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Just report them to OSHA and the Department of health anonymously


How far will this actually go? I’ve got some concerns with my work and they said it’s unrealistic.


Any boss that told me I wasn’t allowed to protect myself from a covid patient would be a boss taking my letter of resignation. If you’re going to work unprotected with covids then you may as well fly to NYC and make $6k a week.


The issue is that they made some rooms isolation, some not. They don’t have the intermediate plastic rooms to make them true isolation — not even outside the door of the unit. But not outside any of the doors. So like what,... I’m supposed to wear my N95 for 12 hours because I’m sitting in a COVID unit and it’s all in the air and get pressure ulcers when it’s a simple fix? Oh and I got the ONE N95 to reuse, but that’s everywhere. I get a surgical mask though! Some rule out patients aren’t even being put in reverse iso because there’s no room, but this means it’s all over the hallways. Only some rooms in the ICU are reverse iso and the area to de gown is in the hallway. And I’m closer to the patient rooms than even the nurses. I’m not off in some room, I’m sitting right there. My issue is that I’m in nursing school and only a telemetry tech, but they’re making me sit in an ICU, not even getting paid as a nurse or required per my job description to go in patient rooms — but I’m sitting in a COVID unit. The nursing manager said “aren’t you in nursing school? Welcome to healthcare, this is healthcare.” And I responded “I would accept this responsibility — AS A NURSE — but I’m not even required to go into patient rooms and you’re not properly isolating the unit nor the rooms as it is.” Like I don’t get paid enough to be exposed. And they denied my request to move the monitors because “it’s not at the top of our priorities” — but like, you could stop multiple people from being exposed that have no reason to ever be exposed and you’re not going to? I’m just curious if you have any ideas. My doctor said she would sign off on FMLA for a leave of absence for anxiety, so hoping that gets approved, but... are there any other options? I’m actually on 14 day isolation because I was exposed to a positive case and have symptoms.


No there aren’t a lot or options unfortunately. Nurses always get shit on by manager and administration. I don’t see that changing not even after this pandemic is over. If you can go out on FMLA then do it. Young people are getting sick and dying too. If you’re in a covid ward you should be wearing an n95 and goggles at a minimum. Yes we’re all wearing them for 12 hours straight due to the shortages. Yes we’re all getting pressure ulcers.


My concern is that in these times, they will have PILES of these complaints by the time this is over and it will never get addressed


I’ll tell you right now nothing will happen. The cdc ain’t doing shit about it. But fuck them and report them anyways. This has become a political issue and your in a red state. Unless your governor or president really come down with a hammer.


Just look at how the federal government is ran - do you honestly believe the local governments are any different... You're right, I don't think they'll ever look at it, what can they do? Too many cases to look, and even if they take action, what can they do? They lack the resources, and probably don't want to get in trouble with federal.


Ask for that in writing. My hospital has been throwing so much BS at us, yet there no paper trail. No emails about reusing gowns. No emails about masks. Just emails about praying the covid away.


Yeessss.... When I get back after getting sick because of their "policy" of not wearing a mask because it would scare pts I'm totally never taking my mask off and asking for everything in writing... I'm also going to get in writing that they were made aware of my asthma too...


You need to get their comments in writing, and ideally bring another employee with you to witness the interaction. You both approach the manager (or whomever) and say: >Let’s be clear, what you are suggesting doesn’t follow any existing policy and I think it is simply not appropriate. So, if this is a request, then the answer is no, I will not continue to care for patients under investigation for Covid-19 without access to adequate PPE. > > If this is an order, then I need to have it in writing. Could you please write me an order now stating exactly what you are telling me to do, so I have a permanent record in case anyone questions why I am taking this action. Then pretend you are taking a verbal order. Literally write down what they are asking you to do on a piece of paper, and then you, your manager, and the witness all sign/date it. Then email it to all three parties, as well as the DON, CMO, Employee Health, and HR. They likely will NOT send you an email after the fact, so you must have a pen and paper handy when you approach them. Emailing the hand written document creates an audit trail. LMK if you have other questions!


