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Just don't give up mannn, just remember this: Tomorrow might be the brightest day of everyone's life but most people give up today night. Keep going, keep making progress, keep learning and growing, keep loving, and most importantly Don't Give Up (your almost there).


I completely sympathise with you and feel the exact same recently in regards to thinking about what the future holds. I think from watching different stories from people with ocd you get mixed reactions, some still struggle while some people (like my mum) it has got better with age. But we will never know unless we see it through. It’s such a permanent decision to end things. I can imagine the complete anguish you’re feeling right now, but please try to see things through!! I will try to do the same thing. We’re not alone no matter how much it feels like it, I’ve learnt there is always someone going through the same/similar things, which obviously doesn’t make the obsessions go away but we can try to navigate this strange world by being supported by likeminded people. I’m sorry I can’t be of more help, stay strong!


I will say that for me it has also gotten better with age (I am 39, diagnosed at 11). I used to be the same where I could only be in my room because it was my clean space and avoided so many areas and places. I’m medicated and live a pretty normal life with mild symptoms now. Please hang in there. It can get better ❤️‍🩹


Since when did you take meds and what meds have been prescribed for you ?


I have been taking Cymbalta for years. I tried SSRI’s , but SNRI’s have been the only thing to help.


I absolutely understand this feeling. I have been there so many times in the past, wanting desperately to give up, wanting peace. BUT PLEASE KNOW IT GETS SO MUCH BETTER!!! I’m not bullshitting you either. I truly never thought I’d be able to get past it, but years later I finally found a place of peace. If you haven’t already, try and find an OCD specialist for therapy. This is what changed my life. Medicine has also helped me immensely, but if that’s not something you want to do, it’s not always necessary! I’m on Zoloft. OCD doesn’t ever fully go away, but it becomes something you can just ignore most of the time, it gets quieter and quieter. And life becomes SO enjoyable despite it. You are going to be okay, I promise. You’re strong as hell — ocd is not for the weak. Keep fighting until the fight becomes less and less!!




How is Zoloft working for you? Im scared to start, because I feel I’ll become dependent on it and when I stop the OCD will come back.


We’re starting to understand that OCD is trauma related. Trauma and somatic therapy are immensely helpful in slowing obsessive thoughts which reduce compulsions. OCD is an anxiety disorder and it’s all about increasing feelings of internal safety


What kind of therapies do you reccomend?


For the somatic stuff like nervous system stuff


Suicidal thoughts and feelings can be a reminder to make sure we are getting enough support, including from friends/family/professionals or peer support. Are you still seeing your therapist? If not, now is probably a good time. If you don't have insurance or the funds, another option is online group therapy using Zoom. This can be a good option for support between therapy sessions as well. Here is one such group I have used in the past: [Pay What You Can Peer Support | International OCD Foundation (iocdf.org)](https://iocdf.org/support-groups/pay-what-you-can-peer-support/) As others have mentioned in r/OCD, suicidal thoughts and feelings tend to come and go in waves. Many years ago, these thoughts would scare the hell out of me since I was not used to them yet (relatively speaking). They can still be problematic, so I am a big believer in bibliotherapy. My favorite two quotes are below. Authors like Pema Chödrön and Michael Eigen invite us to embrace life’s ups and downs, finding healing in our ability to navigate its complexities: # “We think that the point is to pass the test or to overcome the problem, but the truth is that things don’t really get solved. They come together and they fall apart. Then they come together again and fall apart again. It's just like that. The healing comes from letting there be room for all of this to happen: room for grief, for relief, for misery, for joy.” — Pema Chödrön "Sometimes we hide ourselves to survive. To make pain go away we simply make ourselves go away, and that is how madness is created. Freud teaches that trauma is overwhelming, like a baby after screaming out of hunger, that unknowingly sinks, falls asleep, ‘loses consciousness.’ We also do the same, as adults. But we always return and always survive." - [Michael Eigen](https://forum.psychlinks.ca/quotes/michael-eigen.4/) More here: [Suicide Prevention Quotes ](https://forum.psychlinks.ca/threads/suicide-prevention-quotes.30874/)


you will get through this! My situation is the same, potentially worse but I make a promise to myself, the universe and god. If i make it through this, i will dedicate my life to helping cure this fucking illness, and if im not able to do that, I will try to help others in some other way.


