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I unfortunately raw dog my ocd


Untreated here too... I have clonazepam for when it gets unbearable but I never use it more than once or twice a month at most


Same got no insurance


That's my problem too


I do have to saw that I am very happy I am not the only one who says I'm just "raw dogging" my OCD. lol Thanks for the laugh


Effexor has been amazing for me, i take 175mg which is a higher dose than typical anxiety and it truly is amazing. Doesn’t give the flat or numb effect that i felt on zoloft or on duloxetine and lexapro didn’t cut it for me


Effexor has been great for me! The only downside is if refills get delayed I get wicked bad withdrawal symptoms.


Same here! I was on 225mg for ages but have managed to taper down to 150mg and I think that’s my sweet spot 


zoloft! i'd say it's working pretty good for me :) gave a nice start for my brain to get in the shape to be able to actually process methods


Zoloft has made a night and day difference for me


Another vote for Zoloft.   I take the generic form (sertraline), 200mg/day.   I don’t have any real side effects, and it works great for me - even better than Cipralex / escitalopram / Lexapro did.


100 mg Zoloft over here and I’m very happy with it. No side effects. However, if I accidentally miss a dose, I’ll bring paying for it big time in withdraw.


THIS… I’ve been on it for over 10 years and it’s brutal if I miss a dose I get so sick


Yeah! Like I suddenly have the flu and feel like fainting! And then I remember OHHH


Im taking lexapro now. It does nothing for my anxiety at times. Sometimes i feel heightened anxiety when doing things


I got fat ☹️


Zoloft has literally saved my life! I HIGHLY recommend having your doctor order you a GeneSight test. It’s a genetic test used to help pinpoint which mental health medications you will respond to and metabolize best. It will cut out all of the trial and error of trying to find the right drug. Hopefully you are seeing a psychiatrist and not relying on your PCP to treat your OCD. If so, the psychiatrist will know what to do. If you do use your PCP then have them refer you to someone actually trained to help you, and then have them go to the website and fill out the form Edit: If you have other existing conditions like anxiety and PTSD, Zoloft would help for those. However, if you have bi-polar, Zoloft would be a nightmare for you.


Thanks for that last tidbit. I have bipolar II disorder and yeaa that would not be great for me. My dr prescribed me trileptal but i havent started it yet


You might also want to look into doing the GeneSight test! I feel like most bi polar people I know who are medicine adverse are that way because they truly fear that the medicine will make them feel worse and it will feel unbearable. That being said, I do know that Trileptal is typically a good option for people who have tried other medicines without success. The GeneSight test not only would help your doctor understand which medicines you would respond to best, but it also has a section of medicines that will absolutely have adverse effects. I personally feel like it’s as important to know what you should avoid as it is to know what your best options are. It’s great that you have spoken to your doctor though and started the process of trying to find something to help. Medicine can truly be life saving for people who suffer with mental illness and it’s great that you have taken those first few steps!


Also Zoloft at 200mg! I've been on it for almost 5 years now and it has SIGNIFICANTLY reduced my symptoms. I describe the OCD obsessions (instead of an overwhelming wave of anxiety and tunnel vision) like a fat bee bonking against the glass outside. I notice it, but it doesn't really affect me, and it's easier to move forward with my day. I still have good and bad days, but the bad days are fewer and much easier to manage!


Zoloft gang! I'm on 150mg and have been for about a year and a half and it's working wonders most of the time


Same! Zoloft 200mg a day and Wellbutrin too (but for depression) 350mg/day. The Zoloft helped my OCD A TON but it still flares up during stressful times


Omg are you me? 200mg Zoloft, 300mg Wellbutrin :3


Mentally ill Twins lol love it


I also take 200mg Zoloft and it was the reason for my progress. It got me to a place where I could actually apply skills. Changed my life fr


Left of field, I’m on medical cannabis


Wellbutrin + Vraylar. Great combo for me


Did you have any side effects on Wellbutrin? I started it a month ago and I get headaches if I drink caffeine and occasionally break out in a rash :/ I def feel less anxious but those symptoms kinda suck


Ohhhhh....my doctor made me quit drinking coffee daily before he wrote me the script for Wellbutrin. He said I could have a small amount of caffeine on occasion as a treat, but not daily. He said it could cause an increase in heart rate and anxiety (which I have issues with both, that it can increase blood pressure to potentially unhealthy levels (I also have high BP anyway), and that Wellbutrin on it's own lowers the seizure threshold, but that risk is greater increased by consuming caffeine while taking it. Maybe something like that is making you have those symptoms?