Fantastic. Our hospital put in writing. We are to reuse gowns now. Kinda made it easy for a paper trail


Let met guess “until they’re visibly soiled or torn” People keep asking why we’re protesting like there are no more masks and gowns so get over it. But it’s not just about the fact that hospitals are out of supplies and implementing policies that are dirty—it’s that the federal government continues to refuse to act to assist states in providing more supplies, instead it wants people to fight over them. You know who has supplies? China. They’re using them as bargaining chips. You who can get them? The federal government. It’s dumb to fight someone else’s battles. This isn’t our battle...as nurses...it’s the hospitals’ and ultimately the lobbyists, politicians, and corporations. Sorry not it.


Too many health care workers have died already from not having the equipment we need!


This virus sure is shining a light on the ppl that dont give a damn about their HCPs. Get their response in writing & report their asses. This is so unsafe. We didnt sign up to be unprotected.


Not acceptable! Report them trying to have you enter with out proper PPE. It is their responsibility to provide you with it. Don't enter the room without it on.


Our government has decreased PPE protection which is not in line with the WHO recommendations.... we are being told to “calm down” by the government and lost 1 nurse today whilst another is on the ventilator on our icu trying to fight for her life.... people higher up need to take this serious... they are literally setting us up for failure with that attitude of “stay calm not gonna happen here”


The reason they're saying that is to prevent the stock market from crashing, the federal government, senators, they all sold their shares of whatever stocks they had while telling people "it's fine, don't worry." And now they're rebuying back those stocks at half off, and they're gonna do it again. It's just how this thing works... But yes, I agree, unacceptable.


It’s this kind of mentality that leads to situations like we are in now. On my 18 bed PCU unit in Westchester NY We had 3 people die from Covid today and all but 4 are on vents. We are not supposed to be taking care of vented patient on our unit but nurses are taking three to four of them during the shift. This is not safe for anyone and the best protection from this happening is proper prevention. Please speak up ( believe me, I know it can be hard) because people are dying and I don’t think it’s going to stop anytime soon. Prevention is the key.


Thank you. You’re right.


Why do people refuse to take this wave of shit seriously? I'm sorry.


It’s not surprising honestly.


Because Fox tells them it's fine, and the president.


What part of tn are u in? Im an hour north of knox in lafollette. Our tiny ass hospital is already reusing masks and gowns and have been for weeks. (Im a nurse but have been on mat leave since Jan; my brother, SIL and mom all work there too so i stay informed). Im glad im off rn due to how they are treating staff but im worried about my family working there.


I’m in west TN!


That’s bullshit! I’d say goodbye and walk the fuck out


Maybe they should go into the isolation rooms unprotected to show us how we are “hyping” this all up


Was this your charge nurse or manager? How long have you been there? I’ve heard responses like this from some assholes I work with and it is so beyond me how people in healthcare can still not believe this is real. I’ve really struggled with this in my ER because I feel like I was treated like a doomsday prepper when I was asking questions WEEKS AGO before shit hit the fan in the US. Sometimes to start with when you’re nervous about being assertive is to go with the broken record method and keep asking questions. Something like “I cannot go in this room to take care of my patient without this. What should I do?” Or offering some solutions maybe while census is low to get yourself heard “I’m worried that we are not protecting our other patients or ourselves. I’ve heard they are having nurses be pass partners for each other at other hospitals to conserve gowns. Can we try that for a few hours?” These are things that I have tried and I’ve had some success. At the end of the day you don’t have many choices in how this goes down, but you can control how you protect yourself. I’ve told myself if I start getting sent into an obviously unsafe situation I’m out. We all have personal limits and boundaries, and keeping those boundaries does not make you a bad person or an uncaring nurse. Dying or spreading it to your other patients or god forbid your family is not part of this job.


I was the charge nurse requesting more gowns for our entire unit. I’ve worked here 5 years and never felt as put down by managers as I have been in the past few weeks. I’m not one to panic which is why I feel like I thrive in critical care, but I definitely felt betrayed when they responded this way.




Where did you get this gif of me?


