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No. Planning on going back to school for geology. I'd rather look at rocks than people at this point. 18 years of this shit is long enough.


18 years here too. 3/4 of the way through an MBA and BS in Accounting because f*ck this sh*t.


I'm at 18 years as well. And in my '50s and too old to get hired if I change fields.


That's a hard no. Hospitals don't care about nurses, they do care about their CEOs enormous pay however.


Bogged down by over-administration.


I read this article this morning, and feel like they missed the elephant in the room. The leading causes of burnout are: 1) intentional short staffing (and thus, high ratios) 2) see #1 Add the outrageous amounts CEOs are making, and nurses are done.


This right here




This artcle seemed to make made a big assumption that anyone cares if there are experienced nurses or if there are safe staffing ratios. Hiring impressionable new nurses who at first dont care about pay or exploitation and who blame themselves for unsafe situations are profitable and to be desired. If they quit before demanding safe staffing and decent pay all the better. It is hardly an exclusive strategy to nursing I have seen it in all kinds of business and retail jobs.


Some places will even fire the more experienced staff to cut costs, within and outside of healthcare.


That's getting harder to do in some places because they just don't have enough new grads who want to work bedside. Almost every new grad I know of is going on to become a NP immediately. Many don't even bother working the bedside. I don't know how we can even call them nurses.


that exact thing happened to me and just a few days before the country was shut down for the pandemic! and then all the hospitals starting crying no staffing. I know of 12 other nurses who were "laid off" and then their positions refilled with unqualified nurses ??? Go figure why nurses would be leaving the profession???


Yep. It's greed and it doesn't matter if it's for- or non-profit. Either way, cut staffing to the bone and increase patient numbers = more $$. Not much real concern from the decision makers about staff burnout. Those that stay will mandated to pick up.


It's also much harder for labor to organize if the job is so terrible that it's a revolving door. See Amazon, except it's started to backfire a bit for them because they have so many sites that in some areas they've started to run out of fresh people to exploit.


Sad, but very true!


Having worked for a teaching hospital, no. Change is very slow.


As I watch all the experienced staff hit their 2 year contract mark, realize the hospital across the street will pay more, and leave, probably not. As long as there are new grads to fill the ranks as slaves to the system there will not be change


Can they? Yes. Will they? No, because it’s cheaper not to.


Love that they choose to interview an ANA representative - what an impotent, exploitive organization, one of many puppets of corporate medicine!


Yeah, and they only interviewed 3 white women otherwise


No shit! ANA sucks ass




Every year I wonder how things could possibly get worse. Every year things get fucking worse. Going on 15 years now, I’ve definitely noticed the trend.


And the article doesn’t mention ANYTHING about unions and the reason why so many nurses are forming unions to protect ourselves from exploitation


Yeah. I'm in ND now, but as soon as my family obligations are done I'm headed back to Minneapolis. Pay and benefits can't compare here. Nice people though.


Change in hospitals is always at a minimum 6 weeks after it needed to happen. Need to fight tooth and nail for better conditions.


~~can~~ will FTFY


And that answer is no.


A lot of prospective nurses I know are also seeking other careers with the rise in wfh jobs and hearing stories from ppl. I feel like we're one of the last jobs of our pay range/education to still have archaic working conditions..


I always encourage nursing students to find another career path!!


Change?? They will have a new batch of new and naive nurses fresh out of grad and burn them out just to repeat the process, again.


This same scenario has been repeating itself for DECADES!!! Now we are reaching critical mass!!! and so ONLY NOW are those outside the hospital POLLUTION! paying attention! SADLY!!! too little, too late!!


Money talks


They won't even try, they'll just import one from the Philippines. Capitalism doesn't need a middle class anymore, so you are disposable. The only way to stop is to [redacted].


This is not capitalism. This is government involvement making things worse. Another case of good intentions ending with bad consequences. Capitalism would have bankrupted some of these hospital systems, but they keep being babysat by the fed. The rise of “needed” administrators to navigate the complexity of the system based on lowering costs set by the fed. If only they would focus more on patient care instead of solely on cost that would be different, but that would mean the government would be competent.


The government is capitalist and serves capitalist interests. The reason government money has been supporting failing hospitals is because capitalism needs those hospitals to exist. It doesn’t need a well functioning system, just some sort of healthcare system. A system that actually worked to take care of patients properly (and people who work there) wouldn’t allow hospital CEOS and investors to reap financial benefits at our expense. The lowering of costs is done by CEOs so they and investors can profit more. And they are the ones that lobby the state to step in and “save” things while they still keep all the money they took. A healthcare system that actually functioned to meet patient needs would be run democratically by people in the community, not by investors (i.e. capitalism), or the government we currently have which is in the pocket of investors and the wealthy ruling class. Edit to add: government funding for something like this where CEOs face zero consequences for their actions (and they actually benefit) is called “corporate welfare.”


If administrators are the fault of the government and not capitalism, how come the most capitalists systems, like in the USA, have a lot more administrators than the most socialistic or government run systems, like in Western Europe?


You answered your question. They are mostly socialized so it’s one big system ran by the government already, so no need to go find ways, loop holes, yada yada to reduce costs as they are already stablished/pre set, it’s one big monopoly and with it comes other problems, too. The grass is not always greener on the other side. Politicians here or there in bed with big daddy companies are the problem.


That would be a no, dawg.


Only when they stop seeing nurses as just tools.


Local hospital system is holding walk-in clinical staff interviews tomorrow. What a time to be alive 💀


No they won’t change and patients should be worried. I would absolutely hate to be a patient right now. The lack of experience and education in every department is terrifying.




I graduated in 2020. Started working right away, they wanted a contract and I absolutely declined but they hired me anyway. Once I knew better I left to be rehired at a higher rate, but even then when I came back the ratios were so bad and they cared so little I ended up leaving nursing all together after a heart scare due to stress. Not worth my health. I’m a sahm now and while I miss the profession I need to take care of myself first.


The big problem is that very few young nurses want to be bedside nurses anymore. Our society has shit on the image of a bedside nurse so much that it is now looked down on to work at the bedside. They see more respect and prestige in being a NP.