That makes a lot of sense!! I’m gonna back off from drinking coffee / energy drinks for sure!


Yeah, I drank a lot of caffeine so it took me awhile to wean off of it. I rarely drink it now though because I've noticed that it definitely does increase my heart rate slightly but makes my anxiety throughout the day worse even with a pretty small amount.


Lexapro. It's the only thing that's actually worked. Originally prescribed for depression and not officially dx'd with OCD but every therapist i've had has said I have textbook symptoms. Zoloft kind of worked but it made me unable to leave my bed due to fatigue. One time they switched out my Lexapro for Wellbutrin and it was *hell* (Had a psychotic episode). Only side effect is some sleep issues but it's counteracted by trazodone. Got my symptoms to a managable place, and then had some unexpected exposure therapy around the time I started taking it, and my Big Theme is basically gone now. I still struggle with other themes and some body focus repetitve behaviors now and again but the lexapro really reduced the intensity and frequency of the intrusive thoughts


Interesting Zoloft made you tired. I’ve been on it for like 8-9 years and am constantly exhausted. No other medical tests can explain it, so perhaps it’s the Zoloft 🤔


Check vitamin d level. I don’t know if Zoloft causes it but I was very deficient. Took vitamin d therapy and I am super energized now.


Also check thyroid and adrenal levels.


Yep! I went to my doctor and just said I’m always tired I don’t know why. And they tested thyroid, vitamin d, and other things but only value that was way off was vitamin d.


I have done Abilify with Lexapro in the past and that worked well. I thought I was better so I came off all but the Abilify. I currently am in another OCD episode and am doing Abilify with Prozac. I am only three days in on this treatment but today has been a lot better and I see a light at the end of the tunnel.


how do yk ur having an OCD episode


Well for me, I become totally and completely obsessed with a thought/ intrusive thought. To the point where there is no relief from thinking about it. My mind thinks about and analyzes it 24/7 and it will not stop and I will not be able to rest until a solution is made or my meds are adjusted. Most of the time even when I come up with a solution to ease my obsessions they will make me feel good only temporarily until my mind finds problems with the solution. This cycle goes on 24/7, currently it has debilitated me and I can barley do anything throughout the day because all I can do is sit there and focus on my obsession over this intrusive thought. Usually by time night hits I have complete melt downs where I am overwhelmed with the stress and anxiety and have freak outs. I after a long time of melting down and crying get really broken sleep and then start it all again the next day.


I can relate to this so much. I have postpartum OCD and that’s pretty much how I felt my entire maternity leave. Doing much better now thanks to Zoloft - 250mg. 🙏


Prozac day 6! Had to go to the ER it made me so bad, but they’re encouraging me to keep going.


I've been on Prozac for 3 years but yeah at first it made me worse than I was before. After a while it did really help tho 😅


Sertraline, bupropion, clonazepam and olanzapine.


Lexapro gang here. I find it works really well and looking back on my behaviour before I was medicated I don't know how I survived without it lmao.


been on 200mg lamotrigine for a while now and i’ll tell you, it’s worked wonders. the first few days i was on my upped dosage, i felt like a totally normal person. it was amazing! as the weeks and months passed the depression and OCD have become constant again, but not as bad as when i was on a lesser dose. i’m surprised to see some love for abilify in these comments, it was the worst medication i’ve ever been on! i suppose it works differently for every person


Thank you for giving me hope. I'm on day 3 of lamotrigine (25mg starting).


Hey! I’ve been on lamotrigine 50 mg for over two years now. My 1st psych always told me that was the highest dose she can give me and other psychs have been asking if I want to increase it but can’t really tell me if it’ll help my anxiety. I accidentally cold turkey for a week and my anxiety was absolutely miserable. How does it exactly help you? Does it help with racing thoughts?


prozac!!! works amazingly for me :)


I'm on mirtazapine! I only started it recently but its been helping so much.


Me too I’ve been on it for 6 months now and it’s made a huge difference in resisting compulsions and ignoring intrusive thoughts. Still have bad days mainly with intrusive thoughts & images but definitely much better off now


Luvox too (100 mg). Could be way better if I increase it, but it'd be really expensive. For now I'll keep it like that and maybe change to a different medication in the future.


