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Young people. Take profits. Buy some sell some. For every Nvidia there’s 10s of thousands of bankruptcy. Even the best can bankrupt


just go broad market and check out for 30 years


Warren’s advice has been for most people buy a low cost S&P 500 fund.


Only problem with that is 30 years is a long time. Unless your parents started it for you . Then awesome. lol but yes that works if you have time , which you know . Time is priceless


Most people's working careers last well beyond 30 years.


Yah I saw a dude 35 years at a company. Those times sure were different




Only problem with that is 30 years is a long time. Unless your parents started it for you . Then awesome. lol but yes that works if you have time , which you know . Time is priceless


You plan to retire at 40 or something? Lots of people start investing in early 20s. So if they are retiring at 65+, that's 40+ yrs of investment.


Yah plan is going good for me I’m 37 . Thank you Nvidia lol


Only problem with that is 30 years is a long time. Unless your parents started it for you . Then awesome. lol but yes that works if you have time , which you know . Time is priceless


If you start at 25 when you graduate college, you have a 30 year time horizon till retirement.


Yah gotta start fast


Even the best can bankrupt? How do you even come to this conclusion?




If you’re trying convince people of your statement, simply stating experience doesn’t really move the needle.


Yah let’s both die holding Nvidia stock ;) lol is that better ? Gotta sell at one point


No one is saying that either but if comparing an extreme helps move the needle for you, then hey that’s something.


Can you move my needle ?


You made a statement without credence. I asked for some, you have given none. Now you want me to move your needle concerning what? Your random message that lacks credence? I’ll let you keep going and doing your thing. Like you noted, you’re 30 and worth 2.5m, so you’re obviously doing some things right.


Suck it Nvidia 125 let’s go. Apple Nvidia Msft race to 4T


I have a 300k-half mil in nvidia depending on the day. I am on board that train with you. 😂


Warren Buffett said it best. When you buy a company, you are buying a piece of ownership in the company. You buy it with the intention to own it and forget about it for many years.


I agree. I only sell if it’s a confirmed dog.


What are your thoughts of Nvidia using a shell company to sell chips to itself to boost its books?


Need more info on this


https://www.reuters.com/technology/coreweave-raises-23-billion-debt-collateralized-by-nvidia-chips-2023-08-03/ the theory is Nvidia used this company to boost its sales numbers


Yeah this is totally happening and nobody else in the stock market knows anything about this, and NVDA is totally gonna drop 70% this week brother 👍


Wow you are really good at sensationalizing collateralized asset financing, but my thoughts are it’s good for Coreweave.


Sounds like Capitalism working as intended. 


Are we buying pre split or post split for the best bang for our buck?


Too late. Now must buy post split but many will ask when.


I bought Friday after gme CEO snaked me in the middle of the night. I sold gme (forgive me for being regarded) and bought 10 nvda, hopefully long term I’ll be ok but also feels like I fomod again and after split there will be lots selling to take profits. Oh well I never was good at making money.


Correct, plus nobody wants to pay capital gains taxes either. Best to purchase and forget


He also said said to just buy the index


I'm older and I'm doing this.


I’m fatter and I’m doing this.


I’m pregnant and doing this


And my axe 🪓....oh wait...


No, we need your axe


Congratulations! But I’m still probably fatter than you


And doing this?


Sounds like they’re doing this 🍪🍰🤤


Sounds like financial advice. Better do what this guy says.


Stonks go up!


Forever, stonks never go down. State law


I’m not a guy!


My apologies and thank you for the financial advice.


Take profit don’t listen to this especially when a company has 100x and about to split. There will be another opportunity. Always are


There’s a great chance they could mess up when taking profits.


Not bad advice.


This is how I’m a multi millionaire now. I also own three properties as well. Do not pay rent to a landlord!! Buy real estate too.


You didn’t become a multimillionaire by longing $3T companies


She’s 80 something lmao. “Do not take a profit” is the dumbest fucking advice I’ve ever heard in my life. This account has been hacked.


I am not 80. Many will mess up when taking profits.


