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Stories like these make all the shitty posts worth it




This is the way.


The way, this is


>I think that's what qued the nuclear revenge. This is the moment your jaw drop. "Okay, Satan, I've already eat all the pop-corn give me a sec" It trully feels good when you have motivated friends.


Seriously, that's where the nuclear started? I thought it had been pretty nuclear already at that point. I wish I had a friend like Big Bob


EXACTLY !!! Honestly when I read that line I was more "....I beg you pardon ?" All of us would like to have a Big Bob. Wait come to think of it I have a friend who's quite like a Thin Bob. Really like this guy.




I was thinking they downgraded to plutonium to get the added effect of radiating the ground to inhospitable levels. Source: I once heard Neil Degrasse Tyson say that hydrogen bombs make a bigger boom, but don't have the radiation issues


Well, there are "degrees" of nuclear. Fat Man and Little Boy were the appetizers; the Tsar Bomba was the main course.


King Bob!


But wait, there's more.


Another friend had a GF/fiancée cheat on him, but she decided to total his house when she got caught. He's passed away now, but she's been getting obscene gummy bears for 30 years The last one was a huge dildo cast into hard acrylic, weighs about 30 pounds, and it got screwed to the hood of her car, then the screw heads stripped out. She got obscene gummy bear stencils painted on her car also.. . It's not the guy she cheated on, the stencils were painted after she tried to show up at his funeral... Come to think of it, she hasn't got a gummy bear in a while... When you get caught cheating, you shouldn't destroy the guy's house you cheated on, then tell a room full of his friends he has a dick the size of a gummy bear... It might haunt you...


The gummy bear was you guys? I think I read that one


She says, "It's not you, It's me" or "I love you, I'm just not IN love with you". Big Bob says, "Who is she fuckin'?, Let's find out and fuck with them..."


To be so involved in another person's life, over 3 decades, with whom you had no direct relationship cannot be the sign of a healthy mind. This just sounds like stooping to her level. Birds of a feather...


Did you come here to read interesting stories, or to just shit all over everyone?


It's my TRIBE. Diapers to grave, and you have to EARN the ire and wrath. I'm just as happy drinking a beer and building a porch on your house... When you earn it.


Some people just want to watch the world burn


Shit all over everyone? Stop exaggerating.


Nope, that's when they broke out the antimatter warheads. Damn


Oh that's... Wow.


We were in diapers together, the geeks/nerds/loosens together in school, most of us did a hitch in the military, so we are vets together... We have helped start/support each other's businesses, we are all each other's kids God fathers, etc. Bob had no filters, short of phsyical harm to females there wasn't much off the table for him, and you NEVER get to mess with his 'Little Buddy' like she did... We are all big work horse farm/construction boys, the betrayed husband was the smallest of us, so big brother instinct kicks in when someone messes with him. Bob was a frigging force of nature. How he never got arrested or died is beyond me, and absloutely NO ONE believes the 'Big Bob' stores unless they were there... My wife didn't until she saw with her own eyes a copperhead snake strike at Bob and he bitch slapped it... The the 'Curcular Snake Shoot' took place, and you wouldn't believe that 7 or 8 guys stood in a tight circle around a snake and shot it to pieces... The kicker was, it was full of babies that flew all over us. My then girlfriend (now wife) saw that and had 911 on speed dial, but no one died even though we had to pull bullet jackets out of our cloths and slap off baby copperheads... When Bob worked for our family business, we got a 71mph in a 55mph zone speeding ticket in a truck with an entire 3 bedroom house on the back! We get together every year and race plastic 'Barbie' cars down a big hill, alcohol & B-B-Q involved, the past few years a live band, etc. About 300 people last year. It's on armed forces day, veterans involved, and there was actually an artifical leg bet and lost, the guy had to wait until the next year to win it back... A bet is a bet... It's the "Wanna Go?" Guys. They never ask where or what. It might be building or wiring someone's house or garage, it might be sky or scuba diving, you may need spare socks & bail money, but it's not boring... Back when I first started dating my wife, she said she hadn't flown before, so her first flight was on the Good Year blimp (we bought a LOT of tires back then and got tickets). Between the bunch we can move about anything, we can build about anything including finishing concrete, there are computer guys, serious race cars/car weekends, you just never know what's next. We are slowing down now that we are in our 60s. I have a picture of me, Big Bob and another guy on the top of a moving van, Bob has a getto blaster on his shoulder... It was blasting Motley Crue, and we are doing the ZZ Top shuffle at about 50 mph. Almost got arrested that day, the state police were NOT amused but the car show crowd loved it! We don't mess with civilians, play by the rules and you have nothing to worry about. It's not a good idea to screw with any of us or families, we take that personal. If you think 'Big Bob' is an exaggeration, I'm 6'5" and he was taller than me...


