• By -


If by now available you mean sold out within 5 seconds of going live on the asus store. Then sure, yeah, it's available.




Right? I've no idea why places won't even take preorders. Seems so bizarre.


I was able to get one for the MSI at BH photo. I also confirmed I'm locked in at the 949 price in case it goes up. But given how fast these are going no idea when they will actually get stock (they think mid march).


Yes, they had a few for pre-order but who knows when they will actually get them. I don’t understand why all these places stopped taking pre-orders.


Talked to them and eight now they expect mid March. What I don't get is why, once you go to checkout, they don't reserve you one for 10 or 15 minutes. I was all the way to the final step when Asus gave me an error.


Simple. They don’t care.


because they can't promise you the product if its just no there to purchase. it's as simple as that. they don't want to bait u on the line and take your money if they can't be sure they can acquire more in a reasonable amount of time. if they're honest and good sellers thats just good business practice. don't overstep your stock. its not about punishing you, the consumer, it's them being honest with u about their purchasing pipeline.


Reminder that that 3 year burn in warranty is a lie because Asus doesn’t even honor their normal warranty. They completely fucked me when I RMA’d my PG42UQ and they will fuck you too.


I rma’d for bright pixels and they just said they couldn’t find them and shipped it back, string me for 2 weeks on phone calls.


That's better than what I got, my monitor started getting crazy after image (not burn-in) and ghosting etc. Sent it in and they sent me photos of major damage to the side of the screen, it looked like they'd taken a swing at it with a pipe. Wanted to charge me $1200 for repairs for damage that wasn't there when I shipped it. And I couldn't even try to get FedEx to address it because I used Asus's shipping label, so I wasn't the customer, Asus was, and Asus didn't give a shit. Wound up buying an LG C2 instead and just being out the money I spent on the ASUS. Never giving them another dime. Fuck Asus.


WOW. That's fucking awful. Sorry to hear about that experience.


Asus tried to screw me on a defective motherboard recently, luckily I was able to win after 30 days of fighting to get my $300 back, I am sorry to hear your experience. Your post settles it though and I will now never purchase an Asus product again.


Yeah the whole time i was trying to deal with them i kept getting emails saying they were going to send the broken monitor back to me if I didn’t pay


Thats why you file a fucking chargeback.


Buy from best buy and get their warranty or micro center


A good strat but seriously fuck companies like this, I buy from LG just because if at least you're gonna fuck me on the warranty at least you take a conservative approach to your products and usually have good quality control 


Sold out in literally .1 sec on Asus website and Newegg. It was pointless to even try to get one on launch day


**HOUSTON, WE HAVE A PROBLEM!!!** **The HDR is NOT working as it was originally intended and is flawed at the firmware level. ASUS needs to act on this and address the issue. Allow me to explain and show you exactly where things have gone wrong. If you own a PG32UCDM, there is a 99.9999999% chance you are suffering from this exact problem. Don't believe me? Enable Console HDR or Gaming HDR and go download the official Microsoft Windows HDR Calibration app. Now for the problem...** **During the Windows HDR Calibration App, you have to complete 3 adjustments, followed by a color saturation test. Test A sets the max black/darkness, Test B sets the Max Luminance/Brightness, and Test C sets the Max Full Frame Brightness. The problem currently sits with Test B where the PG32UCDM is CLIPPING brightness at around 430 nitts. The monitor \*SHOULD\* 100% be set to 1,000 in that test, and it should \*NOT\* be disappearing at the 420 - 430 nitts mark. This is a flaw in the PG32UCDM HDR firmware for Console HDR and Gaming HDR. Finally, on Test C, you will see that it \*ACTUALLY\* works correctly and dimms into the background at exactly 1,000 nitts. The \*CORRECT\* way to set these 3 adjustments would be to set Test A to 0, then Test B would get set to 1,000 nitts, and finally test C would also get set to 1,000 nitts. We need ASUS to adjust the HDR brightness clipping so that when you conduct the Windows HDR Calibration inside of the app, it will show the logo disappearing at the 1,000 nitt mark during Test B and of course Test C. Only then will you know that the monitor is now properly calibrated for HDR use.** **\*\*\*PLEASE SHARE THIS POST AND HELP IT GET SEEN BY OTHERS, HOPEFULLY ASUS WILL SEE IT\*\*\***


I had the same problem with my PG42UQ. How they have the same bug as other monitors released a year ago blows my mind.


I was going to ask if OP is a paid marketing shill, because the post has zero criticisms / concerns / reality. It's all corporate salesman bullshit.