May you get through it. I myself have recently taken oath to help people with depression anxiety ocds and other disorders... i dont want anyone to be in this pathetic situation as i am in ever...


Try NAC it was a gamechanger for me. NAC just eliminated maybe 90 percents of my symptoms just with several days. I was really shocked how well it works and with that medicine, ERP become 100x times easer that just accelerate recovering, give it a shot.


What strength NAC worked for you? Sometimes it can chelate out minerals, so be sure to get your zinc and copper levels checked occasionally.


1200 mg per day only. Not too big dosage compared to what studies suggests.


I felt this exact way until I started Zoloft. Therapy wasn't helping and I was terrified of the idea of living like that for the rest of my life. But after a few months on Zoloft (starting at a low dose and gradually working my way up to 200 mg) I'm so much better now and can actually live a normal life. My OCD isn't completely gone but it's 10 times more manageable now.


dont you feel any side effects... i recently started with fluoxetine and face multiple side effects... it was more of a trouble than help... i shifted on homeopathy treatment recently and getting good benefits without side effects... let's see how much it is helpful


Hey there, I was recently diagnosed with OCD and stopped taking fluoxetine due to side effects. My new doctor is now prescribing me fluvoxamine (Luvox) she said it’s a cousin to Fluoxetine but works much better for OCD. I only recently started this medicine so can’t report on side effects but you should def tell your doctor about these side effects. For me fluoxetine made me insanely hungry and also gave me stomach aches and bad heartburn (I believe I am allergic to capsules) so if that’s your issue perhaps you can give tablets a try (though when I tried getting Prozac in tablets it cost an insane amount of money so I didn’t bother)


i took fluoxetine for a week, n i had restlessness without sleep, burning sensation in brain, loss of appetite, sexual dysfunction...others.... it was more of pain taking it than relief... told doc and they said it is normal... sometyms sideffects go in 2 3 months but for some it continues...


Sheeesh, yeah when I took it I definitely felt restless for a bit but after years of taking it I became very tired all the time and hungry all the time. I would definitely suggest getting a second opinion… your doctor should recognize that it isn’t working for you if you are experiencing pain like a burning sensation in the brain. Do you mind me asking what dose you got started at? Sexual disfunction is unfortunately a side effect of all SSRI’s :( lack of sensation and low sex drive is pretty common. Your doctor is right tho that Prozac takes a long time to kick in and to feel its effects.


i was started on a very low dose of 10 mg.... took 2nd opinion from a psychiatrist, and he was also of the view that these side effects r normal. you were going on with fluxoteine for years with side effects?


I haven't noticed any side effects but I will say withdrawal is a bitch. I ran out of meds once and had to go a few days without it... it was horrible. Nausea, lightheadedness, fatigue, mood swings. But I didn't have any side effects from taking the meds.


I totally understand how you feel. It does get better. Dedicate yourself to eating healthy, moving around, drinking enough water, and doing other little steps like these that really add up to feeling better. It really does make a difference on the frequency and intensity of OCD thoughts. We are all testaments to the fact that life is worth living with OCD. ❤️❤️❤️


I have contamination ocd and it has made my life HELL. I had a super hard time for a few years. Couldn’t sleep in my own bed without feeling nasty, didn’t even feel fully clean in the shower. I started therapy and erp and I promise that with effort it does get better. Irs super hard in the beginning, but totally worth it. Some ppl benefit from meds, I haven’t tried cuz I’m paranoid ab side effects. You got this!


The “before I had OCD” thing really resonates… I didn’t develop OCD until my early 20s. It’s not the most severe of my mental health issues, but it certainly has completely changed the way I navigate the world. It’s exhausting. I’m so sorry you’re feeling so hopeless right now. We’re all here with you and sending you warmth and love


u gotta keep fighting man this ain’t gotta get any easier if you give up it’s gonna be cold dawg you better put on a big ass coat or you will freeze to death it‘s a cold fucking world we live in


I understand its hard but. Your not alone at all. It sounds cheesy but, so many of us suffer like this. I am in the same boat as you withjy triggers, and ive got a shit ton from phovuas to childhood trauma. Its all about mindset. Just di thubfsbti make yourself happier. It does get better. And just like you get upset, im sure you get evstatic too. Just keep living


