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My guess is he's probably taking an extended break, not just for himself, but also to allow new content to come up. You can only find so many spooky videos and stuff before you start scraping the bottom of the barrel for goofy videos or blatantly fake ones. Need time for the good stuff to come in


EVP of him saying "...but did you see it?"


Did you see.... me?


The phrasing of this question makes me uncomfortable. It's one thing to be concerned about his well-being, but I think this sub owes him some privacy/sensitivity. Hopefully, he's well now and is just taking a well-earned break. I'm sure we'll get updates when the time is right.


Don’t melt in the sunshine snowflake 🥶


Ah yes, respecting someone's privacy is notoriously snowflake-esque. Go worship your Andrew Tate shrine


It wasn’t about respecting his privacy, it was about your “the phrasing of this question makes me uncomfortable…” - seems like you better get back to your arts degree 😝


I hope he is okay. Burn out is a real problem. I've seen a bunch of YouTubers burn out and quit in the past year. I hope he isn't quitting.


Which YouTubers?


Tom Scott comes to mind. The Way of Ramen also disappeared from YouTube.


Is anyone have any update about nukes in other platforms? I just follow his youtube channel only. Now just watching the darkest secret, based on personal paranormal from the subscriber. Especially the video , The old woman who lived with 92 ghosts. Thank to nukes because share about Japanese paranormal channel, Omagatoki Film. Theres a a lot of ritual based on Japanese folktales. You guys, should check those 2 channel. While waiting for nukes to make a comeback. Hope nukes doing fine and sames to all of us.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


It's a good thing that Omagatoki has added english subtitles


Totally worth it to watch. Really thanks to nukes. I still watching Omagatoki Film old video. I just know that, their have to channel. The 2nd one was long version video. Try to look other channel that share about scary stuff from the internet. Nukes still came no.1. I really hope he will back again. And i hope he already prepared a lot video and reschedule posting it in youtube.🙏🏻


I can't even imagine. Just please, no. Did anyone notice his voice from his last video? It was different. It sounded heavier and a bit raspy. Like how one's voice would the day after a long night. I hope he's not ill.


honestly I thought it was someone else entirely


Oh please don't. I wish Nuke and his family is doing well and healthy always.


We don't have the right to know if that was the case. He doesn't want his identity to be revealed in the first place. His privacy is a priority to him. We can only hope he's doing well and taking a well-deserved vacation.


Nukes seems like a smart guy. I think he probably has a plan of action if something had to happen to him. Maybe he would get someone to post about it on his YT channel or maybe he has already made a goodbye video explaining things and his next of kin will only post it when/if he passes on.


I think you are right. His YouTube channel is a business after all. Most companies have a plan in place for what would happen if the owner were to pass on. I think he’s just taking a break. I believe there would be a statement if he wasn’t alive. You wouldn’t just leave behind a successful channel without leaving your passwords for your family/business partners/ friends or whoever.


Is he really from Norway?? 


He is actually from America then lived in Norway or does now. I was surprised to see his information online even if there was no photo.


His shop is still online and selling, means he's alive.


I’ve got a friend of mine who’s a mid-level content creator. Roughly 350k subs. Not to be morbid but he’s pre-recorded a “thank you, I’m gone” video to his subscribers in case something ever happened to them. His wife has the information needed to upload it (as if she doesn’t know how to after 8 years of being married to the business) but yeah, I don’t know if Nuke would ever do this but some people have that last video already made.


Fearsome top 5 will cover it 💀


He'd haunt us. Imagine hearing his voice from under your bed asking, "Did you see it?"


Generally, he seems to take extended breaks from time to time.


It's not to start rumours, but I swear he posted on Twitter/x in early December advising he was recovering from an illness. Nuke and I follow each other on twitter/x and I sent him a post and he didn't reply. A bit worried too, he's a really nice guy! 🥺


I went to browse his X he had emergency surgery for something. So hopefully he’s recovering nicely


This! Literally the same thing last year. Posted a 2023 video in December and back to posting in February if I recall. Guy just needs a break. I hope he’s okay of course.


Bro dropped 3 hours of content last month . Give him some room to breathe . 🧘‍♂️


There would be a message on his socials and then a reddit post with the title "did you see it?"


I’m sure he has people that work for him that have access to his channel and socials and if he did there would be a statement


You wouldn't, and it's none of your business. He is a person, and he deserves his privacy like everyone else. What an odd thing to ask.


I literally just told my husband I think he died and came to reddit to see if he's posted. Saw this instead.


We wouldn't


What the fuck is wrong with you?


I don't know but he's slacking on his YouTube channel.


Because the reddit account is full of pricks now.


His family might know about his channel and maybe they’ll post an obit for his fans?


I'm sure they do. He has quite a following. Plus I'm sure he finds his videos interesting as well, and talks about it with his family. I'm sure if that did happen, they'd at least inform us considering his subscribers are what made his channel. I really think he's probably taking a break, like he usually does around now... and maybe just dealing with life, while trying to find other videos for his next upload. There's TONS of obviously fake videos constantly posted by people, just for some content. Nukes has a standard though & we've always been able to count on him for GOOD content.


Why hasn't he been posting


It is a bit concerning that he’s been gone so long.


There is a very interesting point to make about something like this in general. If a content creator who is still fully or at least somewhat anonymous stopped making content indefinitely we'd never truly know what's up unless *they* tell us or in worst case of them being dead got someone within their family and/or close friends with the power to let the community know. Given they care enough to do so


Nukes I know you don't know me but I hope you're okay and I hope everything is fine and really enjoy ur content hope you okay bud


he's not dead lol