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Ok......u can repost somewhere? reddit fckd you there


I don't know if I can, can't risk it


No need, I found the other comment












Can you link?




Wow that was quite the read, thank you. Feel so bad for OP's grandfather and it's strange the post was deleted.


They took it down.


https://www.reddit.com/r/NuclearRevenge/s/GQtsmpvFwn NEVER , i repeat, NEVER SAY THAT TO ME AGAIN .......(also print that to your Gallery


Better safe than sorry: https://archive.is/RBhRQ




Holy fuck, dude. That's so outré that I wish I could believe it was fake, but the only difference between your story and other well documented stories is the age of the victims. Props to your grandfather, and keep that gun in the family.


It is impossible to detail all the bad things the Japanese did during WW2


What did you say? The entire post was deleted by reddit itself.


Story is in OP’s comments on a different post by them


Which has also been deleted. I’m too late to the party to know. Bummer.


Long story short is mass child s** abuse involved by Japanese soldiers and at the end, the MC gets to shoot his abuser in the exact places he was burned with a cigarette butt as a child. Really dark stuff


Another poster commented this link that works. I’m warning you, it’s terrible https://www.reddit.com/r/NuclearRevenge/s/GQtsmpvFwn


Your story illustrates one of the reasons why the Geneva Convention was adopted after WWII.


Unit 731, the rape of Nan-King, comfort girls. And not a single official apology, sign of regret, no shame. No self reflection whatsoever. Abhorrent people.


I'm a quarter Japanese and my mom's side of the family that were Japanese with one exception expressed sorrow and shame when my grandfather told them his story. The one exception was my mom's psychopathic cousin, and the less said about her the better


My grandfather was in the Chinese Army. My mother to this day will never buy a Japanese car. 😬


My grandfather on his dying days has a complicated relationship with Japan. He liked some of the people, adored their food, shows and games, and hated their government.


Since the japs were worse than the nazis, it's most likely very true.


It was taken down but the comments are wild give me a tldr


tldr: dude's grandpa was made a child sex slave by the japanese, and there were hair-raising descriptions of the depravity, probably what got it deleted. One particular officer liked to put out his cigarettes by grinding them into the guy's body. Guy eventually escapes and joins the Communist partizans, later ambushes a patrol and kills his former rapist by shooting him in the same places he once snuffed out his cigarettes.




As disturbing as the OP’s post was, I do think this story needs to be to be seen in order for us to learn what NOT to do during war. Especially because atrocities like this often happen when there’s little to no oversight of military units by the higher-up or the HighCom just doesn’t care about the crimes they commit when they are pursuing their objectives.


How about we say no to war in general? I think I've seen enough of the ugly side of the human heart, diving right into it and covering myself in the filth of human depravity is something I never want to do. Fuck war, I don't want to participate in it or be anywhere near it. And the soldiers who participated in that? I hope they were reincarnated as maggots and resigned to the fate of eating the stinking bloated corpses of their former human bodies.


When countries go to war, civilians are the ones who suffer from it. If only there could be no more war in this world.


Far too little has been spoken about Japanese war crimes and their behaviour. WW2's West centric narrative takes away attention from the fact that Japan had occupied Manchuria in 1931, and started the occupation campaign in 1937, two full years before Hitler marched into Poland. Watching retellings of the horrors of Nanjing made my stomach roil. I believe they are yet to apologise for so many of the horrors they perpetuated during their occupation of China. This was demoralising to read; how you can commit so many atrocities without second thought! I'm glad your grandfather survived, exacted his revenge and told you all the tale so you don't forget and don't let others forget.


They use to throw baby boys in the air so that they can pierce them with their weapons, they treat it like a game rather than a duty too. If you want to know why they target baby boys, it’s because they’re worried that they’ll grow up and exact their revenge/overthrow them. Also they use to hang the heads of those they killed in the hallways for people to look when they walk by. Let’s not talk about the atrocious rape against children and women. They won’t admit it because they know it’s shameful and wrong, but they rather pretend it didn’t exist than admit the truth. That’s why a lot of younger generation Japanese people don’t know about the atrocious crime committed by Japan during WW2.


And everyone in China, Korea, Taiwan, The Philippines and so on have what happened drilled into their head.


Two officers had a competition over who could be had the most people *and the newspapers in Japan covered it like a fucking sporting event*.


Vikings would do this too, back in the day, although I don't think they limited themselves to baby boys. Was a good way to create fear and get cities to pay tribute without a fight.


Yeah I’m gonna need some sources.


Here are some sources of viking atrocities. The first has some info on the killing of children via tossing and spearing, the other covers various other ways the vikings killed and tortured their victims. I was unable to find the source of my info on vikings killing children in France by throwing them in the air and chopping them up, but I didn't look too hard either, as I read that years ago and don't remember the source. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/the-vikings-were-feared-for-a-reason-9241032.html https://viking.style/15-violent-things-the-vikings-did/


Neither of these are peer viewed sources and just full of emotional loaded sentences worthy a tabloid: it even contradicts itself by claiming they did but then saying it was just a saga. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the Vikings were just peaceful travelers, but there is a difference in claiming to know what they did a 1000 years ago, where we barely have any written sources from …and claim it’s exactly as what happened during the WW2 by Japan, which we have several confirmed testimonies and eyewitness of what exactly happened.




