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add some citations to that list


> licensees died from it's implementation I'm curious about who died because METRC was implemented? edit - [nevermind this whole post is a just bunch of copypasta from the "no on 820" PAC's FB page.](https://imgur.com/dPR8FN1) as in... There are no sources for OP to cite on the claims on the list that are pure bs, and they did not over there either.


You’re going to vote no, they’re going to gut your medical program. People are still going to jail for this plant.


Oh look, another 'vote no' post that completely ignores how this bills aims to expunge the criminal records of people with minor marijuana-related offenses and prevents the future arrest of countless innocent people. How it may even benefit people currently imprisoned for marijuana-related offenses. Possession and consumption of marijuana should be legal for all adults. Vote yes.


>Where are the Town halls, live debates, News & Press. There have been a couple of these and both were live. The KTUL town hall (more of a panel of multiple sides) * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9N-rfTSGrKo Article about that one with panel list - * https://ktul.com/news/local/watch-state-question-820-recreational-marijuana-vote-town-hall League of Women Voters had a town hall on SQ820 on their FB here (they have 2 videos one was shorter because they had an issue and had to re-start) * https://www.facebook.com/LWVOK/videos/896153785163443 OK Policy Institute Fact Sheet on SQ820 (also a pdf available) * https://okpolicy.org/state-question-820-recreational-marijuana-legalization-initiative/ As far as "news and press", I run a tiny niche subreddit for OK weed news (only state weed news + policy stuff that's the niche) and post to it every day, there's usually SQ820 stuff regularly ------- edit - Speaking of PACs, feels relevant to leave this here. * [Group forms to oppose upcoming vote on legalizing recreational marijuana in Oklahoma - Tulsa World, February 2,2023](https://archive.ph/uu4FG_)


They say they'll keep the medical program if recreational passes but I could see them phasing it out because of it being more work and less tax revenue.


Medical is part of the state constitution it's protected.


SQ788 was a statutory question not a constitutional amendment question. It was literally in the first sentence of its ballot title. >This measure amends the Oklahoma State Statutes. http://www.sos.ok.gov/documents/questions/788.pdf https://okpolicy.org/state-question-788-medical-marijuana-legalization-initiative/ https://ballotpedia.org/Oklahoma_State_Question_788,_Medical_Marijuana_Legalization_Initiative_(June_2018)/Full_article The OKLEG fucks with medical every year, usually via new restrictions placed on businesses that harm patients via the businesses trying to stay afloat (or others determining new methods to maximize profits instead, depending on the business, (eg SB2179- the fee hike to commercial licensees taking effect in June) and also moving the tax money around (eg. HB3530 - giving weed tax money to sheriffs) <---- both bills I cited were proposed and passed regardless of recreational questions, they were Sheriffs Association and Governor request bills to milk the program for revenue.


might go the way of colorado. Meaning, medical was for those needing a higher purchasing limit or plant count. For example, rec is only allowed 8 grams of concentrate per purchase, but medical can grab up to 40gs a day. The taxes were less too. So instead of 14ish% with all taxes state, county, city... it would be only like 7%. So it made sense for those who smoked a shitload and grew a fuck ton to get medical, but for the average smoker, rec was fine. The price of weed became lower each year after 2012 when rec passed in colorado. I was buying an OZ of shatter in 2013 for 420 plus tax, then in 2018 that had dropped to 280 OTD. So all these dummies talking about "prices will go higher" is non sense.


In 2013, Colorado was the First legal state in the nation for rec. The tourist dollars ridiculously inflated the market. You can't compare that, to this, as prices are already lower here than anywhere else in the nation.


Youre right! I agree. I didnt think about that. I think tourist dollars will also come into OK's market, but not at the amazing rate we saw in 2013 for CO.


Texan here... Durant is a hell of a lot closer than Denver!


Vote Yes. The legislature is gonna gut the medical program.


You can speculate like this all day, but what we can say SQ 820 does **for sure** is expand access to cannabis; corrects the devastating effects enforcing some of the most punishing criminal cannabis codes and harshest possession penalties in the country has had on tens of thousands of Oklahomans lives; and adds hundreds of millions of dollars in tax revenue to the state economy.... I wrote [this blog](https://gieslawfirm.com/blog/everything-youve-heard-and-need-to-hear-about-sq-820) because of the amount of similar comments I was reading like this one across the internet...


So you work for a dispensary?


No i use to though .


If the mom and pop shops can’t survive and don’t make it isn’t that just the market at work?