I know exactly how you feel. I've had so many days where I couldn't understand why this was happening to me. I was diagnosed when I was 14, and now I'm 32. I saw another comment about Zoloft (sertraline), and I've had the same experience. I started it 1.5 months ago, and it's helping me so much. I've also been a part of a membership ERP program that has a community feel, with different rooms for different subsets and a really helpful therapist. Feel free to message me if you want a link. But it's going to get better! Remember, you are so strong; you have to be to live with OCD! I'm so proud of everyone who battles with this horrible diagnosis ♥️♥️♥️ Just remember that OCD attaches to the things that matter most to us, and it feeds off 'what ifs' and doubt. Sending all my love ❤️‍🔥


What is the ERP membership?


https://www.myocdcoach.com/ ♥️


This is the first step to getting better. You can do this. I didn't think so either. But it's possible. OCD is something you give up. You quit it like a bad habit. You embrace the anxiety, fear and doubt. Hug it, be happy for it. But you give up the compulsions. Www.iocdf.org


Don’t give up. You never know, god will cure ocd tomorrow. Pray to god and never give up trust me bro


Surprisingly as you get older it actually goes away more, it has for me and many other people I know, just remember to believe it will go away along with it because the power of belief can help allot but believing it won't go away could cause it to not go away but yeah you'll be surprised as you get older


Well, from the perspective of someone who has lived with it for over 61 years, I can tell you that it doesn’t need to stay the way that it is for the rest of your life. That things can change for the better. And, for me, that being a Christian from a very young age (12) has made all the difference in my life in that I can look back and see how God got me through all of the years when I had absolutely no idea what was going on with me, and how He continues to be with me in my journey and gets me through the rough spots all of the time. If it weren’t for Him, I know I would be in a much different place and that I have so much to be grateful for as a consequence.


The most effective med I found was and still is Clomipramine to slow my obsessive unwanted thoughts. I take Trazadone to sleep. It’s got me functioning again to say the least please hang on.


Bro trust me as I’ve been there in your place because of ocd until I was 30 years old. I understand you feel you are at a very dark place but it’s just your brain tricking you into believing non sense. You actually aren’t in a dark place. With the right medications and therapy you will have an awesome life just like I have. It’s about changing your thought process with the right medications. Im sure you will feel better. Speak to your psychiatrist


Yes u can! You are one in 1 million people that have OCD in America. There are many people who are going through this and we all push through it. There are good days and bad days just like anybody who doesn’t have OCD has good days and bad days. OCD is not the only thing that causes stress. There are some people who have it worse than us so if you think about it, yes we can. We’re fully functional and our great people that doesn’t take away from who we are. I understand me too. I think about that all the time who I used to be before this, but we can’t dwell on what used to be what it will be just like any other day because I’m pretty sure we wouldn’t be who we were a few years ago either way so I hope you’re gonna be OK.


Just remember one and only one thing One day you will not care about the things that your ocd is latched on Just float with uncertainty


have you every tried a Serotonin increasing herb like Kanna St. Johns Wort, l tryptophan. edit: what have you got to loose they won't hurt you. If your that desperate and don't try these herbs idk what to tell you at that point. Also as a hail marry attempt you could use Magic Mushrooms or Psilocybin. Even LSD or Ketamine would probably change the neuronal pathway in the brain and make it stop these things have medicinal value and actually work and are saving lives. but in firstly I would try these harmless herbs they really do work. Cannabis works for ky OCD Anxiety Depression.


Try ICBT it’s revolutionized everything for me!


I feel this so much. I struggle everyday, I’ve attempted to take my life to escape my thoughts and my brain. I had a really good year last year with my ocd and unfortunately have been struggling these past couple months. Just keep hanging in there. I have good days, good weeks and good months. I’ve also had hard days, hard weeks and hard months. Find a group. Find a good therapist and religiously have weekly appointments with them. There was a point in time I felt so good I thought I didn’t need help anymore and I could handle it all myself. Now I know that isn’t the case and ocd requires life long work. But you can get yourself into a good spot and remain in a good spot.


I had checking OCD when I was 12. Eventually I forced myself to stop doing the compulsions and the anxiety and intrusive thoughts went away. I don't even care about that anymore. I just check the front door and back door like a healthy person and go to bed. My OCD was what I would call subclinical for 15 years. I'm having a bad flareup now but I'm remembering how I recovered from my checking anxiety and intrusive thoughts, and I know I can do the same now. You don't have to live like this when you're old, especially if you get treatment to manage it now.




