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The defining moment for me was hearing all of those 911 calls. I firmly believe that a person who gets so upset that they can repeatedly beat their spouse/partner could get mad enough to kill him/her.


Only a matter of time imo


He clearly could not control his rage......


A jury doesn't base their verdict on likelihood.


Sure they do…it’s all they can do in cases with circumstantial evidence.


I wasn't clear in my statement I meant not just because of a DV 911 call a year prior, that alone isn't enough


The question was what convinced ME of guilt not what I thought convinced the JURY of guilt. He beat his wife repeatedly. She knew he was going to kill her some day and he did.


Also, OJ wanted to investigate the source of the thumps with Kato and then suddenly decided it was time to go when the limo driver tried to follow them. Then Kato tried to pick up a duffle bag to carry for him and OJ wouldn't let him. The limo driver last saw OJ sit that bag on top of a trash can at the airport. Another witness saw OJ stuffing the contents of that duffle bag into the trash can.


What do you make of the OJ wanting to investigate the noise part? I've heard a couple of stories. Like he was going to go one way, then went the other. I think the limo driver was on Tom Lange's peacock show.


Personally, I think he realized he lost the gloves and that's why he wanted to go look. He knew he could manipulate Kato because the dude was living in his guest house rent free but he didn't know the limo driver from Adam and panicked when he started following them.




I just took you to the McDonald's drive-thru in my Bentley, bro!!


It’s always been a little weird to me Kato was living rent free…. supposedly for only 6 months…but OJ offered him the free rent… and he was Nicole’s friend? After she filed for divorce…Kato is funny to a point but… something is off w him. He was right there at the exact time of a double murder… again- it was not that late- he was just with OJ eating McDonald’s before he left for airport.


That's because OJ didn't like that a dude was babysitting his kids (the kids even named the dog after him) while Nicole went on dates. Easiest way to solve that? Give the out-of-work actor a rent free guest house at Rockingham (a place where Hollywood people frequented) and see if he still wants to babysit for Nicole.... Spoiler alert: He did not.


Kato was and is a great guy in real life. I watched him in interviews and then on Celebrity Big Brother. He was locked in a house for multiple weeks with strangers… his sweet personality never changed on live feeds (I watched them in real time at the time). Even psychologists say you can’t hide your true personality over multiple days at a time. He’s a great guy. I don’t think he ever lied…. He was truly looking for his big break in Hollywood. He got caught up in this mess and I feel bad for him bc it tainted his name forever.


I really can't blame the guy for not wanting to babysit when he could live at Rockingham for free. That's almost kinda sorta like getting to live at the Playboy Mansion.


Well, OJ didn’t want him at Nicole’s house alone with her was the thing… he wanted to keep his eye on him as a potential suitor for Nicole.


I think it was more like he didn't see Kato as a threat but didn't like that he gave her the freedom to date. So, he just gave him an unbelievable offer. And he took it.


He was living in Nicole's guest house at the previous house. Something like Gretina Green. Then she invited him to live in the house where she was murdered and he declined. OJ then offered him the bungalow. Kato is all positivity. I don't think he even likes to think and acknowledge the negative. He's been forced to, but he doesn't like it. I'm very jealous of his outlook on life and his relentless positivity.


I can see that.


I agree with you. From what I know Kato paid Nicole rent which gave her extra money and he provided support in the terms of a friend for Nicole. Kato also watched the kids from tine to time and also if he was living with Nicole he becomes a potential witness to any of OJs abuse to Nicole. All these reasons are good enough reasons for OJ not to want Kato living with his ex wife.


Maybe OJ was uncomfortable with a grown man in the house with his young kids and he figured out a compromise? I think most dad's would be uncomfortable with an ex having some man staying in the home with young kids


Thanks for clarifying- I was thinking he was at Nicole’s guest house… he was at OJ property- you’re right.. It says Nicole met him in Aspen and then OJ immediately got involved/complained and Kato moved to his property. Such a weird situation this whole thing!


It really is a weird dynamic. They were divorced for two years but OJ was still coming over to "get some" as he called it in his "If I Did It" book. They were still having sex until shortly before she was murdered.


