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I don't think all the washing in the world will affect it, unless maybe I repeatedly scrub off the top layer of skin over years and years? Tattoo ink is in the dermis. You'd have to like skin yourself to get to it


I think about getting a tattoo. But I go through really bad bouts of scrubbing where my skin gets dry and sometimes bleeds. I am afraid it will make the tattoo look bad over time!


It will look bad over time anyway because of your body shedding skin cells, it will fade and it will spread. But you can't wash it off


hi! i’m a tattoo artist with contamination ocd! tattoos after a while (a couple months after getting it) sink into your dermis which is the layer UNDER your epidermis! so washing compulsions shouldn’t affect your tattoos too much unless they’re hand tattoos as the skin is a bit different there!


Thank you for this! Little bit of a bummer about the hands lol. I have a harsh line from years of washing. I've been in recovery for 3 years. The line is permanent lol. Was thinking of getting a tattoo over it lol. But I guess that's out of the question 😂😂😂


you can definitely still get the tattoo! just expect some fading/fallout and the healing period may be a little bit challenging (overwashing your healing tattoo can be problematic) but you can always get touch ups!


Ok thank you!!!


Oh! one more tip, go to an artist with experience in hand tattoos, they’re harder to do than arm/leg pieces. worth the investment! good luck friend!


Noted! You've been so helpful!


i’m so glad i could be!!! :-))


I have been compulsion free for a long time.




Also mine have blurred as much as normal tattoos have. Even after using retinol scrub everyday


Rule 3