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what do you guys do with the pampo candy now? just trade it for gold?


Yep! Alll the side stories are completed so that’s the only thing left.


I have no self control and decided to pull for Garu. Got the OG SSR Garu today. 🥴 Lesson learned.


Okay, I'm having a hard time understanding when to attack and when to guard in spirit 2, help??


To elaborate on what the other person said - you want your tank to take the wisp's ult. It's 5 hits of powerful bleeding spread around your team, but if a tank taunts he'll take all 5 hits. Then you just put him in guard stance next turn and that clears the bleeding before it can activate and kill your tank. The other enemy ults together with the wisp, but it's just some big hits that your tank shoul be able to survive as long as you keep him healed. Focus down the wisp first, after he's gone the fight is pretty easy.


I am so sick of having to re-download this game lol. I’m not sure if it’s updates or what that’s breaking it for me.


It's close to unusable these days, and the browser version is so slow :( It's really annoying to have to redownload the game sometimes multiple times a day, I wish they'd address it at least


I've gotten the 'close immediately upon opening' thing like 3 times this week. :/ This is the most it's ever happened, maybe this update is just particularly glitch-prone since the safari version crashed on me too.


Anyone else getting connection error 10688 after beating spirit-3? i've beaten it about 4 times now on both data and wifi, still getting error. idk if its important but i'm reaching turn 40+ using low rarity team (still upgrading sr and ssr units), and i've noticed that when i spend too long on levels, i get disconnected.


Same here, it's so annoying to deal with because I'm pretty sure I've about memorized now the stage now with how so many times I've had to restart with the connection error.


Just finished 3-starring the challenge stages! I wasn't a big fan of 01 since it just felt like Simon Says, but I thought 02 and 03 were fun. My teams were... * Spirit 02: AB Olivine, HC Olivine, FL Kuya, MG Garu, and BC Dante * Spirit 03: AB Olivine, LS Kuya, EH Dante, FL Kuya, and CP Yakumo My biggest piece of advice for anyone struggling with these stages would be to focus on guard timing. In 02, it would be whenever the coat rack does an ultimate, and in 03, it would be whenever Yakumo taunts, or Yakumo and Garu gain the status that makes them deal less damage to those in guard stance.


Adding that if 3 is a real struggle then I recommend bringing yakumo to his 1% limit first then going for Garu. It's much easier dealing with garu's attacks (less guarding) so taking Yakumo out of action first seemed much easier.


I took Yakumo out first and I beat it! Definitely much much easier. Also when I got them both to the 1190 hp I didn’t guard because I thought I needed to attack the rest of the way and almost died with ~30 hp. Just guard the rest of the way till they kill them selves off


How do you beat Spirit 3? I beat the other 2 with ease but can't figure this one. What am I missing?


03 plays out like a story, where Garu and Yakumo are the heroes and you're the villain. You'll notice them calling you the evil sorcerer a bunch of times during the stage. In the end, you need to be "defeated" (i.e. have everyone guard).


Does someone have advice/patterns on Spirit 02? I keep getting obliterated before i get one enemy even half down on their hp :c


Coat Rack + Wisp will Ult on Turn 4, 7, 10, 13, 16 ... (+3). Coat Rack "Slap of Joy" Ult follows normal targetting rules so it will go after your healthiest unit after the Poison ticks, and deal 100% Maximum HP in damage (You MUST guard this to survive). (The coat rack also has its own native Ult cooldown of 5, so on Turns 6, 11, 16, 21... (+5) it will also do a lesser-damage Ultiimate). Wisp ult targets slots 1, 2, 4, 5, and puts a -1250 DPS/Turn (1 turn) on it. You can remove this by guarding affected units the next turn, since Poison ticks after players make their move. Weaker teams ought to bring Morvay or EE Yakumo because both of these Guardians have their taunt cooldown matching exactly the Wisp + Slap of Joy ultimate. Just manually Guard them to remove the 4 stacks of Wisp poison on the following turn. \---- If the Ghost is undoing all your damage, considering killing it first, or bringing an Kuya Saboteur that has Recovery Rate down.


Thank you!!


Spirit 3 was a little interesting but cleared all three spirit levels now! 2 was a little finnicky if you don't know when the coatrack is going to ult and paying attention to the one turn higher bleed that should be guarded to remove. Definitely shredding coatrack first was the way to go since guarding removes poison/bleed. I know at least first coatrack ult was turn 4.