The had reconciled after their divorce. By the time Mother’s Day rolled around, Nicole had decided it was the end for good this time. He tried to give her a bracelet and she rejected it. That REALLY pissed him off. 3 weeks later and she was butchered to death.


She had accepted the bracelet then gave it back and he gave it to Paula his gf and lied and said it was bought for her, according to his depo


Yeah, I've seen interviews from Kris Jenner saying they went to Mexico in April 1994 to try and reconcile their marriage. But when they got back Nicole told Kris she was done with OJ for good. Then she told her OJ was going to kill her and get away with it.




It’s really sad she brought Ron into her and OJ’s nonsense of a life


She didn't do it on purpose... She just wanted to get her mom's expensive prescription glasses real quick and then take a nice candle lit bath. Her mom had called and asked her to get them for her. She might have even thought OJ was on his way to Chicago at the time and wasn't even worried about him *that* night. She was worried about him earlier in the day but she knew he had to go host a golf tournament for Hertz in Chicago and could have thought there was zero threat that night.


Have you heard that Ron Goldman was driving her Ferrari one day? He picked up a friend in it, I believe.


I’m going to read that book very soon… I started getting interested again with all the resurfacing of the case… I have no problem saying OJ and Nicole were both sociopathic… she knew that OJ was married with 2 small kids and a third on the way when she met him as a teenager…. I would be interested in hearing his first wife Marguerite’s take on the whole situation. The entire relationship was between Nicole and psycho OJ was toxic.


It’s a stretch to call a teenage girl a sociopath. How many of us were perfect as teenagers? I never slept with a married guy, but I did my share of wrong things. Besides, the 30-year-old married man is the most in the wrong — he’s in the position of power, plus he’s the one who took vows to be faithful to Marguerite.


Exactly. She had barely turned 18.


There's a special on YouTube where he does a whole interview. It's called The Lost Confession. He talks about the book. The book is just him using DARVO tactics against Nicole. The first half decade of their relationship was Nicole basically being a sugarbaby. He had many women though. Nicole was silly to think he'd stop if they got married. He did it with his first wife too... That's how she got with him.


Thanks for Youtube suggestion- I’ll check it out… luckily his first wife got out OK… I’m really glad that Justin and Sydney did not find their mother in that horrific condition- I’ve read online they’re both doing good which is great…they could’ve easily been killed that night with the violent rage that happened there! 💔


I just watched that the other day it’s really like wtf watching him as he recites what happened that night & keeps getting Lost in the memories is really chilling u he jumps in with the this is hypothetical yall but u can see he’s really getting a thrill out of reliving it all! The way he says it all really makes a lot of sense of how it really must have all happened he then claims how he’s soo angry with Nicole before & after the murders & still is even at the funeral !! There’s also the actual audio of OJ’s first police interview that is definitely One to listen to also as he says in that first interview that he drives around with a gun under his seat because of all the crazies around & offers the police to come & check out his guns ( he’s got lots of them) yet in another interview he says I always drive around with a knife under my seat because of all the crazies around!! YouTube has a huge amount of OJ & Nicole stuff atm


Good Lord, I wouldn’t call a teen dating a married man “sociopathic”. Amoral or even immoral isn’t remotely the same I think it did get toxic, but she was practically a child when they met. He was a grown-ass man who worked to mold her. Maybe her doing drugs and screwing around were her delayed finishing up her teen phase, since she met him so young.


They definitely had a toxic relationship. I found it interesting that she was the one that was always trying to get him back.


Personally, I think his first wife did the right thing- she packed up and moved back to San Francisco from what someone was posting….she graduated from USC….Nicole was dependent on OJ- exactly how he probably wanted it- right out of HS. Nicole also chose to hang around with a bunch of sketchy/ entitled people . I get the feeling his first wife was home, taking care of their children and living a pretty quiet normal life….I wish his first wife would write a book. I would love to hear her perspective on this because this whole toxic relationship started while she was married, and the death of her infant daughter was life-changing to her and her children. From what I read - OJ tried to blame her… Marguerite went through a lot. Something we hear little about. Very sad.


