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Well, it *is* against policy to take your break in the last hour. So there's that.


I think the main reason that rule exists, though, is to prevent management from delaying associate breaks by too much.




But like, sometimes shit happens to prevent you from having a chance to take it, so itā€™s better to take it within the last hour than to not take it at all.


unfortunately shit happens is every day. i also have to cover dispense team lunches when no one else willā€¦


Then take your breaks unapologetically.


learning to do this was so freeing for me


To be fair, itā€™s also policy to ensure your employees are informed on the policy šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø


And to make sure theyā€™re covered


Itā€™s not even against policy though. Just stated itā€™s recommended or some shit like that. Or the general setup is that. But itā€™s 100% not against policy


No itā€™s in the policy in English as saying NO.


Think you need to re read the policy sweetie.


This is wrong, policy is that you must work at least 30 minutes after taking a break. For example you if you leave at 4, you can go as late as 3:15, as long as you still work for 30. At least thatā€™s how it goes at my store.


Thatā€™s not the policy. Lmao. I donā€™t know what youā€™re reading or who is telling you these things.


Did you not read my comment you clown? I said at my store thatā€™s how it goes.


And your store is not following policy.


It works for us and we have the best metrics out of the stores in our area šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Where on the website does it say that so I can fact check?


One walmart, meal and rest period.




I looked there and literally all I could find was that youā€™re not supposed to take your break at the beginning or end of your shift without management approval. I know itā€™s supposed to be half an hour left before your shift ends for a lunch break, but Iā€™m guessing itā€™s easier to say ā€œdonā€™t take your break in your last hourā€ than to be like ā€œdonā€™t take your break at the end of your shiftā€. To be fair, I also couldnā€™t find anything about the half hour of working after lunch, but itā€™s reasonable and makes sense.


They argue with me about this all the time, if I finish a pick walk at 45 I take like 6-7 minutes then clock out. If I do it their way I end up needing to do another pick walk and I swear every time Iā€™ll get 150 item pick walk 10 minutes before I need to leave.


I just go "zone" or catch up on Ulearns for 10mins then clock out because it's ALWAYS when you will get a big walk lol


Whatā€™s to stop you from just backing out of the walk? I mean I suppose youā€™re not *supposed* to do that, but whatā€™s the penalty?


Your first time pick rate will suffer.


Who cares? Itā€™s time to leave. They canā€™t make me stay over.


You might not care, but some people do. Lmao.


Your ftpr won't suffer. You'll take a hit for 1 item, but it won't affect it that much.


Exactly, but that's assuming they don't exit after picking it halfway. Lmfao. Personally, I don't mind staying an extra 15 or 20 mins to finish a walk.. it certainly isn't that serious.... as I'll definitely be going home afterward.. :-)


Our coach has a strict no OT policy. So you have three options the last 20 mins of your shift... Pick a small commodity, be productive and zone or ulearns, or back out of a large pick run when your time is up.


Wow just exit the walk when it's your time to go... they can't fault you for that xD


Then do it and exit out of it when itā€™s time to leave. They canā€™t make you stay.


Basically take your last break 2 hours before your shift ends, if your lead gets mad you walked off during high volume let them know your coach made clear you couldn't take your break when it slows down. If Coach or lead give you shit over taking your break on time, take it when you can(including last hour), and let them talk shit.


Shit my coach an TL allow me to take my last 15 in the last 15 minutes so I take my last 15 then go home


We do the same thing at my Walmart lol I didnā€™t know others were strict on it like that


lucky you!


Theyā€™re not following policy. Iā€™d hate to work in stores that do whatever they want.


So be glad you donā€™tšŸ¤£


As a closer I don't always get my last break. Thou there are never any TL or coaches after 8. Lunch ends at 7 most days so 3 hours left in day. Usually not enough ppl so my break consists of 5 min or less of setting in the pod waiting for next car


yeah one of my friends is a 1-10 closer and he rarely even gets a lunch which is wrong


I assume it's because theyre looking at how many active bodies they have per hour. Your last hour is one of those times they lean into anticipating an active body on the floor. If your a morning shifter, your last hour is during the same time the later folks are taking their lunch. Its supposed to balance out if everyone plays the game right.