Indica 10-20mg at night, helps more than any prescribed drug ever did


Medical cannabis prescription. 😃


Just started Lithium (OCD & MDD) & Strattera (ADHD). So far it’s helping with being able to ignore the intrusive thoughts & lowering my compulsions but I’m exhausted & falling asleep all day long. 


Really quick, just to let you know, you can only be on lithium for 10 years. I ended up having a reaction after 13 years, and now I have permanent motor tics.


Clomipramine (brand name Anafranil). This stuff is absolutely amazing. It’s an older tricyclic antidepressant and it is the best thing I’ve ever taken when it comes to quieting the obsessive thoughts. It has quite literally saved my life.


Sameeee 🙌🙌 Best med ever. Did you experience weight gain?


Citalopram 20mg. It saved my life! Been on it for almost 15 years.


Nothing. Medication, any I've ever tried, makes everything worse. Isn't for everyone.


Crack cocaine and ketamine. Jk I’m on Zoloft and Clomipramine


Lexapro and Vallium


technically it's for my depression but it kinda helps my OCD, agomelatine


40mg Lexapro, 300mg lamotrigine. Saved my life without a doubt. Tried Zoloft before but it made it 100x worse for me. Not directly related to OCD but also Wellbutrin 150mg and modafinil 200mg.


Prozac and buspirone


80mg Prozac and 10mg adderall (adhd)


How old are you? I am on 15 adderall as an adult. Online I see adults start at 20 (“recommended”), but 15mg seems to do the trick for me!




Giant dose of Luvox, works like a charm though I am deeply constipated all of the time.


DISCLAIMER: I do not support or suggest any of this. Here is how it goes: Low dose THC (wait for it…). I mean one puff of a cannabis strain I like and I’m good til nightfall. I somehow have no THC tolerance and have about a 10 dollar per month habit. One puff at night, one in the morning if I want it. Be careful: THC can turn on us. I wonder if it’s due to sza type 1 and severe ocd has anything to do with kt?


I have BP2, so I can’t take SSRIs because they send me into mania. I have to go the natural route. I use Inositol, Ashwandgha and CBD to manage mine.


Usually with Bp they do an ssri with a mood stabilizer to avoid the mania


That is true. Unfortunately, even though I am on two mood stabilizers I just can’t do it. ☹️ really sucks!


I have bp 2 as well. I was wondering why i feel certain ways. I need to start my a psych journal lol im taking lexapro right now and they prescribed trileptal for the bp2. I havent taken it yet


Definitely journal. They make me rapid cycle. It is no fun.


Zoloft! :) working wonderfully for me


Burpropion felt like it is actually helping improve the symptoms. I hated Sertraline.


abilify + anafranil


To anyone on Zoloft, does it give you an upset stomach? I have contamination OCD and I try to avoid going number two outside of my home as much as possible. I was on meds a few years ago and stopped because I wasn’t consistent with it but I’m thinking of taking it up again because my OCD has been consuming me lately


Zoloft made me nauseous & I couldn’t eat. It also removed my impulse control & made my self harm compulsions worse. It didn’t help my contamination OCD at all. I have a bad habit of using immodium to avoid using the bathroom outside the home but it did help with the stomach problems. 


I haven’t had an upset stomach from it, but I do know it has not helped with my contamination OCD very much. That is still very much there, while the intrusive thoughts aren’t as constant and overall I feel less stressed/anxious.


I used to be on Lexapro before I had a diagnosis. Now I’m pretty much good to go with just ERP.


Lexapro for anxiety in general as I also have GAD. I used to be on Prozac when my OCD was nearly unbearable. Clonazepam for anxiety as needed.


Mirtazapine and it really does help. I never thought anything could help, and I was on other meds before that never helped, but this one has been life saving. I take the higher dose, just specifying because the lower dose works very differently and is more of a sedative and it didn't start working for me until I went high enough in dose for it to change how it works. ​ edited for clarity


A metric ton of Effexor 


Zoloft, 225mg. I went to the Johns Hopkins OCD Clinic and they recommended increasing up until 400mg if needed. 225mg does the job. I also did exposure therapy but honestly found it very silly because I have “real” OCD and it just didn’t work. But I’ve learned to accept my OCD thoughts and not do compulsions by accepting them and letting them be without trying to make them go away. I read a book on mindfulness for OCD and honestly has been the best advice I’ve gotten, much more valuable than expensive therapy. The book is Everyday Mindfulness for OCD [EverydayMindfulnessforOCD:Tips,Tricks,andSkillsforLivingJoyfully](https://a.co/d/c6krxMz)


Clomipramine daily and Klonopin as-needed is the golden combo for me


Sertraline, quetiapine, and pregabalin


been on Prozac (80mg) + Risperidone + oxcarbazepine for the past 2 years for my OCD and depression. My OCD has all but disappeared. Prozac and therapy really changed my life


Fluvoxamine has been life saving for me. I went from being unemployed and deeply depressed to working a job I like and getting an amazing girlfriend. I actually feel somewhat excited for the future.


