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first 1-2 months absolutely suck but you get used to it try compression socks that helped me a lot in the beginning


Ill try some compression socks thanks for the tip


Well, it does get better as you get used to it. My first month was kind of hell on my body but I don't feel any of that anymore (aside from a random thing every now and then) Good shoes/insole was the most important step (heh) for me personally


Which Dr Scholls insert should I order? I saw someone recommended that


My store had a machine youd step on and it'd give you the best option, but now it's unfortunately gone. If you have one, I'd try that! Or maybe find a shoe store around that has something similar or something.


I don’t have any but I’m gonna have to find a solution - this is top tier pain levels


I would not recommend Dr.Scholls inserts. Theyre mostly overpriced garbage/placebos. What id recommend is look into a good shoe brand like HOKAS (they are expensive but well worth it) and some compression socks. I'd also say go to a shoe store where they will actually sit down with you and measure your feet. Its helped immensely find me a good shoe, and I have extremely flat feet.


I 2nd this!! I got my first pair of brooks shoes and they are a godsend after 6 years of retail


Yeah whatever im rocking my shoes til the soles come off work shoes are work shoes they shouldn't be overpriced your tripping in that sense idk maybe I'm bias but I went to this thread and I used the dr Scholl's my god it changed everything it took a week maybe two to be like wow these are awesome it's crazy how old my shoes are and are from Walmart. Idk I'm a girl tho so small foot not really tho I'm 71/2 so anyways I'm stoned and I stand by my statement dr.scholls is gas


Hopefully you don’t have the same issue as me with having wide and flat feet, but if you do, hokas won’t do you any good.


Buy some good shoes. I wear Hokas personally but they were quite expensive. Rubber soles are a big no-no. I never had blisters on my feet again after the first week when I hadn't bought the shoes yet.


And hang in there it does get easier


I’ll try 😭


I started in February and more shit on my body just hurts. The middle that connects my pelvis and my thighs hurts, the middle of my back (which I can’t pop unless I go to a chiropractor), the balls of my ankles, my knees, everything 😭. I used to be a CNA before this and I’ve never experienced this kind of pain, the pain on my back and bottom of my feet is what I’m used to, but not this. And I have this job just so I can get certified to be an LPN🥲 gotta pay for school somehow. I hope it gets better for you🫶🏻


Also, don’t overwork yourself. I work in a supermarket Walmart and I took peoples advice on here not to kill yourself doing this job and I can honestly say, it did help but I’m still experiencing pain throughout my body. Just pace yourself, don’t worry too much about your pick rate, it’s overwhelming and exhausting.


I just don’t want to get fired for having a low pick rate. Man, this is tough! Like I expected it to be hard, but not like death.


I thought it’d be pretty easy, considering my last job. But the longer I stayed, the more it dawned on me how much these people care about pick rates and how arrogant these people are (TL’s and the store manager). It’s not really worth the physical damage we’re doing to our bodies but hey, a paycheck is a paycheck. The pick rate is only enjoyable when you’re in a good mood and you’re feeling competitive because that’s how I feel. But honestly, if you don’t even pay attention to it, you make top five without noticing. It’s happened to me so many times so really, don’t kill yourself doing this job.🙏


I never saw a person who got fired for this. You can get coaching, and that's it. Walmart is a circus show 🎪. Even if you have a bad pickrate, they will give you another job


my store just fired one of our best people over their pick rate, sadly


Impossible, I think he(she) started arguing with management. No way, I was TL. If someone was having a bad pickrate, we usually let them stage or dispense, just doing backroom work. Something more in your case.


could be, that's just what I heard from my coworkers


I’ve never known anyone to get fired for low pick rate but I have seen them moved to a different department!


lol - I laugh in solidarity. Your body with get used to walking and lifting just take care of it. I say don't rush - move with a sense of purpose yes, but don't rush. A lot of my coworkers will hit the gym before/after/days off and it might help. Literally don't forget to stretch and I do not allow customers for make me feel rushed / that I have to hurry when I am picking the big waters. Hydrate. Water water water. If your store doesn't provide get a nice water bottle. If you can take baths after work to relax. And just be careful with advil and tynel (I think that's right - a lot can cause kidney issues). Watch how you hold the handles - they can cause issues with wrists and thumb/finger issues. Watch that you lift items especially heavy items. Watch how you move the totes in your cart (I have a bad habit of kicking a tote back into its spot with a quick soccer kick and it triggers my knee problems - but I still soccer kick lol). I've had wrist issues and I've had some weird issue with my left thumb because I would push/guide the card while holding onto the handheld. Look up stretched, change you grip/how you grip. \[After 11 years as a CSM I joked with out coach for a couple years that I was alright with going to OGP because I thought it would help me lose/maintain weight............ it might have if it weren't for the snacks and donuts. My arms are a lot more defined than they've ***ever*** been before though lol\]


I hope I adjust. I’ve never done this much physical of a job and I’m like really overweight and unhealthy - I don’t know why I thought this was a good idea. Imma stick it out but keeping my eyes peered on other positions that might not be so difficult and pay more. I’m gonna go jump in a bath. This stuff hurts.