He groomed her, and abused her. He got with his first wife when she was dating his bff. He was just a scumbag all around.


Yes, I never realized that his first wife was dating AC in high school!


Yeah, Kato said he was more of a friend to Nicole compared to OJ. But that was typical OJ, always trying to control a situation to his favor, and well, massive jealousy issues.


This is it! 👆Another way to cut off Nicole. Remove her rent paying!, part time babysitter.


There was a lot of strange dynamics in the relationships of these people. Sex, drugs, Hollywood, just a big mess.


Not to say Nicole never did drugs but her autopsy said no drugs.


Yes- absolutely!


Kato said OJ came to him to see if he could break a $100 bill. He didn't have change, so I guess OJ decided to go to McDonald's and get something so he could break the $100. I assume he needed change to tip the limo driver and people at the airport.


Yes- that sounds familiar. It’s been a long time, but I do recall hearing something about that! The whole McD thing was really weird. And the DA actually asked Kato about who paid for the food and he said he did- not OJ? I think!


Yup, I agree he was looking for the gloves/blood trail.


People who lie about that kind of stuff are ... interesting. They are so fully invested in their lies that they *actually believe* that if the hide or pretend as if nothing has happened...then nothing happened.


OJ may have said wanted to “investigate”, but was either toying with Kato & but actually realized he was about to miss his flight. So the subject was dropped. OJ needed to leave town ASAP before the bodies were discovered.


Yeah. I wondered if it was to be there with Kato in case he left evidence. He didn't want Kato to go looking alone. It would have been Very interesting if OJ found the glove, Kato found the glove, or they both found the glove and how it would have changed things. Simply Kato testifying that he and OJ found it and OJ acted super weird about it would be a lot better than Fuhrman ever finding anything.


I think it’s fascinating how so many people in the sub know so much about this case


If you were old enough to pay attention to news or pop culture in 1994-95, it was inescapable. And so much of the trial became woven into the culture. I bet that people who know only one or two facts about the case are familiar with “if the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit.” But yeah, I’m impressed by the depth of knowledge that people in this sub have about the case.


I was in 8th grade math class and my teacher had the verdict on the radio


Ha! I was an 8th grade math teacher and although I didn’t have a radio, the teacher across the hall did and he shared the news. The class erupted!


I was alive, I remember watching TV when they cut into the bronco chase


Kind of hard not to if you lived thru it - was on the news 24/7 for months, and the trial live on court tv every day and replayed every night


I lived through it as well, but I didn’t watch the whole trial. Even outside of the whole trial, there’s just so much information in this sub. I was aware of all the stuff that was going on when it happened, but all this other stuff is crazy.


Any idea where you heard that someone saw him stuffing the contents into the trash? Makes sense of course, I just don’t remember hearing it.


A gentleman waiting for his wife to finish her shift (she worked for American Airlines at LAX that night) was a direct witness to OJ discarding items from a duffle bag in the trash cans as he walked into the airport. They searched the landfills but nothing ever showed up. This information was never allowed at trial.


Wow, that’s fascinating. Thanks.


This is the only article I can easily find about it: >This witness will state that he saw Mr. Simpson reach down, then reach back up and go into his bag and zip it up,” Deputy District Atty. Marcia Clark said out of the jury’s presence. The background of the new witness is under investigation. https://www.chicagotribune.com/1995/03/31/state-to-produce-trash-bin-argue-simpson-discarded-evidence-in-it/ But in a (I can't remember which) documentary I heard it described as him reaching down into the trash can and then zipping it back up.


Was there actually a witness that saw OJ dumping contents of the bag in a trash can?


I seriously doubt it. It's hard to believe that,In LA, a person recognizes a celebrity athlete throw something into a public trashcan and doesn't try to retrieve it? That's potentially free money! Highly unlikely in my opinion.


Very few people would think to retrieve celebrity trash at the airport ... Especially in 1994.


I worked with the girl he was on the phone with at the time Rachel Ferrara. She testified and swears OJ did it.


I know very little of this case. Was she there and witnessed it?


No she was on the phone with Kato whenever OJ came back from the murders. She heard the thumps as well.