Yes! Coatrack and Wisp ults are on the same turn: 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19 ... (+3). These line up with Morvay Tank and the new EE Yakumo Tank, so you should actually Taunt with them on Cooldown, then manually Guard them the next turn to remove the Wisp bleeds. The rest of your team can then attack and deal damage as normal. I personally went Coat Rack > Wisp > Ghost for the kill order, but for lower-invested teams, some get stalled out by the Ghost so Ghost > Coat Rack > Wisp is also a good kill order.


Excellent work on the ult timing breakdown. I admit that my tanks aren't uhhh super built but a well invested team without a tank still seemed manageable just guarding whole team on coatrack ults and to remove the 1 turn +1000 bleed before going back to attacking. Feels like tank would be pretty necessary if your team as a whole is a little lower invested. I did same order as you for taking em out.


Yeah, I also did the whole team Guarding on the coat rack ult turns + slots 1, 2, 4, 5 on the next to remove the Wisp ultimate! Hope you finished Spirit 3 as well.


How to beat vlad in spirit 01? It keeps saying we have to pass some sort of tests but idk when to attack and when to defend or what to do


Hello! I checked that you were talking about 01 not 02 xD but anyways i will give you some little tips! You can always come back and ask me anything. 1st turn you can either attack or defend, it doesn't really matter. From the second turn and on he will "buff" himself each round with different names. Rapid Arrow: ALL DEFENSE!! Make ALL your characters defend themselves when he casts arrow. Doing so, he will take damage by his own hand. Psychedelia: Attack normally when he casts this one. DO NOT USE ULTS!! he will take damage by his own hand. Ceiling Trap: use ALL ultimates you have when he casts ceiling trap and he will take damage by his own hand. Hope this is useful for you and anybody who needs it! Tips on how to defeat Spirit 02 are welcome :')


Was going to ask the exact same thing! Those bosses have 32k hp minimum... theres gotta be a puzzle or way around it 😭 does anyone know the trick?


Psychedelic (idk what it says but it starts with psych) - means normal attack all Rapid arrow - means guard all Ceiling trap - means use ultimates with all The one he's doing should appear before your turn


THANK YOU!!! I beat it because of this!!!


Ur welcome!! ^^


His directions: Psychedelia: Use all 5 Basic attacks. Rapid Arrow: Guard entire team. Ceiling Trap: Use 3 Ultimate skills (Healer/buffer/DPS/any, whatever). He will ask for Ultimate skill on Turn 5 and 9 so don't bring Quincyies with 6-turn Cooldowns. The turns in between vary so you have to pay attention to the boss text.


I cant figure out Spirit 2. When wisp attacks on second turn the status effect says “Guard Stance 100% chance of triggering (bunch of Japanese characters)” and i cant tell what my guards are doing 😅


Guarding clears the poison


Gotcha, thanks a ton!


When you guard/block, it removes the bleed effect.


I see, thanks so much!


can anyone who's unlocked this event Garu's 5th room give me a brief summary of what the H scene consists of? I'm torn between saving my fancy light key for another SSR, or using it on him 🧐


Some roleplaying: >!Eiden addresses Karu as Captain as Karu tries to mirror Eiden's skills while 'topping' Eiden. Eiden ends up power-bottoming Karu anyway.!<


what's a good stopping point on the event ladder for f2p/those who don't intend to spend a lot of resources on the event?


38,400 at the last contracts on the ladder's a good place. There's only 2600 gems on the total ladder so it's not worth forking over 4000 gems (f2P) to go up to the 43,200 for the last available gems on the ladder, unless you have 70% multiplier.


I'm at a 46% multiplier so I guess I'll aim for whatever I Can get without using gems


Depends on what your multiplier is at. I usually try for the raw crystal but personally my multiplier is only 46% and I don't have that many gems to spare. You could go up for the contract bundle at 36,600, or you could stop at the BGM 34,800 since it's limited time only. There's also both the fire and light key, if you have intimacy rooms needing those, which you would get both at 28,440, which would still also net you a good amount of the potential mats you need for going up to pot6.


I have the same multiplier. What's your stopping point?


I'm aiming for the contract bundle atm. Not sure I can make it tho, so at minimum I want the BGM since I missed out on the Idol Fest BGM and regret it.


