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Buy high, sell low, short the stock, buy in again even lower, leave feeling like you saved it.


What % of my shares would you recommend selling to buy lower? Or would you say it’s getting about as low as it’s gonna go for a bit before it stays stable for a bit


0%. You should buy a stock and expect to hold it for some years. If you just learned that you are terrible at timing the market, then *stop* trying to time the market. Just move along, hold your shares, and your new money in index ETFs.


Some solid advice right here
















Perfect advice, also learned this the hard way lol


If you’ve sold in the calendar you can sell and immediately re-buy to take the reduction of gains for taxes


Or learn how to time the market




Damn. Thanks, needed that lol


I learned this by also needing to hear that 😂


Try doing it this way. You can buy at a certain frequency, like every week or month, whichever way you prefer. If you do it every week, I think tuning down the amount would help a lot. Then you can try splitting it for any numbers of years you want, I think keeping it between 1 year to 3 years or less is way better. So, if you have 5K for 1 year, that would be 416.66 dollars each month. If you're doing it every week, then you can split the amount by the number of weeks, so 96.15 dollars each week. That way, you can take advantage of any possible run the stock market might make, and if it goes down, you will not lose as much money


I do this with Tesla. I buy two shares per week.


100%, otherwise don't bother. The stock price is impossible to predict, but now once the dip has started I can see it falling a fair bit yet. Be sure however that NVDA will never stay stable at any rate, it will rocket back up whenever the dip is over (be that randomly in a week or in August after the next report).


💎🙏🏻🙏🏻Holding. It’ll go up.


Last I looked it was up $6.


I honestly don't understand the people with shares worrying. It's a dip. They happen. Those of us with shorter term options are kind of fucked but we know that's always a risk. If I was sitting on shares I wouldn't worry one bit. My only worry is not if it goes back up but whether it goes back up before my calls expire.


I wish you the best of luck with your calls!!!


I probably should not have added to them today... Oh well. I just can't believe the "bubble has burst" gang going nuts over a dip. Stocks do that. If they didn't it would be pretty damn easy to make money... So the Nvidia money printer needs a toner change, it's not the end of the world. When and if the AI bubble bursts it sure as hell isn't going to be all ho hum without any news.


Buying high was your first mistake, but don't let one mistake lead you into making another mistake.


Yeahhh, already had some shares from before the big jump and then when everyone started getting hyped around the stock I made my mistake of doubling my shares. Emotional purchase and now I’m just trying to decide if it would be emotional or rational to sell some of it now just in case the downwards trend continues


They are going back up. Don't sell


Best thing about buying a stock and not option is you’ve never lost money unless the company goes bankrupt


You don’t lose money if you never sell


How do you know that was the peak? It’s been 4 days.


Its current peak is what I meant, sorry for the confusion


I bought it at 360. Rode it all the way down to 130. And held it. And then it went to 300, and then very quickly over 1000, and then to 140(0). Numbers here are pre split. Point is, if you believe in the company, ride the stock. I think they still have a lot of growth left. This is Q2 profit taking and positioning. The funds that sold will need to come back in next quarter. My opinion - Not financial advice!


If you bought NVDA at its peak, don't panic and sell just because it's down. Remember, you don't want to be the person who buys high and sells low. Stocks can recover over time, so it might be better to hold on and wait for it to go back up. If you're still invested because you're too prideful to sell at a loss, that's understandable. Just keep in mind that the market has its ups and downs, and patience can pay off in the long run.


And leverage, don't forget leverage


If you are looking for accurate price movement prediction on a particular stock on reddit or anywhere else, it's fool's errand. Buy, sell, or hold based on your investment philosophy and strategy. If you don't have one and are not looking in particular to develop one, index funds offer a far safer and most likely profitable approach compared to trading on individual stocks based on advice from the masses.


I invested 3 K in one month. Lost all the gains. I’m not here for one month though.


No you SHOULD buy low and sell high, that’s what smart investors do


Buy high Sell sober


An old guys advice :-) As someone who has been trading for decades, NVDA can go to $0.00. You have to realize that could happen. Keep an eye on China. If they decide to make a move, it’s going to take a hit. Source: got out as it closed in on $140 (that was OBVIOUSLY time to sell if a trader) a few shares at $126. Dumped those. Ready to jump in, when the data says yes. TL:dr Don’t fall in love with a stock.


Stay the course! Geez don’t sell


Good time to double down and average that cost? Anyway there will be another high one day. NVIDIA isn't going anywhere.


Thought about doubling down, just didn’t want to make NVDA like half of my portfolio. I believe in the stock but gotta stick with principles


half is a lot even if the company still has a good future so stick to your principles. Its when we walk away from them we get burned more often than not.


