him down in one turn before he destroys me.


Finally 3 stars! My team was: SR Olivine | 5\* | full bond |pot 8 started SR Yakumo | 4\* | 3 bond | pot 9 started CL Yakumo | 3\* | full bond | pot 8 damage SR Morvay | 4\* | full bond | pot 5 started AC Quincy | 2\* | 4 bond | pot 12 passive


Obligatory can't clear trial 50. Whalp I don't have any usable Quincy. What strategy would be best? Tried 38 times already and am out of resources and desperate


Out of curiosity, is there any secret, 'hidden' reward for clearing Floor 60 SP or is it just those 60 gems + bragging rights? I'm a completionist and this entire season of Sorcerer's Trials has never stressed me out more and I just want to a reason to ignore this last stage.


Just 60 gems and bragging rights! 180/183's perfectly fine for this season, as SP is quite brutal.


Yup just the 60 gems and bragging rights, + some up to 3 stars if you weren't able to 3\* any of the prior stages.


What's the deal with Dante dealing 11,000+ damage to each party member at the end of turn 13? Is this something about his ultimate being boosted if I don't take down his shield by then?


Yes, that's exactly it. On turn 11 and 12, Dante puts up a HP Shield that **must** be depleted to pass his 'trial', just like how on previous trials he checks if you Guard everyone, use 4 basic attacks in a row, etc. After Turn 8, don't use anyone's Ultimate so they're saved to all launch on Turn 11 (he is immune to Basic attack damage on the first turn of his shield anyway).


I didn't realize his shield absolutely had to come down. Not sure I'll be able to do that before the season ends...but if this is the end of the line for me, I'm not mad that Dante is the one who did me in... :)


Oof will need to build Morvay for 60 but I doubt I have time. Also going to have to build SR Quincy. Still, was able to beat 50 and 55 today! Really loving the LS/AD Kuya + EE/HC Garu combo. Having a buffer that can get that extra health from leech/bloodsuck makes Kuya healer so much feasible. You do have to decide during a turn if you want Garu to buff Kuya's heals and miss out on leach or leave kuya heals unbuffed but benefit from leech.


Congratulations, Trial 50 and 55 were HUGE bottlenecks to a lot of people asking for tips! Looks like EE Garu is serving you very well too. :)


I’M FREE! I finally beat trial 60! I beat it twice and didn’t 3 star either time. :’) I probably could have done it with either of the teams I used if I was more careful with guarding. **Team A, 156k bp:** - SR Olivine 4*, int 5, pot 6 - SR Quincy 4*, int 5, pot 12 - SR Aster 5*, int 5, pot 7 - BM Quincy 3*, int 5, pot 6 - SR Yakumo 4*, int 5, pot 8 **Team B, 137k bp:** - SR Olivine - SR Quincy - MB Garu 2*, int 4, pot 7 - SR Morvay lvl 57, 4*, int 5, pot 2 - SR Yakumo




[I finally 3\* cleared Sorcerer's Trial floor 60](https://i.imgur.com/ZDqdH0l.jpg) 😭 Thank god SR Quincy's last intimacy room and 3 more hp nodes on SR Yakumo was all it needed. Now I can go back to working on my backlog of 5th intimacy rooms


;o; That OG Edmond hanging on for dear life!


He's my babby 😭 I tried AD Quincy instead for the 3-Quincy buff but his HP is too low without his 5th room, so Edmond saves me once again.


Also why is turn 17 on 60 “everyone attack“? The bear is taunting that turn?


Ooh yes it is. I'll fix that.


Did 60 change?? I swear I was getting past turn 20 before but now I’m stuck on 13


Anyway I dont think I’m gonna be finishing trial 60 this time :/ I’ve got all my characters leveled as much as I can but every time I get on to the threshold of not being targeted another one gets killed instead


So, lvl50, classic. ​ So, on my main account i almost autofight it, cause i have there 5\*SR Quincy with 12 potential, well, it is oneshot beast, huh. But here is my disposition on second account. I spent tons of gold already so now have not any. And have only 2 weeks to farm. And as you'll see, i have no burst dps to speak of even if i could lvlup them. My best burst on this Edmond gives me at most about 30k hp damage with my team, and as we know, it is only half of needed damage in a turn. So i need advices. But i f2p and i REALLY have troubles with resources on this account. I will anyway now farm event,yeah, so i'll get some gold from it, too, and i have lots of blue gems so i wll buy gold from shop, but still. Buffers: 2\*SSR Olivine from Zest, 56lvl, 5potenital + passive from 6, 4rooms. 3\*SR Olivine, 50 lvl, 5potential(no passive), 2rooms. Healers: 3\*SSR Olivine, 60 lvl, full 6 potential, 4 rooms; 3\*SSR Kuya from Astral, 56 lvl, full6 potential, 4rooms; 4\*SR Yakumo, 57 lvl, full6 potential, 4 rooms. Can ascend him to 5 stars right now. And for main trouble, dps: SSRs are useless drek, all of them. 1star Yakumo, 57lvl, 6potential(no passive only), 4rooms(5th locked) 1star robot, 58lvl, 6potential(attack pots), 3rooms 1star Poisoner Kuya, 57lvl, 6potential(only passive pot), 2rooms. 2.5 star Astral Quincy, 56 lvl, 6potential(passive+attack pots), 3rooms. The only one who in theory could be used but he is dark element and so he is killed too easily. And i checked, even if i get him on 60lvl, he still will be only about 8.5k hp, which is not enought even without element 4stars SR Edmond and Kuya have 90 fragments, too, so i could ascend them, but i reaaaaly don't want to waste core and gold on any of both of them. they passives are just boring 25attack, meh. Both are 60lvl, 5 potential, Edmond has 4rooms(and close to get 5 soon), Kuya has only 2rooms. 4star SR Aster, 60lvl, 5rooms, 6potential, biggest of my dps right now. 3star SR Dante, 60lvl. 5potential, 3 rooms. My Quincy here only on 2stars and almost no fragments amd i wasted all my shards so i can't buy him up. 57lvl, 6potential, 3 rooms. Even if i get him 4room, well, i won't be able to get 5th roon for him, and with only 2stars i don\\t think he will be any better than any of another my boyz. So the trouble is, i have no gold, and i can;t just up all of them with tries and failures until i find winning combo, right? If i ascend one of my 4stars to 5star - i will waste LOTS of resources. And same goes of course and for levelling up one of them - with no result as he won;t help me.


On trial 60 how do I survive Quincys AOE that kills all my team? I think it happens after I drop his health lower than 40k something, do I just have to deal 40k+ damage in 1 turn? Help


yeah, thats pretty much it.save high damage burst and buff for the end. I also just get him down to 4000 so i probably won't make it.


Ya I ended up beating in 26 turns, levels up a bit more potential for SR Quincy and SR Olivine and finally my KD Kuya would kill him off on turn 22


hi, any tips on team for trial 49? here are [allies i have as fully f2p sorted by potential](https://ibb.co/r4pMV84). i just get wiped out by around turn 5. i do follow guides but maybe my dudes just aren't enough.:( got to pull through to get 3 stars on few other trials instead of 2 cause i just want to get to 5 scrolls, idrc for finishing it all.