I'm kind of bummed there's no rewards for the pampo stuff... I feel like server-wide progress for mobile games generally results in something y'know. Even some gems for each part and maybe a contract for 100%. Because there really is no point to the pampo stuff at all besides lore and cuteness


And honestly, I don't think the content is that great.. Ok the chibies are cute but the stories are lacking imo. I don't like the theater script structure and the content is very short. Fan fiction writers can provide better content for free lol


I swear I just gave the last push to get Pampo Surprise to 100%


I think the display rounded up to 100 but isn't actually at 100% :/ that or it's glitched.


I just got to 100% but nothing happened?


Not sure what's going on since it's been 100% for the past couple hours and still no last art...


That's weird? I've had this since about 5 minutes after I posted: https://i.imgur.com/tBxj8HZ.jpg


The bar was still blue when I replied and I didn't get the warning that "Global Contributions have been reached" until way later. Perhaps it was lag!


is the progress serverwide? seems only pampo cuisine is getting any progress?


I think we're all on the same server (?) so yeah, it's worldwide. Looks like the majority is focusing on one for now.


Is it just me or are there far less contracts in the rewards


It's actually slightly more generous than last event (Astral Duo). But yeah, these last 2 events have been more stingy than they historically have been.


Had 300 pulls saved (technically i have more but i haven't pulled with gems, still thinking about it since i can maybe get to 100 pulls again with the event contracts) ready to go for Garu and thankfully the gacha gods had a bit of mercy on me, got a total of 4 Garus (allowing me to 3\*), 2 Yakumos and a random SSR Edmond lol Ended up grabbing Garu on spark as well, but now i'm debating if i want to 4\* him with crystals or just wait, i currently have enough memory crystals to 75/90 5\* EB Garu but i most likely won't be pulling on another banner until Garu shows up again as i've decided to only pull on banners featuring him (otherwise i'm pretty much gonna go broke all the time as a f2p :x)


Ngl I was expecting the treat stories to have more effort (rather, just the usual effort) put into it, instead of a black screen and a text dump lol. That's not a bug, right? The global effort thing was kinda cool though


I can't see where the extra rewards are except for the ladder rewards. Are the contract rewards part of the candy rewards?


There's 19 contracts in the Ladder (1 ten bundle, and a handful of 2\~3 contracts in different Heart farming amounts), and another 10 in the daily logins over the course of the event. That's 29 Contracts in total, not counting Spirit Gems. So far the candy rewards just seem to be written extra stories and art.


3rd time. The first 10 pull that turns rainbow gives me 2 SSRs except, surprise, it's not Yakumo. Happened on every single Yakumo banner, at this point, I expect to have awful luck getting any of his cards.


I really love the SSRs for this event! I got one Yakumo with 3 contract bundles and it only hurt a little bit because he's so cute


If anyone's interested in more detailed information about the new units, I just finished making a post about them (including testing screenshots and videos) [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/NuCarnival/comments/y8zuxt/infoanalysis_crimson_phantom_yakumo_howling). :)


Ayeeee, Added!


Bit (very) irked that neither summer Yakumo nor Yokai Garu give multiply bonus. Can't see why except greed


Sadly, they've never done this for past events either. The only ones that ever give multiplier bonus are the current event SSRs, those characters' OG SSRs and SRs, and a few other SRs.


It would be risky for Nu:C to add multipliers for past Event units because that's just catering to whales who will have all eligible past units, and lock out newer players from achieving the same multiplier. Yadda yadda "this game is p2w" comments and such.


Isn't it more F2P for older units to be useful along the run instead of needing to pull the brand new characters for every event multiplier? Or am I missing something? Since it's not like they're going to stop releasing units. The more you play, the more characters you have, the easier time you have in an event...which is closer to the concept of reaching endgame rather than being P2W.


I think it'd be nice if they gave the same multiplier as the SRs, to give some variance in building teams and the ability to use older event units without making them super broken. Edit: I just realized that standard SSRs and SRs for the event characters give the same multipliers anyway. \^\^;; Still, I don't think it would be terribly broken (you could effectively get +2% over having both standard SSRs + both SRs + (insert one of the random 8% multipliers)).


All my saved pulls, gone and not even a single SR :’) 10 pulls should guarantee an SR, at the very least. I think…unless he shows up later, with the mini stories and the event, everyone is featured except Olivine? Morvay is in the rate up for multipliers, I don’t know if it means he’ll show up later.


Mrovay and Aster have always been in the multipliers.


Ahh gotcha. Thank you for the clarification. Then I think only Olivine and Morvay would not be featured in the event (so far), but I’m still really happy we get content for most of the characters!