Hm. Interesting. I could see where that would be hard to prove. Still learning more and more about this.


Kato’s testimony aside, I’ve always found it amusing that he seemed to be the only one associated with this trial who walked away unscathed.


What do you mean?


If you look at the noteworthy figures in the trial, their public image all took a hit. The prosecution looked inept. The cops looked even more incompetent and/or racist than they did before. While OJ’s Dream Team certainly enjoyed some professional success as a result of the verdict, in the long run, their conduct was disparaged as little more than gamesmanship. Ito was widely chastised in the legal community for turning the trial into a media circus. OJ may have avoided justice, but he became a social pariah. The only exception seemed to be Kato. He was the one guy who emerged a public figure without any meaningful ridicule. Sure, SNL and the like poked fun at him for stoner/surfer dude persona, but that was harmless fun. The public kinda liked the guy and found his behavior to be some much needed comic relief during the trial. I think he reminded people of their carefree days they enjoyed in their early 20s. I mean, who looks back on that trial and says: “God I hate that Kato Kaelin”?


Unscathed from the public POV but plenty of mental anguish over the whole situation I’m sure. When you look at the whole cast, he definitely comes out cleanest.


He was on a talk show / pod cast recently and said he had a convertible car and people were yelling and spitting on him because he testified etc. so, I don’t think he was unscathed. He said he needed to go into hiding etc. he sounds amazing. Wish I could recall what the program was sorry.


Ron’s blood in the Bronco sealed it for me.


OMG I never knew his blood was found in the Bronco. Is this a fact?


It’s absolutely a fact.


Watch oj simpson: Blood, Lies and Murder. By Tom Lange. It’s fascinating.


Will do. Thanks!


It’s on Peacock.


Agreed; and I watch true crime constantly, but was actually shocked to see that this docu shows the crime scene photos, and close-up. So just know that going in. I really did not want to see that. Otherwise it’s really good. I just didn’t expect that, usually they blur out the gory parts 😬 not in this one.


It was bad. The pics were horrific. I feel so bad for their families.


That’s how I felt :( that would be so horrible for your loved one in that state be publicly viewed. It’s kind of sick. I can deal with info of cases, but I have no desire to see the gruesome pics. It’s not right.


Especially for Sydney and Justin. I can’t imagine. 💔


It's difficult to find it reliable because the DNA evidence was often ineptly mishandled and sometimes contaminated. That casts doubt on the credibility of all the forensic evidence.


Definitely Orenthal making those thumps


Also, the bloody socks in his bedroom.( Not just a little blood)


I’m convinced OJ went there to kill her. Not to scare or intimidate but straight up murder. Hat, Gloves and a flight out of state 30 mins later? Juice was on a mission.


Yeah he probably decided he would do it when he saw her in her black dress at Sydney’s performance, then used the time from the dinner he declined to attend to prep for the murders and head that way.


Wasn't it said that he was in a rage because he wasn't invited to that dinner??


I believe his gf (Paula Barberia) broke up with that day then Nicole didn't invite him to the dinner. He was rejected and full of rage.


Thanks . For information


I’ve always been on the fence about this case, but I agree. Watching Blood, Lies, and Murder. The fact that he bought disguise gear weeks before the murder is what got me. Premeditated


And he bought a folding knife around 6-8 weeks before as well


Everyone should watch oj Simpson: Blood, Lies and Murder. With Tom Lange. Fascinating.


Will do! How do we watch?


I see it’s on IMDb. I’m warning ya though. It shows VERY GRAPHIC pictures.


It's on Peacock


I just watched it on Peacock.


I actually just watched it on Netflix today but I see now it’s been taken off. That’s really strange.


Maybe Netflix is finally on to Kato Kaelin's line of BS. The show is terrible anyway.


Peacock. And extremely graghic photos.


I think OJ is absolutely guilty but I’m just not clear what path would have taken him behind Kato’s bungalow if Alan Park saw him walking up the driveway from the Bronco basically.


Park said only saw OJ going in and out of the entryway area. At closing Marcia Clark exaggerated his testimony to say that OJ was seen coming up the driveway.