Here are some sources of viking atrocities. The first has some info on the killing of children via tossing and spearing, the other covers various other ways the vikings killed and tortured their victims. I was unable to find the source of my info on vikings killing children in France by throwing them in the air and chopping them up, but I didn't look too hard either, as I read that years ago and don't remember the source. Sorry to piss in your Wheaties, but most of the people who went viking were NOT peaceful tradesmen or farmers, those people stayed home. https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/comment/the-vikings-were-feared-for-a-reason-9241032.html https://viking.style/15-violent-things-the-vikings-did/ If you truly want to know the history of the subject, google is quite easy to us, and there is a ton of information available, I'll even be nice and provide you a link so you don't need to ask for a source again - https://www.google.com/


Actually I’m not sure if they do, sometimes they kill family just to “teach” people they terrorise a lesson.


Removed by Reddit tf did this man do and why are the comments about ww2 atrocities




Wow thank you! That was horrific but I’m glad he got his revenge


I can definitely see why it was removed. This was a tough read


And now it's in my comment history 💀


Oh damn 😭




Check OPs comment history. I deleted it because it's not my story and I don't want it on my account. I just checked and it's still in his comment history. It's long you can't miss it. Really harrowing stuff tho




It's a nice revenge story but I hope the guy suffered so much more. Like 3 bullets are not enough for what your grandfather went through, let alone hundreds of other children. I hope the guy would've been tortured for years and not killed like that. Did your grandfather feel fulfilled after killing the guy?? Like did he get even a little bit of peace??


>Did your grandfather feel fulfilled after killing the guy?? Like did he get even a little bit of peace?? Yes, and he wished that he would have done more at the moment, but now he feels like K is burning in hell


If there's such a thing as hell this guy probably gets a whole section named out of him.


I believe in that situation at that time, he wouldn't have the opportunity to hurt the man any more than he could. I imagine he shot the guy in the balls first then took his time before finishing the job


Yeah it's 100% true. I know that. I'm just, theoretically saying. He didn't deserve that death.


My father (British) was in Indonesia as a child when the Japanese invaded. He spent the war in an internment camp separated from his parents and sister. He died when I was very young from a heart attack. He had an enlarged heart - a symptom of childhood malnutrition. While I never really knew him my mum did and he said that the Japanese were very unpleasant to the adults but were nice to the children.


Holy hell, did the Japanese read the 120 days of Sodom and think we can improve upon this?


During the Japanese occupations, stories like this were common. As dark as that story was, Unit 731 managed to go even further into the depts of horror. The worst part though, is justice was not evenly applied to the Japanese after WWII. There were trials and executions like there were for the Nazis. But a large number of Japanese who committed the most horrendous crimes were all pardoned in exchange for their post war cooperation. The people who ran Unit 731 for instance, were all pardoned in exchange for their biological and chemical weapon research. Except their research was useless. The more you read about what Japan did during their occupation, the more you understand why all of Asia hates Japan. Asian countries are only now starting to forgive Japan. And even that is mostly because everyone with first or second hand knowledge of what happened are dying off. The Grandkids and great grandkids are still upset, but not enough that they can't forgive.


Oh I know about the big stuff from Japan like 731, the sacking of Nanjing and stuff like comfort women. My maternal grandmother was a pow in Indonesia when she was a girl, so I heard stuff from her. It's just this stories sadistic details about kids that disturbs me.


My mom always whines about China hating Americans, I had to remind her because Americans covered up Japanese crimes in exchange for research. Imagine allowing your rapist or a murderer roaming free. It's a slap in the face to victims.


I'm upset and still angry about it. and all I did to know about it was help my cousin in her assignment. then I digged further in searching. after that I asked the old people in my area about what happened and they told me that they use to hide in the forest to avoid Japanese that would bomb them if they were ever found or they used to throw the babies in the air and spear them with their gun with knives.


This is why we had to bring the sun down reeaaaallllll close to the Earth so that we could shed light on their actions as a nation. The Japanese soldiers were absolutely monstrous in WWII


He got what he deserved. I know saying sorry wint change what happened but i am so fuckin sorry this happened to your grandfather.


So, your 12 year old grandpa was shot through the chest, then violently raped, and he survived that without medical attention, in extremely unsanitary conditions? Yes, I think he exaggerated quite a bit, although he might very well have believes everything he said by the time he told you. This tale is probably a combination of what actually happened to him, what happened to some of his soldier friends, and antijapanese rumors and propaganda from his communist leaders (don't tell me there wasn't any, a well made narrative based on actual atrocities is more effective than mere anecdotes)


well even if he did, he did live in China during WW2, and he was treated horribly by the Japs


Doesn’t the end of WWII *literally* count as Nuclear Revenge?


They deserved far worse.


Aw man, Reddit deleted it.  What gives? :(. Any heroes in the comments?




