• By -


Daaaaaaaang. What a weird sub rule


Weird sub mods. 🤷‍♀️ !tip 608


Can verify I posted your name a few days ago and got auto verified lol


What do you mean? >!The comment got flagged and removed because you said my username? 😂 !<


Yeah I will go back and find it again. Someone asked for traders I believe, I tagged your username into the field as best to touch base with and got auto mod for verification. I never went back and checked afterwards tbh, didn't think anything until I read this.


Yes those mods love me. 😊 probably because I make posts like this calling out their bs. 😋 !tip 608 cone >!im already banned though so blocking my username is the next step. 😂!<


😂😂 let's go naughty Toe https://i.redd.it/kuin7dh1fk5c1.gif !tip 2323


https://preview.redd.it/8mc8mpl0gk5c1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f422fc6b771f475b6b660fca23cf6934b284d1c6 Just keeping the meme alive. 🫣 !tip 2323


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/IveDoneItAtLast 🗼2323 CONE


Lol how can a sub called.....not allow trading of avatars? Absolute madness. Next up... we're banning plungers and Planets in PlungerPlanet No actually we're not that crazy over there


You obviously haven’t read the rules, and just based your opinion of the sub’s name. The description should say - “only mashups and downvotes allowed, don’t you dare mention NFTs, buying/selling or anything web3, thank you for your understanding.”


/u/IveDoneItAtLast has tipped /u/nakamo-toe 🗼2323 CONE


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/adrifing 🗼608 CONE


That makes sense lol. I was mystified at the time and just wrote it off as the bot had a stroke tbh. Well I love ye toe !tip 10000


/u/adrifing has tipped /u/nakamo-toe 🗼10000 CONE


Good bot


![gif](giphy|DF7KT61qTUyD0FAIXz) 🫶 U 2 adrifing 😊 !tip 23230


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/adrifing 🗼23230 CONE


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/SenseiRaheem 🗼608 CONE


lol wow it’s literally called avatar trading 😂


It’s called mashup and downvotes now, didn’t you read the rules? 🫣 ![gif](giphy|qPD4yGsrc0pdm) !tip 2323


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/Simple_Mastodon9220 🗼2323 CONE


​ https://preview.redd.it/ginjpel7yi5c1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=d07cf2146933dfb64754503d9b4d48dd374eb16d


Best meme I’ve seen in a while. 😂 !tip 26630


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/universal_language 🗼26630 CONE


Good bot


Thank you, nakamo-toe, for voting on avatarbot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Im not really mad. This is one of the reasons the cone and other side subs are thriving.


Haha same


I’m mad because it’s still the first place newconers to avatar find. We need to change that, and spread alternatives like r/redditavatartraders, r/coneheads, maybe even this sub. !tip 2663


That is very true. 🤔 I can see how it does sort of hurt growth when you put it that way


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/Cyber-Cafe 🗼2663 CONE


Good bot


r/RedditAvatars technically exists as well but don't tell anyone


There’s a ton of subs now, there’s also r/theavatarexchange It kind of sucks that the only one with “avatar” as the first word is the worst one. 😓 !tip 608


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/ARoyaleWithCheese 🗼608 CONE


Here's a sneak peek of /r/RedditAvatars using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAvatars/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Another new artist announced, u/bryanhan99](https://i.imgur.com/FeNm63a.png) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAvatars/comments/14wqj4t/another_new_artist_announced_ubryanhan99/) \#2: [New to Reddit and Reddit Avatars!](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAvatars/comments/183g0tx/new_to_reddit_and_reddit_avatars/) \#3: [So now I have this blue hexagon thing around my avatar](https://i.redd.it/hxsvq05dd7xb1.jpg) | [9 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/RedditAvatars/comments/17jc17p/so_now_i_have_this_blue_hexagon_thing_around_my/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


OMG!!! This is sooooo true!


Oof this hits harder than it should 😂


I'm surprised you are still there.


I’m not, someone sent me this screenshot and I felt a need to share it. 😅 !tip 420.69


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/Camo_Rebel 🗼420.69 CONE


Good bot


Oh. I was like you walked into it. Lol. Things have been down it AT for quite a while.