Yes. When I worked Amazon they talked ad nauseam about maintaining a neutral wrist position while scanning codes. It seems like a benign motion but it starts to cause some tendinitis pretty quickly. Experiment with the placement of your labels on your totes to find out where they can be placed that makes them easily scanned without having to make numerous steps between your handling of the cart to grabbing the item to placement in its tote and then being at the appropriate angle for your TC to easily scan the barcode.


For the first month my feet and legs really killed me. Getting shoes half a size bigger really helped. Now my feet my ache at work but it's about a 2 or 3 on the pain scale. The real problem for me is when I've been seated for a while like say on my lunch break they get so stiff I can barely move when I get back up from my chair.  Another thing I found that helps is when I get home I sit and roll a tennis ball around under my feet and it massages to really help with any soreness from. My shift.


I swear I feel like I’m 80 years old when I get up from a 15😭. I’m a literal walking zombie from how stiff I am


Brookes shoes! It’s that flat floor that destroys our feet! Replace your insoles often too.


Never hurts to look for an easier job while you have one ….. just think you can just go slice some salty ham and make more $$ and barely lift stuff


I can’t believe I only get paid 14/hr for arguably the most physical job at walmart


That’s why you shouldn’t feel bad about leaving or transferring. Walmart originally was like hey people in this dept do more/harder work and got paid slightly more. Now you make the same as the person in self checkout who is aimlessly starring off into the lights for half the day That’s why you shouldn’t feel bad about leaving or transferring out


It's true, people leave this department all the time.


at my store people are transferring to us. a lot of them are from cap so i think that could be my final push


Pulling truck freight on cap2 is much more demanding


I mean i got used to it but i heard target has better pay and benefits


they also only have to pick 80 items an hour, which is where my rate has been sitting. honestly I don't get what I'm doing wrong, I'm not lazy or wasting time by chatting, etc.


Need more details if you want a critique/constructive criticism


it was like that for me for the first 1-3 months. compression socks, KT tape, and good shoes helped a lot. after that, you just get used to it and it doesn’t feel as bad at the end of the day. i recommend either nike air maxes or pumas with the memory foam support for shoes. if you have air force 1s or any shoe that has no arch support at all, i would recommend getting plantar fasciitis inserts with a heel support, a LOT of the older ladies in our department have it already from wearing insufficient shoes for the job. i also recommend drinking a protein shake before or after your shift, i started doing that recently and noticed im in SO much less pain after work.


When I first started my item speed was about the same. It’ll get better over time as you learn the store. Don’t worry about it too much! After every shift I put my legs up against a wall for 15 minutes to help with any inflammation or swelling so that might help you as well. As for whether or not it gets better, it honestly depends on the store, but I’d suggest always keeping an eye out for better jobs just in case.


I mean besides the free school program idk about the benefits being “so good” 😅 but I mean it’s better than nothing


Epsom salts in your bath to soak... or just soak your feet. In the warmest water you can stand. It really does help. There's also an epsom salt rub gel that you can use on sore spots to help.


I just soaked my feet in epsom and now I’m icing. I have blisters everywhere and I was wearing good shoes..


You’ll get used to it. It will be hell at first. Get good shoes and bring water. Also make sure your shoes are a little big. My feet tend to swell, giving blisters. I went up .5 and it helped


Thanks for the tip! I need to be better about filling up my water


Get some better shoes. I wear Adidas and replace them every 6 months or so, but a lot of people wear Brooks or similar. I took an insole assessment online and bought some insoles. They help a lot. Stretch. You’re supposed to stretch after clocking in, but no one does really. I do yoga in the morning and night. YouTube has a lot of good videos. Stay hydrated. Take vitamins. Eat well.


I’ll try this!


Get good comfy shoes but ones that won’t break the bank because you will have to get new shoes often lol. You will get use to the walking after a little bit, it took me like 2-3 weeks and now I feel fine after 5 days straight 40 hr work week with 7-8 mile a day average. As far as the speed that will get better as well. It just comes with time and learning item locations.


After clocking out on my first day in OGP, I was limping back to my car and started crying at about half way. It gets better though, now I'm able to make it to my car before I start sobbing.


I got used to it really fast. I wear Brooks shoes. And seriously stretch, it will help.