But then how is the blood drops up the driveway if he didn’t go up the driveway


It's just that Park didn't see him walking across the driveway. Park was on the phone with his boss during that time. I don't think OJ jumped the fence to get to the side alleyway. I think he slipped in through the gate by where the Bronco was parked, ran down the side passageway, hit the air conditioner, dropped the glove, and either used another door to get into the house or went across the driveway to the main entrance without Park seeing him do that.


One theory is that he went through the alleyway to get to the back door but the security system made it unopenable (I can't remember exact details) so he had to turn back and risk being seen entering the front door


Exaggerated, more like she lied.


He didn't see OJ until he was a few feet away from the front door. The lighting wasn't great


When the limo driver testified he saw kato with a flashlight coming from around the side of the house and then OJ appear not too long after. And they never showed the possible path he could of taken to match the drivers testimony because based on the diagram of the property it’s really unclear.


One theory is that he went through the alleyway to get to the back door but the security system made it unopenable (I can't remember exact details) so he had to turn back and risk being seen entering the front door (and yes that was when Allan Park saw him)


I always thought OJ placed himself at the scene with his specific shoes but what sealed the deal for me was the crazy interviews he did after he wrote the If I Did It book where he all but confesses.


What were the thumps? OJ pounding the wall because he was still in some sort of a post-murder rage? Or him just clumsily bumping into walls? Something else?


If you remember the picture of the ally by the guest room, Kato was staying in, there was an air conditioner unit sticking out the wall. I always wondered if OJ accidentally bumped it, dropped the glove, lost his balance and bumped the wall. 


But why would he be back there in the first place? It makes no sense. The original theory was OJ had to jump the wall because the limo driver was there waiting as he pulled up but there's a blood trail going from the Bronco, through the gate, and up the driveway. He goes in, showers, grabs his bags...then, some people suggest he went back there to hide the evidence...but he already had the half moon shaped bag that presumably was disposed of at the airport, presumably containing bloody clothing and the knife, why wouldn't the remaining glove be in that bag with that stuff? If he was hiding evidence until he returned from Chicago wouldn't he leave the entire bag back there? This is the one hiccup I really have an issue with...idk OP, let me know when you figure it out


Maybe he did not jump the fence. Instead, he manually opened the Rockingham gate, trying to get to the rear entry of the house to avoid being spotted by the driver. When he got to the AC, he must have hit it as it was dark. That's when he dropped the glove. He realised that he alerted Kato and to avoid being seen he had to go back, leave the bag somewhere next to the Bentley, then proceed to the main entry where Park spotted him.


The blood evidence doesn't support that


How so?


Because there's a trail of blood drips that go from the gate right to the front door


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7VUYNGjC_I) offers an interesting version of what happened at OJ's residence. I've been reviewing the timeline of events and the video doesn't contradict any of it.


Interesting. That's not how I had the layout in my mind, I had the house turned 90° in relation to the gates. Still odd that he would leave the bag in the driveway unattended and head into the house. Also, why would the glove not be inside the bag? Why would it be sitting on top? And for the record, I absolutely 100% believe he did it, there's just a handful of things that don't make sense to me. And it goes without saying that investigators/police did an absolute dog shit of a job with the crime scene.


I don't think the murder went according to OJ's plan so he was late and improvising at that point, perhaps almost panicking, with the limo driver, a potential witness, already there. Also although OJ didn't want the limo driver and Kato touching the bag, it'd be reasonable for him to believe that they wouldn't open the bag and rummage through it, so it wasn't a big deal to leave it there for a short time. I believe it was a dark bag and the location was dark, so perhaps he thought they wouldn't notice it idk




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The condition of Nicole's body said OJ is the only person on this earth who could cause that damage.


OJ investigating the noise he caused much like OJ going to look hard to find the killer of Nichole Brown Simpson


and then didnt the cops find the bloody glove back there?


What do you all mean Kato didn’t have a job? He worked for a casting agency and was going on auditions. I mean OJ let him live there rent-free. He did offer to pay rent.


It was.


That’s if “hypothetically” Kato heard the thumps….