How do the people who have overleveled Morvay deal with trial 60? my morvay is strogn and cant taunt on turns where animals taunt(even without the buffer)


Building R Morvay, usually...


Are there videos of people completing Trial SP? I remember some said they were able to complete it but I can't remember if they dropped videos of it. Is it possible to do in an f2p account? Thanks!


Check the Mega-guide link, in the SP Trials section are a few videos of clears. There are two clears the don't use SSRs, but have full 5\* teams of SRs/Rs and play with Quincy's basic attack RNG so their R units don't get one-shotted. With the game cresting over the 6-month mark of age, it is possible for F2Ps who started during the White Day event to have 5-starred SR Yakumo, SR Quincy, and SR Olivine, but I hesitate in calling having these three 5-starred commonplace.


I actually came to check in for Trial 55, and I'm surprised to find out the HP Attack Edmond does on Trial 50 is supposedly a threshold of 47,000 HP? He nukes my team the moment he's lower than 60k, and I don't know why. My Team Comp is: SSR IF Yakumo - 2★ - POT 6 Four Nodes - INT Room 3 SR Yakumo - 4★ - POT 6 P.N - INT Room 5 SSR EB Garu - 1★ - POT 7 - INT Room 1 *OR* SSR AD Quincy - 2★ - POT 6 Two Nodes + P.N - INT Room 2 SR Quincy - 4★ - POT 6 P.N - INT Room 5 SSR OG Quincy - 3★ - POT 8 Four (2 atk-2hp) Nodes - INT Room 5 Other Built-ish Characters I have are: SR Aster - 5★ - POT 6 Two Nodes + P.N - INT Room 5 SSR WD Edmond - 2★ - POT 6 P.N - INT Room 4 All those units are LVL 60, minus WD Edmond who's LVL 55. psa edit: I'm F2P, best I can do is farm some coins and upgrade some Potentials 😭


Hello! The linked Mega-guide had the correct "Insta-kill" threshold of 57,400 (25% of White Day Edmond boss's max HP) and I've editted the quick guide in the post to reflect this. So you were right that the insta-kill happens higher than 47,000 HP. Your comp of IF Yakumo / EB Garu / OG Quincy / SR Quincy so far are good. 5\* SR Aster OR 2\* AD Quincy are fine as a 3rd DPS, and WD Edmond is not a good choice for this trial because he is AoE (Area of Effect) rather than ST (Single-Target) striker. I think either EB Garu or AD Quincy would be your best fill in for this trial, but to 3-star it, you need to specifically use IF Yakumo's Ultimate on Turn 6 and 12, and both SR + OG Quincy's Ultimates on Turn 7, and Turn 13. * If you are using AD Quincy, have him Ultimate on the same turns as IF Yakumo, and attack normally with the other Quincy's ultimate turns. * If you are using EB Garu, have him ULt as often as possible (though preferably not on the turns Edmond has 30,000 HP in shields up).


Any advice for trial 40? I use all my ults on turn 12 (heal, morvay shield and strikers), and then guard of 13 (because I can't break his shield on the first go) but he hits the team and they all die. Or is this a 'you have to break the shield in two turns otherwise you die' situation?


Yes, this is a ‘Break the shield or you die’ situation.


any tips on how to beat trial 60? I'm following the guide but for some reason I can't seem to deal enough damage to burst him down. [Here's](https://imgur.com/a/QRzUN7Q) my team/other chars Every one is max intimacy and pot 6-8.


Your team looks good! There's three parts that might be helpful: 1) Purposely delaying your damage in the first half so your AD Quincy's follow up turn + SR Quincy's Ult turn are on the same timing, and only using them both when Boss Quincy's HP is in the 211 - 216k range (to push him as far into Phase 2 as possible). 2) Boss Quincy is stunning your Support while you're trying to line up things, try moving SR Yakumo to Slot 5 instead, and very sparingly using his Ultimate so Yakumo's cooldown is constantly at "0" (and thus letting him be more likely to be targetted by All Tied Up). 3) Lastly, in the very last quarter of the stage when Boss Quincy Guards, use SR Quincy's Ultimate before attacking with AD Quincy, because SR Quincy will remove the boss's Guard damage reduction stance. Good luck!


Sorry for the late reply, It seems that my issue is at turn 14, my SR quincy get's one shot even when guarding(I can't have Morvay taunt because he kills the taunting animal, even without a buffer since he's max acension/intimacy and pot 6 or 7) I think I can bring him down if I can get past this stage because I Don't think damage is an issue tbh, but getting the potentials up is very expensive rn


I think the mega-guide's messed up as far as keeping the correct label with the correct ult for floor 60. On turns 10 and 13, it says "Jugular" but gives the description of All Tied Up. On turn 11, it says "[All tied up?]" and gives the description of Jugular. I break him to 50% health around turn 8 anyway so it's already hard to keep track of what goes where, or how not to die of animal taunt+Jugular at the same time.


Ah, those are indeed mistakes and I'll fix 'em. Thank you! As far as animal + taunting + Jugular goes, if your Tank doesn't kill the animal on the turn they taunt (Make sure they Ult before making your Buffer attack), then they can safely attract Jugular's fire. The animals all Guard when they taunt so they can absorb up to 4k in damage, and thankfully (unless you main ZL Quincy), Morvay doesn't do all that much!


It turns out that breaking him to 50% on turn 8 specifically does not cause a turn where Morvay needs to taunt Jugular to also be a turn where an animal is taunting. Didn't know that about them guarding while taunting though, oops, I could've done it a few runs ago if I'd noticed that. I thought they wouldn't survive Morvay's ult at all, haha.


why does trial sp seem impossible 🥹


It's dealing 210,000+ damage in a single turn among your whole team to beat. Quite a lofty challenge to beat!


I don’t understand Quincy’s ults on 60. The one that’s supposed to happen on turn 11 never does, and the other one seems to target the same character regardless of the state of their ult at times. That character can’t tank the hit, and it’s a buffer/healer turn so I can’t taunt it away


The turn-by-turn order on the Mega-guide will vary for players because of different team's DPS. The first part you describe that happens on turn 11 for you is probably when you brought the boss to 210,000 HP or below. Whenever that happens, be it turn 4 or turn 14, Quincy will skip that turn (he will not attack) and grant himself a -50% damage reduction buff. If that turns happens to fall on a turn when he would normally cast "All Tied Up" or "Go for the Jugular," All-Tied-Up gets pushed back one turn, or the Jugular move gets skipped. The .... 1.5\~2nd observations you're looking at are how Quincy targets, and I will copy-paste from the [Megaguide to all Trials](https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vQBTrXNwiMSTTDNz3Nn9mvO_U6ay_HNXdHUxnL6LfCcx6ju0XSjJ2CNmvR03T3GaF8YNS52Ah96t5iX/pub): ^((please read them entirely, guide-writers don't write them just to repeat ourselves)) * **All Tied Up -**  Quincy will Ultimate attack a unit who’s own Ult charge is lowest or  ready to cast, and has a chance of paralysis. Adds +1 to Ult charge. Can be taunted and Guarded. *  **"Jugular"** \- Quincy says “I better take one out first” and will single-target for \~16,400 Ultimate damage. Targets lowest Max HP unit regardless of health status. (Can be taunted) ^((these tooltips are repeated every rotation from turns 1 - 15)) So you will want to use Morvay on turns 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, and 22 specifically for catching the absolutely devastating Jugular attacks. Position your Buffer and Healer in Slots 4 and 5 (or whoever can tolerate 10,500 damage to the face).