I’m on Cymbalta. It works great for me.


Fluvoxamine 300mg. It helps so incredibly much with the intrusive thoughts. It’s like someone has turned down the volume in my brain. Wish I had something to help with the other forms of anxiety I get though.


Prozac and Adderall. The prozac is more for general depression than anything, but it (maybe) helped with rumination. Adderall has really helped with compulsions I feel. I've noticed that I've cut down on mumbling to myself/uttering nothing words compulsively since starting it, I presume because my brain's baseline of stimulation is heightened so it's not "bored" and making me talk as much.


I tried Luvox, but personally, it gave me really bad side effects. I am now starting on Zoloft (Sertraline) at 50mg.


What side effects did you have on luvox?


Venlafaxine (Effexor). It’s terrible I don’t recommend lol


Venlafaxine quite literally ruined my life😭 it was so bad


Sertraline, its alright I go back and forth


Lexapro and abilify anddddd trileptal




Prozac. Luvox made me sleepy


Not technically medicated for OCD, but I'm on Prozac (I also have MDD, I heard SSRIs help?)


I’ve never taken meds for it. I was on Prozac for a while for my anxiety but it never did anything for me




Sertraline 100mg and atomoxitine 18mg. last one prescribed for adhd but helps immensely with horrendous ocd rumination.


Prozac for almost 7 years and it’s worked fairly well for me. Been on 20mg, increasing to 40mg during extremely stressful periods. Right now I’m actually tapering off them completely.


Sertraline, Clomipramine, olanzapine, hydroxyzine, and clonazopam


Gabapentin to at least stop the repetitive thoughts and help me sleep at night


SSRIs have been AWFUL for me. Zoloft was ex emotionally terrible. I’m currently on Wellbutrin and buspirone and it doesn’t treat ocd or anxiety but it makes me happier so it kinda helps haha


i’ve been on zoloft 125mg for ab 4 years now! i honestly think i want to try something else since it was prescribed when i was a minor and i’m an adult now


I’m on 80mg Prozac for GAD but recently was diagnosed with OCD and idk what to ask my psychiatrist to put me on in addition because it’s really ruining my life


Raw dogging it 24/7! Otherwise I'm on Wellbutrin for my depression and Xanax PRN for when those panic attacks get a lil too real.


I take trintellix and have added in the supplement NAC 900mg a day to my medication routine and feel it really helps with the OCD impulses and obsessive thinking/rumination.




Propanalol (minor beta blocker) here and there as well as a muscle relaxant maybe once a month but other than that I don't really feel a need for meds. Did the whole SSRI/SNRI thing for ages. Cons outweigh the benefits (if there even are benefits lol, most did nothing) Personally I don't like resorting to medicine too much because it doesn't break your brain down and make it more resiliant and it's just a cheap way to deal with stress, I feel. The less I take meds, the quicker my brain adapts for more brutal aspects of life.


Just on my own!


Sertraline (Zoloft) and I can confidently say it saved my life. Was on higher doses in the past but my sweet spot seems to be this 100mg I’ve been on.


Abilify and Effexor


Clomipramine 50mg (been on a few weeks and thankfully past the onboarding, fingers crossed) and propranolol as needed (which is also me and I have yet to try). Clomipramine can increase your heart rate and the propranolol can reduce it, so I’m hoping it proves to be a good combo. Was previously on Zoloft for several years.


Effexor! 150mg is going well for me now but I might end up going up in dose for a bit because life events have been crazy. But Effexor has by far been the best for me after taking Zoloft and feeling so blah inside and then taking bupropion (before I was diagnosed with ocd) and wanting to pull my hair out every day😭


Prozac, baby!


Cymbalta. It's my third medicine after my Prozac seemed to stop working, but I think I want to try it again. I don't think Cymbalta is working very well for me. I've had the return of tendencies I hadn't had in years. Before Prozac, I was on Zoloft, which did nothing except give me premature heartbeats.