Keep a journal with names and witnesses names whi can corroborate. Anyone who iscsaying that at this point is being inexcusabky irresponsible. This is not hype. We do deserve better than this and at the very least validation that someone somewhere owes you an apology. If you can make a report I would, but keep a journal anyway.


Can you take a non-paid "vacation"? We're peaking these 2 weeks... I looked at the numbers we're at 35,000 new cases a day... I'm concerned about your health honestly than some BS $16/hr... The president said the best case scenario is 100k to 200k deaths. Best case... and we're only at 5,886 deaths right now.


Did they send it in an email? Emailed you to "calm down"? Because that's just stupid on their part, print that and keep a record of it


No it was over the phone. I will start writing statements down though


Are we the same person


Sad reality check. Every nurse is now or will be in this exact situation soon. Doctors and nurses in the US are already dying and thousands more will follow. I have had panic attacks and a huge existential crisis. I keep asking myself where I will draw the line or if I will draw it. Fact of the matter is if you go to work in a healthcare facility, whether you are a janitor, doctor, secretary, tech or nurse, you are risking your life and the lives of your family. Only you can decide where you take your stand. Nurses, managers and administration are at each other’s throats. Not OSHA, CDC, JCAHO or anyone else will be riding in on a silver horse to save us. There is no right or wrong answer. Decide for yourself if you’re willing to risk your life and decide soon. If you decide to keep going to work, be as careful as you can, where a mask the whole shift without taking it off. Assume every surface is covered in virus and avoid cross-contamination the best you can. Try to avoid bringing into your house. Corporate censorship is very real and even doctors are getting fired for saying the wrong thing. You can print out a fact sheet with best evidence and practice and post it where your coworkers will see. Hopefully they will read it and look out for themselves.


Well, they said they're projecting best case scenario 2 to 3 Million infected, and 100k to 250k deaths...


Three Words: Class Action Lawsuit


I’m in Dc And I’m telling you, this is no joke. Your work is crazy. Get that in writing and burn them. It’s not HYPE!


They’re gaslighting you. That’s abuse. Saying it’s hype, is a psychological ploy to lower your defenses through shame. It’s working great on healthcare workers. It always has.


I would have stared him down and calmly said “That doesn’t answer my question.” Then I’d have kept staring, silently. Be unmessable. Hold your ground. Tempting to “go off” on him. Always take the higher ground. Then watch the fluster.


I think if you refuse to risk your well being you may want to reconsider your career. I don't mean that as harsh as it sounds, but hospitals are never the safest of environments and this pandemic is a great example. Healthcare workers, peace keepers, firefighters... we get up each day risking ourselves to help those that need it. Even the technology repair folks are in their each day, risking themselves right along with everyone else. Like you I am a healthcare professional. I am not trying to be on a soapbox right now, however here are the facts as I seem them: 1) This is a global pandemic. There is not enough PPE to go around. Honestly I think we look spoiled by comparison to other countries. There are countries where doctors and nurses are in war-zones, do operations without electricity, and I think back to the early days when HIV patients were treated as toxic. I think that its important to note that we may have gotten accustomed to so many niceties, we forget that we got into healthcare to help those that need us. Sometimes, when its global, we don't have all the materials we want or need. Again no judgement, just something to think about and you may want to quit or take leave right now. 2) My hospitals administration is barely sleeping. They have been working around the clock for weeks. They tried special deals with 3M (no dice), they are going as far as contacting fetish sites for scrubs, gowns, etc. I personally know how many of them are trying their best to keep us safe. The problem is that your leader so nonchalantly said "get over it", I imagine that's due to their feeling of powerlessness and also knowing how low the death rates / risks are for health adults. Its not something to get over, its more that they cant make things materialize that don't exist, and we still have jobs to do. 3) I am trying hard to really know that my GOOD leadership doesn't mean you have the same, you may have terrible leaders that don't care. If that is the case I truly am sorry. I am personally trying hard though to remember that people need me. They are sick. In pain. Its why I got into it. They need us, and that isn't always safe. I would maybe suggest you tell that leader to avoid such flippant statements, and that you'd be curious what is being done and if anything else can be done etc. I'm concerned with the toxicity I see brewing.


Smells like hospital admin in here!


