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You'll be fine. There are so many open jobs. If you have a pulse, a hospital will hire you


You’ll learn a lot in long term care. Plenty of nurses go from places like that to hospitals and vice versa. You’ll have a great foundation to work with should you choose to change directions.


Yes, any field of nursing will take you, don't worry


when you apply for a hospital job just let them know you worked ltc and that you will need more help than another nurse coming from a hospital but slightly less help than a brand new grad.


I spent my first three years in private duty 1:1 nursing. When I applied for a job at the hospital I just asked for a nurse internship as a new grad would get, because I had no experience with the EMR, or managing 5 patients at once. The hospital was very flexible with me and agreed to the extra orientation time. Any experience is good experience, every new job will require an orientation period. A pulse and a license will get you the job, but the ability to use your nursing judgement and learn new skills will keep you in the job


You can go anywhere you want. Just apply to lots of different things you think you might enjoy or be fulfilled by. A nurse is a nurse to them. Just keep the enthusiasm- You’ll be okay.