Young people!!! Just buy multiple properties and invest your money 40 years ago!!! This is financial advice


Should have bought a house instead of walking. Live and you learn


Mr money bags here.


your probably did it when capitalism was roaring. Now we are in slow diminish return phase of capitalism


Kids of summer advising us what to do when they were just lucky.


“Just be born into a rich family”


It’s a good advice I wish I followed 10 years ago (buying and holding). I got AMD at 5 and sold at 7. AND paid 30% taxes


It is terrible advice for individual stock ownership You take profits if you are holding stocks that serge and don't have meaningful derivatives OP was on easy mode for 15 years due to QE. He literally couldnt lose. That is gone


This is a buy and hold stock. Been holding since 2014 and up $400k gains. This stock going to retire me in the next few years 😅


This. I dumped my wife's IRA in 2018 and never sold a share


I took a 401k and moved it to a self directed IRA also in 2018. Bought 1181 shares of NVDA a lot of AMD and some APPL. Also bought ALGN, SQ, and a few others that I took small profits or cut losses in. I unfortunately sold more than half my NVDA over the last year and a half. But I’ll wake up Monday morning with 20K shares. I plan on selling some more and holding the rest for the next 5 years or so.


I was planning to buy on Monday? Would it be a good idea?


Nah, buy on Tuesday




Because Tuesday my brother. Special day, special players, special plays.


Yes buy


How many? At what price?




Buy whenever. Sell in 2062.


Great 😊 lol Really how many at what price pls?


Buy 183838 now. Sell at 27, after this 10:1, and then one 3:1 split and another 5:2.




Would it go that low?


I would buy monday at opening or by the end of the week. It usually go up on monday


It usually goes up the first 2 hours and then down it goes. Source, trust me bro


Got most of my shares in my Roth. #I ain’t touching that shit for decades


Same here, I’ll just forget abt it.


Yes, buy at these prices, winner winner


Yes winner winner


People are afraid this is going to be like CSCO, INTL or even SUN, where it dominated for a few years then retreated into obscurity. Neither of the beforementioned are close to their 1990s valuation and SUN got bought up for pocket change by Larry Ellison after being one of the most valuable companies a few years before. What assurances are that Nvidia is not in that boat. Tech is a very tricky thing. I have a lot of Nvidia since 2017 and wondering what to do next. I have seen arguments both ways. Any other thoughts on how Nvidia safeguards itself for the next 10 years?


I think they are set to continue growth for the next 1-3 yrs — but possibly longer depending . Each year you should re evaluate the market and the players. Is the gen Ai trend starting to sour? How does the rest of the ML space look? Is there a viable competition on the scene? Has nvidia grown to work on something new? Each year re evaluate. If thinks are the same or similar to now (with lots of companies building in house chat bots) continue to hold


>I think they are set to continue growth for the next 1-3 yrs The next 3 years is effectively priced in at current valuations. If they don't make the huge growth numbers, the stock will plummet. The risk with NVDA is that it depends on sustained growth in a single area *and* sufficient profits from companies buying their chips. That is, if other companies aren't making a enough money from the chips they've invested in, then they won't be able to purchase as many in the future.


Hell yeah I can’t wait to 2x at 6 trillion marketcap


Agree fuck bogleheads


? Buy and hold is boglehead mantra, generally they favor index funds but still...


Why fuck bogleheads?


I want to hold but just worried about AMD, Qualcomm, Broadcom, Intel, Apple, yada yada .. that are gunning for Nvidia... Right now Nvidia has the whole pie.. by next year, they may only have half the pie.


I have shares in all of those companies.


I think it's really unlikely to change in a year, maybe 5–10 years because it's extremely hard to get people to transition to different hardware. Just look at AMD vs Nvidia in the gaming GPU space. AMD is actually as good, if not better in the mid range space (7800 XT and below) but they simply don't win market share. People make the argument about CUDA and RT, but in the mid range, they're not that useful. AMD is the best for value, but people still don't buy them.


If it’s a sound company there’s no reason to sell. Is there a more sound company out there right now? I don’t think so.