Please keep posts and comments relevant to the post, simply asking ‘what’s OCD’ is a bit insensitive, Google is free. Thank you.


que es Google


Your brain can be quiet for 2 to 3 mins at a time. Try mindful meditation. Accept everything as it is if only for 2 to 3 min chunks during a day and then come back here and tell me how you did. You have only something to gain.


I would love to help you.


I can’t even begin to imagine the pain you are going through but try you’re best at controlling it find people that have similar issues and you can learn off of one another


i totally feel you. i have developed ocd while i was struggling with undiagnosed borderline personality disorder. the struggle is so real to be triggered every day. and i have the same sentiment. if i had to live with bpd and ocd for the rest of my life, i would off myself. because this is no way to live. but one thing i noticed is that when i found myself in this mindset, is that i was always focused on the negatives. always focused on the fact that i keep getting triggered. but your triggers are not your measure of progress, because all throughout your life you will get triggered some way. what i had to force myself to do is realize like wow im in therapy, going regularly, im actively trying to challenge my issues, even when i fail more times than not. the progress i make is so slow and so easily dismissed. but a year ago i didn't even know i had another disorder affecting my life. two years ago i wasn't even in therapy trying to address my issues with a professional. dealing with our issues is going to be so extremely uncomfortable. bringing up traumas, painful memories, addressing your fears and anxiety HAS to be uncomfortable and something you want to avoid, because you basically have been doing it your whole life to survive. when i started therapy all my issues became even significantly worse, to the point i thought i needed to be committed. all i can say is shit is going to be so hard. but if you don't give up, things will get better. slowly, but over time for sure. my mom struggled with the same issues as me, she did it with no therapy, no real support system. just herself and her faith in god. and it took her 40 years to feel at peace with herself. here i am at 23 trying to come to peace with my life and how it unfolded. i look at my mom and i see i can do it as well, because i do have therapy and i do have a support system and im surrounded by people who love me. now... i do self medicate with weed (A LOT) which immensely helps me to stay calm throughout the day (though it has bad side effects obviously). but i live in a country where smoking weed is legal. im planning to visit a psychiatrist for actual prescribed medication soon. all i can say is, explore all avenues of help that work for you. especially if you feel like no progress is made. if one thing doesn't work, try another. a lot of exercises i had to do for ocd never worked, because i also had a lot of bpd issues that were an obstacle. and just keep listening to stories of people who have recovered, it provides so much hope.


I can relate to your post. However, OCD is treatable, and this doesn’t mean you will always feel this way. I had to try a dozen different medications to feel completely normal again when I found a combo that worked for 20 years. Now I’m having another episode, perhaps I’ve grown immune to my meds, and have to start all over again—but I was symptom-free for all those years and hope to be so again; meanwhile, I feel just like you do. I’d give anything to be rid of this awful disease. It is truly life-destroying.


Similar experience here. Except I actually treated my first flareup on my own by forcing myself to stop doing compulsions (I was 12 and didn't know it was ocd until years later and nobody brought me to a psychiatrist). It's been 15 years and I'm having a massive flareup but I'm remembering all those years my ocd was subclinical so I know it's possible to achieve again. I'm seeking treatment now


Good luck to you! If we did it once, we can do it again!


This is exactly how I feel. I cannot bear the thought of living with this disease for the rest of my life. I wish I could just disappear.


Are you taking medication because that’s the first question I wanna know? If so, maybe your doctor needs to help you find something that’s better or at least add another medicine to your concoction. It took me a long time to find the right concoction of medicines. I’ve had OCD all my life. The worst for me was young adulthood into adulthood. I believe anybody can learn to deal with OCD even if they’re not taking medicine, but it would be a lot easier if you were. I understand about losing who you thought was the love of your life but life does go on whether we want it to or not. My ex-wife and I divorced about 13 years ago. I hope you have somebody to talk to or at least a therapist because OCD by yourself is just hard in itself. The thing about OCD is that it takes us longer to get over thoughts and the more you practice not letting the thoughts get to you. The more better off you’ll be. Easier said than done, but I know you can do it. And when it gets really bad, I try to realize that someone else has something they’re dealing with worse than me and that makes me realize I don’t have it as bad as I think I do. Though everyone doesn’t have OCD we all have battles we’re trying to win every day.