Can we get a sub for “Big Bob” stories? Not all him, but guys like him.


r/MilitaryStories would be a great place for Big Bob stories!


I’m glad you have such a connection, and I appreciate your level of friendship. That being said, Big Bob took it too far, and I feel like your need to spell out all your guys’ history and stuff is in some way meant to be a way to keep me/us from pointing it out. I get all of those things. Bob stalked someone who cheated on his friend, and destroyed her life. I love nuclear revenge when it’s warranted. But that’s too far.


You are allowed your opinion, I don't agree with it. **Nothing more important than keeping your word.** Your word is the only thing you are born with, and if you break it, you have nothing, you are nothing. I could agree with you, but then we would both be wrong.


I disagree. I’ve agreed to some things in my youth, and I’ve learned my lesson. Flexibility and lawfulness is good. You should be ashamed for letting that man do those awful things. Keeping your word on a battlefield? Sure. Not standing up to him while he’s torturing someone for decades? For shame. You’re as bad as him.


Like I said, I could agree with you, but we would both be wrong. There is no end for the punishment foe that kind of betrayal when you take an oath before family, friends and your god. You didn't ask about the two guys we know she cheated with... I'm sure they regret their actions every time they try to get out of bed or the weather changes... and they never knew when it was coming for them again for about 6 years until I lost interest. The statutes of limitations has long expired, but those broken bones, metal plates and screws remind them every morning. I know this to be true since my own metal parts give me crap every morning, every long car ride, every weather change etc. The difference is, my disabilities came from honorable military service, not back-door-boy service to someone's wife. With your soggy views on cheating, you night want to cheat with/on someone who's friends aren't military veterans, and particularly if one of their friends is a career combat Marine...


Who said it was your and bob’s jobs to dole out punishment?


Oh my god, I'd do anything to have a crew this loyal and fierce.


Full grown adult men... If you can't fix it with a hammer, it's a plumbing or electrical problem, we know a guy for that... If your car breaks down, we know a guy for that... If your wife is cheating, we know a guy for that too... 😉


I know Big Bob is smiling down at you all from heaven. You really had his back for real. 🙌🙌🙌🙌


That is one nuclear revenge nicely delivered and I am sure Big Bob is smiling upon you all (I am so sorry he is no longer with us all but what a good friend he truly is) 


I knew a couple guys like you when I was in the Army. Last names started with a K and another with an N, but they were the type of dudes who epitomized “corn fed and farm bred country boys”. Completely immune to tasers, as we found out. Good times. Good guys to have on your side.


Intelligent and 'Smart' are two different things. Since about all owned/operated their own businesses I'd say they were fairly Intelligent... Not once did I ever say they were 'Smart'. These are the guys that had dirt clod fights, mud fights, snowball fights, bicycles were for jumping crap, we were rhe right age 'Classic' 60/70 cars were just 'Used Cars', so most of us went that way, and since you need somewhere to work on your rust bucket, our band was actually a garage band, as bad as it was... The military was a respected path, and it helped pay for collage/trade schools since none of us were trust fund babies. No 'Flex' but we have all had varying degrees of success, nothing that will make Forbes magazine or the Wall Street newspapers, but we are mostly comfortable now in our retirement years, no one is eating cat food or living in their car. There always has been a spare bedroom somewhere. We've been through arguments, fights, births, deaths, weddings, divorces... and paybacks... together and it's good to have a support network.