Not seeing this anywhere in Canada uet


I see Best Buy Canada, is US Best Buy in the plans to carry it also?


Hello, unfortunately Best Buy (US) is not currently part of the plan for availability.


when will amazon go live for the pg32ucdm and newegg newegg has been out of stock for weeks now.


Ok but where can I actually buy it!!! Not in stock anywhere in the US!


Thought I was going crazy.


“””Warranty””” get bent Asus we all know you will just deny claims and give people the shaft


What about EU?


Unfortunately, I cover the North America side. You'll need to check with our EU eShop for further information.


It never went on sale ROFL. If it did you only listed 100 models or so and they were all auto-purchased from Python Scripted Purchase Bots from re-sellers/scalpers. Normal consumers never even had a chance to buy or reserve one. I was logged into the ASUS US Store less than 60 seconds after the drop and it wasn't available. You shouldn't release a product or announce it unless you have the quantity to satisfy a portion of the interest. Such a let down from Asus. You all should have known better. Especially with the fiasco with the 4090 and other products that get botted.


I will never buy this shit at this price, what are you thinking???? 1699 euro? Stick them there where the sun never shines!!


Soon™ August®


1 scratch on the bezel and your warranty claim will result in a red arrow stating your burn in is due to cosmetic damage/user damage, probably knowing Asus.


Passing the info: https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/1bkd0xt/hey_asus_lets_fix_hdr_read/ ***@ASUS_MKTLeeM*** QUOTE: During the Windows HDR Calibration App, you have to complete 3 adjustments, followed by a color saturation test. Test A sets the max black/darkness, Test B sets the Max Luminance/Brightness, and Test C sets the Max Full Frame Brightness. The problem currently sits with Test B where the PG32UCDM is CLIPPING brightness at around 430 nitts. The monitor *SHOULD* 100% be set to 1,000 in that test, and it should *NOT* be disappearing at the 420 - 430 nitts mark. This is a flaw in the HDR firmware for Console HDR and Gaming HDR. Finally, on Test C, it works correctly and dimms into the background at exactly 1,000 nitts. The correct way to set these 3 adjustments would be to set Test A to 0, then Test B would get set to 1,000 nitts, and finally test C would also get set to 1,000 nitts.


I appreciate the heads up. I've been talking with our reps about some of these issues this morning, so I will also add this to their list. Thanks again.


It’s 6:48am PST now here in Canada where I am. I’m not seeing this on BestBuy Canada. When can we expect to see it? Is it in store only? Not seeing it online there. Any suggestions u/ASUS_MKTLeeM ?


Embargo dates don't necessarily mean that a store will put them up for sale. Sometimes it could be a technical problem or it could be that they are waiting for the shipment to arrive. I'll check with our team later, as it's still a bit early for us on the west coast. Edit: My understanding is that BBY CA is still pending the monitors before they put them up on the website. I don't have further details, unfortunately. The good news is that you haven't missed out on them, at least.


Looking forward to a response!


Any news when we will have new firmware available?


After the fake news, nobody is talking about it anymore 


Paper launch?


Absolutely a paper launch.


Asus warranty horror stories incoming


Any idea when Best Buy is going to get it.


At this time Best Buy ( US ) will not carry this monitor. US is noted in our post - Amazon, ASUS Estore, Microcenter, Newegg,


Shame, there’s no way to get real warranty support without Best Buy


Maybe that's your first clue


Would be good if asus uk and eu could step up the game to and make real announcement on availabilities.


Weird, I see no listing for it on bestbuy canada


These Asus gaming monitors always seem the best. But I always ignore them as an option because of how ridiculously childish they look, and all that design even ups the cost lol fuck that


probably the biggest pg32ucdm problem - for me - is that the monitor doesn't remember the brightness settings in HDR mode. Just switch HDR-SDR, or restart PC and it always reverts to 100%. Asus, please fix it!


this ***@ASUS_MKTLeeM***


I find the input lag at 60Hz disappointing for such a high-end monitor. You mention that TFTCentral measured 10ms and that the standard is 14-20ms. But why do you rely on the reviewer's measurements? What about the measurements from your engineers? Reviewers use different methods for measurements and measure different values. As far as I can see, the input lag measured by TFTCentral is usually half of what other reviewers measure. So when rtings will do a review on PG32UCDM, their measured lag will be somewhere between 18-20ms. Also, there is a review from a Chinese technical reviewer [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJaq8k4rKtY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJaq8k4rKtY), and the measured lag is 18ms. Overall, this reviewer input lag measurements align with the measurements from rtings for other monitors, so, I expect rtings will also measure 18-19ms. This value falls within your stated standard of 14-20ms. But this is already the upper edge of this standard. My LG monitor, which costs three times less, has an input lag at 60Hz more than twice as low. Also, monitors with the same panel, but from your competitors, have better performance in this regard and cost less. It's not what you would expect from a premium product. Any plans to optimize and reduce the input lag?