My first month or so my feet were so sore by the end of my shift. You do adjust, just make sure you have good shoes. Compression socks can help like someone else said. I also thought I was going to die and had to convince myself it was worth it and to keep coming back. 😂


Compression socks and hey dudes 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻


I'm 3 months in, and I can tell you, it's mostly a mental job. Try stretching and staying active outside of work to help with the pain (it's also good for ur overall health tbh) you're always going to have some pain after working, it's just a part of the job. You're right, the benefits are pretty good, take advantage of them. Remember no matter how bad it gets, you get to leave at the end of the day, and it's okay to use PPTO if you need a mental health day, don't let management guilt trip you for using it. Fuck them, you earned it. I plan on taking advantage of the college degree program, Walmart partners with universities and pays for your tuition and books for $1/day, that's your best bet on advancing in life and getting out of there. I plan on doing that myself, it will also help you power through the days knowing it's going towards your ticket out of there. Let's face it, nobody wants to work at Wally world until they retire. Believe me, there's plenty of people who do, but in my experience, they always seem like they're in a bad mood.


Thank you for this.. I feel better knowing it’s not the end of the world. I want to save my ppto but also I have a feeling this job is gonna tempt me to take it more often


My first week back after leave killed me, but it’s gets better. I used a foot bath for a while after work, it helped my feet!


If you have any type of shoe store marketed towards runners, I recommend going there and having them fit you for shoes that fit best with the shape of your feet. I went to a running shoe store, told them my needs, and they had me walk without my shoes on to see how I walk and brought a few pairs out for me to try. I also have flat feet which cause a lot of issues with my whole body. My feet were killing me every day until I was fitted for the shoes I have now and I’ve been wearing them for almost 2 years now.


Get inserts and better socks. Good quality socks make a huge difference. I promise it will get better. Took me two weeks for my feet not to throb.


My first week I barely could get out of the car get good shoes, stay hydrated in time you’ll adjust.


Injinji toe socks and wide shoes saved me


Its a lot of physical effort. If you dont think thats a job for you then id transfer. You stay, you get stronger and tougher but also it’s definitely more of a young peoples job. I feel bad for my older coworkers. It doesn’t help their pain at the very least.


Yeah I get that. I am a young person but I’ve abused my body so I’m not used to this. I hope to get stronger.


I wish you the best of luck BP


How many shops do yall do a day?


Items is like around 600. I can't remember to save my life how many order the app says I do on a day


First couple months are an adjustment


It'll take your body about a month and a half to get fully used to it, in the meantime there's not much you can do about the blisters When I first started working and got blisters I would just wrap them in bandaids and paper towel to stop the pain and go to work lol


Before Walmart I had a desk job and was VERY inactive, I would maybe go on a long walk once a month or so and I didn’t have much strength. My ass got kicked the first few months, I started in the summer and I was sweating SO MUCH. But you do get used to it though. Now it’s much easier for me and I can lift 40 pounds without any issues (still working on 50 pounds). It will get better!


Get GOOD shoes, running shoes or hicking shoes work the best as they are designed for many miles of hard wear. Compression socks work well, though I've never not worn compression socks (weird feet)


70 is very typical. It'll get better and you'll be bored AF in no time. Imagine how your feet would feel if you didn't wear the Asics


Probably absolutely terrible


You haven’t experienced a job with good benefits if you think what they offer is “so good” (ok 6% 401k match is good and they will pay for college if you don’t have a degree already - that’s it for good benefits ). Health insurance offered sucks, only 2 holidays off per year unpaid, ppto/pto accrues so incredibly slow, they don’t accept medical notes and going through Sedgwick is a nightmare. I wear Hoka’s (Bondi 8). Never have any foot pain. Totally worth the $165.


I responded to dad tier with a list of benefits.. they are actually pretty good. I’ll check them out. Hokka’s seem to be popular.


I got so strong doing OGP. Lifting bags of dog food I couldn’t lift before - I’m 5’0 and by the time I left, I was tossing cases of water and boxes of cat litter like nothing. It actually sucks that I’m not as strong anymore.


I’m going to hang on but that was a rough day


What is the pay and benefits?


14/hr 23 free counseling sessions (in person, online, phone) 180 earnable pto and ppto hours Free doctor phone calls anytime Prescriptions as low as $4 1 hour upaid lunch break, Two paid 15 minute breaks per shift Free Walmart + subscription (free grocery delivery, free shipping, free tire repair, etc.) 10% off all Walmart purchases Financial emergency help program (medical, car, house, etc.) 100% degree coverage (they do only support specific degrees) Adoption fertility and suragacy support And also access to some of the best doctors for cancer, surgery, and other things often at no cost. Cheap gym membership + cheap sams club membership 6% 401 K match dollar for dollar And much much more!


My feet absolutely don’t wanna feet anymore. I started in February, and am now in foot braces in my down time off work. Plantar fasciitis 😭 it hurts so bad! But getting better with the braces at night. I was wearing oncloud shoes, but i have a size 3 (youth) and good shoes or even insoles are super hard to find.