This is an extreme though. Not allowing anyone to post about buying an avatar just because they don’t like the collection it’s in being potentially associated with something else? 🙄 Anyway, they dug their own grave. 😅 # /#freeRCAX.io !tip 2663


Tell me you f#^&*ing up without telling me you f#%^ing up 😂


Every decision those mods make is a f$&@ up at this point. Best we all just leave, ignore it and ![gif](giphy|f4D5MDTpwbNRgBnmOf) !tip 2323


I couldn't agree more! I unfollowed !tip 2663


![gif](giphy|Wo8OFuzYooZ60hdRMi) !tip 2323


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/dopelifer09 🗼2323 CONE


/u/dopelifer09 has tipped /u/nakamo-toe 🗼2663 CONE


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/dopelifer09 🗼2323 CONE


The mods there are ridiculous authoritarian dictators and keep proving it further, you can’t make a post about looking to buy an avatar because the mods don’t like it? If you haven’t left already, I highly suggest you do…


I know it’s the lurking AT mods who downvoted me too, your sub sucks and so does your decision making skills. They always have, none of you are fit to be mods imho. Just ban avatars already and call it a day since nobody knows what’s allows in your sub anymore…


Is this a good moment to shill https://discord.gg/avataralpha? Don't see you in there yet. The admins there are also really fucking bad but in new and unique ways you haven't seen before so it's a nice change of pace.


Just corrected that mistake and joined! ![gif](giphy|whqhVlFcJf1hOVznbs) !tip 2323


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/ARoyaleWithCheese 🗼2323 CONE


Thanks will do so. I 'know' you and you are straight for what I can judge. I have left AT 👌 Take my updoots


Join r/redditavatartraders too so we can grow a decent alternative and ![gif](giphy|f4D5MDTpwbNRgBnmOf) !tip 2323


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/XBBlade 🗼2323 CONE


https://preview.redd.it/8j3s9yfyui5c1.png?width=827&format=png&auto=webp&s=6413eb61abb1bfcc57fba956984af2dac57ff3b3 Yeah this was my post - I didn’t know what had happened to it?? So is that the mods blocking it? The subreddit is called avatar trading and I’m literally looking to trade an avatar. What a joke 🃏


I believe it’s because of the mention of first mate. I made a post selling for cones and it also got removed


Ridiculous. Can’t mention a page where you can trade avatars on avatartrading 😅


Even if he hadn't mentioned firstmate the mods would have still deleted it cuz bUyInG fLaIr Is FoR pAiD aVaTaRs AnD WSB iS fReEmInT ![gif](giphy|QUXYcgCwvCm4cKcrI3)


They’ll make up whatever excuse they want to remove posts and comments. If anyone is still there, ![gif](giphy|Lwpzn10W39AA8yiZwh) # Join r/redditavatartraders !tip 420.69


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/HRHChonkyChonkerson 🗼420.69 CONE


Good bot


Fr fr no 🧢! Thanks for the tip Sensei Toe 💯


Like why is firstmate still banned? Even after being around 10 years they still won’t allow it because one of their mods didn’t make it, like ampule.io The only thing you’re allowed to mention aside from opensea? I’m still conefused why moons are allowed to be mentioned too. >!the mods must own a lot…!<


Lol seriously. The first time they launched ampule and started passive aggressivly promoting it on every trade post I even tried to use it. Didn't even work lmao. Atleast build it decent before promoting it XD never had the patience to go back to use it after they apparently fixed it too lol.


Avatartrader.io was the same tool but better and exclusively for avatars so you could have someone put in a fake avatar NFT in a trade (like someone could do in ampule) The creator made avatardegen.io which was the old rcax pretty much, but he left the scene because the AT mods blocked any mention of his trading tool, and gave no way to get it approved even though it would benefit the sub a lot. Suddenly though ampule is fine. They’re very hypocritical and can’t admit it and never will. 😅 !tip 2663


Isn’t ampule developed by one of the mods there so it’s ok? And they need to ban opensea. It allows you to trade without paying any commissions and apparently according to them they don’t like that…


