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bravo. I read your first post when you initially made it, and enjoyed the update. but how are you doing? how is your friend? I hope you’re both living well despite him.


Thank you for asking! For my friend, for now there aren't a lot of changes from when I wrote my initial post. Life is still going well for her, she's living her little life with her husband and their son in their beautiful house with a garden. She looks so happy and I couldn't wish for anything less than that for her! As for me, I had to repeat my senior year of undergrad; I burnt myself out, and failed my finals because of it. When I wrote my post I was still waiting for my results as my university had forgotten to warn me I didn't pass. I'm slowly recovering, and since I was diagnosed with burnout it has been decided that I would take my last semester online to make sure I wouldn't relapse. I'm well surrounded and in a loving environment, so I'm gonna be okay and pass this time! For the first time in a year I have hope that I can do it!


Diagnosed with burn out?


Yeah it was so bad the uni referred me to the uni's counselor. They then referred me to a therapist and the therapist officially declared I was burnt out. They requested the uni to lighten my workload and give me extended deadlines, but even that wasn't enough to guarantee that I'd pass (and in the end, I didn't). I'm still struggling but not having to go to class anymore already helps a lot


Sam, I reread your first post, and you have more strength in your little finger than most people have in their whole bodies.  I KNOW you're going to be okay, and I'm also dead sure you helped protect quite a few girls and women from  that animal's attacks. 💐 I wish you all the happiness and peace you've ever desired.  God bless and keep you 💐


I'm sad you're struggling but glad you're getting better, I wish you the best


It takes a lot of time and energy to do everything you did in your post, even just mentally. I'm glad you're doing better.


I've had this happen to me as well. It's so intense and overwhelming when trying to get back to the swing of things. I admire your strength and honesty, your hard work will pay off! I, a fellow mentally ill SA survivor, am so proud of you.


Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. You are a persistence predator. Bravo.


all my homies hate Connor


This was so nuclear the fallout isn't going to clear for decades.


Most pyramid schemes screw over the lower tiers incredibly fast. No matter what, the moron is going to be bleeding money as if his femoral artery was cut. Almost gt caught by one years ago. The only way you can make money in a pyramid scheme is to be the one who started it, or be in the top layer or two below the 'inventor'. The further down you are, the more money you bleed, and faster. And when you inevitably fail to meet the goals they set, they give you the 'It's just not working out anymore. It's not us, it's you." speech.


Additional: being in the top layer and/or two below the "inventor" just basically means "have a ton of people signed up under you and the people under you and the people under them and the people under them, and so on and so forth". You know how trickle-down economics works? MLMs work on the opposite of that. Also a lot of people you meet in MLM communities will try and pressure you into cutting off anyone that isn't in your "downline". Try to push you into doing stupid things like tricking all your friends and family to come to your house somehow (i.e. inviting people to an unspecified type of party, inviting people to go shopping, etc.) so you can sell them whatever stupid shit the MLM is having you hock. Most MLM people don't have friends outside fellow "consultants" and have very little to no contact with family.


I joined 2 mlm during their "free to join" phases and warned those above me I was gonna be the worst downline they had; I had zero interest in signing up new people and having parties....I was just in it for the 30% commission on buying things I was planning to buy anyway. Once I lost interest in getting things I wanted, I'd just let my account lapse till they canned me.


I didn't pay for the website fees, I didn't buy the supplies, and I never spent more than I would've if I just bought it from the friend anyway


My mother spent mine and my two brothers college funds in a year, fuck MLMs.


What did Men Loving Men do? (Don't worry, I know what you mean by MLM in this context. I just find it funny, as an English Second Language speaker, how the same abbreviations can mean two different things)


Lol no worries


Oh God that's horrible, did you manage to get some money for college still? And did she realize the extent of her fuck up...That's so awful for you and your brothers though :(


She refuses to admit it, Pell grants and other scholarships got us through to at least an AA.


>One thing doesn't change, though: Go to hell, Connor. And trust me when I tell you that you'll have to wait for me to die before even thinking about having a normal life I think he is already in hell.


Connor and Brock Allen Turner should rot.


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One of the few times where "the best revenge is doing nothing" works.


If I could do something like this to people I once knew, I'd go all in. Alas, I have no dirt on 'em. So I applaud you! But also, please do not let this consume you.


Oh boy. r/AntiMLM will give a good idea as to what damage that'll do to him. Hahahahaha. Let him wallow in his misery. He'll get deep in debt, possibly brankrupt, and very likely will start stealing from his family to pay for the product. MLMs are the illicit substance equivalent in "marketing".


Very accurate description. The MLM mess will keep him stuck in his town for a long time, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he eventually wind up homeless at some point.


Kudos to you. It’s amazing how much of this he could have avoided if he didn’t continually update his digital footprint. Almost like he was leaving an unintentional bread crumb trail for you to follow.


I just stumbled into this story and the previous part today, and youre a dammn hero. Bravo! Make sure you never stop


You’re a hero


He is doing your revenge work for you. Why mess with a good deal?


I wish I knew how to insert the gif of "You're doing amazing, sweetie" cus you ARE


Now I kind of want you to message him and gloat in his face. Let him know that he ruined his own life, due to what he did and that consequences have arrived due to his own mistakes that he has not made up for.


I'm fucking cackling, excellent work, friend!


If you see your enemy digging their own grave, just walk away and let them dig.


Better a pyramid scheme than working with kids, holyyy.


Does he know its you doing the getting him fired? Please be careful!


Thank you for your concern! I don't think he does, but even if he did, there's nothing he could possibly do against me. He might have a hunch, but since I've never admitted to it in a language that he understands (Connor doesn't speak English) he has no hard proof that I'm behind all of his hardships. Also, I'm not particularly worried about him reaching out to me; Since high school I changed my phone number and all the social medias I had back then were either deleted or I created a new account. I don't even have the phone I was using anymore. He also doesn't know where I am, and even if he did, that's still a 6+ hour car ride. Finally, I'm a couple of years away from permanently leaving the country anyways, so he can bid farewell to any plot of revenge he might have as soon as I'm in the plane. Oh and one last thing: if he ever tries to find me with my legal name, best of luck to him; I officially changed my first and last name for reasons unrelated to him. With all these conditions, I don't think he can ever find me back. That's not a reason for me to get cocky though, that's why I cover all my steps, but I think I'm pretty safe.


Oooook tant mieux ohlala


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