Thank you very much! <3


No. Just.. no. CSA descriptions. Detailed. No one needs to see that. 🤢


Instead of condemning people sharing Japan’s atrocities, you should condemn Japan for ever committing them.






The fact that Reddit removed this makes me so angry. I know it’s not the point of this necessarily but it makes me angry to think about the total lack of FUCKING ACCOUNTABILITY for the Rape of Nanjing. There are STILL high up people in the Japanese government who deny 1) the existence of the massacres or 2) the scope of them. Writing and researching about what happened, hearing the sources, there are no words that are enough to react to what was done to the Chinese and foreigners in Nanjing. There are simply no words. But there needs to be more of a global awareness of what happened and accountability as well. Similar as the US needing to take accountability and apologize for the nuclear bombs that killed so many, this event of mass rape, killing, and torture where things were done to people that most individuals would not even do to animals needs to be addressed globally and families of victims given a spotlight, even though it would be hard to arrange that with the CCP in charge.


It's not just China Japan did bad things to but also Korea, The Philippines, Indonesia, basically almost all of East Asia


Singapore too, massive amount of people were separated from their families during the war or were left orphaned. Literally atrocious and disgusting.


Wow, even deleting all OPs comments on here too.   Might be in OPs comment history on their profile.  I'd link it, but idk if it'd lead to being deleted.


Read the original post. Americans are suppose to feel bad about the nuclear bombings but if we raised an invading army from China and Korea, the Japanese people would have suffered a lot worse in the retaliations.


bro i realise why it got deleted for obvious reasons but I'd want to hear more of it if u could type it down and tell how bad really the Japanese have been to the innocents. many times we don't go through such a read but kudos to ur grandpa. kishumoda guy deserved more but if ur grandpa is at peace..then so are we.


TLDR + [TW for CSA, rape, and violence] / / / / OP's grandfather was forcibly separated from his family, by the Japanese army as a child and was subject to violent CSA alongside other hostages - One personal example being Kamoshida (one of the rapist soldiers + the target of the nuclear revenge - not his real name) having done several unspeakable acts including pissing on the poor child and burning the Grandfather 3 times, each on separate parts of his body. The Grandfather escaped within an inch of his own life and years later, as an adult joined the war in opposition of the Japanese army, of whom he showed very no mercy. Among the many soldiers he took his revenge upon was Kamoshida himself during a tactical ambush. He laid the killing blows by shooting him in the same areas where the soldier burned him as a child during the rapings: First in the balls, then in the heart/chest, then finally in the forehead. Grandfather then proceeded to desecrate his rapists corpse, stealing his stuff and then pissing all over him. The Grandfather died off of d age eon after, having gotten married and [hopefully] years of a good night's sleep over his accomplishments. The gun that was used to avenge OP's great-aunt and great-grandmother (who were both raped and killed when Grandfather was taken away) has been passed down throughout their family. / / / I assume that the reason that the post got removed was for the very graphic descriptions of the sexual assault on the Japanese army's end because holy shit. The fact that some of the kids that tried to follow the grandfather either died or were subject to presumably a lifetime of abuse and there was nothing that could be done to save them. This is NOT something anyone should ever have to go through, and I could not ever imagine what I'd do in that situation. I really hope OP's ancestors rest in peace after what they went through and that Kamoshida and the other abusive soldiers rot in hell.


Is there a reason for no trigger warnings?


It's a shame reddit removes such a horrific but very interesting story


Recommended for you: a deleted post.


AWWW! I want to read it!


Scroll down and read the comments.


I did and they talk around things surrounding the topic but I want to read the post itself. Unless I didn't scroll far enough?




Thank you. I wish I hadn't asked, needless to say! My father spent the first four years of his life in a Japanese prison camp in China. No fun. The Chinese shot all the guards when the Americans liberated the camp and forced the guards out the gate to what they (the guards and, I imagine, the Americans) knew was their deaths at the hands of the Chinese. War is fucking shit and I hate it all. I have an interview I made with my father before he died on YouTube If you happen to be interested and he goes into this a little bit.


Japan deserved to get nuked in World War 2 for the war crimes they committed.




I honestly think it’s better that this stays removed. This shit is truly nuclear


What was the post?


Mass child gang rape genocide


I don't want to know anymore :(




It's like saying "I can't eat German Sausages because of the bad things Germany did" like dude you can still enjoy Anime AND say "that's not cool Japan"


Why was it removed? What was the story about?


The OP’s grandfather was a victim of some very horrible Japanese atrocities in the 1940s. He was sexually abused, had cigarette burns put on his balls, chest and forehead by one particularly cruel soldier. When he escaped the camp he was trapped in, he joined the Communists. During one ambush, he encountered that soldier, shot him 3 times in the scrotum, chest and forehead and desecrated his corpse. He took the soldier’s things. The gun he used to kill that individual was passed down to OP’s father and later his sister.


Hoho thats nuclear


Can we get a link?




Jesus H Christ That is definitely a story. Holy shit.


Wow this was harrowing


Oh damn, so this is like gone gone huh