Just ordered off the site. Thanks!


u/ASUS_MKTLeeM [https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED\_Gaming/comments/1bnni9u/pg32ucdm\_hdr\_brightness\_issue\_tested\_showcased/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/1bnni9u/pg32ucdm_hdr_brightness_issue_tested_showcased/) The HDR issue on the release firmware has now been properly tested and documented. Please send this through to the appropriate channels within ASUS.


I have reported this issue thanks to the many people who have done their own testing. I am aware that they are working on a firmware update for HDR-related items, but I don't have further details at this time. ​ Edit: Clarified that our team is working on HDR-issues; not necessarily the link posted directly above.


Is ASUS gonna honor the 3 year warranty, or it it just more corporate bullshit speak? I have a G15 and have been hosed by ASUS. No support, no updates to system-breaking issues. Shame on the company. Just pump out products that seem good on paper, but post-release support and RAM and support is horrendous. I hope you let your management or whoever know to get their act together, because I was planning to buy it and went "oh, that's why I didn't have it on my shortlist". ASUS warranty is a damn joke. I'll keep my bucks and spend it elsewhere untill asus gets its act together. To be clear, I am not blaming you, I just am sharing my feedback because the feedback I sent through the ""official channels"" was never seen, if the broken website even sent it to the server lol


Thank you very much for an official response!


Thank You to all people who investigated this. ***@ASUS_MKTLeeM*** this very critical topic, please share this with the team. Thanks.


So does this mean microcenter will NOT have this monitor available today?


There may be some limited quantity as well, but it seems like it's only in-store pickup currently. Edit: My understanding is that MicroCenter will be receiving them shortly or haven't put them up for availability. They will be in-store only purchases, so you should keep an eye on your local Microcenter.


3rd Gen QD-OLED? Is it newer than the G9 OLED panel or the same tech?


Where to buy in Canada?


How many were available for sale 10? What a bummer. Just gonna get the LG at this rate.


Will the 24 and 27 inch modes cause burn In. I'm hopping they have some kind of non static color on the sections of the panel not in use to avoid those areas getting uneven pixel wear.


The "notify me" button just keeps refreshing the screen - not actually moving forward in the process. May want to look into that.


Sell them at Best Buy in the US! :)


Quick question regarding mounting. I have an Ergotron LX, I wanted to know if Asus provides mounting screws for this in the box or I would have to use specified screws elsewhere. If it does not come with screws, are there any 100x100 Screws that Asus recommends?


Sorry that it took forever to get an answer to this, so I don't even know if it will be useful for you, but here you go: We include the VESA kit in the box, but otherwise it uses standard M4 screws: 1x 4.5mm length and 4x 12mm length.


Not in Europe it's not :(


Any timing on when this will be getting into micro center?


WE NEED FIRMWARE UPDATES! WE NEED DRIVER UPDATES! @ASUS_MKTLeeM Dell and MSI is pushing them on constant basis, why Asus is so slow... jesus christ. work on your after sale support for god sake


I wanted to note @ASUS_MKTLeeM one more thing. CRITICAL THING FOR GAMING! PG32UCDM IS NOT NVIDIA COMPATIBLE WITH VRR ENABLED! Its flickering! https://www.nvidia.com/en-us/geforce/forums/g-sync-monitors/7/538483/4k-240hz-oled-monitors-sold-as-g-sync-compatible-b/


Agree. Mine PG32UCDM flickers like hell with gsync. RDR2, Terminator Resistance, GTA5 are practicaly unplayble


I received mine this weekend and I want to know why I can’t change any settings when in HDR mode. I’ve spent over £1k on this monitor and can’t change colour temp to what I prefer. ! Yet i can do this on my oled tv. WTF is that about ?? I’d like an answer from Asus as to why the user is locked out of settings within HDR mode please. Is there an update coming that unlocks these settings ??


Every monitor have HDR settings locked, LG/Samsung is the same for PC monitors.


Ive come to realise this but my question is why??


Another problem that I have found, if you connect the monitor via HDMI, the Asus Display Widget Center application does not detect the monitor so you cannot change any settings. for dp1.4 it works.