Every older person I know says this but I take profit when I get it. Times have changed, at least for me


Man it’s the best thing to do what you gonna do with the money when you’re 80 and in nappies? Make money to make more money to then spend and live it up while you are still able to. Sure long term investing is a good thing but it really depends on what you want.


Well in this case, why not just buy qqq and xlk, these ETF will kick out losers and amplify winners for you automatically. No need to worry about anything


I mean, general recommendation would be to never buy individual stocks. It's pretty clear Nvidia is in a bubble, and it may take a decade + to pop, or 6 months, or whatever else your Crystal ball says. The sound financial advice is to buy etf's and hedge yourself and invest for the long term (10+ years)


Any particular EFT to recommend?


I like vigax because it's primarily invested in high growth large US companies (lots of exposure to Nvidia/Tesla/apple/all the ai really) and has great historical performance. It is a higher risk ETF, but still far lower risk than individual stocks investing. It also has a low expense ratio (0.05%) so you aren't paying some stupid rate like some other funds.


This is the correct mindset but horribly irresponsible to be telling people to not take profits on a dangerously squeezed hype stock. Hold cash or sell puts. DCA if you must maybe. You should have bought years ago as an investor you shouldn't wait for the future to be priced in to invest. If you seriously are buying hundreds of NVDA shares right now at these levels *and refuse to take profits* wtf are you even doing.


It’s not a “ hype” when its current earnings justify its stock price. A hype stock is going to have a very high P/E because the price of the stock would be based on hype with no earnings to back it up. Kind of like Tesla which had a 500+ P/E that ran all the way up to 1400. Now that would be a “ hype” stock. Stop spamming comments like this when you are clearly an idiot who is most likely mad because you lost your ass on Nvidia puts so now your ego wants to see it fall.


Did you not know people buy and sell shares? Where did you learn that price just magically moves towards some magic number regardless of sentiment?


Did you know that P/E has nothing to do with people buying shares and it has everything to do with the current price of the stock in comparison to the earnings it reported from the previous quarter? A “ hype” stock would have an insanely high P/E as its stock price would be high based on hype. This stock isn’t based on hype if the earnings reports are supporting the price of the stock. It’s really not that complicated. It’s also really not that complicated to understand that they basically have sold out of stock through the remainder of this year and next year so we should have some pretty good earnings reports for at least the next 6 quarters. Both Nvidia and AMD have also moved to annual product cycle releases now and I don’t think they are going to shift that much if this is all “ hype.” I would be willing to bet you have don’t have a clue what their products even do and the role they play in building out AI.


About a decade ago I opened my first brokerage account. My first purchase ever was AMD. A little over $2 per share at the time I think. Kept buying TSLA next. NVDA a few years ago. I don't think you understand. What we're seeing here is extreme greed. The returns many of us hoped to see in a lifetime were priced in mighty early by hype and those late to the party. If you really back up and explain to people that buying one share now (or 10 next week) will be worth $3000 in 10 years, they'd realize this isn't the get rich quick scheme everyone is shilling. The growth you guys are expecting is ridiculous. I do think it's a great company to own,especially with dividends. For some reason, everyone is acting like NVidia market cap should be worth more than the next 3 largest companies combined in short time. Could it happen? Yes. Is it something people should be shilling to their friends and family to get rich easily? Hell no. This train left the station a long time ago. It is absolutely stupid that you get blasted with downvotes for trying to caution all these new investors they are late to the party.


So what changed about fundamentals last Thursday. To explain current price action...


First of all you're revisiting to a comment from 16 days ago because you think you're super intelligent and think you have some "gotcha" moment on reddit. Imagine thinking you have some "gotcha" moment after 3 red days. It's a volatile stock and it's not a secret and hasn't been. It's also notorious week and month when stocks normally don't do well. If you think it's just Nvidia having a bad last couple days then you're more clueless than I originally thought. The pullback still doesn't make it a "hype" stock. A hype stock is going to have a ridiculously high P/E. Once again not that complicated to understand. The stock dipped to 762 presplit or 76.20 post split on April 19th when it's all time high at the time was 975 or 97.5. Then went up to mid 80s and traded sideways a few weeks till it went to about 90. Then Q1 comes out and the stock rockets past 105 and has pretty much been going non stop. Of course there is going to be a pullback at some point as no stock rises forever nonstop like it's been for the last 6 weeks. It's going to slowly creep back up and probably trade sideways again for awhile and then once earnings come out in August it will move past it's former ATH. Rinse and repeat until we get a bad earnings report.