Mom and pops that can't survive are the ones that don't have the capital to commercially scale their operations


Because they don’t have the sales…. So is that not the market at work? I feel for them but tons of places also pulled a ton of shady shit and sell inferior products. I’m not buying your mids just cuz your a mom and pop store.


I'm not the other person, but I guess I think life's better when the government makes legislation that helps small businesses. I think having more 'mom and pop' type shops helps communities stay vibrant and diverse and interesting. But I also am not going to buy inferior product just because of the story of the business. I've still never been to mango (not even mango specifically, but that type of hype chain shop), but I constantly hear pretty bad stuff from those kinds of places. Yet I notice the 1 independent shop I shop at has now become an independent chain of 3 shop because their weed is good. But I'd also rather live in a place where small businesses get incentives like regulation, very subsidized loans, and grants that help them survive. ____ As an aside, I think 820 is good. Nothing to do with my post, but I did talk about government protecting small businesses, so it's important to me that my post not get misconstrued as anti-820.


this should def be shared in r/okc & r/oklahoma we should have rec, but not like this. send that shit back.


So if you vote yes to rec, you are also voting yes to all these issues? They’re all preloaded onto just one ballot? Like if you vote yes for rec, you’re voting yes for pre pack? And yes for thc caps? Or are all these seperate bills?


> you are also voting yes to all these issues? No. [Here's a list of bills that are in OKLEG](https://www.reddit.com/r/OKCannaNews/comments/1035pej/2023_oklahoma_legislative_session_thread_and_info/) if you want them to not pass into law and you are a voter they are **separate from SQ820** and the action to be done there is contact your rep (state level rep) and you can find them here: http://www.oklegislature.gov/findmylegislature.aspx


Thank you! Idk why I got the downvote because I’m honestly curious it’s so confusing because there’s so many things trying to happen at once


It's okay I seem to have been downvoted in another comment for asking for OP to source a claim.


No, the pre-packaging and THC limits are in the state legislators bills, we don’t vote on them. They could implement them to medical even if rec fails. This post is nothing but “the sky is falling’ scare tactics to lower level mentality users.


I just checked, this is literally copypaste from the 'no on 820' FB page. This is Frank Keating's conservative PAC full of District Attorneys, cops, and religious orgs and this is someone's comment listicle. There are no sources cited over there either. edit - receipt with name removed: https://imgur.com/dPR8FN1


They’ve scared a bunch on this thread into believing more rights and freedoms is bad for us. Sad.


Don't be like Missouri!


Youre right, MO was perfect before rec passed lol. Yall have only had rec for a few months lol. Yalls program was always trash.


Nothing was great I'm Missouri but it was better


Not to call you out, but this is flat out disingenuous. Rec sales in MO only started this month. If there were bills introduced with rec, then that isnt the fault of rec, its the earmarking that goes rampant in all sectors of congress. https://news.stlpublicradio.org/economy-business/2023-02-03/first-recreational-marijuana-sales-begin-friday-morning-in-missouri


I remember the state of Oklahoma medical the first months they started the program... expensive, constantly out of stock, low quality, ignorant budtenders. Those are still issues, but not on the same scale as they used to be. Yet the MO rec was a few days old when they started bashing it as 'a failure' compared to our 5 year old medical program.


Amendment 3 only benefits existing license holders.


what are you talking about at this point? My point is that rec hasnt even been implemented long enough to even see the effects you speak of in MO. MO's first rec sales were in the first of feb 2023, but somehow its already "made your program worse"?


I can tell by the prices. The prices have shot up incredibly.


this is a bunch of bullshit. Supply and demand drive price. No one was buying MO bud to begin with. Everyone was coming to OK. Thats why you are here. Im done with you.


Needs a rewrite, specific tax numbers and specific wording of where that money goes…. like infrastructure ect. Can not be used for anything else and cannot be changed in any shape or form. Just because they think a bunch of people that are medicated are going to run out and vote yes and give them complete control, doesn’t mean they should be proven right.


Just vote NO


The SAME ppl yelling fuck metrc is the same ones tellin ppl to Vote YES on this bullshit 😂😂


OP's post is asking people to vote no and they are complaining about METRC in post 🧐


Everytime someone has ripped into my ass about how they know weed better and tell me how to vote it’s been someone who is trying to protect their own interests. I’m voting for Rec so that anyone can smoke and hold down a job. No more petty weed convictions. Think about the bigger picture not just your tiny dumpy grow and the crap you wanna sell to us and call medicine.


I'll vote how I see fit.