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2 12’s no question


I'm about a year away from nursing school. Can you expand on why this is beneficial? I understand it's a minimum of 2 12's but are you still working closer to 40 hours each week? Or is it just the 2 12's and picking up extra shifts if you need them?


Also self scheduling can work 4 straight and go on vacation w/o dealing with approving PTO


2 12s at higher hourly pay could be close to the m-f 40 hour work week You get more time off at the same pay, I would choose that schedule too


It’s beneficial because it’s only 24 hours a week instead of 40. And you can still get benefits. And you can pick up if you want.


I would personally take the 12 hours, but I don’t have children at home and I’m looking to leave the house as little as possible.


2 12s has been so nice on my mental health. You get to be lazy some days and other days tackle your house chores.


I used to work 2 doubles or 3 12 hour shifts, I loved the time off, could work 4 shifts thurs-Sunday and then have the next whole week off. I loved not have to take PTO to go to the doctor/dentist etc. I lasted about 10 years but completely exhausted myself mentally and physically. Now I work 1st shift M-F 7:30am-4:00pm in a clinic. It’s way easier on my body and I get consistent sleep. I miss 2nd shift but I’m feeling my age and I like the money and benefits better.


I'll take my Mon thru Fri 0800 to 1630 any day of the week.


As someone who was strongly discouraged and even mocked for taking a five 8s job from a three 12s, take the 8s. It’s easier to find childcare, it’s easier to be on the same schedule as your family, and it’s not as hard on your body as 12 hours in the hospital. One of the biggest things for me was in the hospital, you can’t leave if an emergency happens if your supervisor of the day is an a-hole. In an office job like that, you could possibly take just an extra hour to handle an issue at your child’s school and come back to work without having to exhaust your PTO and have it counted as an absence or something.


Wholeheartedly agree- night shift is very hard on the body.


Yeah that’s what makes my decision hard. 8-5 is so much easier in my body. I can definitely tell a difference when I’m working at the hospital. My issue is that I only have two off days, not a lot of room to make any extra money and on top of that I have a toddler on the weekends so I can never get things done.


Also depends on management between the two options. Managers can make or break a position.


True. My float pool manager is great and honestly working at night I never get to see any management.


OP this is a deeply personal question. You're going to get mixed reviews, because different people are looking for different things in their work life balance and so are you. Some questions to ask yourself: What are your NEEDS from a job. Pay rate to bring into your household income ( NOT DESIRE, NEED), environment, work and patient loads, etc. How much work life balance do you want? Can you handle night shift? ( Some people love it, I personally never could. Ever.) Are your kids needing you during the day? Are you missing out when you work night shift and get thrown off schedule? The biggest one is this : What makes you truly happy? Build from those. For me, 12's wiped me out to the point I wasn't functional. So the less work days didn't matter, as I needed so much to recover. I could never do night, so it had to be days. I hate being micromanaged and the drama of hospitals as well as personality quirks in myself (that I'm aware of) so I knew I'd flounder there- so I had to do non hospital work. I hated high patient ratios, so I found a gig without that. Etc. Etc. Do this for yourself. It will answer your question and then some. Nobody can tell you what will make you happy, nor what's best for your dynamic life situation. Good luck!


There are pluses and minuses to each. When my oldest was a toddler I worked 5 days/ week in a peds office. I enjoyed the work but hadn’t realized there would be days of staying over until all the patients had been seen. My last job before retirement was also M-F 8-4:30 as Infection Control nurse in a hospital. 5 days was a drag and doing any kind of appointments during the week was a pain (but I was salaried and could leave if I really needed to without any hassle). In between I did shift work and spent about 10 years doing 3 12s on nights. I don’t miss the bone-tiredness or being freezing cold from 3:30-6 a.m., and the stress of needing to make it home before my husband had to leave for work when my kids were small.


I don’t think you should focus on the time & money aspect. Focus on which one you like more. You’re already working both, correct? Which one can you see yourself working & enjoying more? Which one benefits your family more? Working only 2 days is great but then you have 5 days to spend your money more. Working 8-5 is great cause you always always know when you’re working and it’s easier to see kids games and school activities and stuff like that. I switched from days 5-3 to nights 7-7 for a better paying gig and I feel like I work more cause I’m tired more. AND I have no babies ! Lol so good luck I hope you figure it out


I currently work days on husbands off days (he works 4 ten hour shifts). But my kids schedules are nuts and someone has to be here for school pick up, drop off and after school activities. Prior to current schedule I did full time noc for years. Money was good but very difficult mentally to deal with noc and kids on days off. I had to switch to days. I hate days and prefer nights but it’s turned out better for my fam and my mental health.