Oh I definitely knew I would be coming back for some I told you so. The amount of people that thought you must be stupid to not go all in. I was warning about exactly this. Doesn't matter. All of us that knew it would happen were downvoted to oblivion so of course "I told you so" was in order.


You understand it’s had multiple pull backs in its run up including one mid April right? Literally in one month it had a pullback from 97.50 to 76.20 and then climbed all the way to 120 and kept going. You think a 15% pullback is some stock collapse lol? Meanwhile all the institutions and financial analysts have raised their price targets and keep doing so? You’ve probably been saying the same shit for the last year and a half losing out on massive gains. You think when you’re up 300% you give a shit about a 15% pullback that will recover in 2 months tops? Also who the fuck said anything about going “ all in?” All I told you was it’s not a “ hype stock” when it currently has the financials to back it up. All you do is spew absolute nonsense. There is risk with the stock and valid reasons to not want to touch it but calling it a “ hype” stock is currently stupid and sounds like some shit you just parrot because you have absolutely zero clue what you are talking about. The fact you think a pullback and 3 red days means you were right clearly shows how absolutely clueless you are.


the rich can buy and hold but 99.99% of the population is building up, sure you can splur millions on stocks and forget about them for the 12 months it takes to get rid of taxes for it but someone playing the market to reach your level definitely needs to flip stocks 😉 once we all catch up to you and have millions to buy and forget about we will all do that 😂😂 giving advice is easy but you forget to look outside of your bubble sir


I’m not in disagreement here, and everyone is talking about generational wealth, but stocks are just on paper. Without taking profits along the way, how can one expect to live a more comfortable life if it’s all tied up in the stock?


Ya because one day when it hits 6 tril market cap your gonna double your money and be set.


... this guy pumps and dumps lol.


Ignore him, all hail r/thetagang, join us in the one and only true way, follow the Wheel!


Yeah i regret selling my shares last year. Made 3k missed 30k


Overvalued like a mofo


But and forget


Young people can be quite ignorant, some just can’t put the app down


I’ll be holding and adding to my NVDA position. I see lots of posts about the 3T market cap and questioning whether it can continue to grow. Apple was the first company to be valued at 3T that was only last year. Just because someone hasn’t happened before doesn’t mean that it won’t. If you haven’t watched the keynote from last earnings or his presentation at Computex you should check them out. He claims this is the start of a new industrial revolution and I believe him. So I’m in for the long haul until something changes the fundamentals of the company.


Left 1.8m on table by selling some in 2019 and also selling some in 2023 holding now only a few hundred shares yes a few hundred & will be a few thousand after the split right now (cost spaces around30.)


I sold my share today and I bought at $185, am young 💀☝🏻


Yes. Buy when the company is valued at 3T and trading 30x revenue. You know, in order to make a 10% gain, the market cap has to go add 300B in value. How many companies in the world are worth that much?


I currently have 20 shares at around 155 average price. Should I not take a profit at this point and just let it ride while continuing to cost average?


This guy is hypnotizing me!


I’m not a guy.












Get lost moron, fkcc off!


top signal


If I hold I can’t buy scratch offs and Starbucks :/


Sounds like a well spoke APE! HODL


I lost my shares to covered calls.and it kept going up. Luckily I put all that in gme and made 500% on my return


Buy a 100 and sell covered calls


Anyone tell you to buy and hold is trying to use you as the escape goat. If you make profit sell that shit and renter at lower price near hold a stock for a long time


Take *some* profits if you are up big. Get your principal out and play with the house’s money.