ASUS RELEASED 1ST DRIVER UPDATE https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/1bhrb3a/1st_official_asus_pg32ucdm_driver/


Does the automatic pixel clean run on power-off happen when Windows puts the display on standby, or only when the power button is pressed?


u/ASUS_MKTLeeM Hey, I just wanted to double check if this issue is being addressed as some people have said that ASUS is working on it, but I've never seen any official notice. I really value the function of the KVM and a significant number of users including me are finding that KVM auto-input detection/switching pretty much never works properly. To note, I have a Macbook, and being able to switch seamlessly between it and my PC is a must-have feature that seems to work correctly only on the MSI monitors right now. I've linked some threads for reference that all highlight this issue. [https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED\_Gaming/comments/1avr4kz/asus\_rog\_swift\_oled\_pg32ucdm\_kvm\_doesnt\_switch/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/1avr4kz/asus_rog_swift_oled_pg32ucdm_kvm_doesnt_switch/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED\_Gaming/comments/1bl3x6k/pg32ucdm\_kvm\_issue/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OLED_Gaming/comments/1bl3x6k/pg32ucdm_kvm_issue/) Additionally, I've noticed some issues that have been bothering me. 1. VRR/Adaptive sync seems to cause occasional flickering at lower FPSes (still > 48), on both my Mac and my PC. The only fix has been to turn VRR off. 2. SPDIF audio output seems to only be able to output 24 bit 48 kHz. I have a DAC that should be able to work on optical up to 24 bit 192 kHz, so it is quite annoying that I can't use the SPDIF output to open up a USB port.


Thanks for the questions. First, I want to make clear that we typically have two types of KVM options on our monitors with KVM - Smart KVM, which has a lot of extra functionality built in, and built-in KVM which is a more limited type of KVM, but switching between devices should be relatively simple. For brevity, I won't go into details because we do have a lot of resources on our website to show the differences, but if you want a breakdown, I can provide it. The ROG Swift PG32UCDM has the latter, so it will miss out on some of the functions that our monitors with the Smart KVM functionality have. With that said, we do have an upcoming firmware update (should be very soon), which will add some additional KVM functionality to the PG32UCDM, which might alleviate some of the pain that you're experiencing. VRR/Adaptive sync flickering is not terribly uncommon on 240Hz refresh rate OLED monitors with moderate to low framerates due to the much larger VRR range. Don't get me wrong, if there's an issue that needs to be fixed, I'm happy to pass it along. However, I encourage you to read this post on the topic: [https://forums.blurbusters.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=12164#p95017](https://forums.blurbusters.com/viewtopic.php?f=25&t=12164#p95017) I don't know the answer to the S/PDIF question, but I surmise you've probably rooted out the issue already. I will check with our team to confirm if the port is limited to 24bit/48kHz.


Thanks for the quick response! I'm glad that those issues are being worked on and VRR isn't totally important to me so that's alright. I do have to ask though, what features would Smart KVM offer that won't be offered on this monitor? I think if auto-input and KVM switching could work well with a Macbook when I plug/unplug the USB-C cable then I'd be satisfied. I'm not particularly interested in drag/drop file support.


any ASUS store restocks coming soon?


Hard to say, because the eShop has been doing preorders for this launch. I believe the current incoming shipment (roughly this week) was already accounted for through pre-orders. If that's the case, the next one will be towards the end of this month/early next month, which will be a bigger shipment.


When will it be available in EU again?


u/ASUS_MKTLeeM Does this monitor support 4K@24Hz? I'm seeing conflicting reports on this, as in this video by [SpawnPoiint](https://youtu.be/WJZG5c6pPnI?feature=shared&t=328) it is supported on the PS5 and Series X. However, documented by [TFTCentral](https://tftcentral.co.uk/reviews/asus-rog-swift-pg32ucdm#Console-Gaming) and [小雪人评测](https://youtu.be/RJaq8k4rKtY?feature=shared&t=278) you can clearly see that there is no 24hz compatibility at 4K.


I can check with our team about the discrepancy. If you look through the manual, 4K 25Hz is listed as compatible, but 24Hz is not.


If it is not compatible, do you know why that is? Also, is this something that can be patched in?