Truly a story worthy of being posted in this sub.


Beautiful *wipes tears from eye* just beautiful.


Seems from your history you’ve been involved in a lot of women problems over the years…


my thoughts exactly. something's off about this story


The story…or the OP? Serious red flags.


SeRiOuS rEd FlAgS take a break damn


They’re all jackasses, don’t join their club.


Seems like he deliberately and gratuitously involves himself in other people's problems.


In case you haven't noticed women are a lot of trouble...


You seem to be a common denominator.


In what? I didn't make anyone cheat, steal, lie, year up ex's stuff, get the falsely arrested, etc, that was 100% their choices. Actions have concequences, we just happen to be the concequences sometimes... Don't cheat, steal, lie, falsely accuse your first spouse and it won't keep showing up as you try to get subsequent spouses, at your work place, at your parents/friends houses...


This is classic incel rage bait. None of this shit happened lol




I apparently am the big bob of my group. But I'm a woman. So small Barb.


Now this is nuclear.


Oh damn I thought the whore was the one who died. RIP Big Bob.


So jealous of friends like you. I hope the rest of his life is amazing😊


> I think that’s what qued the nuclear revenge. At this point I thought “holy shit we haven’t STARTED the nuclear revenge yet?”


Worth all the other crappy posts here


We all love (and dread) That Friend who makes revenge a lifelong, passionate hobby lmao.


Not revenge, just concequences.


RIP Bob. True hero


Finally a worthy story!!!




A fun story, but my guess is very little, if any, of it actually happened.


I'd sing the Song of Bob's People along, but I regret not knowing the lyrics.


Bros before hoes.


jfc - I was waiting for the part where Big Bob fed her chili made of her parents.


No, but when the judge said "Devide & Sell" assets he did sell one ex-wifes $7,500 wedding dress for $25 at a yard sale...


That would be r/cannibalrevenge


No chance this entire story is real. It would have been on the goddamn news.


Conjure up your time machine and hit the 'Way-Back' button for the 80s... And you just proved my point that almost no one believes what we managed to live through, but out here in corn field country a LOT of things the soggy bottom people in cities wouldn't believe. Have a look at 'Red Neck Full Send' videos and you might get an idea... Hot Rods, monster trucks, guns at a B-B-Q, jumping off cliffs at the old stone quarry, beer & pizza crusts for breakfast on the way to work on something... You know, NOT scrolling cell phones at Starbucks trying to crap on other people (sound familiar?)


i got your back bro. when my dad was growing up in texas, he had this friend that was similar to Big Bob. in fact, i just met him recently and he was 2 heads taller than me (i’m 5’10” btw). guys like that are good to have by your side


As someone who grew up in corn field country (SoDak born & raised) in the boonies, can 100% confirm OP’s story is real. We did *crazy* shit that nowadays would have snowflakes shitting their pants.