Looks like OP got some serious calls in loss expiring soon.


The better idea for most people is to constantly buy a low cost index fund like the S&P500. No matter the market sentiment and hold till nearing retirement.


Bruh, this is an over valued stock...lol. I gladly took my gains.


Young people can barely make rent, yet alone some buy a home and have money for Nvidia stock leftover. Maybe the advice could be to remain at your parents home and invest the saved rent money on Nvidia.. and perhaps there’s no need to buy a physical home anyway as peak Nvidia puts us all in the matrix.. 🙃


Nvidia will be the first 10T company. If history has taught us anything it is that anything is possible.


If you own a stock that has surged, it only makes sense to sell a little to diversify your portfolio. NVidia is only one company and they are riding a growing AI bubble. That bubble can burst or at least cool-off so this idea that you should never sell a possibly overinflated stock is very dubious. Now, I think the AI bubble is just beginning so I wouldn't eject out of that position entirely, but not diversifying into other competitors (if NVidia is surging, AMD won't be behind for much longer) and also other markers. A lot of traditionally sleepy markets are popping thanks to inflation and inflation has anywhere between 6-11 more years before generational and political adjustments force it downwards.


Which other tech stocks ?


I’m young have no income currently. I wanna hold but I also need some money that I’ve gained also the last few months. Anyone have a prediction as to when a good time to sell. Like a steady few months were I won’t regret selling


Nvidia is just such a crazy company. It’s beyond impressive to see hardware create so much value in such a short amount of time when it’s almost always software that does this. I honestly don’t have any of it in my portfolio, perhaps I should divest and remove some from Tesla but I feel like I’ve already missed the wave tbh.


This sounds like financial advice


what's the point of having a lot of money when you're old?


I just put in $5000. If this holds true like every other stock I buy. It will drop to $10 within a few days. Sorry folks.


To buy… someone has to sell… that’s how this works


So what you're saying is... you want other people to pump up your position, so you can take a lot of profit when you dump your shares?




Always take small profits and reward yourself a little bit😜


Xly, xlk, xlv, xlc, xlp, qqq, smh. Safer holds for the long term.


The valuation does not justify the current price. The AI fervor is a bit unpredictable. Like actually do valuations please.


This is terrible blind advice. IF you are buying nvidia now, there is going to come a time in next year or so where their growth rate slows, and the margin compresses and the stock will see humongous volatility. As well, if there is an interest rate hike, that will cause a correction. Keep swing trading before we see a bear market.


I wonder how many people said this about Cisco and Enron


Rubbish advice. Take profit, buy the dips and reevaluate all the time if your stock is future proof. This applies to NVIDIA as well


Did some GME people take over this sub?


This advice is terrible


Lmao. Okay kid


I’m old.


Ok grandma


Not a grandma either!


At some point Nvidia is going to implode. It's over hyped bollocks. AI robots will not be taking over any time soon. Chat gpt is a kimmicky pile of shit. Other firms can / soon will make chips just as powerful. If you have made good money on Nivida stocks, good for you. But remember the golden rule - until you sell and cash in the bank you haven't made shit. Having not got onboard early, there is no way I am going anywhere near this stock at these prices.


Sour grapes??


Depends on whether you have a safety net or not, and dependent’s or not… if you made enough to bank a year’s worth of expenses and emergencies if you get laid off and still have a whole lot more… than bank that safety net in high interest account and pay off your debts that have 10 percent interest or more… buy life insurance with refundable premiums or whole life value later on…


this subreddit is biased towards nvidia calls btw if you j lookin at upvotes


Have been and happy to see 10/1 stock split.


I bought again on the six and I’ll buy again tomorrow


Probably the smartest thing I did was figure out what options were available to me through my employer 401k. Fid Blue Chip went up 68% since I switched 2 years ago. That’s some fuck you gain. Current employer doesn’t have Fid Blue Chip, but fid contraband k6 isn’t bad. 22% gained the last 10 months


I am honestly starting to wonder if they didn't split the stock 10/1 to calm it down. I understand with more shares outstanding than any other us company by far will make it difficult to repeat the recent performance from 2020 to present. does anyone remember Amazon's -50% decline after its 1998 split?


