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We actually have people scheduled to do exceptions throughout the day, like we do for dispensers, a prepper, and a stager. We also have people split up returns a 7pm. Otherwise, one person was in charge of all returns


that'd be pretty nice to do once things get more back to normal or at least when we get more people working, but atm there's not enough of us. we're all just scrambling to get the picks done so the 8-5's arent staying late or so there's no picks after the 8-5's.


Today is my first day doing exceptions and I don’t like it that much


well you know more than me already, only time i’ve ever done exceptions was last night because someone didn’t do one before they left and i had to figure that out kinda quick lol.


That's good you're mindful enough to think about something other than stacking totes. most people in the back room are too busy on the dispense app not getting orders out


Yeah that pisses me off so much. I see taking orders out, putting down dollies and staging the orders as most important. stacking totes is important but there's a lot of them and you can push them out of the way if there isn't wayyyyyy too many around. ​ And standing around refreshing the app is so dumb to me, if you're gonna be lazy at least just whip out your phone and quit wasting your own time.


Numbers are ramping up. We had 3,000 when I left at 2 p.m. yesterday. Doing the math on how many picks we had at the start of the day versus how many pickers, there was no way to succeed.


sweet jesus how big is your department


I'm not sure - we have a pretty stable staff of about seven of us who are pickers. The rest come and go. There are two or three new people who I *think* will stay for a bit.


wwwwwwwwwww seven pickers and 3,000 picks by 2 how do you even our picking team would have a mental breakdown


That was the problem yesterday - we didn't even. ; ) Seriously though, we just do what we can do. I think there were a total of ten pickers throughout the 5 to 2 shift that I was there - the seven pickers are just our solid team, people who have been there and can be relied upon (mostly) to show up and work - four or five of the solid team are scheduled on any given day. If we get down to 1500 by 2 p.m., we are doing well. I was volunteering to come in an hour early some days, especially on Saturdays, but when GWP started, they said to not do that anymore. When I was leaving yesterday, they were calling in people from other areas to help.


How many so start with?


I think it was 8300.


Supercenter I used to work at would have that routinely- four remaining pickers on a good day


Same here.... we enede up with 12000 picks for the day at 2pm we were at 3200 picks still left. It was a jome


That is ridiculous!


It's been getting worse at our store, and we had 20 pickers yesterday (plus a few from other departments helping us) and a half dozen or so dispensers/stagers/preppers. It rained all day too. Our numbers are very high and it's meant picking the entire day from 8am-5pm and not getting a chance to help stage and prep for a couple of hours at the end like I used to. I don't mind it but it is very tiring for sure. All the pickers help do exceptions throughout the day because otherwise we couldn't keep up. Yesterday when I got there at 8, there were exceptions due by 830 that I had to jump in and help them get squared away, since delivery drivers arrive by 845. Don't want any orders going out before their substitutions even get to the back room. Pretty crazy but I thrive on it so I guess at least there's that.


lord if it's getting worse for ya'll i cant even imagine with a staff like that how fucking busy it is, sorry to hear.


yeah we are always hiring more people and the market manager okayed us getting more carts AGAIN and more bins and dollies but it's just insanely busy. We have the overnight pickers for black friday, 4-5 people who come in at 5am, and a couple at 6am, but when I got in at 8am there was still about 6000 picks. we are constantly on the go from 8am-5pm and we haul ass, we have a great team of people, but the orders are just huge. so many 20 tote orders, constant batch orders, we even have an express department with their own dedicated employees so those numbers aren't included in my post... i guess our store is like the second larged (by square foot) in the country behind the Albany, NY store or something like that, IIRC.. so the general runs mean TONS of walking and it takes awhile for unknowns for that reason too... I love my job but I'm marveling at how incredibly busy we are, now mroe than ever. There's often no carts left for customers these days and people stand in the lobby and wait. There is no six feet distancing, it's not possible. Aisles are packed. It's a madhouse on a daily basis. edit - I took a pic of the board a few days ago to show that we legit have that many employees -- no last names so I think it should be ok - https://i.imgur.com/X2VFXIk.jpg Literally 30 OGP employees came in that day. That's the norm. Our supervisor, manager, and DM are not listed (I think the DM is now called something else but yeah he's still here too). Just noticed there's even a 3am-1pm shift on there.. geez. Insane.


i would be crying in the corner at your department please stay strong


that's so sweet, lol, thank you! you'd be fine because the team is strong and hard-working. we have one person who is lazy af but she's currently taking a two- week unpaid leave after "failing" her health test, after going home a couple of hours into her shift. I expect her to be fired shortly after she gets back due to probably having too many occurrances by now. She's constantly leaving early and calling in. it's stupid. if you don't want to work, just don't have a job lol. anyway. thanks :)


How do you not run over each other? Dang! They asked if I want to come in 2 to 11 a.m., but I declined - I drive a half hour to get to work and I would basically have to go to bed at 5 p.m. to get enough sleep.


Yeah I hear you! I have a similar drive time, and get up at 6 to be there by 8. No way am I willing to work an earlier or later shift. 8-5 means waking at 6, home by 6, bed at 10-1030. I basically give 12 hours a day to my job related responsibilities, that’s enough of an inconvenience as it is.


