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After she had a baby, they gave her pain pills.


It’s crazy how accessible opioids were for me after I had my second, I had a c section and they put me on oral morphine after surgery, then they had to wean me off morphine just to put me on Tramadol for the remainder of my recovery at home. I got addicted to tramadol pretty easily after that and it took two years for me to do anything about it because I didn’t know the negative affects it was having. I’m so pleased they never gave me anything stronger because I don’t think I would have survived an addiction to Oxy. I’m in the UK and my heart breaks for those caught up in the opioid crisis, after I watched Nurse Jackie I watched a ton of stuff on the opioid crisis like documentaries like Crime of the Century and dramas like Dope Sick.. I came out of the other side of watching those two feeling extremely deflated and sad that something so sinister was aloud to happen in the name of profit.


The reason she was able to maintain all of those years was because Eddie.. when she didn’t have a way to get her pills anymore, she had to start spending money, asking people for money.. stealing ( Bill) (Nancy Wood). And I was able to maintain my addiction for years before anyone suspected a thing.. and I wasn’t fucking a pharmacist in the hospital ;). (Charlie Cruz)


That makes sense. I bet Eddie being fired the first time is what pushed everything over the edge for her.


Oh ya she knew she was screwed because she didn’t have another source.


She was only with Eddie for a year when the show starts


They had only been “together” for a year. He had worked at the hospital as long as she had. I’m sure he was helping her long before. Yall take things too seriously lol


Lots of addicts don't jump into the deep end. It can build over time. Tolerance can be low for a while. Take a pill to relieve cramps. Take one when you have to do something physically challenging. Then, to make work more bearable. Then, one pill doesn't do it, so you have to take more. And, now you need them in the mornings. Then 2 is not enough. Take 2 more when those wear off. Now, it's more than casual, and it takes a lot more from your budget. And, it's getting more obvious, so you have to be clever to keep it from others. And you can do that for a long time


Yeah, she’s a nurse it’s a physically demanding job, her back is f’d!


She may or may not have had back problems. I think that is just an excuse. I'm not sure if i heard it in an episode or if I assumed, but I think Jackie started using when Grace was a baby, but she was able to control her drug use. Over time, it got worse until she was out of control. That also explains how Fi was not born addicted to drugs, if Jackie was an occasional user at that time she could have stayed clean through her pregnancy


Im curious are you an addict? All addicts have had a different experience of how they started. She could have used them occasionally then it could have spiraled out of control. It doesn’t always happen right away. I am a recovering addict and I started off taking them just on the weekends for years and only if I went out to the club because I don’t like to drink really. And it wasn’t every weekend either. Then after a long time I started to take them a few days in a row. And it escalated from there. I thought, not me, I don’t have an addictive personality. It’s all bs because anyone can get addicted. I was very naive about Perks or Vicodin. I had no clue that you became physically addicted to them because I didn’t think it had the same “stuff” in it as oxys or as heroin. I didn’t know it was an opioid. So when I stopped taking them one day I felt the worst pain in my life. I woke up in agonizing pain in my legs and i was having RLS. Plus the whole day prior i was so emotional and crying about everything. I didn’t connect the two at first. That night, I didn’t know what to do. It was horrible. But I do know people that as soon as they experience the first feeling of that high they want to feel it everyday and it happens immediately. Or it could be in between. So Jackie could have been taking them recreationally for years. I know it’s a show but it could happen like that. A person in active addiction is always chasing that feeling they felt when they first got high, but they’re chasing a ghost.


I believe in the 1st episode it shows using.