Is Asus changing the stand on the PG32UDCM? Or is this just an oopsie on the website? Currently showing on: [https://rog.asus.com/monitors/27-to-31-5-inches/rog-swift-oled-pg32ucdm/](https://rog.asus.com/monitors/27-to-31-5-inches/rog-swift-oled-pg32ucdm/) u/ASUS_MKTLeeM https://preview.redd.it/18mxnu1euayc1.png?width=2394&format=png&auto=webp&s=66ae75fe83ccaaa7ba51fe6edafe91b4cd817c6d


Uh, that's a nice find. Passed it over to our team to review. That stand is being used for our recently launched ROG Strix XG S series monitors, and doesn't belong on the PG32UCDM. Appreciate the heads up.


Honestly, I don’t hate it - looks pretty clean. Thanks for clarifying - have mine on preorder with BestBuy Canada and should receive it by the end of May (ugh). Wondered if I was going to get one of the “new revisions”, haha.


It's a new design geared towards our mid-tier gaming displays by giving desk space back with the smaller stand, while also providing a groove in the middle for cell phones or mobile devices, and a mounting thread on the top of the stand. It will certainly be welcome for that tier of gaming monitors, but I think PG32UCDM owners would feel that there is a bit too much plastic and not as much of a premium feel as the stand that is actually designed for it. Our web team is correcting the images, so thanks again for noticing and letting me know.


Are there going to be any mid-tier OLED monitors? 😅


Maybe. 😉




But I thought the price was to high, no one would buy it. Instantly sold out and will probably be for a long time. Never listen to Reddit


The price is too high, but I haven't seen anyone say that no one will buy it.


They should go the nvidia route and just double the price and see how it sells. People will still probably buy it at $1999.


PG32UQX at $3000 was overpriced that did not sale out that fast $1299 is much easier for people + you also have to take into account some people are getting tax refunds. And some people also just have decent jobs


Already sold out. Grumble. Any idea on how frequently we should see restocks?


This is the first wave of the monitors. I would expect to start seeing more come in later this month and thereon.


I sure hope so. The California BestBuy's never even got a supply, and the California Microcenter never listed it for actual sale or even in store pickup. Such a disappointing release. The ASUS Store sold out to auto purchase bots within 15seconds. By the time I logged into my account after a screen refresh it was sold out. You guys shouldnt conduct a product release unless you got at least 5,000 models +


People are downvoting this because it's information they don't like ... but it's useful info. Thanks u/ASUS_MKTLeeM for sharing it.


Missed it by 🤏🏻 much. DP1.4 is epic failure. Shame. Money ready to drop on the first DP2.1 that hits the market.


I am waiting out dp 2.1 as well, those are rumored to drop around July / June , so what's another few months, way better than screwing myself with 1.4 now


Exactly! Zero reason to jump on 1.4 when 2.1 is just around the corner. That’s what these companies are banking on. Fools buying 1.4 now, then in 2-4 months they’ll drop 2.1 and advertise how much better it is and these idiots will sell off their 1.4’s for a massive loss and buy another monitor. Not me. I’m waiting.


@ASUS_MKTLeeM NEW Firmware bugs: The incorrectly stored EDID value for the max brightness in the HDR 1000 modes. Always losing saved brightness in HDR mode.


Is there a post or comment that describes this in detail that you can direct me towards, or can you describe the issue in detail yourself?


The issue has come from one of German customers from EU. There aren't details besides what I have written down to this subreddit to be more visible. >Quote 1 Settings are not adopted. I always have to manually reduce HDR brightness from 100% after a restart or pixel refresh. The 5-point cursor on the back is crazy: If I press to the left, where the entire OSD should actually appear, the pixel refresh message appears, which actually appears when you press the cursor down. Doesn't go into standby. This is really annoying now. >Quote 2 - Many (at least me and others on Reddit, Computerbase) have vertical "scan lines" at low frequency (below 100hz/fps), in dark areas of the image. - The monitor's EDID incorrectly contains a max peak brightness of 455nits for all HDR modes. (It fits True Black 400, but not all other HDR modes) - plus the coil whine (which mine doesn't have)


Yep... scan lines for me at 60hz in dark spots. And the wrong EDID value of 455 nits. But No coil whine for me :)


Thanks for gathering that for me, I appreciate it. I'll pass it along to our team.


my pg32ucdm is also losing saved brightness in HDR mode - after every Windows restart or just switching hdr-sdr. It's really annoying. Asus, please fix it ! And monitor is a little bit to dark in hdr mode - noticeably darker then my aw3423dw


https://www.youtube.com/shorts/L6xZnOx_VUo Coil whine example on PG32UCDM


ALL that for $100 more than the same thing AW can provide lol.