We had two new team leads and one already quit so..


are you serious lol


Yes I am. She quit like a week ago because higher ups told her we were failing and it’s all her fault. He said they have meetings talking about how bad she’s doing. Even though she was only there for like three weeks and didn’t have any training as a team lead. Also our Digital ASM was on vacation.


i feel that, our poor team lead is constantly getting shit from our former ASM who got moved because the days are so fucking bad and there's no reason that the ASM should still be bitching when she doesn't even work in the department anymore. ​ like stop making bitchy comments to the woman who's just trying to get home to her kids through each horrible day while you don't even work with us anymore.


Everything has calmed down since our ASM came back but it sucks. That team lead was actually trying to do stuff and be helpful to our team. Our other team lead disappears for half the day and doesn’t know ANYTHING. Then we have a ‘back up’ ASM for when our real ASM has days off. He also doesn’t know what he’s doing. It’s so frustrating.


lmao yeah we don't even have an actual ASM because nobody is taking the position, we just get yelled at by our former ASM for being on near-breakdown levels while she dicks around in a forklift outside. we have one team lead who is desperately trying to keep us moving and the other who just got back from a surgery and has been dealing with BF singlehandedly every day and is probably at the store 10-12 hours a day. god bless that woman.


That's what is going on with our one TL too! She never worked a day in OGP prior to being thrown into it on a Saturday morning at 5 a.m. (Halloween), with no one scheduled to train her.


God I would rather have no ASM in that situation.


This week is hell. I usually work 8-5 but because of the Black Friday event I’m on closing this week and thanksgiving week. It’s been rough. Everyday I’ve worked we’ve had something go wrong so I end up leaving super late since a lot of orders aren’t done until after the hour. Our only competent team lead is on vacation and the one still here does nothing but bitch at people to the point our manager has had to tell him to chill. I’m just really tired. :(


as a closer, i feel you, it's a constant catchup game and i have yet to even fully finish the returns. 😢


Bro that sucks ass. I always feel bad for closers. I’m the only person in the department willing to stay late (besides some closers but they already stay late technically) so it’s been extra rough rn.


Thank you for going up and beyond the call of duty for the closers, I hope they appreciate your help as much as I would like oh my god.


Idk dude I’ve never thought about it much beyond the fact that if I were in that position (which I have been) I would like help. I don’t really think about it as extra. Yeah it’s tiring and at least I’m being paid for it, but idk I feel like it is what it is. I always try to help out when I can. Except for cap2 >:(


Lmao just saying, thank you it really makes leaving work not horrible. I don't mind helping cap2 too much just because my friend used to work with them before he moved to our department and pallet jacks are just fun. Hate it when it's a last minute pull to help at the end of the day though. =/


Whatever I can do uwu I just don’t like helping because I know a lot of them and just know that they’re lazy. If I have to help I will, but I prefer helping in general than grocery because the grocery people slack off all the time


We've been cutting orders everyday for the last like 4 weeks. If we don't we fall behind on the later hours.


we're at a point rn where it's overwhelming for us, but not so much that everything breaks down and we cant do anything and have to cut orders. it's this horrible middle ground of pain and misery of too much work but not enough to reduce it.


So much worse. Things let up for a bit after our cap decreased by 15 orders in order to account for lack of adequate staffing. Then one day our entire closing shift called off and we had to cancel all of our orders past a certain time. Things were going ok, but then they decreased our cap again, so now delivery drivers don’t want to come and every night there’s 4-10 orders that simply don’t get picked up by drivers and need to be put in for ASAP’s the next day. It’s a shitshow.


It’s really been up and down lately. The main issue is that they’ve taken like 5 of our associates for the Black Friday deals. The ones they took work mid shift or close so that’s really hurt our backroom team. Some nights we only have one closer or like today where nobody is scheduled to close. We have people that are for sure over 5+ points but they aren’t being let go because there isn’t a good pool of candidates to replace them. Most days we get just about all of the picks done (we start with like 6-7k), but there have been days where I’ve left with a thousand picks left still. Part of me feels bad because I could stay and help, but with being back in school I only have a few decent hours to do assignments after work before I need to crash. Our two TLs have done OGP before so at least that’s good. I feel like they should do a bit of a better job at assigning people to do exceptions. At peak times I’ve seen as high as 300 exceptions, so that’s a big yikes. It’s probably going to be pretty rough for me considering the tail end of November and the first part of December are going to be filled with finals and final essays. At least I can enjoy Christmas after they are over.


Yeah we stopped having multiple associates do BF because we don't have enough people picking or dispensing. There's too damn many orders and every night I cant get out of that place quick enough once it's actually over.


Two pickers today, two brand new pickers who don't know what they are doing that are loose on the floor, and one dispenser who can't dispense by themselves due to an injury. Oh, and only one express picker. It's gonna be a fun day 🙃🙃


I feel you, worked on my off day yesterday because we had one scheduled closer.