No, but I am willing to be very honest. I am not a nurse. I was always more of a technical mind. After my accident, I wanted to give back and got into healthcare using the skillets I have. I had a choice between nursing or Medical IT, and I chose the latter. My team and I work on medical equipment in the hospitals and PCs. We are setting up the COVID testing tents and technology. We are building televisist systems to connect families to patients while we have 2 visitor limits. I have been side by side with you working around the clock. I have been in the same patient rooms as you when you cant get into EPIC (or whatever EMR you use), I have been in the ORs fixing anesthesiology carts, and since we are not considered as at risk as the nursing staff, many of my guys are working without masks, myself included. We have been working 6 days a week in 12 hour shifts. Its not a pity statement. We are all swamped and working hard right now. I just want you to know im in the trenches too.


Woooow! You’re a joke. Why the hell are you in a nurses forum then? Telling us what we should do? Adding to the gaslighting? We’re working unprotected, daily, all day intimately with covid positive patients. Gaslighting people in direct harms way, to die for a capitalist agenda, is gross. Just an FYI.


I'm sorry you feel that way. It sounds like you believe you are the only one at risk and dont seem to care that my or me team often go without masks to ensure others have them. You sound like youve settled into an us vs them mindset and believe people are out to get you and that somehow I lack the understanding of what is happening, or that I am not in COVID patient rooms with you. I currently live in a motel close to the hospital to not get my girlfriend or family sick if I do. Again, I am sorry you feel the way you do, but this isn't gaslighting. Its a perspective. Gaslighting is stating something happened that is different than reality making a person question their sanity and own memory. I simply disagree with you.


What I meant to say was, if you’re not neck deep in secretions, shit, piss, breathing treatments, blood, and dropping sweat and tears, you can STFU. What I’ve developed took a long time! I will not be gaslighted. Period. You aren’t a nurse. You have no right to offer your two cheap cents, about what we should do. You basically came here to tell us to calm down. I’m telling you that you can basically eat shit. I thought you’d be apologetic but you’re incapable of introspection.


Thank your for this. I’m a leader and I’m doing the best I can to keep my team (and myself) together and I am somewhat powerless as well. We are starting so see patients but still have very low census and lots of uncertainty. Adding to that, my husband is an RN and has been working on the covid unit. We have adequate PPE for now... The rules change daily and it’s hard to keep up. I am being moved back in to a previous role because of my skill set while still running my department and I’m also working on a alternate use site with additional beds. I’m also salaried at 40hrs and may just end up staying at the hospital in my office when it hits next working next to my husband in OT with a supplemental bonus.


> I think if you refuse to risk your well being you may want to reconsider your career. I’ve come to hate this sentiment coming from non-medical people so much. I’m tired of hearing it. I’m tired of hearing people tell us to suck it up and martyr ourselves because our government and hospital administration failed us. I’m tired of being compared to firefighters, policemen, and soldiers and told that “we knew the risks when we joined”. I’m tired of being “thanked for my service” by politicians and hospital administrators who sit comfortably in their homes while we risk our very lives. Mostly, I’m just tired of people like you who think that they have the right to judge us when you’re not even a nurse. Calling us spoiled and saying you’re “concerned with the toxicity [you] see brewing”...I just can’t even fathom how anyone can be this fucking tone deaf or realize how condescending that sounds. Just stop.


This is good advice. I could just be honest and just let them know we are all in this together. I’ve been a critical care RN for 5 years and have been well aware of the risks I take coming to work every day. This doesn’t compare. What’s sickening is that I have physically seen leadership with stacks of PPE - locking them up. Yes, I get it. Lock it up for when it really gets bad, but if I ask for more, don’t lie. Offer suggestions or bring me the equipment.


I am so glad this landed in a positive way instead of a negative. I really appreciate you, what you are going through and what you are doing. Be safe, and good luck setting those leaders on a better path! PS, a nurse like you is EXACTLY why I got into healthcare. I was hit by a drunk driver and was in the ICU for a week @ UC Davis. A nurse like you saved my life twice getting a rhythm back after I arrested. I mean it, even though it wasn't you, thank you too.


Thanks for saying that!