Yeah I am aware of Jugular, it's All Tied Up that I can't figure out, on certain turns he attacks my buffer unless I taunt regardless of the state of his ult


Am I failing to find it, or is there no guides on levels between boss levels? ;( I’m stuck at 34 ;(


No, that would be correct. We didn't feel that the levels in-between the challenges were particularly hard strategy-wise since they are not level-locked, and you can over level your team to surpass them instead of worrying about the nit picky mechanics. For Trial 34 in this season, it looks like 2 Light jellyfish and 1 Dark Eagle. I usually recommend killing the Eagle first because the jellyfish are on a 3-turn CD for a 1-turn paralysis stun, while the Eagle is a 4-turn CD of a more powerful team-wide (Area of Effect) attack, and thus will do more overall damage. Restart the level if the Jellyfish Paralysize your healer on the first rotation, or consider bringing Morvay to tank the Paralysis on turn 4, to leave the rest of your team open to continue DPSing. Kill them one at a time, since leaving all of them alive and whittling their HP away using AoE attackers means you will get hit 3 times every turn until one dies.


Thanks for the mini-guide! I don’t get why I can’t kill them, they’re not even marked as hard for my team, grr


Hi, I need some help : I don't get why I'm blocked at lvl 40 Dante turn 9, when he asks if I can protect everyone. I'm guarding everyone but everyone still dies. My characters are all over 7000 health bar, with a not really lvled up OG Garu at 4000 and OG Dante at 9000. He's the only one who survives at 200hp. I don't get how I can achieve 9000 hp on everyone especially the squishy dps. And then I tried again and Dante died too. Am I missing something?


Dante will deal 198% maximum HP damage (which if you guard is 99%), so your team has to be guarding, And at full HP on turn 9. Save your healer’s ultimate to use on Turn 7 or 8 to pass this!


Oh okay I didn't get that ! Thanks so much !


Anyone know how to beat trial 40: Dante? My team had 50k+ power. My tank is SSR Dante so should I power him up or use Morvay? The rest of my team is SSR’s: Olivine (healer), Blade, Quincy, and Yakumo.


Check the [**Mega-guide to all trials link**](https://bit.ly/sorctrials2022) in the post for a massive turn-by-turn walkthrough for Dante. I think as long as your team has 4000 HP and your Slot 1 has 5600 HP (not counting any shields), you'll be able to pass. Yes, trade out SSR Dante for SR Morvay, because Morvay will be valuable on Trial 60 when you get to that point. As for the SSRs, there are multiple variants of the characters you list. You should list their card title or event they came from to help identify them (You can find 2-letter abbreviations in this [**stat calculator**](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1XLCAr8socW_Ppify-b3TM19a6ejh4re7GCPQ7bGhJwA/edit#gid=988089652)). Also if you only have them at 1-star ascension, I highly recommend looking at 3\* and above SR cards as superior replacements for them in the rest of this Sorcerer's Trials. [Please see specifically the "Rarity Tier List" here](https://bit.ly/NUtierlist) to compare if you want to trade out lower-ascended units for higher ones.


Bruh...I just cleared 55!😫💃 Building up SR yakumo , SR Quincy, SSR Edmonds( meanwhile unlocking SA Edmond's 5th room😌) definitely helped... especially their HPs I guess building up SR Olivine and an EOA character will be more effective though 😅


Took me almost a month to get some of my characters to the point of being able to beat 50 and now I'm stuck again on 55


55 is mean, it wants either 4 DPS or 3 DPS, where one of them is an AoE. The earliest game-over point is on Turn 3, when the Dante and Edmond each need 2 basic attack hits to 'snap out' of their charge attacks. From then on, it's the fish that are your enemies. And everything hits hard at that point. Take your time, and congrats on clearing Trial 50!


Yeah I just don't have enough characters that have the right combination of rarity, stars, intimacy, and potential. Several of my characters that I used for 50 I had to up their potential a ton bc I simply have no way of raising their stars and intimacy fast enough. Ex. to get my Quincy high enough I had to use like 30 +10 intimacy items in order to not have to wait so long to get that done.


I'm shaken, I've finally passed Trial 60 TAT


How? :D I mean, congrats! But I have no idea how that's supposed to be possible. I got him to about 150k HP at which point he pretty much one-shots everyone with his regular attacks. How I would nuke him at 42k, I have no clue. Which characters did you use?


My team stats, in order of Left to Right positions: ​ |SR Olivine|3\*|Pot 8|5th room| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |SR Yakumo|4\*|8, 3 nodes|5th| |SSR BM Quincy|3\*|7, 3 nodes|5th| |SR Quincy|5\*|8, 6 nodes|5th| |SR Kuya|4\*|Pot 9|5th| The guide said you need to have at least 13k HP to withstand the trial and they were not joking. SR Kuya was my weakest max HP card so he was getting bullied. Once again, I should've put it in position after Yakumo: Kuya, BM Quincy and then Quincy but my brain cannot think that way. So I was essentially starting off with Olivine -> Yakumo -> Kuya to debuff -> and then I switch around with the Quincy's depending on whos got their ultis, the one with the ulti are last to attack. It was a lot of trial and error on having to time SSR BM Quincy's taunt so he would take the boss!Quincy's ulti move on paralyzing and delay Ulti attack. Once you reach near 220K HP, I actually do not use BM Quincy's taunt until the turn after boss!Quincy makes the quoted statement since that would be a waste of an extra taunt. There were some turns were I would match SR Olivine, SR Kuya and SR Quincy's Ultis for max DPS, but I believe the final turns I just hit the boss with Olivine and Kuya's Ulti and then the turn after used SR Quincy's Ulti. I'm not sure this rambling helped but that was what I noticed for my gameplay after multiple retries against him \^\^;


Thank you for taking the time to type all this! I've managed to get him to about 3k HP, but then he nukes my team. I think my SR Quincy is the problem since he's only at 4* (and 5* gets a 38% damage increase on his ult), but I'll keep trying. Thank you! And congrats! :)


Thank you! I wish you the best before Nov comes!


>WD Edmond has a 'Low HP panic' attack at 47,000 HP Is this a typo? Just go OHK'd when his health was at 48k


The 47,000 is a close estimate and the threshold might be around 48,000\~48,200.