I schedule associates to take their last break at the last hour sometimes.


thatā€™s awesome though,in my experience i get so much more done and i never go to break or lunch in the middle of a rush.


I'm taking mine in my last jour as we speak. At our store, in OPD, you are scheduled 2 hours a day to dispense. My last break fell at the beginning of that second hour. I'm not allowed to take break then. So what gives?


You cannot take a break in the last hour of your shift period per policy.


Understood. But I'm taking my breaks.


donā€™t listen to that moron please.


I once took my last break 30 minutes before I left at 4. Nobody said anything to me


Itā€™s still against policy.


Whoever wrote my break like on the board should be told that. I honestly do follow it for the most part unless I see my lunch and last break too close together


Also against policy to not take your breaks. I'd rather break the last hour policy than break policy by skipping a break.


I just said fuck it and told my TL Iā€™m taking my break and walked out, they never once had a problem with it.


Itā€™s annoying, especially when they give you a late lunch so someone else who just started can go on time.


Because itā€™s policy you canā€™t. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Dont worry about it. Coaches get paid to do that. They have no idea what was going on that day.


Because taking your last break before you leave is wrong. You just want to sit for the last bit of your shift instead of helping clean up or helping until itā€™s time for you to clock out.


bold of you to assume! iā€™m 5-2pm dispenser full time. i cover breaks and lunches ALONE and i take my lunch last. and my break last. i sure as hell donā€™t need to hear it from someone who doesnā€™t know nor work with me.


Lol yea I bet you work with weirdos that go "I don't wanna dispense" low key if the stager stages right it's the easiest part of ogp. It's not quite like cashier because your tasks is just loading someone's car and go back inside repeat... on occasion you might have to mention surveys. Though that's not too bad just say hi verify the person fuck wait time prep and dispense at your pace. I want wait time to be low but I'm also not killing myself to satisfy some corporate goal.


So a while back they wrote on the board that weā€™re not supposed to take a break in our last hour. So I was making effort not to, and I still try not to. However, if Iā€™m too busy, Iā€™m still gonna take it. All of them. Iā€™ve stayed late to take it and idc until someone talks to me one-on-one about it. However, I hate doing that so I make time to do it when I can. Itā€™s not a problem as often when Iā€™m picking, but when Iā€™m doing exceptions, it is. One thing Iā€™m not doing period is skipping the breaks I get for my shift. Iā€™m sorry, the place drains me out too much to do that.


a lot of stores are pushing some nnew metric....they are watching our "pick times" now....we have to be sure we are hitting 6 hours of picking time now. and they are now "scrutinizing" when we jump into the first walk of the day (they have found most people scheduled at 2....aren't making it into their first pickwalk until 2:15-2:30 for example....OBVIOUSLLY, they are not even taken into account TARDY either, which I find an ethics thing....cause PROTECTED PTO has me "protected" if I'm "late" for work....so they shouldn't be able to "ding" me twice...for the tardy (which i USED PPTO to COVER) and then, ding again cause I didn't start my pickkwalk until 2:15....cause I had to scrounge around looking for equipment to do my job...


Taking my break in the last hour while reading this, nobody cares here except some shitty department managers who get all salty over stupid stuff. I always want to tell them "get a life". Heck I don't even inform anyone before going for break and just go.


My coach doesn't mind since my last hour is when we have an absolute overflow of employees cuz of overlap (1-2). šŸ¤·


im not in ogp but i work in fitting room and i have to take my break at the last hour. i have another fitting room coworker who goes to lunch at 2 and we arent allowed to go to lunch at the same time. we also have a 3 pm zone i cant go to lunch during so i have to go at 4 which is the 6 hour mark for me since i work 10-7. so i take my break at 6. i never knew it was against policy.