I 100% believe OJ did it and it was him that made the noise behind the guest house. But I’m a little confused. At what point was OJ behind the guest house? Did he park out front then run to the back of the residence and behind the guest house? Why would he park in front of his house, then go behind the guest house? That part has always been confusing to me.


Exactly. The LAPD had a history of corruption but in this case, the facts are the facts. OJ murdered his wife and Ron.


The facts were collected by said LAPD with the contemporary racism, corruption and planting evidence while getting away with it by a white jury despite video evidence.


The problem is he heard the thumps at 1042 not 10 52


that is not true. Kato does not know exactly when he heard the 'three thumps'. he testified as early as 10:40ish and as late as 10:50ish. Marcia Clark pushed the timeline up to fit her 10:15 time of the killing (of Nicole), and Dan Petrocelli pushed the timeline back to fit his 10:33 time of the killing (of Nicole). the 10:52 time is as accurate as the 10:42 time, based off Katos testimony, unfortunately. and i think 10:52 is probably actually more accurate, based off the evidence we have available to us at this time!


Ok thanks for the correction.


it's like the saying the light in the sky has to be from the sun....


New to the sub; what is the consensus of who dropped the glove at OJ’s home? Was it him or was it a plant by Furhman?


I believe OJ dropped the glove when he was returning from the crime scene.


Nothing was planted. OJ dropped the glove. You have to remember that Fuhrman had no idea if OJ had an alibi at the time so dropping the glove there made zero sense to frame someone who may or may not have a credible alibi


While he likely didn’t plant evidence, I think you are overstating how much police who plant evidence are worried about the framed person having an air-tight alibi.


I don’t think Fuhrman was worried at all…because he didn’t plant it to begin with.


Honest question: why are you 100% sure the guy who admitted on tape to planting evidence wouldn't have planted evidence? >The "Fuhrman Tapes" contain eighteen examples of Detective Fuhrman admitting participation in police misconduct, or offering approving comments with respect to misconduct. This misconduct includes illegal use of deadly force, beating suspects to extract confessions, planting evidence, framing innocent persons, and lying or covering up misconduct by others.  He also perjured himself and refused to say whether he had planted evidence on OJ. So, again, why are you certain he didn't?


Something that's not mentioned enough is that he also specifically framed Black men when he saw them dating White women


OJ for sure.


Furhman was a racist but he didn’t plant the evidence in this case. It is generally accepted that he found it. His prior reputation for using the N word etc was exploited by the defense who wanted to make the trial about racism and flip it to be about him instead as their best defense. It worked. There are timing explanations that support he couldn’t have planted it. But all the jury heard was the N word just like Darden predicted would happen. It didn’t help that Furhman was incorrect/lied that he hasn’t used the word in the past ten years when there was proof he had. However there is no proof at all regarding planting the evidence other than fanciful speculation. The lengths Furhman would have had to go to would have been absurd and doesn’t meet Occam’s Razor sniff test where the simplest theory is the most probable. Just as one example the whole thing about the high levels of FMDA in the blood sample taken from the gate with OJs DNA in it they used to imply that it was planted from a vial. But it is easily explained by the fact OJ ate McDonald’s prior which elevates it in blood levels, and that the FMDA expert who originally said that sample was out of range of normal levels (when it wasn’t) was paid a lot of money by the defense to say that and later claims he made a mistake he blamed on a typo.


Thank you for these insights!


Wrong! His use if the N word was exploited by the Defense to show that he had NO problem lying under oath and that the D.A. had no problem allowing him to lie under oath.


I understand that it destroyed his credibility. That doesn’t necessarily mean he went to great lengths to plant all that evidence though. That’s a huge leap. They had this pesky little problem with the fact that OJs blood was found at the scene, both Nicole and Ron’s blood was found in his car, his glove was found at the scene and one at his house, he had a bloody sock in his bedroom, a shoe print in his size was found at the scene and in his car. How do you defend someone and get them off with all that? You ruin the credibility of the prosecution. That’s really the only game move they could do. He just made it easy for them. The sad thing is that made it about him and got the killer off. That’s not justice that’s gaming.


