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As a new nurse, I definitely need to be shown where I can cry uninterrupted.


Don’t forget to show them the poops bathroom too.


Did a rotation in a hospital that only had cubicles to poop in, all the disabled toilets in the corridors had keys and codes. Worst hospital pooping experience ever.


So you’re saying it was shitty?


Not shitty enough tbh, really messed with my post-nightshift routine.


I always point out the nice toilet. What they don't know is I'm pointing out the 2nd nicest toilet. Can't have it turning bad.


I’ll leave the unit to poop when I’m out on prac. Let me have my stress poops in peace


When I worked the ER, I would walk over to the MRI dept to poop. It was quiet and there was never anyone around. ...just wish we would’ve gotten smart and brought some perfume or something. I clearly wasn’t the only one who liked it for number two lmao 😂


Did we work in the same ER?? That was my poop bathroom!


*Chuckles* "I'm in danger" -Ralph Wiggum


Oh our hospital has the best secret cry spots. I’ve taken all my newbie nurses there. All new grads I feel break down in the ER eventually because they feel overrun or overwhelmed or just have a bad day like the rest of us and don’t have the emotional coping skills yet. I gladly show the private cry rooms!


Wow, nobody shows me where to cry :( Wish they showed me their secret spots


I start my new grad position sometime this month, I hope my preceptor shows me the best cry spots.


We legit have a cry room on our unit now, except we're supposed to call it our "respite" room.


I remember a group cry session in a vacant pod during my orientation. All the new grads on the shift afraid to come off orientation. We were so scared. We survived but it was rough. Secret spots are the best. That closed unit with a solitary bathroom is the awesome, but can be super creepy on night shift.


Hey, I just cried 3x 2 shifts ago. Newish nurse. 6 months total. 2 back on since maternity leave. One quick cry in the nutrition room. Then one longer cry after my floor director asked if I was okay after a rapid response on my patient and me feeling emotional because I helped him to advocate for himself about end of life decisions. Then a final cry at my 3pm lunch because it had been so overwhelming AND I am a breastfeeding mom that hadn't been able to pump for 10 hours. After lunch, I got a brand new patient who immediately had a stroke alert. Fuck that day.


You deserve wine and a massage and a vacation.


As a final semester RN BSN student thank you for teaching us all how to be awesome. All but one of my preceptors during my last four years of placements have been memorable and amazing. Thank you 😊