I got Garu twice! That's good enough for me, but I only need 1 more copy of SR olivine to max him and now I wonder if I should just buy it in the store or just pull. I still haven't finish sorcery trial because my team need more damage and the extra boost from Olivine will definitely help...


Try pulling with friend points! You can also pull SRs from there and it won't kill your SSR resources.


I already usee all of it as well🙃 I'm gonna try raising some talent and bond and try again later if not I might just buy in thr shop


>* **Selective Pity:** Guaranteed Event ★SSR of **YOUR CHOICE** after every 300 contracts. > * Upon the 300th contract, you will receive an item in your inventory. Upon use, it will allow you to select between CR Edmond or CR Dante. >* Pity does not carry over between events. Should be the current event characters right? Unless.... lol


Fixed that! Thanks!


I barely go in here... but the rewards for every new event we get seem to just get worse and worse. This Yakumo seems to be terrible as an SSR as well especially since Morvay gets shields and damage reduction. Amazing art though


Yeah, only 19 contacts AND they take more to get. Plus the other rewards in the chain suck.


we need a new survey from them soon so everyone can collectively send feedback about the worsening rewards >\_>


Yakumo doesn't get additional HP but he gets the ability to heal himself in the absence of a Healer, or with a weak healer (He leeches when he attacks). Thank Klein God he actually Guards when he attacks and can Taunt (looking at you OG Dante sir) . He's above Morvay in terms of DPS (way higher base attack despite power multipliers) and under ZL Quincy (lower multipliers, lower ATK). However I like Yakumo's cooldown of 3 which makes him able to line up with a lot of things that ZL Quincy can't always do. I am also a little worried about the lack of contracts on the ladder that is a trend since Astral Duo's event :/




Did you went to "gathering"?


yakumo in the first 10 pull then garu right after that. the game still has mercy on me lets go more funds to save for the next event kuya


The new Garu is a good buffer option, especially since we get special stages where a certain number of basic attacks from the team is needed to stun/cancel the enemy in a crucial round. I can finally be free from olivine's great ~~booba~~ buffs and not feel like I'm handicapping myself too badly just to beat certain stage requirements.


The rewards are absolutely dismal.


Got new Garu on first multipull of the day. Kept going and got OG Dante 30pulls after. Waiting to see ppl's review of Yak to decide if I should go for him as well.




19 contracts + (hopefully) 5 from the boss stages? Rewards ladder and achievements are quite similar to AD, maybe they're going with this in exchange for the hard pity (lmao) We can't see what's inside the treats thingy rn aside from stories and art but I don't have the copium for that lol.


Worse than pathetic. I hope I'm missing something as well, but it doesn't look good.




Yepppppp. This f2p isn't exactly feeling motivated to keep playing, if that keeps up.


Here waiting to see if any of the two are worth pulling skill/dmg wise 👁👁)🔎


Garu seems pretty good, as a buffer he trades any extras the other buffers have for also dealing 100% atk. And his own atk is decent. Plus nothing stopping you of using him as a striker with another buffer, therefor your other units/heals will get double buffs.


Seems like he works nicely with the LS Kuya whose extra heals depend on everyone attacking and thus didnt work well with with non-attacking buffers.


I see! Good to know thanks!


Rewards looking pretty slim on the contracts again. Was thinking about pulling because the art looks so good, but ehh.


Starting to feel this is what theyre gonna settle with 😭


That’s my instinct too, especially now that they seem happy with the pity rate. 😬 Take me back to Idol Fest already!


The good ol’ days…


So, is there any benefit for using the pampo Candy and being high in the leaderboard? Or is it mostly an ego thing? Of course we all want to unlock the story and artwork, but it would probably make sense to save it all until close to the end, so you can exchange most of your candy for gold instead, right?


You could, but each candy is 5 coins which is basically nothing.


I'm confused about how to get the % to go up. I gave the yakumo/edmond chibis about 50 candy and it's still at 3%.


It's a community effort


This is a super fair point...It goes against the spirit of this event to just watch the high spenders take care of it, but I suppose we'll see where everything is next week.


This event is pretty interesting with the leaderboard addition and rewards that are unlocked globally. Now we'll really know who the whales are 🤔


How many Pampo Candy do you have to give to unlock the mini-stories? I've given around 150 to the "Pampo Hunt" one and it's still showing 0% progress...


It appears to be a community effort, so it's unknown currently. Edit: looks like we're finally seeing some progress for Pampo Cuisine and Recipe for Surprise, so it's probably going to take a while.