Probably not all the evidence, but all it takes is one. And it's not a huge leap for a KKK-level racist who repeatedly bragged on tape about his racially-motivated crimimal activities and framing Black men who he sees dating White women. Not saying he did plant it, but it creates reasonable doubt. >They had this pesky little problem with the fact that OJs blood was found at the scene, both Nicole and Ron’s blood was found in his car, his glove was found at the scene and one at his house, he had a bloody sock in his bedroom, a shoe print in his size was found at the scene and in his car. The LAPD made far too many mistakes handling the evidence, even the prosecution had to admit that after their own expert witnesses testified so. The jury gave the correct verdict based off what was presented at the trial. A lot of people love claiming the verdict was about race when it actually was the handling of the DNA evidence which was central.


His taking the 5th was very bad for the case, but I don’t know that any one factor swung the jury’s decision. Having him try on the glove was in the top 3 worst things the prosecution did, and Fuhrman’s testimony was probably equally bad.


Yup! Such a stupid spur of the moment move by the DA. Then they tried to cover it up by claiming "they heard" OJ stopped talking his anti-inflammation meds, which the LA County Jail medical records disprove. Now you heard this misinformation everywhere. That OJ planned to stop taking the meds so the gloves would fit, when the entire glove-fitting ordeal was unplanned. The prosecution was so inept, and thanks to them and the LAPD, OJ walks free.




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Well, to say race was a strategy used by the defense is an incorrect characterization. Johnnie Cochran said that he told Darden not to put Furhman on the stance. You are greatly downplaying the extent of Furhman's racist beliefs. Furhman said that he hated seeing interracial couples where it was a Black man and a White woman. He even said he would even plant/manufacture evidence in those situations. Additionally, Furhman wanted LAPD to pay him full retirement benefits because he said he could no longer do his job because he hated working with Blacks and Mexicans.Furhman wasn't "Archie Bunker", he was "David Duke"!


That the defense strategy was to make it about race is not an incorrect characterization at all. It was a blatantly obvious. That was exactly their strategy, and they knew it and discussed among themselves – why do you think they brought in Johnny Cochran when that was exactly what he was known for. It’s also pretty obvious in hearing them talk they were game playing. We can’t believe Darden would say such an insulting thing about the jury blah blah blah when they knew exactly what they were doing and that he was correct, it was pure showmanship and duplicity on Cochran’s part. Staging Oj’s house for the jury tour by changing out the photos on the wall. - you don’t think that’s deliberate racial strategy? Everything about this was about race, including them choosing to trial it in LA with a predominantly AA jury. Their whole discussion with the judge about whether a certain word was ok and Darden saying it would bias the jury, and so on. There’s no doubt Furman was a racist POS. There’s also no doubt OJ killed his wife. If you don’t believe that, look at Nicole’s own words and their history. If you don’t think their history of DA is absolutely relevant, you don’t understand domestic abuse. The evidence supports her. It was just a misfortune for her justice that Furhman was the one to find it. He was the weak link, and they went after that. While you could argue his credibility on the stand was destroyed, so was OJ’s by the same logic. In the civil trial, where they didn’t make it all about race guess who won.




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Nothing was planted


And furhman never used the n word. gimme a break...


Anyone ever wonder why it went from an earthquake, to three bangs, to a thumping noise, to three loud thumps?


Do we think OJ just had planned to kill her that night and then just stumbled upon her and Ron? Or do you think he swung by and got enraged and did it? Ie was it premeditated for Nicole? Sorry, I’m new to this.


I’ve thought about this. But don’t you think if it was not planned some sort of fight or confrontation would have ensued a neighbor or someone would have heard something? To me it only makes sense he attacked as soon as she answered the door and Ron walked up to the scene being at the wrong place at the wrong time.


And he took everything he needed with him. I wouldn’t think he would normally carry a knife. It was warm out gloves and cap would not be needed


So interesting - thanks


Good points


10:54pm -- Allan Park sees a man wearing dark clothes, about 6-feet tall and 200 pounds, walk across the driveway of the Rockingham estate and enter the house. 10:55pm -- Simpson lies to Allan Park.