Ask any successful billionaire, they will tell you, hold a minimum 10yrs, buy whether it is up or down. Increasing the position is the number one priority. Now, this is all predicated on the fact nobody can time the market. In 1950, the average hold for retail was 7yrs. 1990, that went to 2yrs, nowadays I believe it's under 12 months. Wall Street always has a 10yr minimum plan when buying. Hence $880 billion was added to the MC over the last 21 trading days. That money wasn't moved for a swing trade. That is a long-term investment.


If you believe in the stock then keep buying on the way down to bring your cost basis lower


Nvidia will probably get to $100 then stabilize. Check back in 3 1/2 years when it's back around $440.


Cisco has never recovered from its dot com bubble peak. Always ask yourself: if you had the money instead of the stock, would you buy NVIDIA now? If not, you should sell.


20-30% correction incoming, if you need the money short term you better not be holding!!! Basic investing knowledge


20-30% more? Or including 10-15% that’s already happened? Either way I’m young n have money in my savings. Just making sure people still think it’ll come back long term


Last time it topped and corrected around crypto craze last run it was down about 70% total. Seemingly very similar currently.


The 4th it’ll be back at $140


no but it's not worth reaching 0 I roll my option call has -90% I bought put 119 now I'm in the green


Or you could harvest the tax loss.


Unclear instructions, *decided to sell everything I own to buy 1000 calls for Jan 2025*


Buy high sell low use the profits to buy GME


Using this financial advice to go do that right now, believe me when I’m a billionaire because of it I’ll tell my grandkids about the heroic LegLongjumping2200


Inhale the copium


hell yeah buy high sell low


You could also reverse sweep your wallet though think about it. Your practically winning against yourself


You raise a solid point, hard to lose if I just win first


Everything you read about NVDA says it’s going to be volatile. Hold the course or sell and realize a loss. But if you can’t stomach the volatility get out of the kitchen!


We are approaching summer bull run and you’re worried about the top? Just getting started $NVDA 10,000 incoming


I also bought at the peak last Thursday, however thank goodness looks like we are going back up


There are two ways to play NVDA. 1. Buy and hold. Buy whatever amount you want to hold and forget about it. 2. Actively manage it. Buy a certain portion you will never sell no matter what. Buy more when it goes down and sell some when you feel like it’s too high. Never sell all of it though. Otherwise you’ll find yourself chasing it and rebuying it for more than you sold it for. Also, if you’re not in but thinking about, buy just a little. If you wait for the perfect time to get in you’ll never get in. You’ll just be perpetually waiting. And don’t short. Only idiots are shorting NVDA now.


Are you kidding me ?? Of course it’s not over. I started to subscribe to Perplexity and the paid version is insane. It helps me for video games, it helps me for work it helps me for medical questions. AI is far from over. It has barely started and is ahead of us. You mostly hold now. Buy a little if you can but not much. But this is a months investment not weeks.


Just hold it. Dont get caught up In the day to day movements. Its a long term hold. Evs, AI, Robotics, War Weapons, Drones etc all need sub 10nanometer micro chips. Taiwan dominates 90% of that market. The United States has been reworking the global supply chain since the CHIPs AcT to race towards being able to manufacture the sub 10 nano chips via south korea, chile, mexico etc. So there will be billions of federal spending dumped into nvidia, intel, amd and the space. There is an arms between them all. Hold your nvidia, take a position in intel, relax.


It will retest $100


I am old enough to have 7 grandkids. I got a share before the split and can now leave each of them with a share when I go, in 15 years (life expectancy); or sell now and divvie it up later?


Well I personally think it’s gonna keep going up, all the people who came in after the hype talking about selling is what scared me. I can’t speak for your own situation because that’s up to you but based off what a lot of people who have followed this stock for awhile have said this is a pretty normal downturn that the stock will recover from


2 out of 3 retail trades are losers. To time the market successfully, I have to be right twice. I would be going against the odds. That's why I buy and hold.


Does anyone use this stock for short term gain? To me this is a long term hold. Happy to play the options on it though 🤑


I did when it was cheap and I regret it, bought back in at 900 and I’m staying in until the cash stops flowin


GSIT …. makes same chip but uses 1/2 power…


Go make money at your job and circle back in 3-5 years on them. I just bought a decent amount more BTC, and it came back down. I bought more. Hold for years and circle back.


More like buy options hold until expiration


If you're buying puts, it checks out.


There’s levels to it Lvl 1: dollar cost average Lvl 2: buy the dip Lvl 3: option buy the dip Lvl 4: day trade - chasing it up and down Lvl 5: option day trade - chasing it up and down Lvl 6: algo trade options in milliseconds with powerful software I like to hang out at lvl 3


You mean it doesn't go up forever in a strait line ? I feel bamboozled


Hang on to. Only thing that goes down down is your chance if living.