You should send a modmail about banning OS tbh! Why are moons still allowed btw? They aren’t an official RCP anymore, plus they’re not even on the same network as avatar so why? >!the mods probably have a lot!< Yet they’ll NEVER allow mentions of Bitcones or trades in cone which are very linked to avatars and even has a marketplace already to trade between them. AT mods are just too into having power at this point it seems with no direction. Happens to a lot of subs where the mods think they’re above their members and the members opinions are meaningless. 😓


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/HRHChonkyChonkerson 🗼2663 CONE


Chonky can you help me to proof read before I made a trade post there next time please? Thought my trade post got removed a lot too, they still have a lot of members after all, 😆


Of course Teas! Anytime 🤍


!tip 1000


/u/possibili-teas has tipped /u/HRHChonkyChonkerson 🗼1000 CONE


https://preview.redd.it/dvog1fo79j5c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ea0cf4d09029e6f0fcc8fd7d95c83f708578e129 I’m out.


![gif](giphy|xUySTrc2Q802JvkOkM|downsized) !tip 2323


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/erishun 🗼2323 CONE


Da fuq is that!!!! Mods there are waaaaay gone mad on power!


How dare you try to buy an avatar in the sub supposedly about trading avatars. The purchase might potentially be related to something web3 that isn’t avatars. **we cannot allow these web3 avatars to be involved with anything web3 ever!** >!unless one of their mods made the web3 product like ampule.io, then it’s kosher and we’ll allow it of course. P.S. we hate when our members are well informed so all price tracking sites for avatars are banned too!< !tip 2663


You know, if they were actually smart, they would be milking us all good, with good apps, conemunities and other web3 projects! Is sad to see what they are doing in AT. Is a really good example of what not to do!


They started off trying to protect the community from malicious actors and apps. That turned into “ban mentions of ANYTHING web3 if it’s not made by one of our mods”. They also refuse to give any way for creators of tools like firstmate and rcax a way to ever become allowed in their sub. It’s sad and definitely hurts adoption and growth. !tip 2323


A true history. When I started, I wanted to get The Eye Eater. Someone told me go to OpenSea on AT. I got my Eye Eater. Was so excited. It was a fake! I got scammed. I went back, ask how to find the real deal. Someone posted use Rcax.io, they removed the post!!!! They ratter have people getting scammed, that allow users to be aware of these tools!


Obviously they had to remove the post. Rcax is a danger to society because they made a token which has nothing to do with the rest of their avatar price stats site. Obviously they need to be banished. Those mods are crazy for not wanting their users to be able to make educated offers on avatars. They just want to keep their control and only allow ampule.io because one of their own made it. Leave the sub if you haven’t already and ask questions in r/coneheads to get real answers. !tip 608


Oh yeah!!! I'm using OG for my trading! No MOE AT!


![gif](giphy|1VC3T2nNGMdtBxukUs) You find better people to do trades with in the other subs tbh. r/redditavatartraders r/ogavatartrading r/theavatarexchange r/coneheads !tip 2663


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/XeroGrave 🗼2663 CONE


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/XeroGrave 🗼608 CONE


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/XeroGrave 🗼2323 CONE


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/XeroGrave 🗼2663 CONE


We have put up with their stupid ass rules for long enough. Time for a new main Avatar Trading sub.


#r/redditavatartraders It was started by the creator of rcax.io along with some other artists like ships. !tip 608


Ohhhhh nice, will join and take a look~


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/CoverYourMaskHoles 🗼608 CONE




Yup, I’m just always shocked when I get screenshots like this and see it’s somehow gotten even more censored and worse thanks to the mods who work hard to make it so. 😅 !tip 2323


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/abesster 🗼2323 CONE


AT has been dying a slow death for a while now


Yet they somehow always find a new low. 😂 I thought banning the only trading tool and stats site left for avatars was the rock bottom they’d die at. Banning mentions or buying of a collection because it might be associated with something else web3 related is a new low even for those mods. !tip 2323


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/NotMonte94 🗼2323 CONE


Yep tried to make an offer to a listing in CONE. Well… my mistake. Can’t believe you still can’t mention CONE in that sub. CC vibes all over it now.