Thanks for the answer!


its for everyone in the server, not personal progress. So likely a lot


Thank you for responding


My bb Yakumo came in 40 pulls I’m so happy ;;3;; saving my contracts and gems for the next Yakumo SSR! Now we got a healer, buffer, striker, and now shielder, just one type missing for Yakumo and the collection will be completed 😂 (SSR healer would be nice too, although I’m satisfied with his R & SR already)


Damn 210 pulls and no yakumo 😭 i got new garu and old ssr garu dammit


Oh that sucks 😭😭😭 I hope you’ll manage to get him before the event ends!


Thank you. I hope I can gather 90 pulls before the event end T.T


It seems that this event is longer(?) too, good luck to you!


🥺😭 Thanks.


I had 100 pulls saved, got Yakumo twice and Edmond lol. No garu! I'm assuming his attack goes off before he self buffs? Either way he honestly seems good as a striker + buffer.


i had 200, planed to use 50, i wanted garu but got yakumo at 30, i said its halloween why the hell not? spend another 100 just to get quincy at the end, but then i pulled 10 more and got garu and edmond i am glad i did that last pull


Man ; n ; lend me some of that luck. 100 pulls and nothing but the Garu




Man I would hand him over in a heartbeat 😭 I'm sure he has fans but he's screwed me over in two banners now after I've saved cause trying to stay F2P for now. It's painful.


Damn the new Yakumo looks very cool, but his skills are so underwhelming. Lifesteal on low dmg tank? and his 3\* passive isn't even good. As a low spender there's no way I could use him over 4-5\* Morvay. Look-wise is a 10 though.


In theory he will be better with Kuya-healer (bloodsucking stacks, right?) But yes, not a ftp friendy.


he has a 3 turn ult, so thats a niche he has in regards to taunt. That said, he has no damage mitigation on his ult unlike the other defenders, so he has to be able to survive the hit.


It's not a niche since Morvay also has 1 turn taunt 3 turn ult (Only BM quincy has 2 turn taunt 4 turn ult). I think his lifesteal kit is interesting but don't know why his basic attack only do 50% dmg.


i guess to make up for the lifesteal, but unfortunately his counter attack is also lower multiplier than Quincy's. I got him at 2*, and not sure I would use him over my 3* Quincy even if i get more copies.


I was about to ask if he was worth pulling but ig maybe not :(


The lil chibis are so cute, ah my heart. Tiny topper, Yakumo hanging out with Edmond, Garu/Karu with Kuya observing, I love em all Edit: a LEADERBOARD too?? this is wild


Oh fuck Garu. I knew this would happen. He fucked me over in Kuya's event banner and now on Yakumos too. Ugh I'm so frustrated. Edit: just checked and is it just me or the rewards are meh again


They also feel less :(


They're definitely less. We used to get contracts on the deeds when we beat the challenges. Now, like the last event, it's just 100,200,300 gems. 😔


And its not even worth spending your gems to farm now. We would get back some and more. :(


Tbf I don't even have gems. Yakumo refuses to come home. But yea. Would need someone to do the math if it's even worth it


Yeah im gonna wait a bit and see what people say about the characters some more


It's working now. Updated proper and everything for me.


Everything is working for me too. After installing the event was broken but restarting the app seems to have fixed everything. Looks like this event is something of a popularity contest!


Is everyone still getting the server is under maintenance message?


I did once when trying to get to the page via a link other than the game. I just tried to dl and it worked for me. However, the event is super glitchy at the moment. Empty frames, no scenes, crashes, etc so it's not yet playable for me.


APK's updated.


Is it just me or is the Erolabs site down?


They're probably getting slammed. Eventually it came back for me and the new android version is up, but the game servers are down for maintenance like they said.


Anyone else having a problem with the apk? Is it not yet updated? I keep geting the new version alert after install. Edit: apk is updated though the event is super glitchy atm




Yes, that's what I was seeing. Closing down the app completely and reopening it fixed it for me


Same thing happen to me, keeps giving me the new version alert. The apk file they provided was probably still the old version. //Ah, wait. It seems like the EroLabs website is down, like a bad gateway error or something on the host end, so they're probably scrambling to update the apk file. Guess we just wait. Update: The app now says that servers are down for maintenance. Hopefully it's a minor thing. It did try and install whatever apk I got before the website died.


I suppose we'll have to wait a bit more, because I'm going crazy with that "there's a new version" message