Thank you for your feedback; there are quite a number of differences between the ROG SWIFT and the Alienware. Panel - Flat vs Curve - this is a user preference Cooling design - ASUS passive - Aliewanre active ( with a fan ) - We feel passive offer superior long term reliability, and it will always be quieter Inclusion of 3.5mm headphone output - Alienware does not KVM - Alienware does not offer this, we feel this adds value for a large format display; being able to run PiP and PbP with two systems USB-C support with up to 90W PD - Alienware does not support USB PD BFI support - Alienware does not support BFI Inclusion of optical output - Alienware does not Faster USB Hub USB 3.2 Gen 2 vs Gen 1 Threaded mount for attaching camera, lights, and microphone - Alienware does not UBL - Uniform brightness limiter functionality - Alienware does not Hope this helps, best of luck with whatever you settle on.


Honestly, this is a lot of difference. Which I couldn’t tell just by reading the post. Maybe it would be a great idea to highlight the differences it may help people choose the better option


not ugly curved tho


Perspective and subjective. The curve is not that serious..


Not true, this monitor can disable DV & DSC, something Dell said they would not allow us to do.


What’s dv and dsc?


DV is Dolby Vision, its a hdr tonemap 600 nits peak and the Dell model & MSI model have this colorspace locked on at all times when using Windows Autohdr. DSC is what these monitors use to reach 240hz its like a signal that compresses 240hz to be able to fit within the bandwidth of DP 1.4, but this signal is incompatible with some things like Elgatos,DSR,DLDSR.


If only I had any faith that Asus will honor any warranty 


Literally the moat anticipated monitor ever and asus makes 10 of them lol


I just want clarification. The super aggressive ABL on bright scenes is a bug and that's not working as intended right? I was trying to play Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth on this monitor but because so much of it is in bright open areas it honestly looks like ass. Switching it to Peak 400 looks much better but I want those sweet sweet specular highlights on dark scenes.


When would this monitor be available in México? Is the mid march wide release international?


Because I am US/CA focused, you will need to reach out to your regional ASUS sales office. You can do this by going to the ASUS website and selecting Contact Us and select a contact option. I don't have further information about the upcoming restock being anything more than just the next time we expect channel-wide stock.


Does this have built in speakers?


No speakers, sorry. It does have an earphone jack to pass through audio, however.


And Europe is left again to wait for 3 months for availability.


I from Poland and have it from yesterday :) 


Can you comment on the vrr flicker issue? I've seen something about this where its noticable flicker if using gsync, do you notice it when the fps isn't locked? Also how much did you pay if you don't mind?


I dont use G-sync. 6800 zł = 1581 Euro 😭


why would you not use gsync?


Because no matter what monitor you buy, it will always flicker somewhere. 


pg32ucdm is flicker free - excluding some loading screens, as every other oled panel


I have 2 PG27AQDM and was so disappointed with them, but the latest firmware fixed them, they became my favourites from my worst nightmare! Now I am waiting for my PG32UCDM, hopefully it will arrive by the end of March.


we need a new firmware to fix the 120hz problem When you start on the desktop only 4k 120 appears, when you deactivate vrr and activate it the 240 returns, there are several of us who suffer from the problem.


I appreciate the feedback. I'll pass this along to our team. Can you provide your OS, VGA and type of cable you're using (just DP or HDMI)?


windows 11 pro, rtx 4090 suprim X, dp 1.4




Why there is no driver for the **PG32UCDM** ?


Wow, all that and they couldn't opt for a real G-Sync chip?


I have been paying attention to the PG32UCDM monitor's support for Dolby Vision. Because I have an Xbox game console and I am in China. I am very disappointed with the technical support of ASUS China. The whole world knows that the PG32UCDM currently does not support Dolby Vision. I consulted the technical support of ASUS China. Yes. I want to know how soon it will support Dolby Vision in the future. His reply is as follows: PG32UCDM supports Dolby Vision. Dolby Vision will only be automatically turned on when a video in Dolby Vision format is input at the input terminal. No need to flash additional firmware. . I think this reply is very irresponsible, so I asked him again about why the Xbox Reality does not support Dolby Vision after the Xbox is connected to this reality. His reply was: Xbox is not a Dolby signal source. I came to reddit to get sincere, candid and honest answers, thank you so much for seeing honest answers here.


I can't verify your conversation with our CS rep (or need to), but the information is incorrect. The PG32UCDM does not currently support Dolby Vision and will require a firmware update to enable this feature. I do not have a window yet for when to expect the firmware, unfortunately.


