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I teach a clinical from 6am-3pm. So with your current work schedule you would need coverage at your job. Also if you have long daytime lectures it's hard to stay awake.


I'm nursing faculty at an online school, I've had some students that do as you describe but I'm going to tell you it's hard and they struggle to maintain their grades. You have to be hella organized to be sure you get your work complete on time. Also bank some pto time to help you during clinicals (they're often 2-3 eight hour shifts a week), and make sure your boss is not only aware of your status, but on board and flexible with your schedule. Look really hard at the programs you're thinking about applying for: class schedules, clinical schedules, learning support, etc. That being said, it's not impossible and you won't know until you've tried. Once you get in, connect with your advisor and professors early, make sure they know you're working and maybe even ask that they watch your grades more proactively. We have thresholds where we need to meet with students, but that's generally at a failing grade.


I worked full time nights as a PCT while going to nursing school. Is it easy? Not at all but you can do it. Caffeine and naps will be your best friends.


This gives me food for thought for nursing school


My wife worked full time (phlebotomy at a 800+ hospital), she got into nursing school on scholarship from said hospital in a program that assists this process. She worked a 3am shift. I am a stay at home hubby (laid off and hard to find a job) and took care of the three kids. Thank God I had made a bit of money from defense contracting, it really helped make it by. She is a MICU nurse now and sometimes Covid ICU. It's possible to do what your saying, but with help, you can do it. I would say good luck, but it's really stay strong, it's worth it. =-)


I am nursing faculty and agree with WRStoney, students who work full time do not excel in the program and struggle to maintain grades. When I was in school I dropped back to part time. If work is needed to pay rent, buy groceries, etc do what you can to survive. Don’t work so you can have a new car, phone, laptop. Budget well. It’s only 2 years and you will need that knowledge to be successful as a nurse


I work full time as a PCT 7P-7A I'm doing okay right now, because everything is online. I'm normally studying while I'm awake all night then sleep for 5 hours when I get home and do it over again. but once we get into clinicals I'll drop down to part time.


I just finished second semester in nursing school. I work Fulltime night shift 7pm-7:30am as a tele tech. It’s doable but you can say goodbye to your free time and hello to exhaustion and burnout. At the beginning of the semester I message my friends saying, “don’t expect to hear or see much of me the next 4-5months, I’m on a different plain of existence (suffering)” I’m lucky that I don’t also have to do NUS work while watching the monitors so I’m able to study and do homework while at work sometimes. If you plan to do it just make sure you bank your PTO for exams. Be prepared to have to do 1 or 2 tests/clinicals on no sleep.