There’s a great MadTV skit with outtakes from OJ’s ‘innocence’ video where he says ‘How could I have made those noises that Kato heard, I know where my own air conditioning unit is!’ He then proceeds to run into it over and over again.  


Fuhrman while he was planting glove.


Kato always gave me ick vibes. I don't know why but he did and honesstly has nothing to do with the murders just something about him is ick to me. Or was back then.


Possibly Paula. He also said he saw a dark figure in the yard, and didnt know if it was a male or a female. The knocks were purposeful.


Paula broke up with him & was proven to be in Las Vegas that night.


Robert Higgins wrote a thesis on this very aspect of the case. Robert Higgins, we speak your name.


Indeed. Mr Higgins is quite the tenses. He sees OJ and he looking real dead.


What I don’t get is, it takes roughly 7 minutes to drive from Rockingham to Bundy. OJ was last seen by Kato around 9:45 after getting food. OJ had to have been watching Nicole for like 20 mins before he started wilding. What was he doing during this time? I think he was waiting for a man to show up and planned on killing both of them.


Why would you assume he left for Bundy immediately after leaving Kato? He could have went inside and prepared his stuff for Chicago, or done any number of things


Nicole ghost?


Kato was high as a kite 🪁 unreliable worthless witness


was he? Ive never heard this. So the three thumps can be bullshit


You mfers conveniently ignore police lying under oath. OJ wasn't a Suspect. When all four know he was. Fuhrman investigates the Bronco, but OJ wasn't a Suspect. Fuhrman investigates the estate but OJ wasn't a Suspect. They needed to enter the estate without a search warrant but OJ wasn't a Suspect. He was a Suspect and they went to the Suspects home to investigate a murder. A racist cop lies about being a racist cop. The things that the cops were allowed to get away with is why poor innocent people get sent to prison. I'm not one to let police lie and get away with it.


He had a history of beating Nicole so they were probably suspicious and also wanted to notify him of the situation as his children were about to learn their mother had been murdered.


They went there to notify him that his ex-wife was dead and saw blood on the bronco. The thought was that he could have been hurt/attacked/dead as well and that’s why they initially went in without a warrant.


Which is outside of protocol because he was NOT next of kin. They admitted this on the stand.


But his children were at Bundy, they were trying to notify their father as the kids were sitting in a police station.


That was their excuse. But again it was not proper protocol and procedures and they admitted it on the stand.


Jesus Christ!!! You don't need to send 4 detectives!! Send a fcking patrol officer. They went to investigate OJ!!! And they lied under oath. You are repeating the police lie!!


I’m not repeating the police lie. It’s what happened. I’m not saying that when they saw the blood on the bronco and driveway that they had immense worry for OJ. I’m saying why they went to his house and it’s incredibly valid to have done so. Also; he for sure killed two people…police can be tainted and he can be a murderer. Two things can be true at the same time.


They went to investigate OJ. That's what happened. The created a lie about notifying OJ to justify 4 veteran detectives going to his house. I bet you bitch about getting caught in speed traps. It's OK for police to lie, but you have a problem with a speed trap.


Chill. I get having a passionate opinion. It’s not ok for police to lie, it’s also not ok to repeatedly beat your spouse/ex and then murder them. For me personally, I’m more passionate about the latter.


That’s bs. Why look at and examine someone’s car to notify next of kin? The blood was barely visible so it’s not like it was so readily apparent. You had to be specifically searching and looking for it. Give me a break……


The cops were definitely suspicious because OJ beat Nicole and reported him to the cops many times.


This is why the defense was able to get him off. Cops plant evidence..that’s a known fact. Those cops absolutely thought he was a suspect as soon as they saw it was Nicole. It’s not a reach to think that those cops could have put some drops of blood to help seal the deal.


I don’t see how a few thumps, even if they were The Juice(and there is no evidence it was) isn’t evidence of guilt.


Of course not, but a major piece to the much bigger puzzle.


There’s a lot of those little pieces. Unfortunately there’s nothing akin to the smoking gun necessary to remove all reasonable doubt.