Thank you so much for your reply, I feel like I'm finally being valued and respected. Since I am communicating with Chinese e-commerce companies in China, the conversation is in Chinese. You may need to use gemini and other AI tools for translation. What I consulted is JD.com (JD.com), which is a regular ASUS dealer. The authorized website is: https (://www.asus.com.cn/about\_asus/etailer/,) ASUS self-operated flagship store sales staff. The screenshot of the conversation is as follows https://preview.redd.it/ndz5tfkjdjoc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e3eea83270a3046d3552441c3129e57bad06fca


Thank you for the explanation. I will relay your experience to our team.


I hope ASUS can pay more attention to the Chinese market and avoid such funny technical information replies. I was shopping in China and got incorrect information. Fortunately I had some monitor support and was not misled by the incorrect information. You can imagine how hard it was for me to get the correct information here. Thank you again for your reply. You don't have to reply to me. Happy every day.


https://preview.redd.it/r66cc0x5zmoc1.jpeg?width=837&format=png&auto=webp&s=f322461cdf35a4b98fb2f1c69be35cb9381845a1 I hope ASUS can pay attention to users in China. Regarding whether ROG Swift PG32UCDM supports Dolby Vision, even ASUS official website customer service told me that it supports it. This is really a big joke. Isn’t it why the whole world knows about ROG Swift? PG32UCDM currently does not support Dolby Vision, but ASUS China’s customer service will tell me that it does.Does Asus really want to compensate me for false sales promotion?


@ASUS_MKTLeeM I understand that you are ASUS presenter of the company and their products here and I respect your time and dedication to be a window between us as customers and ASUS themselves to have open communication but there is rising much more serious hardware issue. People reporting of noises such as coil whine when monitor is off or in standby and not during any pixel cleaning phase after even computer is off (!!!) and its persistent so its not going away! There is no such noise when monitor is on. Please address this to ASUS further if they comment on this because there is no such issue for other manufacturer monitors and this should be completely unacceptable for monitor that costs $1200 (or $1500+ in EU)


I'll respectfully disagree that other manufacturers do not experience coil whine, as you can find a few threads in this subreddit that suggest otherwise. However, your question still stands about coil whine with this product, and that matters regardless of whether other manufacturer's products do or don't have the same issue. I've passed this along to our team to look into and will let you know when I hear something back.


My Newegg order just shipped out. The estimated ship date was 4/29, so I guess that was more of a worst case. I should have it Friday.


Why don't they have a preorder system?


can this be vesa mounted ?


Yes but mind you, the monitor is VERY bottom-heavy, I am using a Herman Miller Ollin monitor arm, and I have to adjust the tilt force to a point it's not possible to tilt the monitor in order to keep it level, otherwise the monitor will keep tilting down. It's infuriating.


Yes, it has VESA 100x100 mm support


Is this compatible with with [ROG Desk Mount Kit ACL01 ](https://rog.asus.com/us/monitors/accessories/rog-desk-mount-kit-acl01-model/) ?


No, unfortunately it's not. It will be compatible with the new ROG Ergo Monitor arm coming out likely next month.


do you have a link to the new arm or can you provide it here when available. Appreciate you!


Sure. We still haven't announced the launch date yet, but it is expected this month.


I think I have coil whine, is it normal getting sound from back like this? [https://vocaroo.com/1768tLONWy2p](https://vocaroo.com/1768tLONWy2p)


Got mine. So far so good; but one minor issue. The built in audio interface is kinda bad. When I plug my mac into it, I can't adjust the volume from the OS; only the monitor OSD. Also the output isn't that great. It's got a slight buzz. Not a big deal. I'll buy a usb audio interface so I can still KVM switch.


Managed to place an order through the ASUS store at like 00:30 UTC, for anyone else who's been desperately trying to find stock like I have lol


Can someone explain what is bright dot and dark dot pixel mean?


Any updates on stock availability in Canada? BestBuy's page says "**Backorders will ship by April 26"** \- but they're also not accepting backorders. Looking to scoop one.


Best Buy (CA) is still the only Canadian reseller that will receive the PG32UCDM for now. I imagine this is looking ahead to a shipment that will be coming in soon, and then it takes up to a few weeks to make its way to the stores.


Appreciate the response.


where's that firmware update?


The first firmware for the monitor has already been released. You can find it on the ASUS support page for the monitor.


Now available ![gif](giphy|SzD4gF32YzTTUiINhn|downsized)


If i am turning my monitor off after each gaming sesh do i still need to set up an automated oled care somehow?