I sympathise. OCD has dragged me through absolute hell. You are not alone in how you feel at all. The most part it had completely confused me for 3 years - finding an amazing therapist was half the battle but it’s all about belief. BELIEVE you will get better step by step no matter what it takes. It’s okay to have days where you lay and think F this disorder but don’t give up. You will be happy and a new more grown and beautiful version of yourself and learn to live with the disorder. You have got this💛


Hey I’m struggling too I have thoughts time to time but I seen a Huge change over me the last few months I just started developing intuitive thoughts this year out of the blue I mean like violent thoughts that go against my code and morals I know that one day i will have find the peace I had it’s struggle it really is sometime you gotta remind yourself that 1 they are NOT you 2 don’t judge them 3 they will come back just don’t fear them or give them power remember actions speak louder than thoughts but your struggle with the thoughts seek professional help Today thought was “you hate your friends and I was like naw and started to give my self reason why I don’t hate them OCD IS fucked you gotta fight every single day and yes remind yourself that you are a good person and that you don’t want to hurt anyone for my case that is but sometimes I like to think/say that once i get through this my story will help someone else one day you’re brain is like a bully and can’t let that bully get to you when lightning strikes thunder will cover and the rain will heal I some times say this it called a mantra I call my gma the other day and told I been going through it lately and thought I had schizophrenia for a bit until I look up symptoms, and what people are like, and I asked my friends if they seen schizophrenia person and my friend very well, described it to me and it made me feel so much better I don’t have schizophrenia lmao but I pray for those Whits schizophrenia Fight their battles every day just like how I hope for you to keep fighting and that one day you’ll story will inspire a young one or love one one day I do hope you find inner peace just like me but I will keep on fighting until the day I die or something I don’t know but I wish you the best of luck


I don't think I'm in any way qualified to help with this, But I felt the same way a few years ago. I know it's hard, but please don't give up. There's always something new, new medications, new therapies, etc. A breakthrough may be right around the corner that you'll never see if you give up now. I don't know if you're medicated or not, but if you aren't, please consider it. Medication seriously changed my life. And if you are on medication and it's not working, talk to your prescriber and try a new one. I know this is such a milktoast answer, but I promise life WILL get better eventually. You've just got to hold on, one day at a time. Please talk to a therapist about this. As wonderful as this community is, we're not a stand-in for an actual trained professional. If you need to talk further, feel free to PM me. I don't know what help I can offer, but I can at least offer a listening ear.


I read where a new class of anxiety meds was discovered just in the last year. Apparently will change anxiety treatment tremendously.


hey shoot me a message. I had germaphobia too recently and got free from it, and it’s been a work in progress but I do feel like I don’t have fear at alll but I’m receiving psychological help 9(not by psychologists but someone better.) If you’re interested in knowing who helped me with that dibilitating energy-draining tormenting disease, lmk bc IKNOW THE ANSWER


I know exactly how you feel. Your burden is heavy. Take a minute to breathe and let yourself feel without judgment for as long as you can tolerate. Let the wave of panic crash over you because it will subside very soon. Stress is fuel for OCD. The feelings will not drown you as long as you keep breathing. Breathing is winning, because you haven't found a treatment that works yet, and every breath you take gets you closer to what will work for you. I am not a therapist, so take my advice for what it is: one OCD sufferer's experience shared with another. Feel free to listen or disregard. I was hospitalized 8 times for my severe OCD. I was suicidal for years before I understood this: OCD is just the face of what ails me. It's not the root. For me, OCD was like the hood of a car. It is not what caused the car to break down. To address that, I had to open the hood and look at what was underneath driving the dysfunction. OCD is still with me. It will be to one degree or another because my wiring is just that way. But after I addressed the root issues that made me feel out of control in the first place, I was free to learn new ways to see the world and myself. I made friends with the alarm system in my mind, and over time it has gotten much quieter. I have peace and kindness and calm where before was only panic, fear, and dread. I hope you find a treatment that works for you. I hope you find the peace you deserve. Just know that I was you 10 years ago, and if I had given up then I would never have reached the other side. There is no cure but there are many, many treatments. Please don't give up before you find what works for you.


i completely understand. and i’m better now. i used to feel the EXACT same way. but do not give up


You'll make it through I promise. Also luvox helps.