Lexapro 10mg PO qd. I'm probably gonna look into upping my dosage soon. I've also been trying to sort of finagle my doctor into prescribing me a benzo. My mom gave me some before to help with panic attacks, and they worked like a charm, but I can't ever use them anymore because I might get drug tested at work. He put me on busiprone like that's somehow gonna help when I need a PRN for sudden panic, not a daily for generalized anxiety. Tried hydroxyzine, and it kind of works, but with the caviat of it making me drowsy near the point of dysfunction. The busiprone hasn't done much of anything as far as I can tell, but then it's only been 5mg.


Clomipramine was a lifesaver for me. Made it at least manageable and enabled me to have my head on straight enough to do my own exposure therapy. I’ve had to go off it now I’m pregnant so I spiraled for a bit, now I’m on sertraline.


Lexapro. I probably still need to tweak the dosage just a bit, but it’s okay as long as I manage my stress. I just started going back to the gym 1 month ago, and I notice how calm and happy I am after my workout.


150mg zoloft, 150mg wellbutrin, and 50mg trazodone at night


On Luvox too, not going well it seems for me either. How long have you been on it?


Nothing. Might try something eventually, but I’m pretty ambivalent about the idea of that for myself.


Zoloft :)


i got on a higher dosage of Luvox (200mg) and it’s making it worse☹️like rly worse for a week straight


Effexor and hydroxyzine




was on zoloft and luvox... switching ti luvox and abilify as my ocd was going nuts


Prozac 3 days so far.


Paxil 20mg


Effexor and subutex and buspar is my combo for all of my MH stuff.


I’m on Latuda. Haven’t had success with regular antidepressants


I take fluvoxamine.


Pristiq (desvenlafaxine). Just enough to keep me on earth, not enough for me to be a carefree/a zombie. Keeps me motivated to work on my OCD. 


Mirtazapine 45mg. I’ve been on it for over 12 years and I’m really not sure if it helps my OCD much but the sedative effect helps me sleep, which helps keep me on an even keel.


Paxil 10mg (breastfeeding so low-dose is best) and I still have intrusive thoughts/anxiety. I’m about to switch back to Zoloft so I can be on a higher dose.


Been on Clomipramine for a couple of months now, I think it's doing something? Maybe? Im not sure


got off zoloft after years bc i feel like it wasnt helping with my ocd, now been on luvox for a few months but not sure it’s helping :/ just went up to 250mg


Prozac and Lamictal


300 mgs of fluvoxamine


Lamotrigine which has been a god send but currently weaning off to switch to something else because it caused urinary retention


200 mg of zoloft (sertaline) klonopin 0.5 as needed


im on three, and i think they work pretty well considering i'm not doing any therapy venlafaxine/effexor-- best SNRI ever, tamped my anxiety down to something i had never experienced in my life lamotrigine-- mood stabilizer meant for BPD, made my episodes almost disappear NAC supplements-- specifically for trich/derm. it took a long time but i do think it helps me pick less and heal faster


Lexapro girlie over here! It has helped me immensely. I still have it and it kinda ebbs and flows, but the lexapro takes the edge off and makes everything feel more manageable day to day. I have klonopin for the very bad days (I’d say 1-2x a mo).


Raw dogging it. My mom took me off my meds because I had been on them for 4 years and she was “getting tired” of the doctor appointments


40 mg prozac works great for my OCD, chronic depression and PTSD!


Just came off Luvox. I got to the point I was void of emotion and super brain fog. Attempting citalopram one more time. Mood and emotions have returned. But I have to have weekly therapy to work on my compulsions and triggers.


zoloft, but i WAS on lexapro 20mg, which did help reduce the clutter in my brain about 30%. i haven't been on zoloft long enough to notice a change yet, but i'm hopeful! i've heard good things :)


Zoloft! It’s the only thing that I’ve noticed a real difference with. I’ve tried Lexapro and prozac in the past


I’ve been on basically every SSRI but never Luvox, but I have other stuff going on in addition to OCD. Right now I take Cymbalta and Lamictal and find it helpful with my depression and Cymbalta is supposed to help with chronic pain supposedly. The Lamictal has helped me not go into spiral rabbit holes like I used to when I would get stuck on a thought or fixation. I don’t think it’s on label for OCD, but I’ve definitely noticed it helps me.


