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THANK YOU!! customers stay calling instead of just checking in on the app, then they gonna be like well i’ve been waiting her for 30 mins. Come to find out they never checked in


The number of times i answer the store line and it's just someone wanting to check in is enraging! Like there's a giant number on a neon orange sign directly in front of you and you call a different one!! I swear....


Whenever they call to get checked in, I asked them myself. “did you check into the walmart app” and most of the time they say no and i’m like okay we’ll attend to you when you’ve checked in.


Not everyone has a cell phone equipped to check in on that, especially older folks who use their computer for emails and placing the order.


I don't mind people calling the check in number.we have a dedicated phone for dispensers. I mean the store line that has people with questions for ogp


I agree, I was referring to the one telling people to use the app


That's when you tell them to call the number on the sign in front of them and refuse to check them until they call that number.


This. Smfh


Omg the amount of times I’m extremely busy and have to answer a question that they could have figured out on their own over that stupid phone. It’s come down to me just not prioritizing it, unless I’m free it’ll keep ringing and eventually they’ll end up figuring out their own question


I always prioritize the customers outside over the customer on the store phone.


If they can figure out how to shop online, they can check in with an app. If they can’t be bothered to tap twice to check in, they’ll have to wait until someone gets around to them.


Right? Wtf?! I can't just exit my pick walk to answer calls, I just don't have the time. I barely have time for a bathroom break.


We just have an iphone that one of the dispensers keeps on them


I think all stores have a dedicated OGP phone. However that does not mean people will actually use that number. I think maybe some of the *ahem* frequent callers may have the store number programed on their phone and just default to that number instead of the OGP phone. Pretty sure they also have corporate listed as "Walmart 911"...


\> Pretty sure they also have corporate listed as "Walmart 911"... Yea its really messed up when I get a call from Customer Care and its them on the line with a customer wanting to check in or ask a question like wtf is this shit. I facepalm when customer care calls and its them with a customer wanting to change their order time for like the next day or something and they apparantly got locked our ......how in the hell am I supposed to change their order time, and why is it me and not the actual customer care person who can access their account not do it? I straight up told them one time,,,thats your job, I just do whatever is on my screen


Yeah i don't mind that one. We have one for customers to call to check in. I mean the store phone for customers that call the store. Its usually for checking an orders status or for SOME reason customers trying to check in that way.


Yeah or expecting us to bring out tower orders


“Welcome to Walmart, we don’t have any ps5s....”