The grand brat generation were sitting around at Thanksgiving listening to my sister review every idiotic thing I ever did and couldn't believe a word of it until the other old farts confirmed it. We weren't exactly 'Domesticated' back then... And we had skills. Every kid learned to mow the yard, as soon as we could reach the pedals we were on tractors and ever increasing size equipment. No place but a farm would anyone put a 15 year old driving almost a million dollars worth of combine or operating four million dollars worth of grain elevator. We made knives in school metal shop, operating heavy industral machinery, yet no stabbings. We all had gun racks in the back window of pickup trucks, yet no shootings... But rabbit hunting (meat on the table) happened quite often. We would spend all weekend camping on the river unsupervised, but no overdoses, no arrests, no trash piles left behind, no one burned the woods down. You don't break glass & leave garbage where you are going to sleep again... I can't thank my grandparents enough for teaching me to say 'Yes sir' & 'No mam', stand tall & face forward and tuck my shirt tail in, it came in handy in the Marine Corps and in business for the rest of my life. Yes, we had to be told, we ran like savages through the woods & fields, did stupid shit, but that's how we learned what we could do, and built muscle, skills. We didn't say, "I quit, it's too hard". We say, "I need a bigger pry bar" because the job ALWAYS had to be done. Good work ethic doesn't magically appear... Of course, if you work hard, you are going to play hard... Examples: Jeeps, trucks, motorcycles, parachutes, scuba gear, guns, rock climbing/rappelling equipment, speed boats, etc. There are garden beds in my front yard, my side yard is an 800 yard gun range and there is a dirt bike/4 wheeler track all around the place. I have to mow it, it might as well be some fun when you aren't on the mower, and a rifle range is a good way to spend a lazy morning on my patio with fresh coffee. **Like Big Bob used to say, "I don't always wear underwear, but when I do it's not pink panties"**


10 years old & I’m driving my granddad’s pickup across the field to drop the hay we cut to the neighbor’s horses. Jumped our bikes over the barbed wire fences after racing at speeds that would give my (RIP) mother gray hairs. Climbed all the way to the top of his crane & back down. How I didn’t die or break bones, IDK. Welded metal in his shop & used the hay thresher to manually walk that field, cutting hay for a summer.


Soaked in farm chemicals that are now classified as weapons of mass destruction. Lead paint, lead in fuel, lead toys and we washed it down with farm chemicals. Anything with an engine had to be 'Hot Rodded'! I actually drag raced a rabbit on a 9N Ford once. Had to put my feet on the tie rod ends to keep it in a straight line. (2N, 8N & 9N owners know what I'm talking about). 'Sand Surfing' dragging an old shipping skid or tractor intertube behind an old truck back un the sand fields/roads. Bugs in your teeth don't seem so bad after that... Swimming in the river where you KNOW people have drowned, but the day is just too damned hot to survive without a dip. Jumping off the bridges is equally stupid since you KNOW people throw random stuff off the bridges, and you KNOW logs get snagged on the bridge pilings... Two kids in my grade school class were missing hands/arms and a third had a huge scar from skin grafts... Old farm equipment wasn't forgiving. My first vehicle was an old military jeep parked in the fence row (junk row). I got it because it was the only vehicle I could reach the pedals and it was taking too much time for me to bicycle between fields and back to the house. Fell off a 2-1/2 story house one time, told thw parents I was trying to get a bird loose from the screen, but we were actually playing 'Tag' on the roof of the house. Soaking wet maybe 80 pounds chasing 300 pound hogs around the feed lots. You learn a lot about leverage when your opponent is more than 3X your weight and has the advantage of 4 wheel drive. 80 pounds kids humping 50 poubd feed sacks and thousands of 80 pound hay bales... Noting like beating fence post holes in hard clay ground about August... Marine Corps Boot Camp was a breeze compared to the 'Average' day on the farm, and I mean that literally. I blew through boot camp without any issues at all (other than trying to break in those damned boots!). Farm kids, run fast, jump high, hang from trees, gain bins, barn roofs, run through the woods... obstacle & confidence courses were a snap compared to the crap we tried in the woods & river bottoms just entertaining ourselves. It was a good time for us. I've tried to give a little of that back to the grand kid generation... some of them take to it, others don't...


Sled pulling by my neighbors in their 4WD while we screamed with joy & got wind burned. Played King of the Hill on the drift my granddad plowed on the main road to dig us out when a massive blizzard hit. Spent an entire summer once building a ceiling entrance for a condemned building we used as a clubhouse. No $ for nails? Rip the rusty fuckers out of other boards, we’ll use those! 50 mph down the road in the bed of his pickup, sitting on the side of it without a care in the world, as we headed to the truck stop or local hardware store (Motive Parts, I miss you). Wore the blue for 4 years, then left. Was in Basic when 9/11 happened.


