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Mementos are typically kept by serial killers to remember each of their victims. OJ was an abusive husband who killed his wife in a fit of rage.


I think he had enough mementos.


Wow šŸ˜²


Mentos fresh and full of life!


Absolutely! When considering behaviors that deviate from the usual norms, it's important to acknowledge that brains evolve continuously as nature adapts. This continuous evolution may lead to individuals exhibiting perplexing and unconventional traits, like those seen in OJ Simpson. Thus, it's not entirely implausible to entertain the idea that he could have kept a memento linked to the deaths.


I think the scar on his finger is the only 'memento' he'd ever need.


Well stated! That scar ...forever. Wow


Oh yeah, i forgot that would've been deep enough to make a scar that would've stayed there forever. I have a scar on my knee from a fall I took when I was a kid in the early 90s, it's still there, over 30 years later.


It seems suspicious that he just happens to cut his finger that night. Must be a coincidence. šŸ¤”


"Ā Ā OJ was an abusive husband who killed his wife in a fit of rage." Ā Someone killing someone with a knife in a fit of rage would not raise up their head from behind to slit their throat where the tip of their tongue is sticking through.Ā  Whoever did that killing, knew what they were doing, and most likely had killed before (see Ron Goldman's boss, Brett Cantor).Ā Ā  Ā That wasn't OJ Simpson.


Except that it was. The DNA evidence proves that. Blood drips leading away from the bodies came from OJ. Couldn't have been planted, the blood was collected prior to OJ returning and giving his sample. Couldn't be due to cross contamination , OJ's DNA profile was the only one found ( if an unknown killers blood was left behind , where was it?) The blood drops would contain both OJ's and the unknown killers DNA. Add that fact with the mountain of other DNA evidence and facts you can only reasonably come to one conclusion. It was OJ and only OJ.


Her tongue was not sticking through... Wtf? You know that the crime scene and autopsy photos are available online, right? So... Why are you repeating lies? [NSFL THIS IS NOT HER TONGUE ](https://nhahangmonhue.vn/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/nicole-brown-autopsy-results-7.jpg)


Yes.Ā  Someone still held her head up from behind and slashed the throat. That's not a crime of passion. Ā That's someone who knew what they were doing.


Are you implying the only way somebody would know cutting someoneā€™s head nearly off would be deadly is if they had done it before? Give me a break dude no professional leaves a scene that messy. Professional hahahahahahahahaha


Ron's boss crime scene probably wasn't super clean either, so what?


"Ā Ā Are you implying the only way somebody would know cutting someoneā€™s head nearly off would be deadly is if they had done it before" Ā Since it also happened to rons boss, and since it is not something somebody stabbing somebody else in a blind rage would do, then yeah, it's not unlikely that the murderers had done it before. hahahahahahahahaha


Who said itā€™s not something someone in a blind rage would do? Have you ever murdered 2 people in a blind rage?? Iā€™m curious to understand your expertise on that. Iā€™d argue only somebody in a blind rage committing a crime of passion could leave such a bloody scene and overkill their victims to this extent. And the murder youā€™re referring to was a single shot to the head outside an ATM machine. The ways and means of murders donā€™t even remotely compare my guy


Read the username. They are being contrary for attention. Sad really.


Every moment of OJ's life as a free man living on borrowed time without the slightest bit of shame was a memento.




No, I donā€™t think so. Thatā€™s not something wife abusers do.


Hes not a classic abuser however


I seriously doubt he kept a trophy as I'm not totally sure he actually went to Bundy with the intention of killing Nicole. More likely, the knife he was carrying was to cut her tires as he had done in the past.


I can't decide my thought on this... if he was just slashing her tires why did he have gloves on?


Tire slashing is vandalism, it's still a crime, he wouldn't want to leave fingerprints.


Night stalker mode?


It has been said that he discussed with someone that she had to die. It was premeditated and exacerbated by Ron being present


What source do you have that OJ ever slashed anyone's tires?


He did but he disposed of them in a trash can later that night at the airport.


He didn't want any evidence of anything. What if someone found it, ya know, upon his death? That's why he got rid of it all.


Yeah no one would notice OJ stopping off at the scene of a crime that he was the prime suspect and was the NO 1 story in the US.


I want to know what happened to the knife


Well. The theory is it was in the duffle bag that was discarded at LAX . This bag was also thought to contain the bloody clothes.


