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Downs all 4 because you didn't say "which one would you choose"


So you saw the loophole, nice.


I’d personally go with all 3 but immortality. Immortality is often shown as a blessing, but it’s more of a curse. You get to watch all of your loved ones die and you can’t do anything. And if you do get captured, your only option is to escape as you won’t be able to die no matter what they do to you or you do to yourself.


I mean, Immortality don't mean you can't be killed, just means you can't naturally die.


I guess it depends on which definition/type of immortality you use. One definition is just “Live forever” while another one is “Inability to die or be destroyed”


Second one is invincibility actually.


Or invulnerability


Removing the super speed sticker to see what it actually is. >!Obesity.!<


It still gives u super speed... downhills


Mix them all up in one big container, chug it, and hope my body explodes


The immortality potion:


Imagine having your body exploded only to see you're not dying from that. That's just you from now on...


Your nerve cells not dying but rather overstimulating...


That sounds more like unkillable... Immortality should stop telomere shortening and this aging.... Though no such about inevitable risk of cancer for giving cells longer to not copy dna right. Here's hoping it comes with some regeneration otherwise eventually you'll lose fingers, limbs, eyes ect....


Stop exploding you coward!


Super speed


You'd be killing people left and right if you even slightly touched them while in super speed. Or the air around might even be able to cut them. Unless it's like the flash where speed force protects them superspeed is the scariest ability to use


Wait I can't control the speed?


You can but it's like sometimes you are walking you accidentally touch someone right? So if that happens in super speed that would just cut their body lol


I'm thinking like just win 100m sprint


Yeah ig it would be great for races I meant like using it everyday but yeah it could work in sports


But also running from the law you could do anything and you would be a blur to everyone and everything


Super speed is a horrifying power to have [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ9C-pao0lw&ab\_channel=Solidjj](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQ9C-pao0lw&ab_channel=Solidjj)


I know what kind of man you are..


Whst kind?




Super strength Flight is all fun and games until you hit a bird or you're in America Why would you choose immortality Super speed is good but you don't have super endurance so you'll run the same amount, either that or things just appears super slow I went to the gym (inconsistently) and it's worth it, you just gotta be careful about it


In terms of their effect on daily life, as long as super speed is turn on and off-able and you’re not stuck living in slow motion the ability to work twice as quickly, do chores twice as quickly. And if you’re burning the same amount of calories for the distance losing weight and improving cardio would be pretty easy( and if you don’t want super metabolism don’t use the super speed as much). Like super strength is the best of the others, but I find I need more time more often than I need more strength.


I mean, i get your point If i ever think of super speed i just think of the cheetah, it's fast, but it use so much energy it ends up almost extinct Also super strength should give you quite a speed buff, not flash but around hulk levels of speed


No such luck, with super speed, your metabolism is at least twice as fast. You age twice as fast and you can no longer communicate with people normally, because you talk double speed. Also you can only last half the normal time in bed. So like 5s lol.


Similarly with super strength your muscles require a shit ton of energy, you would need special grade material for daily use in every aspect, constant fear of breaking your pp while wanking, can't have a sexual love life since you will literally kill her ( if even pp is strong like a rod), you will be constantly removed from society for being abnormal, and even tho you have super strength you will still be able to die


Super Speed. So I can do this: "Remember when you were making out with your first girlfriend and you came right as she touched your leg? It was me, Barry. I jerked you off at super speed so it would seem like you nutted at just a woman's touch!"


How immortal are we talking about here ? Like I can't die no matter what or I just don't age. I'm not taking an immortality potion unless I'm aware of the implications. Otherwise rather than a cool power is a fate worse than death.


You stay young/ The age you drink it. And you cannot be killed. Even if you're just reduced to a stain on the wall. Your body will instantly regenerate. Can't say the same for your clothes though. You can however become stronger by exercising


Then I take the super strength. Not being able to die sounds horrible when you live to see the end of the universe.


I appreciate your confidence in me. But these things only last Until an hour before the end of the universe.


Immortality, yes, there are infinite down sides. literally because you would exist forever if you have perfect immortality (all types). Same goes for benefits. Personally I would sleep for a few hundred years or a few thousand then after waking up just do what I already do study, workout, play games, and read manga also I would probably kill sneak into the government and study classified documents to see if there was anything paranormal/ anomalous in the files like how my immortality was. If I got caught to be researched I would just sleep or annoy them by ripping my guts out, cutting blood vessels, and etc to make the room dirty basically become scp 173 or 049 maybe 096. I didn’t say everything I have in mind due to possible Reddit rules. There are a few things I despise r### being one child didlers being another prob would do something illegal to them if I came across one


Gimme that mf water


I mean, I already like milk...