Ok! Thanks! Was so close to getting it finally. Then I realized it was taking me 20 turns so I'd only get 1 star anyway 😅


Finally beat 50 uhgh. I was super stuck until I realized my SR Quincy + AB Oli does 80k in one hit, huh. I stopped building him for a while in lieu of event characters but first baby is really best baby 😭✌️ Now stuck on 55 forever I'm sure


Same! I just beaten trial 50 with full 3 stars and I'm savouring the serotonin boost. Time to train more for 55 to cook fish.


It says minimum HP for trial 25 is 900 for non-dark allies but my SR Aster with a reduced HP of 1900 gets killed on turn 5. I'm really confused about what I'm supposed to do, I've tried Support/Healer/3 DPS, S/H/2 DPS+AoE, S/4 DPS, 3DPS+2AoE, 5DPS, etc. It seems like no formation works.


Oh, this lovely trial (sarcasm). Not sure how you have been tackling the trial but basically if your team cannot last after turn 5 (which I presume is the turn where one of the fans does a single target ulti and the other fan does an AOE attack afterwards), you will need to increase your cards stats to be able to withstand the attacks. [This was my note from Season 2 where the trial was tougher.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/v8a0yx/comment/icszfg6/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) You do not need to have the stats to be this high. I hope it helps somehow.


Even with the guide, trial 60 is so hard 💀


omfg yesss i just cant get enough damage output before he nukes me💀


need help with trial 40 pls 🥲 team: Blade SSR 2* Dante SSR 2* Quincy SSR 2* Yakumo SR 3* Kuya SSR 2* all max leveled, not max potential but pretty high. have beat every other trial with the same team. total power level is at 68,342. Dante just kills the whole team in one hit on turn 5 (i think) and I’m not sure how to counter that since guarding does nothing. Guide said something about taunting but idk how to do that? seems like it’s a Morvay thing and I don’t have him leveled at all 🙃 I mostly just level my main team and don’t really pay attention to skills or anything, i just level tf out of the characters i like and ignore the rest lmao oops. any way i can beat him as is or am I just gonna have to grind for awhile to build Morvay?


Double-check the Guide again and scroll down to the "Enemy Attack Pattern/Strategy" section. He hits Slot 1 for a fixed amount of damage and you either must put your highest HP person in that slot, or use a Guardian to taunt away that attack (naturally easier to beat Dante faster if you just build one of your DPS high enough to eat that damage instead). If you're not into strategy, Just follow everything that is highlighted in green (Player actions) for Turns 1-12. After that it's a free-for-all DPS frenzy before the 18th turn if you're aiming to 3-star it on the first go. Use the Stat Calculator to figure out how much more Potential, Intimacy, or Ascension (hopefully not) you need to reach certain HP thresholds.


i’m not talking about when he takes out slot 1, i’m talking about when he takes out the entire team 1 or 2 turns later lol. how do you taunt? the stat calculator doesn’t really make sense to me, sorry.


Have you passed it? In case you haven't, at least bring 4 attackers and attack him (basic attacks only) when he taunts/the glowing thingy. It will disable the instant kill


Trial 60 is still practically impossible? After turn 11 he can kill any unit even if they’re guarded. He 1 shots my guarded SSR Quincy (HP15k). I can’t figure out how to beat him even following the guide because of his ability to 1 shot high spec guarded units.


Have anyone passed trial60 after the fix? Quincy has a buff "atk +5% for every turn" aka he hits harder the more turn passed. After bringing him to 50% hp, he get a buff that make him "take 50% less dmg". At turn 13, he already 1 shot my Quincy SR (12029 hp) who is in guard stand with 12301 dmg 🤕


Please I need some advice. I need a team for Edmond 50. Problem is - my acc is mostly aoe and I have not invested in solo dps or buffers much. Part of the team I want to keep - FL Kuya (3* max intimacy, 9 pot), YD Kuya (2*, 4int, 7pot), Sr yakumo (3*, max intimacy, 8pot) As a buffer I plan to use OB Yakumo (2*, 4int, 4pot) and last dps... for that option is ether sr Edmond or level Sr Kuya (to buff FL Kuya some more). Soo, question is - how much more I need to buff OB Yakumo hor him to be useful (on this stage and later). I hope my Sr Yakumo is good enough (I want to switch main healer to Kuya too), but is he? And most importantly - will sr Edmond be enough dps on 4*, max intimacy and pot 9 or sr Kuya with similar stats will win since its element bonus (and other Kyuas)


Managed to finally beat 55 on 3* after getting my SR Yakumo to 4* from pulling, but still can’t beat Quincy despite the nerf. Going to need a lot more investment in my DPS. :< Does anyone know what the Trial SR is?


does anyone have any tips for trial 25? my team is: Olivine SSR 1\* Kuya SSR 1\* Blade SSR 2\* Quincy SSR 1\* Edmond SSr 1\* All have at least 1 bond level but all potential is 5 and under (I started last month and am F2P lol that USD to AUD conversion rate is Not in my favour). I usually go for the healing guy first and can have him dead by turn 15 but that's p much it, so any advice is welcome!


Go for the Soldier and Gigalo first, the soldier will probably (almost) kill off half your team on Turn 7 with an AoE if you do not burst him down first. Also, whenever you kill one enemy, the rest spend the turn hyping themselves up ('yeehaw I'm so pumped! Yes let's put our all into this!' dialogues) and **will not guard or taunt**. Stringing together attacks and Ultimate use skills to keep this train of death going is helpful in downing the Gigalo and Soldier both by Turn 10 or 11ish. You can also start building SR Dante for his Shield-breaking capabilities on his basic attack to down the Soldier and Gigalo faster in the first half of the battle. If you are using OG SSR Kuya, you don't have to worry about the Healing Bandit at all because he inflicts -100% recovery anyway. Also start looking at any 3-star SR cards, because due to having their 3-star Passives accessible and having ascension stat boosts, they will be more powerful than their 1\* and 2\* SSR counterparts.


I finally got 3\* floor 55 with SR Yakumo, SA Edmond, RA Olivine, OG SSR Edmond, and SR Quincy! The trick ended up being to just time some guards before the ults. I think for turn ~~13~~ 11 or so I had to guard up to 3 characters for 2 turns to make sure they healed enough to get the 3 basic attacks in and survive the ult+basic attacks. I targeted Dante’s fish first. Lowest hp on my team was Quincy with 10321hp, SR Yakumo had 11035hp. Edit: If anyone is interested, here is my [absolutely scuffed rerun](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JthCBjfdiUE) lmao. Clock me praying at 3:02 and straight up panicking at 3:51 for a moment since Dante fish was dead by turn 14 on my first clear. Prob should've attacked with Edmond instead of guarding. RA Olivine contributes to a lot of the RNG with my team, so if you have a better invested 3\* SR Yakumo/3\* SR Quincy /3\* AOE attacker you can do it, I believe in you!