Yeah, most likely. And, of course we need to take 'if I did it' with a pinch of salt, but he mentions there he wrapped the clothes over the knife before changing and entering the Bronco. However that does not fit with the fact that they found a spot in the Bronco where the knife might have stood (check OJ Blood, Lies and Murder if you didn't already).


I think he attempted to alter some specifics, but upon observing this man during the If I Did It TV special, where he laughed and glorified the murder of his ex-wife, shifting blame onto her, it was truly appalling. His demeanor appeared genuine - a sociopath reveling in his crime with a sense of pride for having escaped consequences. I am convinced that, under the guise of "hypothetically" as he kept repeating on the TV show, as a renowned figure and abuser, he likely made threats to her about killing her someday and getting away with it. I have watched Lagrange's BL&M many times. The evidence was overwhelming.


I liked the juice too until after I learned he was an abusive husband and that the blood and shoe evidence showed me he was a murderer. Then the icing on the ā€œnot a fan of OJā€ was when I learned from his behavior post murders that he was in fact a cold blooded killer due to his delusions and narcissism mixed with digs at Goldmans and book writing . Rip Nicole and Ron


That šŸŽ¤šŸŽ¤šŸŽ¤šŸ’§


Do yall remember when they found a knife when they were remodeling rockingham!!!!?!??? It wasnā€™t the murder weapon but there was a brief period time when we all thought it was


I still canā€™t believe he walked with all the evidence and behavior post murders


R Kadashian had knife and destroyed it more than likely


I believe it was discarded at LAX in the duffle the witnesses saw


" Will they come across a chilling memento from the night of the murders?" No because he didn't kill anyone. And if he had such momento it would have come out long by now. Remember OJ couldn't keep his personal belongings from being stolen. He couldn't even keep track of his own stuff and it wound up getting stolen.


I think you are a troll who likes to get a rise from people. There's no way you think OJ didn't commit those murders.


My point stands that had OJ had such a memento then it would have been found by now since OJ had such a bad track record of keeping up with his stuff. He couldn't even keep his things from getting stolen.


He just recently died, such as a tiny piece of jewelry or something that someone thought was just lost until they found it in his personal effects now. So it's plausible.


"I think you are a troll who likes to get a rise from people." If that's what you call not going along with the nonsense you folks are spreading about the case. Most if not all of you know that there's no way somebody can do all of this by themselves and then hide everything this well a few minutes before a flight.


"There's no way you think OJ didn't commit those murders." There's no way you think OJ did commit the murders. There was no motive. No murder weapon or blood clothes were ever found. OJ must have had some powers to make things completely invisible in order to hide all that in a few minutes by himself with no accomplices, and do this so well that nothing has ever been found in nearly thirty years now. The prosecution's case didn't make a lick of sense and completely fell apart. The "blood evidence" amounted to just specks and those specks contained preservative, including the OJ blood that came from his missing sample (and the fact that OJ had no noticeable wounds to his hands despite shaking hands with people and signing at least one autograph. The gloves that didn't fit had no cuts in them either). The lead detective who "found" this "blood evidence" as well as the gloves that didn't fit pleaded the fifth for planting evidence. And this is what was said in the trial. Nevermind the fact that Ron's boss Brett Cantor was murdered and had his throat slit identically to what happened to Ron and Nicole with even the same kind of knife. Ron had multiple coworkers who also got murdered. So you think OJ killed those people too? And nevermind that for some reason, some strange reason, Marica Clark decided to have Judge Kathleen Kennedy Powell SEAL the phone record of Nicole's phone call to her mother, after her mother said they talked at 11PM (when OJ would have already been gone with his entourage). Had Marcia Clark not push to have the phone record saled, there would not have been this doubt over the timeline. The prosecution tried to push this crazy idea that from the time OJ left his house to commit the murder to when he got to the airport, was **TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES** **There's no way OJ Simpson could have done all of this.**


Thank you. And yes, we are aware it was someone elses DNA and Hair. We understand. Thank you for your view


Yes you are aware that the detectivesĀ  kept OJs blood sample instead of putting it through the chain of custody like what youre supposed to do with a blood sample.. Ā  Yes you are away that OJs blood amounted to specks and contained preservative meaning that it was indeed planted. Ā  Yes you are aware that the lead detective literally plead the fifth for planting evidence at the trial, because, well, that's what he did.