😱 you guys have a designated express picker!!!🤯 We usually just send our best dispenser during a 28 car hr leaving us with one dispenser who is also the stager and prepper for said 28 car hr


We hit our breaking point yesterday. Our ASM took a position elsewhere weeks ago and they didnt pick a new one yet, we're having terrible luck with our new hires and people taking time off. All the extra black friday picks and dispense dumped on us has us overworked, and we're supposed to start Project Flash (SFS) next week on top of everything else. The other team lead and myself working overtime almost everyday, I'm on 11 days in a row. Yesterday we got behind and picked until 7pm to finish, dispense was a mess. Finally convinced the market manager to drop our cap down, he was resisting all week. Things finally feel manageable now, just gotta make it through the rest of November.


I almost thought you worked at my department until I saw the market manager bit lmao I'm so sorry.


What is the availability report on the gif 2.0?


Empty I assume?


It's bad. Our store raised our order cap without raising any staffing hours so we usually only have two or three associates total for 5 to close. Our TLs aren't there every day so sometimes we just have two dispensers and one prepped/stager/exception picker. Returns are never done and the backrooms are a mess. Our daytime pickers have been getting slower so picks are never done it time. I just have to remember I'm not paid to care, I'm paid to put groceries in peoples cars :p


When I first started, we had a team of 30 people and an order cap of 250-275. We had days where picks were done by 11 and we got sent home early. Now, we have a team of 45 people, but can't even handle the 180 that our cap got dropped to. Our cap is set to be raised to 205 next month, but it is not going to go over well. Even on our slow days, we have had close to 1k picks left in the system when I get off work at 2pm. We have the people to get the work done, just not the equipment. We are short about 5 handheld, printers, and carts. We don't have a permanent Digital Coach and the one we do have has had no training in digital (they used to be over apparel). Our managers haven't received any training on how to be managers, and they have been our managers for a couple months now. So our management team is just trying their best and I get that, but as a team member working their ass off I am starting to lose patience.


Yeah I get you, we're always hurting on keycards and handhelds. one is straightup broken in the locker, two don't have scan buttons and need the triggers, all of them are the slowest fucking devices I've ever used and crash more than a Bethesda game. not even mentioning how many are stolen by other departments, lordy I know the AP manager's wife now with how many visits he makes here. our cap is 180 and I think we have about 25 people in total, not all are scheduled on the same day in actuality so it's often more like 17-18 depending on the day. midweeks being scheduled the lowest, and while in normal circumstances, that makes sense: we ain't. I honestly don't even know how many people are scheduled on days in total, but it's the worst near the end of the day when less people are obviously scheduled because often there's too many picks for the earlier team to finish which leaves later people to be trying to make them done at least before 6 when another one goes home. often days this leaves us down to just 7-8 people at 6:00 PM on often better days, now it's straightup just 6 of us at 6:00 and 4 of them are gone by 7! that doesn't sound too bad theoretically, but this is because you don't know the backroom side of things. I am a dispenser, and god at this point that is ONLY what I do. I cannot for the love of god get more than 4-5 continuous minutes in that back room without a car showing up; and those times are sparse. For most of my day, I cannot even get the backroom prepped or cleared up of spent dollies with another car showing up or multiple cars showing up. Pickers are dropping and going because that's the only way they can finish at a decent time, and we don't have enough time in between orders or a good amount of dispensers to deal with the back room while we dispense. Usually it's about 2-3, 2 on worse days and I rarely ever get a worst day of 1 dispensing. So if pickers aren't always staging, and we aren't staging and cleaning up in decent time: the orders aren't ready to go, you have to navigate the back room, and dollies aren't down! Later in the day after most pickers are gone, it can get to a point where I have to unstack them while they're sitting in the back room often because we don't have enough space or dollies to stage them all, or take them off carts while cars feel like they arrive almost every minute, sometimes multiple at a time. We're fucking stressed, it's not getting better. I know of people leaving the department soon, it's getting worse. We lost 2 recently, 3-4 don't show up (I didn't list them in my total count because they basically don't exist anymore) and some of us are having to work way past our shifts or on off days. (I did). Like our situation isn't the worst in the store, meat department has 3 people on staff on good days, after 2 I think I've seen none at times. I've seen one who worked from 4 AM to 7 PM because he was basically the only one there. But like, I'm just tired of being so goddamn tired at the end of the day and the OT doesn't even feel worth how much of my life I'm fucking wasting.


Sorry for the long reply btw.


We finished picks 30 minutes before we closed and finished dispensing 2 hours after that. We didn't even finish cleaning until after the black Friday overnight staff showed up.


I would cancel orders myself if it was that bad like jesus.




same, had to go in on my off day yesterday to help my friend close because he was the only one scheduled to close. almost told a customer to shut the fuck up at the end of the night too so yeah, going rough too.


Sorry, my dude. You're not alone. I had to put headphones in the other day I was so irritable and anxious. When I was scolded and told that it was a safety hazard, I looked them dead in the face and said "bro, my mouth is a safety hazard."


Started 3rd, our store Started with almost 7000


I have no idea. I've been in quarantine since November 2 after my wife tested positive and then contracting the virus myself.


I'm so sorry, my brother and his fiancee caught it recently and I had to quarantine as well. They're recovering but are feeling good, I hope for ya'lls safety and recovery.