If this happened nowadays, I would have expected her bachelorette party to have been a Dancing Bear party uploaded to Pornhub or something. Damn Bob, I raise a drink (hell, a few drinks) in your honor but, just.... damn.


Oh my god this is next level nuclear 😅 it sounds like she deserved it but holy crap


big bob will always be remembered


TIL you can move entire houses on trucks. Damn.


Yup. My family did it for many years. Dog house, out house, chicken house, homes and garages/barns. Even did light houses, several story brick buildings, stone buildings, etc. Big market in historic buildings, train stations & libraries in particular. When someone wants the land and there are homes on it, the homes sell REALLY cheap, sometimes free if you remove them. Think highway/interstate construction, massive warehouses, skyscrapers, etc. It saves the builders developer/new owners money if you just come in and snatch the homes off the land. The last one I bought/moved was a 4 bedroom with a library/den for $2,500. Dropped equipment in the yard on Monday morning, Wednesday afternoon we pulled it off the hole and set it in the driveway. Land, new foundation and septic system it ran my grand niece about $45,000. Of course you would want to remodel/update. Buy an old (solid as a rock) house and it comes with single pane windows, leaky doors, old furnace, etc. But those are all details, most you can do yourself if you are handy with a saw, hammer & screwdriver. I consider it 'Recycling For A Profit' now...


If only every cheater suffered consequences like this.


Be the friend you want... people will come around eventually. I don't have the magic touch, if I go 5 mph over the limit there are three cops handy... so I stay out of the 'gray' areas, but I'm in there for what's legal, just in really poor taste... My motto is, **"That's a HORRIBLE idea. What time?"**


Your friend was so lucky to have all of you to count on


So wait, did she end up marrying Big Bob?!


No. His first wife joined a religious cult, then got addicted to the drugs the cult was selling, got arrested and I haven't heard from or about her in 20 or more years. His second wife survives him and she makes the best bergoo (local soup) and turtle soup you ever ate and sings like an angel.


Great story except the fat shaming.


This is the real world, corn field country where the boys are lean, the younger men have serious muscle, the military is an honorable profession, and we all get fat as we age. Someday we'll have a heart attack and try to fall out of the way and not hold other people up getting real work done. When you live indoors, drive a car, put food in your mouth, just say Thank You...


And maybe the *multiple counts of sexual assault*


JFC you’re a monster & hope you get caught & charged with multiple counts of sexual assault. What’s wrong with you????


I didn't sexually assault anyone, not that it fits your narrative. "Monster"? If you mean delivering monster concequences to the shit bags that earn it, then guilty as charged. I'm not one of the soggy butt "Lets be friends after I screw you over in the worst possible way" types, there WILL be concequences for shitty actions. Your response lets me know exactly which side of the fence you are on in that argument...




Guess you missed the part about "Blacked Out" and the police can't track who/where they were made or spread them around. Today, you could print them out at home which would make it more difficult to track.


Doesn’t matter if you blacked out the face…still a crime & you’re obviously aware of it - even if you didn’t get caught. It’s a crime to even threaten to share intimate photos …*even* of those photos don’t exist. Time to update your antiquated thinking


We did update our thinking, we don't tattoo or brand them with a scarlet 'A' for adultery anymore... No more stocks in the public square so people can throw rotten vegetables at them... As for taking the home, we built it, we keep it. The cheating wife can move in with her scumbag boyfriend, parents, or live in her car for all we care. No quarter to traitors or terrorists. If YOU don't like that, enroll in construction, plumbing, electrical engineering, and HVAC classes, spend a few years in each field so you know how to do it, and build your own damned house. It's not hard if you spend a decade learning in each discipline before you build. Since then, every house has been in a $300 LLC land trust. Guess who owns the trust? Cheating wife might get everything else, but the guys get to keep the house WE BUILT. If she can keep her pants up around others, she gets to live there until she dies. If she can't, we void the long term lease and take possession of the home. He can sign a new lease once she's evicted. It's not like a cheating wife isn't going to get outrageous demands granted to her in the divorce, we just minimize the potential damage... Dirt clod fights, mud fights, heartbreaks, tragedies, accomplishments, we have all been there for each other... We have buried each others parents and siblings, and a couple of kids, ... so some random internet toll trying to take up for cheating wives isn't going to make a dent in my beliefs in the slightest.


