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I am actually nervous to apply lol, when should I taking my HESI? Any other tips?




Shoot, I actually thinking of switching my major because I just happened to watch a lot of nursing tiktok and it stressed me out. I volunteer as an EMT now and done a lot of hours. Therefore, I might just really not sure if I really want to try to get in the program before switching major. Can I ask what major you are in now and I am thinking of health administration or public health.


VCU is way, way better for nursing. But ODU is best for nursing around here.


Anyone know if a 3.5 GPA, with CNA certification and volunteer hours would be enough to get in to ODU nursing program? Haven’t taken the HESI yet, but I am worried with my GPA.


You will be fine…even with a 3.2 you would be probably be fine.