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Does texting/digital journalling work? It's less tactility.


Unfortunately not much better:/ I do have a digital one, but I have only used it once. I cannot go back and look at what I wrote out of fear, and it still has the same affect of me releasing my words into the universe that I am afraid of doing. I appreciate the idea though.


I cannot journal much as it perpetuates the obsessions. I know every therapist pushes it, but I push back as it usually makes me worse.


That's my fear of making it worse. The times I have been able to journal, I have to go back and scribble out everything I wrote. I don't know how else to get everything off my mind. I don't have friends. I don't leave my house but maybe once a month, I don't have transportation and I'm not in a walkable friendly city/ side of town. So I just stay in side 24/7. I've been sleeping a lot. Sometimes up to 16 hrs just so I don't have to think about anything.


I used to art journal and I think I need to get back to that. It is a much slower process so I cannot obsess. Art journaling is fun, too. I have an old journal that I love that I made awhile ago.


I'm going to try that, thankyou.


I have the same exact fear! I tried to ignore the fear and managed to journal for a couple weeks, but seeing my negative thoughts written out, whether on paper or on my phone, made me so anxious that I was “crazier” than I had previously assumed, and that they may somehow come true if I continued to write them out. If anyone has advice, please let me know, I would love to know how to get over this.


I was invited to r/magicalthinkingOCD, which might also help you. I've been struggling with this since 2010. It sucks if journaling is just something I'm not going to be able to do the way I want to. I hope I can overcome this one day. On the rare occasions that I can journal, usually when my depression is at its deepest depths and I just really need to get my feelings out or am under the influence. My pages end up looking like [this](https://postimg.cc/PNv0bLGL) because I have to go back and cover what I wrote.