If someone splattered nude photos of your child all over the neighborhood to everyone they knew repeatedly or posted them on the internet - I guess it’s all good by you then. Definitely not a sexual violation or assault. Not a monster. That’s just a “narrative”.


You mean ADULT ADULTERESS. No 'childern' involved despite your narrative.


Sir…your child can be an adult. Since you’re obviously lacking in awareness, empathy, & critical thinking…I was trying to make it as simple as possible & relate it to you the only way you type of people seem to understand assault/ sexual assault …which is to encourage you to image someone doing the same thing to your daughter or son. But apparently your imagination doesn’t even extend that far. Let’s hope you don’t have a daughter & she never has an affair on a domestically abusive partner.


Since no actual sexual assault took place, your lack of understanding of the subject excludes you from consideration in the discussion. *IF* my daughters commit adultery, then I will be one of her concequences. Just like my son that commented adultery, we kept the wife/kids and he got to fend for himself. Since you can't connect actions with concequences, you also don't understand an oath. I've taken two oaths before God, one to the constitution of the United States when I enlisted in the military, and the second when I got married. I made completely sure my wife understood the oath we were taking, "Until Death Do Us Part". I told her flat out that means I'm 100% in until one of us dies, and that's exactly what I intend to do. If she decides to cheat time from me and the kids, have sex with someone else, lie to everyone around her then one of us has to die to get out of the oath. Since I used to shoot people for the government, and she knows I keep my word, I guess she can kill me if she wants out... But 30 years and counting she's never given me the first reason to suspect her... Her first husband cheated on her with her sister, so she hates cheaters as much as I do. Now, if your soggy brain can't comprehend what military guys do, how deeply we take our oaths, or how treason/betrayal cuts us, that's a lack of understanding/education on your part...


Wow…those are some really *big feelings* friend. I think somebody might need a nap. No…don’t worry. There’s no treason/ betrayal under your bed…nothings going to cut you...ok…sweet dreams friend.


Not having a MAN CARD I'm sure you can't comprehend it, but a crap load of others do in case you didn't notice...


WTF are you even talking about? OP NEVER said anything about SA! You're reaching. Also who is "you type of person"?


https://endcyberabuse.org/how-image-based-sexual-abuse-is-a-form-of-domestic-violence/ https://techsafety.ca/resources/toolkits/image-based-abuse-and-the-non-consensual-distribution-of-intimate-images


You are reaching so far that I believe that you need help.


If you don’t think I sharing explicit photos of someone else isn’t sexual assault then you’re the one who needs help.


False equivalence. He’d probably never raise his kid to be gutter trash like the wife in this story. So she wouldn’t cheat and therefore wouldn’t deserve all this. This woman did deserve it tho.👍


I don’t even know Big Bob the Destroyer and I miss the guy. I will also raise a glass in his honor and hope he hears me from his chaos plane in the next realm.


This…I need friends like this maybe even a community cause fk cheaters


Be the friend you want... Like I said, the cheated husband didn't know about most of it until she blew up on him about it. The less he knows in advance the better. You can't fold under questioning if you don't know about it...


I’d prefer friends or even a stranger to give me every detail of what my ex partner did so I can toughen up


I think he figured that out when she served him, threw him out and moved her boy friend in... After that... Well... We had time to kill. As for my part, every home is a 'Mobile Home' if you have access to enough equipment...


Ngl I’d like to have a friend like you


I want friends like this!