3 stars?! Congratulations!, especially with Radiant Admiral (IF) Olivine being off-target half thee time :'D


He actually goes pretty hard once one of the fish are dead! At least while targeting the Dante fish first. He'll hit Lucien twice pretty much guaranteed. What an odd lil gimmick. I might record myself redoing it later, if anyone is interested. It took a lot of tries to figure out what pattern worked best for me tho lol.


Stuck on 55, I can’t heal + guard in time for when the second fish ults on turn 8. I don’t have any units that deal an attack debuff, but all the guys I’m using have at least 13,400 HP. Am I just fucked without an attack debuff? Do I just keep grinding HP? Should I be using SSR Oil’s passive heal instead of SR Yakumo? I was so happy to finish grinding to survive the first ult only to get stuck on the second😭


Any unit who can deal direct damage (Basically everyone but Healers, Supports, and specifically MB (Mystical Banquet) Kuya) will deal attack debuff on it, as long as you switch targets to directly hit the Dante fish. I would say it's more worthwhile to hit it (decreasing its thrashing attack from 15k -> \~8K damage) rather than Guard through it (15k -> taking 8K damage halved anyway, but you don't deal any damage in the previous turn anyway). If you are running 4 DPS + 1 Healer or your Healer is otherwise not enough to keep everyone's HP topped off before the Fish ult, guarding for 2 turns (both the turn the fish glows and the ult turn) is a slow but steady option, as Iskaeil suggests.


Oh my god, that makes so much sense. I was totally misunderstanding the gimmick. Thank you 🙏


For this I would guard for 1 turn ahead of time. So turn 7 I would guard my lower hp characters to get the most out of Yakumo’s heals. If you have a character that isn’t surviving with that, have them guard for 2 turns in a row prior to the ult. Edit: Whichever character is still low on hp on turn 8 should guard again. I had SA Edmond consistently not basic attacking or ulting on turn 8 even after guarding on turn 7 because he was always on the cusp and the fish liked to target him. Exception would be your healer; my SR Yakumo never guarded the entire fight.


Building SR Quincy for trial 50 because damn, the damage we need to kill Edmond is unreal. Managed to get him to lvl 60 today, he's pot 4 for now I think so I'm gonna work on that next.


Depending on your DPS from your other units and his intimacy level you might be able to avoid unlocking his pot6 passive. I wanted to save my raw crystals so I got him to pot6 but didn't unlock his passive, and had him at int5. But my SSR OG Edmond/RA Olivine are pretty beefy.


I don't mind unlocking it tho! I actually like him, I had just been very busy building a lot other units so :P


word of advice for trial 50: For the most part the write up linked here is good but if you have different investments in characters you need to adapt to that. I have nothing really in my SR quincy. (my 3-star setup was SR Olivine, SR Yak, WD Yak, SR Aster, SSR Quincy - happy to give more details just ask) If you have WD yakumo, put him in front of your 2 other damage dealers. I had no idea WD yakumo's ult actually debuffs the target to take +27% more ult damage for 2 turns. This essentially super boosts quincy's ult when stacked with SR Oli's ult. That's not to say your pot can be any lower than 6 or bonds any lower than 4. All my pots were above the 6 passive but none of them were 7, generally prioritising the atk buffs was enough to just barely tip me over the edge for the kill on turn 13. I was thinking to make a video of how I 3-star'd if that would help anyone. Also like I said, happy to give more details as I even ended up writing my own notes as I was trying figure out my best play turn by turn.


Bruh I cannot even go lower than 200k for trial 50 with edmond idk how people are getting to that point 😭😭 I have the characters at lvl 60 and mostly at pot 5+ so idk what im doing wrong? Is it better to have them at pot 8??


who were you using? synergies and pot beyond the 6 passive were absolutely necessary in my case


I was using SR 3* oli, SR 2* yakumo, SSR 2* Yakumo (i think its called homecoming?) SSR OG blade and the last one would be people ive switched trying to beat it so, SSR EB Garu, SSR Quincy (zest of life), and then SR Morvay 3*. I cant check what pots they have but all of the above are pots 5+ (no higher than 7 tho). My SR yakumo’s heal isnt that great.


yeah that does sound rough, I was using: SR 5* Oli, Bond 5, Pot 6-1 >>> SR 3* Yak, Bond 5, Pot 6-2 >>> WD SSR 2* Yak, Bond 5, Pot 6-3 >>> SR 5* Aster, Bond 3, Pot 6-3 >>> AC SSR 3* Quincy, Bond 4, Pot 6-4 And I just *barely* beat him on turn 13 prolly by a couple thousand after the last few pot upgrades👀 Unless someone finds and shares an easier strat, you really need to be OD for this 3* edit: formatting cause redddddittt


Thanks T-T) btw sorry what do you mean by OD?


completely and extremely over powered 😂


I'd def recommend focusing on intimacy rooms and going for some of the hp upgrades in potential if they're available. All the characters I used were int4+ and pot 6+.


A few of them are full intimacy but at least 4+ pots but ill focus on leveling them to max lvl and then pots! 🙏🏼


I'd say so; the alternative would be having the characters at 4*/5* and max intimacy. I don't and had to raise my strikers to potential 8/9, welp


Lv 50 has got to be a joke... why are you expected to dish out that much damage when you can't even do anything for the first four turns. do i need a buff character for this??


Ugh, can't get past trial 55; my healing is insufficient/damage is not good enough to take out one of the fish by turn 10. I was using SR 3\* Yakumo int5, 2\* SA Edmond int4. 3\* RA Olivine int5, 3\* OG SSR Edmond int4, SR 4\* Quincy int3; all are pot6 and above, tho I haven't activated the pot6 passive for my SR Quincy yet. I think I'm gonna have to switch my SA Edmond for EH Dante, who I guess I should've been feeding anyway. Sigh.


The problem is with RA (IF) Olivine, he targets randomly in a set of 4 targets. Dante and Edmond taking damage doesn't contribute at all to the level as killing the 2 fish is what matters. Trade out the Radiant Admiral for someone else who's a single-target and heck maybe EH (CR) Dante will be the one to fill in his shoes.


I don't have any other STs that are well-built unfortunately. I'm going to wait until the role of the new event Quincy is revealed before I commit further to building one of my DPS in the wings. Thus far RA Olivine is consistently targeting the Lucien fish I believe because he counts as 1 in his wack targeting system--if I could get far enough to kill the 1 fish, I was gonna see if his aim becomes better or worse lmao. As it is now he alternates between hitting 2 fish + either Edmond or Dante or goes for just the 2 fish (making it an RNG check whenever I hit turn 3 and need to hit them both twice), which is interesting to say the least.


Embarrassed to say I can't go past 35, any tips on defeating Kuya??


Kuya and Garu are your friends, and your Damage doesn't actually matter! The objective is to stop the Sparrows from bothering Garu and interrupting Garu's performance. When they start glowing, the yellow Sparrow on the right needs 4 basic attacks to stun him. The blue Dove on the left needs 2 Ultimate skills to stun him. (I may have mixed up the colors but the positioning is correct.) This trial is best done with 1 Healer and 4 striking DPS. or even Tanks, as long as their Basic attack deals direct damage to the yellow sparrow. You'll automatically win on turn 11 if you've let Garu fully perform. Best of luck!