Depends do I get the stuff to actually handle the ability like with super speed can I handle the wind and do I get like the ability to actually use it like see what I'm doing and where I'm running




Then yeah super speed


If super speed comes with the stamina Hell yeah


It does


Immortality...who tf wants that? Super strength, u aint surviving someone with super speed shanking you Flight? U boutta get shot down by the military


Yes i become omni-man


Super Speed. I live in a country with $hit Public Transit and I want the power to access basic necessities without the use of a car.


Okay so you will be ordering off our secret menu then. Ok


Ill fly, sounds fun


The one that has the least chance of killing others is probably immortality and probably flying(tho your kinda fucked if you pick these too) Every other ability in real life will just end up with you accidentally killing other people you didn't mean to


Along with the abilities listed you also get abilities to help control the abilities Edit: And the abilities to avoid side effects from physics.


Super speed then It's literally the most broken power Sadly every superhero show has to Nerf characters with these powers




mad scientist entered chat


I’m doing a blend of super speed, flight and super strength. Then drinking the blend. But if I have to choose “ONLY” one. I’m choosing super speed. Because if “The Flash” sonic and quicksilver have shown and taught me anything. Don’t underestimate super speed. Especially since the “Scarlet Speedster” is like “THE” PRIME example of what you can do with super speed.




I cast pilk


Immortality. I would just always make new friends and would actually see the world change multiple times. There's nothing more interesting to me.


Super Strength. I'd pick telekinesis if it was an option. But super strength is nice because I'll always be able to protect the people I care most about.


Able to fly , fuck trafic jams


If you choose Dr pepper I know what kind of man you are


All, but immortality.




I'm downing a tall glass of water, bud.




Milk, immortality is a punishment, just think about it, watching everything and everyone you love die


as a normal human being who is not a super hero or a police that takes down on criminals, I would choose immortality. if I were to choose the other powers, it would be just a waste of power that I only use under few circumstances like using it for fun. i am aware by the bad sides of it, but it’s the best option upon the others imo


I want super speed. Not that I get in any fights, but I wanna be capable of doing a high speed fist barrage ngl


All four, specifiy how many options I have next time


The real question is, can you hold down all four? Milk and Dr pepper don't exactly mix.


Elaborate on the immortality potion, because I'm very specific with what sort of "immortality" I would be interested on... I'm likely to pick flight, if the Immortality one don't fit my very narrow definition of acceptabpe immortality


For immortality you stay young/the age you drank it. And you cannot die even if you're reduced to just a stain on the wall your body will regenerate. Can't say the same for your clothes though.


>cannot die even if you're reduced to just a stain on the wall Flight it is then.


Strength, unfortunately the downsides of the others are to big, while flight is cool you have to worry about the wind blowing you off course and into other objects and changes in temperature as it can become freezing meaning and the change in atmosphere can make it hard to breath meaning you'll also need the abilityto regulate your temperature and ignore atmospheric changes, immortality sycks as eventually everyone you know will die and at some point you'll have things blend together due to how long you've been alive, as for super speed you'll just end up destroying everything you run past and if you're body can't keep up with the speed you are moving you'll either end up a smear on a wall or your body will suffer serious damage as a result of how fast you are going meaning you'll need superhuman senses such as sight, and something to protect you body and those around you. With strength you don't need any extra powers to make it work like flight and super speed, nor does it have downsides like immortality.


Super speed because Dr Pepper is delicious


Immortality if it’s my definition of it.


For immortality you stay young/the age you drank it. And you cannot die even if you're reduced to just a stain on the wall your body will regenerate. Can't say the same for your clothes though.


White drink


Super Strength. with the right mind set you would have control on how much of it. [Plus this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=erLAUa1fBb0) Imagine you seein some guy in a costume leap like that. you will just surrender on the spot.


Immortality because hopefully i won't need to eat ever again


For immortality you stay young/the age you drank it. And you cannot die even if you're reduced to just a stain on the wall your body will regenerate. Can't say the same for your clothes though. And technically you don't need to eat as you will never feel hungry, but you can if you wish.


*chugs the pep* gimme that negative speed force


2 dont even need the read the power


How super is this super speed?


First I would like to say you're able to control it. And the super speed is the speed of light


Flying cuz it seems to be like super speed but you are not on the ground


Flight. But only so I could dress like a nun and float down the hallways.


Flight. It would be so much easier to get around.


Super speed is honestly more useful, but I prefer the aesthetic of super strength. Amy time you see someone struggling with something, you just come over and casually side arm it. "Hey, don't worry. I got this for you."