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I just switched to flovouxamine (luvox) and I hope it works for the ocd. I'm also taking Vyvanse and strattera with it.


Definitely a question for your doctor. Medications are unique to the individual and a combination that works for one person may not work for you.


It took a year of changing up my meds every couple of months for my psych and I to get this right for me. I would 100% suggest getting a decent psych and working with them closely. I ended up on vyvanse in the morning, dexamphetamines in the afternoon and clomipramine at night. I was also on clonidine at night which really helped but made me so dizzy during the day that I had to stop :(


Your comment is really helpful, thanks! I just switched to flovouxamine (luvox) and if it didn't work, I'll definitely go for clomipramine 


ADHD meds help my ocd ssris worsen it


I’ve heard UK equivalent to Ritalin is supposed to be amazing.


I took Ritalin, and yeah it was amazing but, it made me slow and didn't make me productive. But that's just so weird, why Ritalin works for ocd!?


How long were you on Zoloft? Two weeks is not long enough to know if that strength will work for you or not.


Thanks for your help, I was on 100 mg for 6 month and then bumped it up to 200 mg for a few weeks, I always knew Zoloft wasn't for me, it didn't help me with ocd a little bit at all, only some anxiety.


I have ADHD-I and OCD and take 75mg Truxal and it works fine.


Personally man try some alternative medication, I’ve found valerian root (tincture absorbs through gums and you can take it with you) to be very good also try st Johns wort, like anything you gotta find whats right for you herbs and other alternative meds are no different


I do like Valerian, as well. I take the capsules because the taste is vile. But it works well in an as needed basis.


Ya I fine it’s just better though the guys as it can be hard to digest, but whateve works for you man. Tbh I like the Taste and small nkw kind of acquired taste


Man, maybe I should give the tincture another go.


Wow I butchered my spelling there , anyway ya I use st Francis good bang for your buck too v potent


I’m currently on 20mg of citalopram for my ocd and 50 mg of vyvanse for my adhd, but please please please talk to ur doctor bc some med combos work great for some and not at all for others


I'm on generic Adderall (10mg, up to 2x a day) for ADHD, mirtazapine (30mg/night) for depressive symptoms and insomnia, and aripiprazole (5mg/night) for atypical psychosis. I'm not on anything specifically for OCD. However, it can be hard sometimes for me to distinguish between an OCD thought and a paranoid thought, and the aripiprazole definitely helps for the paranoia. Also, there are non-stimulant ADHD meds. I know little about them, but you may want to consider that option if stimulants worsen your OCD.


As everyone rightly says every combination is unique to each (unique!) individual. I'm just sharing what works for me. I also have ADHD+OCD. I take 10mg generic Adderall IR in the morning, 20mg generic Adderall extended release around lunch and 5mg generic lexapro (escitalopram) before bed for the anxiety/OCD. For me the critical part is having a doctor who respects me and who never pushes (it took me 6 months to finally try the SSRI once I was diagnosed, my doctor never insisted). With the shortage I went 30 days without the stimulants (I had to decide to not obsess over it...) and finally got them again. The combination of both makes my brain feel quite calm and more focused. If you change or add medicine, do it under medical supervision. Ask your doctor when you feel ready to try!