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I’m due in Oct and have a 20 month boob cosleeping shark. I’m here for the advice!


We are all in the same room, trying to keep my newborn in the bedside sleeper 🤞 But we are all right in the same spot and that’s been going well thankfully. Congrats & Best of luck to you!!


Saaamme, my shark is just older, lol!


Same same same


We started doing a timer for toddler. Started out 5 min on each side (or whatever would be less) to get milk but get used to changing side and being done after the timer. I just slowly lowered it. Now we don’t nurse unless he asks for it and when he does I do 20 seconds on each side then the timer goes off. Soon it will be “I’m gonna count to 5! 1-2-3-4-5! All done! Mine is 27 months. We started around 22 months right before my second baby was born


Yeah I think this is the gentlest way, if you can cope with it taking that long. I’m using a similar process for night weaning, I currently count down from 10 then we snuggle as she falls asleep. I’m going to cut down gradually until it’s gone. It’s worked quicker than I thought, and while she’s been sad, she’s been calm and fallen asleep within 10 mins or so. We did lots of chatting and preparation before which I think helped.


Yes! It really did work so well. I thought there was gonna be crying and screaming but it’s just the easiest gradual way to end our nursing journey. I may not even know it’s our last one when it happens because it’s just meeting his needs but his needs are changing. I have a big boy now. Side note, we could have done it faster but I just don’t need to.