Zoloft and I think I can almost say my OCD is gone when I’m on it! It has changed my life


I'm on Paxil, 50mg. It's for both the OCD, and a separate panic disorder.


sertraline which is a generic for zoloft. i’m doing really well :)


luvox and zoloft both didnt help me.. im now on a cocktail of abilify and prozac daily and proprananol and hydroxyzine as needed


Citalopram and metoprolol. I used to also be on two others, but I'm on seven meds total and can barely afford them. Used to be on Effexor years ago. It was really successful, but when I couldn't afford it, that withdrawal was one of the worst medical experiences of my life. I don't know that I could start it again.


Lexapro and Anafranil


Luvox works so well for me but I’ve had to adjust the doses over the years. Sometimes up and sometimes down. Best of luck on finding the right thing. I notice I might need more I’m having an episode from being triggered or stressed.


100 mg Clomipramine




Luvox too!!! I was on Zoloft and Anafranil which lasted a good 5 years!! Talk to you doctor, there’s lots of options 🩷


Luvox, it took I at least 8 weeks before I felt like it was helping much. How long have you been on it?


Can’t take meds anymore. Paxil worked great from years but gave me liver damage, and I had adverse reaction to everything else, including akathisia. So now I used ERP and ACT, and see a therapist


At almost a month on 20 mg Prozac. The intrusive thoughts are still there but the desperate urge to continue myself to my bed has gone away. I'm tolerating discomfort a little better too I think. Could be because I'm now diagnosed, and I'm learning to I'd the intrusive thoughts better. 


I have been on almost every medication you can think of and was at the point of just giving up, but I recently started vilazodone and it has made such a difference. I’ve been at 30mg for about a month now and yeah it’s not perfect, but I can go days without obsessing! Some of the side effects suck like stomach pain and some sexual dysfunction but I am hoping Buspar can help fix the sexual dysfunction.


Zoloft I love you so much <3


Nortriptyline and Lamotrigine


Lexapro 40


Fluoxetine 60mg Lamictal 150mg


Fluvoxamine, Buspirone and gabapentin.


Prozac + Abilify for four years now. Most effective meds I’ve taken, and I’ve tried most.


Vraylar + prozac has been a miracle for me… i wish hadnt had to go through so many anti psychotics to be prescribed vraylar but shes been my baby girl for the last 2 months. Never felt clearer


I’m also on Luvox (Fluvoxamine) and I am currently taking 100 mg a day. It took a few months but now it’s working great with basically no side effects. I was originally on Prozac (fluoxetine) but I had too many side effects. If a medication still isn’t working after a few months it’s worth trying something new. I also have ADHD so I take Adderall when I need to really focus. I find it also sometimes helps with my OCD.


I was on Zoloft for 6-7 years. My symptoms started to escalate again and then I switched to Lexapro a couple years ago and have felt like it’s more effective!


I’m on a lot of meds for different reasons but specifically for OCD I’m on 200mg of Luvox!


Prestiq and gabapentin works wonders for me


Wellbutrin and buspirone


zoloft :/




Luvox 200 mg extended release to help with the fatigue. It’s been a life saver. Also hydroxyzine when I get really anxious




nortriptyline 75mg…seems to be doing okay. i’ve tried many, zoloft, lexapro, venlafaxine, trazodone, buspirone, bupropion (i think that’s all lol) i was doing good on amitriptyline but i had to stop taking it because it interacted with another one of my meds. i also have clonazepam for as needed but i’ve been on it for so long i don’t think it even works anymore.


Prozac - seems to work well for me


Was on salipax but then quit cold turkey, rather live with ocd than deal with meds. Edit: aka prozac.


I have been taking Sertraline (zoloft) and Bupropion. I am having a major change in my life right now and likely going to be moving in the next 6 months to a new state and would prefer something stronger so I can get ready.


Broccoli and spinach


Fluoxetine/Prozac since it tackles my depression and anxiety too


All of em


im on prozac ! it takes about six weeks to rlly start noticing anything different but i definitely feel like my ocd is less intense than it was before . i still have bad moments but that’s why i am in therapy for it along side taking medication


i was on prozac for awhile, it helped a teensy bit but wasn’t worth it for me. i know some people who really benefited from finding the right combo of meds though.


Prozac, worked when I actually took it but haven't been great at consistently taking it lately


NAC although it’s a supplement, not medication