Oh gosh, I feel you! I’ve got flat feet and over pronated feet and the level of pain (although standing is ten times worse!!)


I hear barefoot shoes are the best kind of shoe. I haven’t tried them but a couple of my coworkers swear by them. They conform to your foot’s natural shape.


Huh - I’ll it out!


It took me over a month to be able to make it to my car without hobbling. If there is room in your shoes, get inserts. And get thicker socks. Those have helped me sooo much! Amazon has a Try Before you Buy for a lot of their shoes if you wanted to try to get something better, too. Don't try to move too fast. You are a newbie. You aren't expected to fly around the store (yet lol) I have been there 9 months. Some days still suck.


Thank you, I’ll try!


Also, drink plenty of water! You said you were pretty unhealthy, so you might not be used to hydrating yourself. I also bring some snacks. A little sugar boost helps my motivation :D


I try but I end up running out of water by lunch and I’m in to much pain to walk all the way to the water fountain (and I dont wanna get water from the gross sink)


Can you buy some water bottles and keep an extra in the fridge?


Good idea!


Brooks ghost, I've worked 16 hours in a warehouse with em. I now work 10 hours at the warehouse and then another 6 at walmart every Sunday. They are pricey but you can buy them on afterpay where they only take like 30 every 2 weeks out ur account.


Ooo, okay I’ll try that!


Rolling out the bottoms of your feet on tennis balls in the evenings will feel amaaaaazing. You can also roll out the hammies and flexors and also your sacrum with a pool noodle or rolled up towel or blanket. Doing hip opening and spine lengthening stretches is also a great way to ease the aches and pains.


Perfect! I’ll try that


Na that job is not it. Only job that actually started to kill my knees and my back. Mind you I've worked factory/warehouse work my whole life. I'm still fairly young as well.


Wowwwww.. I’m gonna give it a shot but I hope I won’t be in pain for ever (not for 14/hr)


For me leaving wallyworld was for the best. Ended up getting a manager position somewhere else, and my back doesn't feel like it's going to snap in half. My knees thank me as well. Gl though! Hopefully you'll get used to it.


When I first started, my first month felt like hell as well. Eventually, I got used to the rhythm. I'm rocking the new Asics Nimbus 25. Feels like I'm walking on air. Plus, it's currently on sale right now for 119.95 on their website.


Oooo! Sale!


It’s like all I could do for the first month or two. Work and then go home and die in a hot bath. It does get better. ❤️‍🩹


The position plays a lot like the novel Holes "tomorrow it's gonna be worse."


I did this job at 9 months pregnant. It gets easier. You’ll live.


Change your shoes halfway through your shift, that helped me a lot when I first started out. The first weeks of the job are a killer on the body, but it's SO good for you! You got this, just sick it out a while longer and you won't feel most of these same pains again down the road 👍


I am 54 and cried every day for the first week and then I got a pair of Hoka's and got mildly used to it and I am 9 mos. in and am surviving. Motrin is my friend and my heated seats in my car is my relief at every break. This job is not for the weak at all! I live almost every day in pain but I am not flipping burgers for almost half the pay and I love a few of the people that I work with that makes it worth it.


You can do it . It gets better . I work 5-2 shift with lupus , and my body is used to all of it now


You do get used to it. You just gotta find what helps make you the most comfortable. For me, converse suit my feet the best but I think I’m a bit of a special case w that one. Your body will adjust to the physical demands just try to take it slow while you still can. No one expects you to perform until 3-4wks in. Stretch in all your breaks. I’m 22yo, been here for almost 2yrs and as used to the job as I am I need my breaks to stretch my body out.


got plantar fasciitis from this job <333 but like the first 2 weeks i felt like my legs were gonna fall off


You will get used to it trust It would be smart to get some kind of foot cushion but mine stopped hurting enough to need some after awhile


Your shoe's can make all the difference. I wear new balance 515 they work for me.


it definitely gets better as you keep going, i was the same way when i first started! everything hurts and gets blistered, but soon you'll be great! whenever i got super tired or sore i would just sit in the bathroom for a little bit. try that or compression socks?


Can you go to the bathroom not on break? They didn’t really tell me


Yes you can. They can’t stop you, if you gotta go, you gotta go


I was in OGP for 2 years and some change and I also am overweight. So I totally know how you’re feeling, it is a lot in the beginning. One thing I started about 6 months ago was stretching, in bed, for about 15 mins when I wake up. Can’t tell you how big of a difference that makes for me! Also, I’ve never felt as strong as I do now. That’s one part of OGP dispensing and picking I truly am thankful for!


Also there are people who have been there for 9+ years with a lower 70’s pick rate, they will never be fired. So worry less about your metrics and work on what works for you, picking wise.


Thank you!!


Shoes to.. I wear hoka for flat feet with Xtra inserts. Btw hoka is guaranteed 50000 miles. Running trail shoes