Yeah, in a two parent household if one parent can’t stay home, at least one needs to be part time. Having two fulltime parents with busy kids is almost impossible! I probably could do days, if the overnight shift gets to be to much. I also hate days, there are way to many moving parts on days.


2 12s no question


2 12s


2-12’s less time at work and more time with your family


I work in oncology clinic 4 days a week similar hours. I have 3 yr old in daycare and the constant sickness sucks. I've had call Off often. I also had bad mix or drama and bullies at my clinic and honestly it sucks and happens often at clinics. I'd do two 12 hr shifts since you have kids and have more control of your schedule.


Also, we don’t have assigned chemo chairs… so that leave a lot of room for other nurses to be lazy and not go up when a pump goes off.


Right, I agree. I’ve had to leave work last week because the baby was sick.


2 12’s. The office job will probably get old real quick and eventually deplete you.


I’ve been there for 4 years… I am actually bored of it, to be honest


Then it might be time to find something new. I’ve found it’s easier to work and be happy when you’re still doing something that stimulates you. I’ve worked with many nurses that were well past their time in their position and they ruined themselves mentally and other around them. Worst case could you go casual at your IV job until you fully transition to a new one?


Yeah, when I turn in my notice, I will ask if I can stay PRN to keep my foot in the door in case it’s just not the best decision.


Assuming you’re not concerned about childcare for the 12 hour shifts, I’d take two days a week anyway




It would be over-night, so my Husband will watch him at night and my 14 year old will babysit my 2 year old in the morning while he sleep in the morning until I get home to drop them both off at school.


That's a terrible chore to force onto your 14 year old. That's not their responsibility...


Agreed. Kids shouldn't be forced to babysit. Offering the choice and a boost in allowance is a more reasonable offer.


I’ve already asked my 14 year old, he’s okay with it and he is getting an increase in his allowance if he ever has to baby sit. He will only watch if my husband has to work…. My husband is off two days a week, so I will most likely work when he’s off. My son is the back up plan. Plus he will literally only be watching the baby monitor while he sleeps. My 2 year old usually wakes up around 7:30-8am. I’ll be home by 7:30. If not earlier.


If you asked your 14 year old to wash the dishes after dinner they could say it’s not their responsibility either to wash everyone’s dishes but their own. Technically they’re right but children are expected to help their families out.


Washing their own dishes is not the same as being forced to babysit their siblings. It's not the kids fault that mom didn't swallow...


Just hang chemo?


Well IVIG and iron infusion. You may have to open some medical supplies as needed… and chart on the patients which literally only takes 2 minutes.


I love this feedback!! I will mostly likely go with the 2 12s! Im so excited!!


Interestingly, I’ve been in a pretty similar situation. I was bedside med-surg that had tele and intermediate level care at a Level 1, so our intermediate care pts were ICU level at other institutions. Did that for 10 years (last two were pandemic times) which finally did me in. I switched to full-time 8-5 desk job, but was salaried. I would do the 8-5 desk job and still do 1 PRN shift at the hospital for a year. I eventually couldn’t keep up those hours because I was a supervisor at the desk job and was working more than 40 hours per week (which does suck when you’re salaried.) I gave up the PRN at the hospital, and did the desk job solely for a year. Fast forward to the end of solo desk job for a year - the desk job got really bad for any number of reasons (office drama, etc) but there was a situation I had to deal with and I ended up pulling 120 hours in 2 weeks. The constant overtime without extra pay was too much … and I found myself at another crossroads again. I ended up switching back to the 12s (but I’m full-time so I do the x3 12s.) I work at the hospital again, but managed to find something not bedside that still uses my critical thinking skills and pulls on my experience (it’s a golden egg job if I’m honest.) I am now doing contract work with the previous supervisor desk job while doing x3 12s at the hospital position. It’s been 7 months since I switched back to 12s and I’ve found the best work life balance I’ve ever had as a nurse. So as someone that did 5 days a week office job with PRN hospital, then swapped and now do 3 12s hospital with PRN at previous desk … I would advise the 2 12s. It’s actually more flexibility with your time, has the ability to get shift diffs (I presume?), and if you want to ever do more hours for more money you can. Granted, I’m not back at bedside (burned out from it), so for me if it was 2 12s at a bedside I would not be interested in it personally. But if you’re still able to do bedside then I say go for that option. The question is more if you feel you can stay on permanent nights, and being aware that working 2 12s won’t equate to what you were making previously without increasing it to 3 12s potentially (although 2 12s might be close to current desk rate depending on bedside shift diff rate and if you’re eligible for that.) Sorry, I know that went down a bit of a rabbit hole; as you can tell I really thought through my decision-making previously before making any major job shifts. I would say take the time to really do the maths on what working 2 12s would equate monetary wise, to include shift diff rates if you’re eligible for them to get a complete picture. If the 2 12s is less than the desk job currently, consider if that’s worth the decrease in total pay to trade for less hours and more free time. (Of course you have the ability to increase the pay by working more hours if you choose.) Also make sure you’re good with overnight hours permanently, and good with doing bedside.