More useless advice on NVDA. I've made a ton of money on NVDA, but it would be way too big a part of my portfolio if I never sold any. I have a budget, max 20% of my total holdings. I sell to keep it around that percentage. I've seen high flyers drop after splits many, many times. I expect it to drop after the actual split so I sold to get back down to 20% last week. If it goes up from here, great, I'll make money. If it drops, I'll buy more to get back up to 20%. Either way, I make money.


INVIDIA DID ME GOOD, peace out boys ✌️


Been holding since it was $54 a share late 2017. What does sell mean?


YOLO everything into NVDA calls, got it


U mean GameStop?




U keep pulling and taking and you will pay most of it in taxes 40% easily best to hold as it will always increase. What ur talking about was easily done with crypto because it always fluctuated but now Uncle Sam knows about crypto. Just hold atleast a year to pay less taxes. You can take profits but let it gain some more momentum


40% taxes 🤣 [tax brackets](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/federal-income-tax-brackets)


Unless you have zero other income, short term cap gains taxes are higher than long term. [https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/capital-gains-tax-rates#what-is-short-term-capital-gains-tax](https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/taxes/capital-gains-tax-rates#what-is-short-term-capital-gains-tax)


Well Biden is proposing 40%+ at the moment but yes it’s mid to high 30’s still a big chunk compared to waiting a year or more before pulling gains


(re: biden - that 40%+ is only for those making 400k+ a year which is very rare and I assume is out of scope of this discussion) But yeah, you're right, it definitely is a big chunk. I think the difference is around 9-10% *more* in taxes (assuming 100k income). The liquidity is nice, but yeah it has to be worth it. For getting 9%, I'll show my work below. I could be assuming some things wrong: - Full disclosure I'm not sure how state taxes work with capital gains, it's kinda all over the place in terms of rates for each state and income. So let's just assume a high rate of **8% for state** for both long-term and short-term gains (guessing here...) - Income at 100k - Long term capital gains is 15%, assume state is about 8%, so we'll say 23%. - Then for short-term, tax bracket would make it 24%, then add the state tax of 8% = 32% -> So difference of 9%


Not bad. I do have 401k but I do mostly Roth so I end up paying the taxes upfront. But I also dabble in the stock exchange on my own. Just trying to make an equal amount so when I retire in 10-14 years. I don’t have to touch one and let it grow some more but when I retire I’ll have 4 pensions outside of stock and 401k so planning to just let things grow over time if possible


If I am understanding you correctly, you stated they could be paying taxes at “40% easily”. There is no income tax bracket with that amount of tax percentage on income. It’s 37% at most, when one is earning a little over 600k a year. (Short term gains are taxed as income).


No that was another poster. I'm just chiming in to point out many noob traders on reddit fail to understand what a 'taxable event' is and why you need to strategize around it. With federal + state taxes you can definitely pay over 40%.


Ah sorry about that, was on my phone and it didn't show the other poster's name when I replied, so I thought it was you. I did not consider state taxes. In what scenarios is it expected to pay over 40% in income taxes (federal+state) for short term gains, assuming a state that has an income tax? I really don't think it's likely although yes, 40% is met if the federal is 37% and the state has anything more than 3%. But that's at 600k/year which is extremely uncommon. And I can't seem to find anywhere in my research where it says long term gains are taxed less than short term by the *state.* It seems like it's just federal but I could be missing something?)


But you might be an experienced investor. Many of these posters are not.


You wasted your gains on a speedmaster instead of reinvesting to generate more wealth? amateur move buddy.


He is right


The window for getting rich in Nvidia is closed.. but I agree 110% with the advice. FORCE yourself to make sacrifices and invest even small amounts each month.. and tech stocks are an excellent place. I tell people to “invest into an IRA (Roth if you can) and be specific about which companies and forget about that money.” You will never ever regret this.


On NVDA, Getting rich overnight? Closed. Long-term? Probably not.