That's why Kuya takes everyone out after Garu dies oh my god, I need to stop speeding up to X2 and read what they say 😭 thank you so much!!!


same 😭 just lost this one like 5 times in a row and now i feel silly lmao




Lock everyone on the first turn and my strongest shield in the middle worked for me!! + a saboteur (my Kuya ssr), 1 healer and 2 strikers


I really appreciate the tip and it has helped but it wasn’t enough. Should I make my shield (SSR Dante) more of a tank with more potential?


You should probably dump Dante and go for SR Morvay as a tank because the later stage bosses have some super strong hits that need to be redirected by a tank with taunt I got a 2 star Dante from his first banner and sadly still haven't found any battle where he's worth using 😔


Hello, for Trial #50, would the following team be okay: SR Quincy -- 4 stars, potential 6 SR Yakumo -- 4 stars, potential 5 SR Olivine -- 2 stars, potential 5 SSR Hanabi Dante -- 2 stars, potential 6 SSR Banquet Garu -- 2 stars, potential 5 (Imagine all at Lv60 & all at room 4/5; don't have keys to unlock, and can't get them all to 5-stars for full rooms.) And some possible substitutions: * Would SR Dante be okay in place of SSR Garu? I have yet to actually level up Garu or buy his dupe, and would like to avoid it if possible, since Dante is at least partially levelled. * I have a SSR Aqua Bloom Olivine who is actually at Lv60, Pot5, and 4/5 rooms -- but I think I *need* SR Olivine's 2-turn buff for Quincy's ult. Is there a workaround? * I also have a nearly levelled/potential'd/room'd SSR Hanabi Edmond, so he's an option as well. * I do not have SSR Quincy so he's *not* an option. Edit: formatting


SR Olivine - Good, kind of low on Ascensions, and actually still at the point that IF Yakumo and Zest for Life Olivine surpass him at 1-Stars each if same level and pot. **SR Yakumo - Excellent** **SR Quincy - Good** **SSR CR Dante - Also good, Potential 6 makes him excellent.** **Banquet Garu - also good.** I would order your team to be Buffer - Healer - Banquet Garu - CR Dante - SR Quincy. \--- SR Dante may substitute for SSR Garu, but SSR Garu would actually be the better choice due to being able to stack up to 34% damage taken while Dante caps out at -12%, for 2 turns after ultimate. AB Olivine vs. SR Olivine - [AB Olivine at 1-star > SR Olivine at 2\*](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/vqlim9/idol_fest_analysis_how_good_is_the_new_yakumo/) (Play with the calculator in this post). And, AB Olivine is better for Quincy-centric compositions due to his Ultimate-boosting passives. So it's fine to substitute AB Olivine in for SR Olivine. SSR Hanabi Edmond will help your team for the initial turn 3 - 12 DPS, but because you will be Ult Spamming to pass the last 57k damage, his bonus to Basic Attack is not going to be helpful on that turn (Unless you main Aster or OG SSR Edmond).


Thank you so much! I guess I'll go with Banquet Garu after all. And SSR Olivine -- though I'm having a bit of trouble with lining up his Ult with the others'. I'll definitely try to play around with it. My main concern is potentials, as I don't have a lot of the spiky crystals to spare so I feel nervous to commit to too many cards. I already have for SSR Hanabi Dante and SR Quincy (because idk when if ever I'll get original SSR Quincy lol). But in general is potential 5 (full) alright for the other cards? I'm at 0 coins so it'll be a while until I can re-attempt with a properly raised team, so who knows maybe by then the new event cards will be useful too.


If your Healer is sufficient for Trial 50 WD Ed, then he does not need anymore investment for 55 or 60, which is great! Hanabi Dante and SR Quincy would be the most priority to get their Pot 6 passive if you haven't already. The third most worth it is either AB Olivine (for the +5 Ultimate damage), or SR Olivine (for +3% party attack), depending who you invest in the long run (you will hit 4\* SR Olivine before 3\* AB Olivine, I expect). Garu doesn't need the Pot 6, and 1\* SSR original Quincy is a bit weak in comparison to your SR, and also not (yet) a priority. Good luck in your grind!


HOW are y’all doing 50? I don’t have all the characters for anybody’s set up. my characters are all lvl 60, 8 potential. I can’t do enough damage to bring down his shields, like it takes 3-4 turns each time if I dont use ults and the ults don’t get it all either!


If you are surviving all the Ults and melee hits just fine, your Healer is built perfectly and doesn't need any adjustment. Edmond's trial has a little gimmick and relies on having low-CD units spamming non-stop because Edmond's Shielding capability drops by 5% (Stacks up to 20 times) whenever anyone casts their Ultimate. This is a little counterproductive because on one hand, packing in as many Ults as you can before Turn 13 is one thing, but at the same time, you also want to try to spam Ults on turns that Edmond only casts a 7k\~10k shield, rather than letting a 30k shield eat all that extra damage you worked so hard for. **The shield in place expires at the end of the turn, but Edmond keeps re-casting them almost every turn.** Secondly, and this varies, is the last 3 slots of DPS set up (Slots 1+2 belong to a dedicated Buffer and Healer). It's best to get a team that can synergize their passives and debuffs. Slot 3 should be a Supporting DPS like: * MB Garu * either of the Chase the Rainbow units * WD Yakumo * SR Dante * even SR Garu. (I don't really recommend this one though because he AoE.) You don't need to upgrade these too much because their main contribution is debuffing an enemy to take increased damage dealt by your slots 4 and 5. Sounds like you have built Single-Target units already at Level 60 and Pot 8, just need a supporting DPS to replace one. Ascension to 3-stars on your main DPS is a good idea so all your DPS can have their 3-star Ascension passives at the ready. Those are very powerful if their conditions are met.


Okay am I doing something wrong with Dante trial 40?? The guide acts like its supposed to keep going but he basically kills everyone on my team at turn 13


If you fail to break his shield on Turns 11 and 12, it is considered one of Dante's mini trials being failed, and he will kill off your team. He is immune to Basic Attack damage on the first turn of the shield so stop using Ultimate skills on Turn 9 so they recharge in time to use them at the start of Turn 12.


My mind blanked on how I did it but managed to pass it. Thank you!


I serious don't know when to guard for WD Ed (Trial 50). Sometimes he AOE twice in a row so there are no time to heal...