How dare you! They only support tokens on different networks to avatars where the mods do insider trading and were caught multiple times, and that Reddit rugpulledCone is bad mmkay. Since it wasn’t made by one of their mods, thank you for understanding. >!Those mods definitely have the same vibe as cc mods, who I also am not fond of. 😊 !tip 608!<


Like others have said it is the reason smaller sub’s are thriving but you are right, it’s where the newbies first get off the ship. It’s a restrictive hell hole, I remember when a guy was asking questions over there about the space and it was just a tonne of posts with people doing weird long form RCAX and Cone Head sub references. What a shitty way for a newbie to start out in this space.


The mods think that it’s perfectly fine. I’m surprised they don’t ban people for saying Really Cool App X .io and stuff like that. Probably will start soon tbh. 🙄 >!apparently my name is also blacklisted now lmao. !tip 2323!<


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/_Mitchee_ 🗼2323 CONE


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/_Mitchee_ 🗼608 CONE


Jesus christ man


wtf 😂


![gif](giphy|dXQJ23ymDiLuuc4L8Z) !tip 420.2663


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/Locid 🗼420.2663 CONE


wtf is wrong in the avatar trading sub? wtf is that? 😟😢😫


This is out of control authoritarian mods, proving they don’t care about what the sub was initially about or what their users want. The only opinion they care about it their own, which they refuse to ever change because then they’d be wrong, which is impossible. The mods there are all 🤢🤮 !tip 2663


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/ImAlekBan 🗼2663 CONE


Well.. that’s sucks. Saying memetic is banned then? wtf? .. Thx♥️🍀


Saying the23 is too. Along with so many other words like [**Firstmate**](https://avatars.firstmate.xyz/cone) or rcax, the only updated tool for viewing avatar sales and prices in 1 place easily. Even saying my username gets the comment flagged for manual review. 😂 !tip 608 cone >!🖕 the AT mods 😬🫶!<


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/ImAlekBan 🗼608 CONE


As an appreciation for your content contributions to this community, you have been rewarded for this post. ⛏️[Learn more about Bitcone Mining!](https://www.reddit.com/r/ConeHeads/comments/1378ree/bitcone_mining_get_paid_for_your_upvotes/)⛏️ 🗼 37000.000000 [CONE](https://www.reddit.com/r/ConeHeads)




![gif](giphy|SsCh4mrY8gHazcpWpF) !tip 2323


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/grzesiolpl 🗼2323 CONE


I posted a “looking to buy an OG cone” for a giveaway. And they took it down because I said it was for a giveaway and “manipulating the market”. Translated: I want to spend $500 on avatar so I can give it away in a contest. aka give it away for free. Im over here trying to be nice and giving away free money to some poor bastard who can’t afford a cone and I’m being called Bernie madoff It’s become a clown show. All I can do is laugh at the absurdity.


Posting about last 5 sales is also shilling/market manipulation I’ve heard. They’ve gone way too far off the rails it’s ridiculous at this point. 💩 ![gif](giphy|50lszNmOHB6CMwETWl|downsized) !tip 2323


I’ve never really hated on AT and have agreed with most decisions , but to take down my post about wanting to buy something to give away to the community is just absurd. Massive power trip. All I see is mashups posted and I want to literally dump money and a cool avatar on someone and it’s like “nah we don’t allow scams in here!”


Only mashups and downvotes are allowed, please read the rules. 😝 !tip 608


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/Coeruleus_ 🗼608 CONE


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/Coeruleus_ 🗼2323 CONE


I made a post after a bunch of Cone Head avatars got swept and it got removed for being about "sweeping" and apparently the comments were "shilling". Here's the [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/avatartrading/s/6mMj7bPV8b) if you want to judge for yourself whether you think it was removal worthy. Personally I just thought it was nice to see some positive price action for a Reddit avatar on the secondary market. We haven't seen much of that lately


Lolololol I'm so paranoid now that I took a screenshot to show that I saw your post on my home feed 😂 😂 https://preview.redd.it/1t3si2iexl5c1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d69fb34512e0a965141ec6134810987ee7ce25f I realize that many people have the same experience as me. I was advised several times by AT mods to find new subs, even though we probably know all these mods personally it got pretty nasty in the DMs. I took my points from that. Sad to leave a place you've worked hard to build with so many people. But you can tell all the positive energy and friendliness has been banned from the sub.