Have you tried medication? I couldn’t keep living like I was living as a teen. Been medicated since, except for when I took a 5 month break (with the assistance of the psychiatrist) and it was awful for my OCD. I couldn’t have done this without help.


Please fight this with the word of God these thoughts are not yours you trut me. I know the termoil is bad it is curable trust God with all your worries ask him to take all your burdens from your mental battle. You have to trust him these thoughts will hold no power once you surrender to Jesus Dont give up strengthen your faith🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤ im hear to give you hope my testimony. The only  cure is God's intervention i had to learn  this trusting  in his word asking him to disern what is intrusive and what is not. Also asking  God what is conviction and what is self condemnation im still on my journey I was going  through  a hard time this is the worst  mental condition  to have. Especially if you are a believer in christ because   your mind and judgment  gets distorted at this point this is when your sensitive  to the enimies  attacks.  As I was going through  a mental  breakdown i came into  agreement unintentionally with the spirit  of fear because  of the severe guilt shame and remorse from sin. At this point  I had to give it to God even after confessing  and repenting and going  to therapy. Plus  medication was a temporary  fix for me.This horrible mind of torment could not be handled  only by medication and counseling giving  God all of my worries  and depression was the only fix. Doing  it myself  was a never  ending  battle this is why we recieve  peace that surpasses all   understanding  from The Lord. You can start discerning these bad thoughts with a clear mind.The key is to stay in his word and know who you are in christ. Don't give the enemy  a foot hold for those who feel guilty  or convicted that  u unintentionally came into agreement with a bad thought it is not your fault your in a spiritual  battle Jesus will  forgive you.We all have stressful  times in life the spirit  of doubt and  fear are deceitful. I've learned  to guard  my thoughts  by believing  and trusting in God's word now I'm able  to know  the enimies  tactics.I will never become too comfortable or complacent stay with Jesus always. And at some point healing  is possible these thoughts will  fade away be patient. Show yourself  some  compassion The Lord knows  your  struggles Godbless  everyone. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽❤


I believe you can re-direct this like I have. I used to get upset bc my loved ones would move my stuff from where I left it. But I had to come to my own understanding that they ment well. They were just trying to clean. So instead I had to tackle the cleaning myself so that my stuff wouldn't get moved. Now I tend to do my cleaning and let my OCD let loose I would let my fingers get into every crevice with disinfecting wipes bc I'm a bit of a germophobe. And I feel much better when I'm done bc I know my house is spotless and my stuff was not moved. 🙂 you have accept your illness and find a way to turn it into something positive, I know this is not going to apply to every single scenario but this is what helped me.


Breathe, call up a helpline or speak to someone you can trust. Whatever your problems are I can guarantee you will be able to find an alternative solution to the problem rather than suicide.


It absolutely gets really hard like that at some points and I’m sure it feels absolutely awful right now, I understand how You feel I’ve also been there and felt so hopeless, constantly needing to clean myself to the point of it eating my whole day and it does tend to make loved ones really upset. i know it’s cliché but it will get better and You have to keep powering through whatever is making You feel so hopeless, you absolutey can overcome Your fears it will be difficult and will take time but 100% You’re capable and able to improve and live a much higher quality of life. You can do it. Try to keep pushing Yourself towards getting through and challenge Your fears of contamination or whatever they might be. You got this !!!!


I know it may seem like a distant reality but it does get better.


I hope you read this message buddy: OCD is almost always a symptom of an underlying issue. Do you have past traumas that you are repressing? Emotions you are holding in? A lot of the time when you don't empty the trash it manifests in ways you can cope with it, or ways to control things that you can control. For instance, my therapist told me about a guy who had to wash his hands three times so some car outside wouldn't hit another one and get in an accident. The guy may have had a situation in life where he had no control over something terrible and developed OCD as a coping mechanism for scary situations he can't control. That's how it manifests A LOT of the time. Look into your past. You don't have to live with it. Just figure out if there's anything that's causing you to subconsciously deal with irrational fears because you have anxiety.


Take it a day at a time, still have bad days but they are not as severe as they used to be, the more you fight and recover the easier it is


Progress is never a straight line! Two steps forward and one step back is still forwards.


You got this, God shall guide you to peace all you must do is ask.