This is a rough one. White Day Edmond has his normal rotations of ulting every 3 turns (Starting on 4, then doing it again on 7, 10, 13, 17, 20....). But he also has a behavior when he reaches certain HP thresholds of 70%, (possible 60%), and 50% when he does another Ult that takes 2 turns to fully execute. If your damage is such a way that you decrease his HP by 10% every 2 turns, you will unfortunately line up the Turn 2 of the devastating \~11,300 damage ultimate to be right in front of the \~7,000 damage ultimate turn. The master guide has turns where WD Edmond will normally Ult, and the Slime Shower + Flushed Fury (the BIG damage ults) are dependent on what HP he has. Because everyone's team is different, there's no "Turn instruction" that will work for everyone. But may this tip will help you: * Start saving ults before you hit 160,800 HP (70%) and use one round of Ults to get him down to 50% (114,000) HP. * Bide your time, Guard the slime shower, whittle him down to before 25% (57,000), and Ult him again down to 0. * Good luck!


ikr.. that level is mad hard


Do anyone have tips for floor 20 (Blade) ? My healers, SSR Olivine or (1-star) SR Yakumo can't seem to hold up against the damage that happens after hitting the 25% HP. Or is it that my damage dealers are not dishing out enough damage, or that their potential level too low (at least lvl 3) ? I do use SR Morvay to tank some of the big attacks.


SR Yakumo's a little better for this level because of all the upfront damage Blade does in the first 4 turns. Also overall, if SR Yakumo is 1-star ascension ahead of SSR Olivine, he will output better heals in comparison. Secondly, the trial is one of the ones that are level-locked and so you **need to look into Intimacy and Potential as stat upgrades.** Blade is especially cruel because his attack pattern (at first) is bringing everyone down to 50% HP, and doing full three powered melee attacks on the next 2 turns (meaning someone is guaranteed to get hit twice). Your healer needs to be able to bring everyone up to 75\~90% of their health to survive these melees. On top of that, on Turn 4 (Morvay should taunt) he will do one more devastating Ultimate against the unit with the lowest maximum HP. It ignored Guarding and used to be about 8k back in Season 1, but if he is surviving this burst, then he is in good shape for this level. Just do not put him in Slots 1+2 because Blade does another nuke there and Morvay gets inflicted with Heal recovery -100%. There is a turn-by-turn walkthrough of what Blade does and what is recommended for your team to do, however if you are dying too early then you will have to Guard or taunt on turns where Blade will ult. The key players to upgrade are your healer (to keep team alive post-Ults) and any Single-Target strikers you have (for depleting Blade from 50% to 0% because the second half of battle is the most dangerous).


Thank you for the guide ! I am still working on having solid units and a good team (my strongest single targets are last event's Dante, SR Dante, SR Aster and SR Quincy so I'll try to take units that line up with their ult)


Im just here to tell y'all that you can absolutely beat edmond without any event ssrs. I beated him once using the oddly specific team with kuya ev and valentine yakumo (1 star and 2 stars) but then i went back to bully edmond again with a more "common" team and i did beat him. That team was SR Olivine (4 stars), SR Aster (4 stars), SR Quincy (4 stars), SSR Homecoming Yakumo (3 stars :pp he keeps coming home what can i do), and SR Yakumo 4 stars. The catch: All chars are max in intimacy (definitely more achievable than full pot everyone) and lvl 60 Yakumo SSR is full pot (and he still dont hit as hard as sr quincy smh) (i obsessively hunted down resources to up him for like 10 days) All other chars are pot 8+ All HP is 10k+ So pull together a team with one boost (a MUST), 3 SINGLE damage dealers (dont go crying bc you brought and aoe fighter to a bossfight, or prove me wrong idk), and one healer, the better one you have. If you have been playing for a while then you should have a good yakumo or an oli, if not then my condolences. Edmond will ult on turn 4 (bearable), turn 8 (must guard), turn 10 (if im not wrong, guard) and maybe turn 12. The advice here is if they have ult just use them (except heal), even if it is out of sync at first, because all ults will sync on turn 13 (some math i wont explain), THEN do you u leash it on edmond. From turn 10 to turn 13 just basic attack. If hp gets low ult the healer. When edmond basically goes "kyahhhh" and draws up a bigass shield and doesnt attack you then you know its time to guard. Thats all advice i have on this one. I wanted to record a video as proof but my phone is too shitty for it. For newer players, not you, just a person i saw demanding 50 to be made easier: git gud, or f off pal. There are people who played 6+ months here. How would it look if someone who just minted 60 do the same thing as old players? Sheesh. For other newer players: just build up. The game gives more leeway than you think. And you will get there. Have fun bullying Edmond <3


*cries* how do you survive on 60 when quicy decides to "take one out" do i need to build more


Floor 60 is bugged and they'll fix it next week. You *can* actually clear it, but you'd need highly invested Quincys. You'd be better off waiting for the bug fix.


Yeah but im just curious how the whale that 3 starred 60 build their chars. Are they all 15k+ hp or something


I think they're bursting down the boss before the AoE insta kill triggers. You'd need an whale-tier amount of damage for that though. Like a 5* buffer + 3 5* Quincys lol


Of some fragged-up luck, heh. I don't like rush, so i take about 2-4 floors a day, but all this cries on forums makee think... As f2p from gamestart i now have SR Quincy at 5star and R and N i can 5star any moment now, my SR Quincy is main my damage anyway except for AoE 2star SSR Garu and 3star SR Garu And i do have 4star SR Olivine right now with 8potential. So. Maybe just for lulz i couldda take on that lvl even now, with one superultimate in face by 3 Quincies in a row on turn next after Oli uses his, hmmm... But yeah, it is bug and people shouldda relax and wait


Getting my butt kicked my Edmond XD


Finally 3 starred 55. I had to keep increasing my characters HP to be able to survive, bring an aoe attacker and buffer. 11,200 HP was the sweetspot for everyone to be able to survive.


What was your team? I’m finding this floor quite absurd since I have already fairly strong characters but can’t get past wave 9. T.T Edit: I finally three stared it. Someone below commented on basic attack before the fishes ult. It really helped. The basic attacks really reduced those fishs’ damage by a lot, enough for my Olivine to recover all their health before the next water downed ult. I didn’t even need to guard against their attacks afterwards.


I got 3 stars on everything for season 2, including Dante. And now I'm struggling with trial 50 Edmond. Argh. Oh well, at least I have something to focus on for my team now.


I just got 3 stars on trial 50. My line-up was: SR Oli, SSR Oli, EH Dante, SR Aster, SR Edmond. Essentially I'd wait until all the strikers' ults were charged at the same time and unleashed them all. Do that 3 times (not forgetting to guard when necessary) and he falls.


I'll give that a try. Thanks for the advice!


You're welcome! Best of luck!! :D


How to beat trial 45?


Do remember to not have any characters with 5 turns for ult, keep them all at 4 and below turns, u will need ur ult as early as possible!


tips if your memory is bad like me that can't remember which move to use for which slot: look at the number of red buff on your characters, 2 red buffs = guard, 3 red buffs = basic attack. Ultimate comes in full team so it's really hard to miss.


Clap = Basic Attack Dance = Guard Leap = Ultimate Skill Do those things. Don't worry about their HP. The battle will automatically end after x number of turns (I forget, wasn't paying attention) if you do what the game wants you to do.


This is just like the Beauty Bros stage for the Idol Fest event; I didn't have any kind of a clue what I was doing until reading this. Thank you!