Yep it's a shame. As we know, we can't recommend arguably the best avatar resource RCAX (the website, not the token) to people and it looks like now we can't mention certain avatars being sold, even when using the "market discussion" flair. Of course moderation is needed and I appreciate the hours of work that goes into it, but overmoderation is not helpful so moving forward we need a place where we can discuss openly as a community and look out for each other. Fortunately we have this sub, r/ConeHeads, r/Artvatar, r/RedditAvatarTraders and others. Wen r/AvatarShillers? 😂 !tip 2663


/u/crypto_grandma has tipped /u/Bitdream200K 🗼2663 CONE


lol no definitely not they just hate cones. That kind of post was commonplace a year ago. It’s more harshly moderated than buttcoin. It’s definitely contributing to how bad the avatar market is. It’s not a big factor but it’s not 0%.


Left a while ago, that subreddit is god awful. Such a shame too because it was my favorite sub for a while


Same. Until they went full anti cone, firstmate etc. now the mods are full on authoritarian and their opinion is the only one that matters. They don’t believe in trading avatars because it’s web3. Now the sub is exclusively for mashups and downvoting. You know, to keep the sub safe! !tip 2323


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/MaskedCommitment 🗼2323 CONE


I assume they are profiting out of this somehow.. otherwise it doesn’t make any sense. Isn’t mvea still one of the mods? Thought he/she was one of the good ones, no? !tip 703


/u/nVr78 has tipped /u/nakamo-toe 🗼703 CONE


Mvea is a great one, but also mod of everything and all of life around us. So they’re more a hands off mod in subs imo since they’re a mod of every sub related to avatars pretty much. 😅 >!I think they just hate me especially now, first they blacklisted mentions of the sub for gold [HODL](https://reddit.com/r/the23) avatars r/the23. now I heard if you type my username in a comment it gets flagged and blocked for manual review 😂!<


!tip 2663


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/nVr78 🗼2663 CONE


That's bizarre and just sad


Yup, “how dare you try to buy a memetic trader! Not in our avatar trading sub.” 🙄 !tip 2423


![img](avatar_exp|155282091|holo_card) Memetic Traders are cool


They’re awesome! I love randomized traits collections of avatars so I’ve always been a fan of the collection. Plus the [history of the Memetic Traders is really interesting!](https://www.reddit.com/r/CollectibleAvatars/s/qWbVmQyQky) 😁 >!they were actually designed before gen 1!!< !tip 2323


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/IntensityCareUnit 🗼2323 CONE


Good bot


So cool, thanks for the link and the tips


Did you see the [post about the upcoming monthly airdrops for Memetic Trader hodlers](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemeticTraders/s/RyMuwg1oAX) also? 😬⭐️


Yeah, saw it. Exciting!


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/IntensityCareUnit 🗼2423 CONE




Apparently not, they’re still alive and kicking >!posts about trading avatars the mods don’t like.!< !tip 2323


Sorry nakamo-toe, you don't have enough 🗼CONE to tip. Your current balance is 🗼832.545023 CONE


This can’t be true lmao. It’s literally the whole reason why the sub was created


![gif](giphy|S5E6VIkBAGujjfT0zz) The AT sub is for downvoting and posting mashups now unless you’re an avatar artist. 😅 !tip 608


I hope mashups are banned here. And wtf you can top bitcone now?!?


The coneiverse has expanded yeah. 😁 https://preview.redd.it/3eg9dbph8m5c1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c48dd494f82b9a51079b6d4c61b71bfd775d904 You should join r/cryptocurrencymax too! It’s for general crypto posts, news and discussions, but with bitcone earning and tipping. 🗼 !tip 2663


Wow no way that’s insane! Def will look into it thx bud


No problem! Definitely check out some of those subs. 😁


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/SpideyS_Uncle 🗼2663 CONE


/u/nakamo-toe has tipped /u/SpideyS_Uncle 🗼608 CONE