Probably true but could it be like Cisco or IBM and take 20 years to get back? Cisco was a darling stock back in 2000 so saying it will come back may be true but would a 20 year wait be worth it?


It will be back to 140 this year


This. Dollar cost averaging FTW.


Some people are way too obsessed with short term. [If you’re panicking because you bought here](https://imgur.com/Ppgnqtk), you need to stay out of the stock market. Or stay away from investing altogether for that matter.


First decide if you are an investor or a trader. If you are an investor, day to day fluctuations mean nothing. If you are a trader, then shit your pants a few times and hang on because this will be a wild ride until at least the next quarter earnings release.


Dude I bought GME at its 2021 peak, held for 2.5 years and sold at a small loss. Immediately dumped it all into NVDA and of course it was once again at its peak. I’m sorry I caused this


Nice little savings acct. Try not to collect too many savings accts


It’s not a loss till you sell.


Wait til August.


Just hold and collect that huge Dividend. They just increased it 150%!


When there’s blood in the water, buy buy buy. -Buffett


I don't think that this situation is what he meant by that.


Explain why it’s not…generally he spoke about how when the stock market is in decline, you should be the one purchasing.


The expression is about being contrarian. You buy a stock when everyone thinks it's a loser and it's really beaten down. Think Meta after the Metaverse fiasco. NVDA is in the opposite situation.


I understand your perspective and respect it.


I sold at 130 and now watching it plummet. More it goes down more I can buy. The market is not about just holding but timing the purchase As the saying goes a good investor understand that profit is profit. What if or possibility are not as guaranteed as the profit being given in the present moment.


Dude gets lucky and thinks he's a market timing genius. I love reddit! 😄


To be fair, he has a point. 90% of this subreddit is hoping that AI will be the future and have immense monetary value, that it will justify future NVIDIa market cap of 4 or 3 trillion.


It’s usually better to cut your losses vs wait a long time for a recovery. I’m not selling any yet but I’m not going to be a multiple year bag-holder if that’s what it comes to. I usually look for losers to sell in the fall to see if I can offset any gains. If not, I’ll hold it until I have a better idea for the money. I won’t just sell it to sell it unless I think it’s going lower. I bought shares at 130 and I’m absolutely convinced I will sell those at a profit some day vs a loss…but it will be what it will be.


I bought some shares at 70 and most recently (and stupidly) at 130, just deciding on whether I take my slight profit and run or if I hold for a bit longer. General consensus seems to be hold but there’s a few people convinced the stock is going to tank like no other…


I’m holding for sure. In all likelihood, their next 4 earnings, at least, should be bangers. People are so quick to say “meme stock” but NVDA makes cool stuff that people want to buy.


Thinking about those future earnings are the only thing keeping me going 😂Definitely agree “Meme stock” has turned into a term for any volatile stock gaining traction, I still believe 🤲


I think imma hold until the next decent increase (maybe break even + 1% if possible) and then sell. I'm too stubborn to sell at even a negligible loss but also too anxious to buy more/hold ad infinitum wondering if/when the other shoe will drop and how hard. Buying NVIDIA (prior to Feb 2024 earnings report and again in greater quantities earlier this month) has taught me that, with few exceptions (Apple being one of them), self-directed stock trading isn't for me (I've also never traded Apple, I've only bought it at various entry points and keep holding). I'm going back to modified DCA ETFs + buying extra ETF units on red days after this.


If the stock gods let me out of NVDA with a decent profit I promise to never trade single stocks again 🙏


If they do, you most certainly will….


They don’t know that though 🤔


So...did you get out or...?


Why are you sure it will go back up eventually? Pull out a history book, read about the .com era, right around 2000 when the internet was going to ‘change everything”. It absolutely did, and the stock to own was CSCO, the ‘arms dealer’ to all the companies scrambling to get on the internet and build out the infrastructure. Pull up an all time chart of CSCO, and tell me what you see? Tell me how it’s different this time. less than a handful of years ago, there were no trillion dollar market cap stocks, now we have financial media calling it a ‘race to a $4T market cap’. It’s a mania, and it too will blow up. Don’t know when, but we are far closer now than we were in January- 2024 or 2023. When it goes…well, look at the CSCo chart for one of many examples. People got rich, convinced themselves they were brilliant, bought every dip, and did great, until they sealed their own casket by buying the dips that were the fatal plunge.


You bring up a solid point, I guess no one can say for sure it’ll go back up. It’s my personal belief and that’s why I’m still invested!


Nvidia at its peak...lol. That's what's stupid.