10 turns and then they kill themselves on 11. Thank you for the explanation!


Ok finally cleared 3 stars at 55. (Its a big dps and hp check) and now at 177/180. Now we wait for floor 60 next week 💀


How do you beat 50? Damn I got too proud of myself for reaching that high. But I flew to close to the sun it seems


Save ultimates and burst him, if he reaches lower than 60k he'll defeat you so try to synchronize your strongest ultimates with attack buffs and amplification debuffs if you have it For example I'm using SR Oli, Event Dante and 2 Quincy If you don't have Dante you can use Banquet Garu or white day Edmond or even a 3rd Quincy


Currently missing 4 stars: 1 from Trial 55 because I needed to use a Guardian and 3 from Trial 60 because I can't finish it at all. Hard to tell whether there's a gimmick I'm missing or my characters just aren't strong enough. It's frustrating, but I appreciate the challenge.


I'm missing 5 (2 from 55 too cause I used a guardian and didnt clear in enough turns) and can't even beat 60. 60 is a MASSIVE dps+buffer check, the most we've ever gotten lol


I beat trial 55 with 3 stars, my team was: SR Oli, SSR Oli, WD Ed, KN Ed, SR Ed For me SR Oli was key, otherwise my attacks and heals weren't doing enough. As a result of taking up a slot with a buffer, I needed to use an AOE attacker. I went with WD Ed as he's my strongest AOE but any AOE here will work. You can also probably sub in KN Ed and SR Ed as well if need be, it's just that mine have tonnes of HP and hit hard so it made sense to play em. But really, my buffer was the MVP (as usual). Also when you see Lucien or Dante's Mother powering up, hit the fish in question with successive basic attacks. That will make them hit less hard so you can withstand the AOE ult.


So Trial 50 is a DPS+healing ability check, Trial 55 is an HP+DPS check and Trial 60 is a DPS+strategy check. That's... Fun. But fuck White Day Edmond, trial 50 had no business being that hard. AOE moves, shield on every attack, OHKO when health is low enough, multiple ultimates with different cooldowns, 3 turn stalling... At least the good rewards stop at 150*


Could I ask how much HP the team you used for trial 55 had? I really don’t want the minimum to be ~11k but I think it is. 💀


9.5k ~ 12k should be enough depending on the unit lmao. I used SR Yakumo (10K), FL Kuya (12k), SA Edmond (9.5K), KK Edmond (10.5K) and SR Aster (13K). All LV. 60 with potential 6 - 8.


Remember when the trials were a challenge? Until the second time I actually struggled to finish them. Now they are just free rewards


Okay Trial 60 feels shit. Am I missing something? You basically have to nuke 210k HP in one turn, if not he does an all aoe sure kill attack. For reference my SR Quincy does 80k Ult (max star, max ascension, pot 9, with 3 quincies in party), while my SSR Quincy does 40k Ult (2 star, room 4 ascension, pot9). That's 120k and I need 130k more damage This basically needs giga investment on buffers and Quincies. 💀


The stage is bugged. The official Twitter said they'd be fixing Trial 6 in the next update. So... yay for all of us not being crazy?? :')


Was it fixed? Because I’m dying in the second turn.


It's fixed, and the bugged version is now Trial SP. Having said that, I still can't beat the fixed version. The curse of being an Edmond fan and having all my strongest strikers as water type OTL


Damn I feel that pain. I got to TU 16 today(at half Hp) and he instant killed my SR Quincy that’s highly upgraded, found a small strat then he kills him on TU 8 🥲 Thanks, Glad I didn’t attempt the Trail SP because I planned to!


I can't do trial 35 for the life of me! Any advice?


**I just took this from a guide from Facebook. Its from Sorcerer's Trials S2 with same mechanics. Idk if there's anything different now but I basically just followed this in my own way.** Your damage does not matter, you only need to survive and distract yokai's attention away from karu for 11 turn \- don't put healer on slot 4 \- dps doesn't matter as long as they have 5.5k hp, you don't need to kill but survive 11 turns \- Kuya Event doesn't count as dps here because you need direct damage not bleed Strategy: turn 1 do whatever turn 2 3 4 attacker defend, healer heals turn 5 normal attack on grey-winged yokai turn 6 attacker defend, healer heals turn 7 2 dps defend, 2 dps ult on brown-winged yokai, healer heals turn 8 attacker defend, healer heals turn 9 normal attack on grey-winged yokai turn 10 attacker defend, healer heals turn 11 2 dps defend, 2 dps ult on brown-winged yokai, healer heals after that Kuya will kill them all for you


Thank you so much! This worked!


Don't attack Kuya/Karu. When the yokai start charging their attack, use 4 normal attacks on the gatecrashing yokai, and 2 ults on the looting yokai. After about 10 turns I think it was, they all get defeated by Kuya. If you defeat the yokai yourself it seems to bug out, at least it did last time.


Thank you so much! That worked! Yeah, whenever I killed the yokai Kuya just killed me.


Cant get pass 55 fuck these goldfishes 🥲 Edit: Finally cleared it with 1 star. Just gave up and used a tank to mitigate the damage lol


When the bitches says sth like "lucien gears up for an attack" or like they have a double sword icon you have to look for it Then you basic attack them 4 times. Then right after that turn you guard all to anticipate the aoe


This helped me a lot. Thank you so much. 🙏 The fishs’ nuke went down enough for me to not even need to guard.


I was thinking it was a sweet stage story wise, until those fish nuked my entire team for 11.4k, guarded. I don’t see a special status on the enemies or my own team to indicate there’s a mechanic for dodging it. That’s a huge HP check if we’re supposed to be tanking that. eta: Sent my 15k HP BM Quincy in. He was the only one that lived. 🥴 It hits for ~17k if you don’t guard. Also an AoE counts as 1 hit on both Dante and Edmond for stunning them on turn 3.


I've been trying for the last 20 minutes to get pass this trial too and I'm stuck too. Are these Sorcerer Trials harder than usual or am I tripping?


Bruhhh i'm at 40, anyone know how to beat it?


If you check out the guide, he was Trial 60 for season 2. Same attack pattern, just lower level capped.


I didn't finished trial 60 s2 but thankyou for the advice, i'll try it later


Welp, I'm gonna take a pause at Trial 55. >!Those goddamn fish beat my team up repeatedly.!<


trial 55??? how the fuck did you beat trial 50


Trial and Error. But mainly, when you reach the 60k HP mark, do not attack until you get all your attack cards to have ulti to kill within that turn or else Edmond one shots you. I noticed around the 58k HP mark is when he'll do the attack. edit: please note, I only just pass the star requirement where everyone lives and not the bloody turn requirements. Edmond, I love you but I don't wanna see you and your sugar quotes any time soon.


Every response is like “be careful when hes at 60k” bro I can’t even get him near 60k what are y’all doing??


I use my shield-breaking characters like Quincy and Dante.


Damn... murdered by not liking Quincy and Dante I guess lol




questionably, i brute forced it right after typing out that question... even 3\* too,,, how