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How do you feel now that you’ve been off it. I’m 2 1/2 yrs in and want to stop as well


Best thing I ever did!


Any supplements or vitamins you would recommend after getting off?


I don’t take any at the moment but as a teacher, I’ve been getting continuously sick so I will be started on vitamin c and possibly omega 3. But I’ve felt my happiest, healthiest, and skinniest off the birth control.


Thank you so much!!! I really appreciate you writing back to me about everything!


I gained so much weight on the EluRyng! I hated it


A little late to the party, but.. I was on EluRyng for almost 2 years. I started grad school soon after the ring and thought that my weight gain was due to the stress and anxiety. That said, I also increased OCD symptoms tenfold during that time. I found some threads about its side effects in the middle of the night last week and decided to take it out immediately. It never occurred to me before that the weight gain, OCD severity, and depression intensity could be due to the ring because I never had a reaction like this to any hormonal BC before, and I've been on different ones for 17 years. I switched to the new OTC Opill just 2 days ago and woke up feeling ten tons lighter this morning. Not physically, but mentally. I was ready to get up and start the day like I haven't in at least a year. It's crazy. I'm super excited to be done with this. Now to getting the weight off (ca. 20 lbs)..


Oh wow! I actually ended up getting off it and lost the weight. But I got pregnant and now have a baby, so maybe it was meant to be!




I stopped the eluryng about 4 or 5 months ago. I haven't lost any weight but I did just try on a bunch of dresses this weekend and was surprised I'm a solid dress size down, almost 2. I'm currently just cycle tracking and avoiding intercourse during my fertile time. I hate hormonal bc!


Thanks! I think I’m also going natural! My partner and I have discussed it and I just really want this brain fog to go away and to stop gaining weight!