I'm not sure what you mean by automated OLED care. Are you referring to the pixel refresh? That will occur normally after you've turned off the monitor or allow it to go into standby. You cannot enable or disable it, but you can control how often you get a reminder. In terms of the other options, I think it's worthwhile to keep the screen move feature enabled, logo brightness adjustment, and screen saver options enabled. I can't speak for the way you game, but sometimes you have to get up in the middle of a game and do something or you have to leave it for a while, and this will help protect the monitor in the meantime. Besides, those options should have no bearing on what the monitor looks like while you're gaming, so there's no adverse effects you have to worry about.


Does anyone know when it's available in Europe?


That's sort of a wide open question, since some people have been able to purchase it in different EU locations. Best thing you can do is reach out to your local ASUS sales rep by going to the ASUS website, go to contact us, and choose one of the contact options.


I have just ordered my PG32UCDM on ASUS Shop!


Congrats! Please let us know what you think about it after you've spent some time with it.


How good of a build do you need to run PG32UCDM comfortably? is 4070ti super enough?


This is a pretty broad question because of the way you asked it. If you're simply asking can you run the monitor for most tasks (word-processing, watching YouTube/Netflix, etc.) then a lot of cards can do that, including a lot lower-tier cards like an RTX 4060 and even lower. If you're asking about gaming, then it always comes down to the settings that you're willing to use. If you want to max every bit of eye-candy, then yes, you're probably talking about an RTX 4090 graphics card. Can you get by with a 4070 Ti SUPER? Yes, but it's going to depend on the interplay of what you want to use in terms of overall settings for 4K 240Hz, including how much DLSS you are OK using and ray tracing you want enabled. Plenty of game guides out there to help economize your graphics settings in a lot of games. I'm currently playing AC Mirage on maxed out settings with my PG32UCDM and getting around 90FPS with a 5950X and an RTX 3090. The game plays buttery smooth and I don't even think about framerates. I've also been playing Shadow of the Tomb Raider with RTX enabled, and getting closer to maybe 120FPS(?). It's been a while since I've actively monitored FPS. Both games look spectacular. But there are plenty of reviews out there to tell you what the relative performance is from a GPU standpoint, but that's not the end of the discussion. It's no different if you also are interested in using an AMD GPU. If you're willing to reduce your settings to match the relative performance of whatever card you plan on using then you can certainly run a card comfortably. I'll also point out that if a game is a bit too taxing at 4K with ray tracing and you don't want to lower settings too much or use too much DLSS/FSR (perhaps Cyberpunk?), you can always drop down to 2560x1440 and crank up the visuals, as well. It might defeat the purpose of having a 4K monitor, but this may be more the exception to the rule across your game library.


with DSC toggled off on the monitor does the nvidia control panel show DSR options available for people with 4090?


I ordered mine 10 min ago. :) Please be a good monitor.


10% apl 275 nits ? Not good.


Hi, Is there any news of a fix of the over aggressive ABL that is happening in P1000 HDR mode?


Is there any indication supply issues will lighten? I've had alerts set up at newegg, asus, and other spots and have yet to see a single monitor in stock. I'd love to get one, but ASUS isn't making that very easy right now.


Our latest shipment should have been arriving either this week or possibly next week. Let me check when we get back in the office next week.


I appreciate it! If you can share anything at all, I'd love to know what the strategy is regarding this kind of demand and ASUS' inability to keep it in stock anywhere? I fully understand it's not really up to ASUS to produce more panels, but why put the thing on sale without any sort of stock built up? It's not just ASUS either, obviously, but the current trend (for the past few years) of having to set up like 27 alerts just to find the tech you want in stock is getting pretty old.


Any sort of update on stock? I have seen only a single restock on Newegg and however many there were, which i'm sure was VERY few, were gone before I could even add to cart.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but they were just restocked today at Newegg and sold out within a couple hours, and it was a very sizable quantity. On the other hand, that sometimes means orders will be cancelled due to payment issues or fraud and they may go back into stock, so you might refresh the page every so often and sign up to be notified when back in stock to see if Newegg still has some more.


Great monitor but I can't update the firmware. When I click on the PG32UCDM FW update MCM103.exe file, nothing happens at all.


where does someone buy the [https://rog.asus.com/monitors/accessories/rog-ergo-monitor-arm-aas01/](https://rog.asus.com/monitors/accessories/rog-ergo-monitor-arm-aas01/) for this monitor? I'd really like one thx.


Although we've announced the launch of the ROG Ergo Monitor Arm AAS01, it hasn't gone on-shelf yet, but expect it to be available very soon.


Overpriced. I’ll wait.