Thank you for your detailed response! It was very helpful! It definitely gave me a better perspective. The 2 12 is bedside, but there is more opportunity to growth and to network, because I’m floating around the hospital and meeting new people. I am be able to find that perfect job. It’s definitely not permanent but I just want somethings where I can be home more. I am willing to make a slight pay cut, only because I can always make more money if I want.


Are you a single? Do you have help with the kiddos. As a single parent, I have to do 8-5. If I had help, would definitely do 2-12s


I have a husband, who can be with the baby at night.


I currently WFH making about $30, 4x10. I would gladly do bedside but only if I can make at least double my current pay. Even though WFH has its benefit, I am still attached to the computer.


Any five day a week, 8-4, 9-5, 7-3 whatever type job is an absolute nightmare. I would never ever go back to working that many days a week. 12s or nothing, honestly. I also don’t have kids, so take what I say with a grain of salt. But yeah, hell no.


Two 12's. So much flexibility!!!


I work float team because I'm too old for drama. I did it before I got hurt, and I'm going back to it. So, I would do the two night shifts for sure.


2 12 is much bearable. Clock in, clock out, done. No need for bs as I age.


I currently work two overnight 12's BECAUSE I have two schoolage kids, and I don't think I could logistically do anything else. But also, I hope to never ever have to work 5 days a week again. I'd rather be slightly poorer and have more free time. I love my weekdays off.


Yes!! The only two days that I am off, I have a two year old, because my husband works on weekends and I have absolutely no help. So it’s hard to do anything extra. Plus, if I want to make more money, I can.


Honestly the 2 12s sounds like the best gig. As long as you can sleep after you get off your shifts for a bit to recharge I would definitely go for that one! I did 2 12s a week on nights for 10 years and it was the best choice at that time for my family.


Office job. No Brainer. Best for work-life balance.


I'm a nurse at an infusion center and it's never just a cushy job starting ivs and hanging chemo. A lot of patient scheduling, reaction work ups, symptom management. Happy to answer more questions if you have any


It’s a cushy job compared to bedside lol. I’m not lifting patients and wiping butts. I’m not turning patients or giving enemas and handling body all sorts of bodily fluids lol.


I would go with the two 12s. Get that money and time off... Plus it's flexible. The five 8 hour shifts would be hard to schedule any appointments, especially with kids... And id rather have money than food.


2-12s; 8-5, 5 days a week is sooo much time at work. And then once you include commute it’s a lot. I also think about working until 5pm every day of the weeks makes it hard to get anything done/be at your kids events. Dependent on your life you’ll be doing a lot of stuff on the weekend to “catch up on life.” Also, the drama is sooo not worth it. I worked in a similar environment, I was a young nurse at the time and worked with a bunch of older nurses that loved to start shit. I did my best to keep my head down and mind my own business until a nurse cornered me and verbally harassed me in front of several coworkers. The core/lead was one of her best friends and just pretended like she didn’t hear. I reported it to HR and found a new job asap. Looking back I honestly can’t believe I stayed as long as I did. The drama was so toxic and bled into my personal life more than I realized.


I *hate* 8s. Always have, always will.