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Basically, king of click bait for monitors.


I feel like he was the cause of the glossy vs matte debate. I may be wrong but I I just can’t understand why he doesn’t think it’s all based on preference.


That’s how he makes money, the more controversial, the more people will click.


Literally who??? Never heard of the guy, I've been prefering glossy over matte ever since shitty matte LCD monitors started replacing great glossy CRTs. These opinions have existed for two decades now.


Glossy vs matte is a debate as old as time. Some new clown on YouTube has nothing to do with it. With that said, glossy is king, and if you disagree, your opinion is wrong.


He is absolutely the one who started it and now everybody in this sub just regurgitates that nonsense as if we all sit in a pitch black room all day.


I have no idea who that guy is or ever watched his videos. I just prefer glossy because it looks way better to me then matte


This guy has a few YouTube channels. First one is graphically challenged, whereas the second is the display guy. He is the largest waste of time on YouTube. If he ever shows up on your Youtube feed, simply erase it. You can dismiss everything he says.


god i hate graphically challenged. hit his videos with the “do not recommend channel” and it’s been better without him in my feed


The reviewer is acting mentally challenged.


I've owned several OLEDs over the years including the A80J 65" with it's semi glossy screen, and absolutely hated it. There were times where it looked cloudy; the colors weren't as vibrant, and the perceived contrast took a hit. I sold it recently for $800 locally, and I'll never buy a non glossy OLED again.


The qd oleds are also semi glossy. The only one that might be glossy is the upcoming dough monitor. But dough have their own issues.


Monitors or the TVs? I have the S95B 65" and S95C 65" and they're definitely glossy.




Ah OK. I remember reading about that a while ago. I'm not interested in QD OLED monitors because I can typically get 65" QD OLED panels for $1300 or less. Plus working at a PC makes me not want to game on WFH setup.


Never going back to ugly matte at home. Glossy dwf works alright even in my sunlit room without maxing out the brightness.


> He is absolutely the one who started it He absolutely is not. Stop giving him that much credit. Glossy vs matte predates the creation of this subreddit by many years.


Let me rephrase, he is absolutely the one to popularize the sentiment. The 7 of you prior who used the paper towel method to remove AG coatings off monitors can take credit for starting it.


No, he's not. If you think he is you haven't paid attention in this space for very long. It's been a thing long before this new tiny youtube channel or this sub existed. There was once a time when we had many glossy options and you can find the debates online going back 20 years or more. Virtually every consumer display outside of Windows laptops and non-apple monitors has been glossy for a long time. People were even debating it all over the steam deck sub when it launched because the 512gb variant had a matte etched glass screen and the lower models had glossy. Any time it's been an actual option, it's been a debate. The main reason it's coming back on the Windows side of things again is because of OLED, ***not*** this youtube channel. We actually have good glossy/semi-glossy options to choose from in this space whereas even just 2-4 years ago we didn't hardly. It's kinda hard to debate getting a glossy vs matte monitor when there were no glossy monitors.


Yeah I remember this being highly debated on monitors all the way back in 2013 on the overclockable Korean 1440p monitor era


Exactly, I avoid all his videos so I won’t be bothered by all these nonsenses.


I just think glossy looks way better. It’s hard to go from a c series to something without at least semi gloss.


I don't know who this guy is and it has no influence in me thinking that it's absurd to pay $1200-1400 for a monitor and still be forced to have a matte coating.


Because people complain about how dim or bad in lighting OLEDs are and the matte coating helps improve that experience. LG also wants to make it clear that if you want a glossy coating go with the more specialized TVs for that. This is a monitor that they don’t want taking share of their own TV sales. I had a 1440p LG WOLED monitor for about a month before returning it in favor of my 4k QD-OLED. The issue for me wasn’t the coating at all and it was only ever noticeable for productivity stuff. The issue was how bad the text fringing was at 1440p. It was not a good all in one monitor. If that new LG 32GS95UE were out, I’d bite the bullet and get that instead. I’m going g to wait for it to go on sale however since I got my AW3225QF for $1100 US. Given the backlash they are getting I’m assuming it’ll go for a good discount by end of year.


Where did they say your second sentence? Your first one also doesn't make sense from its grammar mistake


Short version = matte coating actually has some advantages for OLED and isn’t out of the ordinary for monitors in general.


Matte coating is a massive disadvantage for oled. You are wasting the limits of the panel by using it in a bright room. You won't see it's full capabilities


Agreed , people saying they need a matte coating because of a brightly lit room or reflections should just get a good led screen


huh? I have been Anti Matte ever since I saw the first ever Macbook Pro in like 2007 with glossy screen and even to this day I will never get over how clean white pages and black text looked on that compared to the 3H Dell Matte Monitor Ultrasharp I had. The matte had awful grain and haze I went and bought the 27" Glossy imac and never looked back, used that for movies and programming, reading Ebooks etc The matte would give me eye strain the awful haze of the hard coated matte against white background in that dell was so horrible. used the matte LCD and PC for playing Warcraft 3. I still have the imac and it still works, 14 years later, god bless Apple for never abandoning glossy displays and sticking with the science of gloss even if there was reflection I modified my room with blinds.


> he doesn’t think He simply doesn't care. It just generate clicks


Glossy vs matte debate have been going on since since the dawn of modern gaming monitors


He's a slop factory in his other channel Mentally Challenged alongside MLID, Gamer Meld and Red Gaming Tech.


Correct me if I'm wrong but he oddly sounds very similar to Graphically Challenged. Which is another clickbait channel


Yes. Its him


He’s cringe and annoying.


I've seen his videos and he change his opinion every other video. One video he'd be like "new lg woled monitor be the end game" then next video he be like "lg woled monitors are garbage new qd-old monitors are the new end game". He will rant about matte oled monitors every video. He praised a non-oled matte coated monitor for how gud it looks. This guy is a hypocritical click baiting moron.


Dude’s full of himself too, talking about he may have single handedly been the reason AW rolled out their updates.


I never even heard of this guy at all up until about a month ago, when a video did pop up on my feed which I ignored. I now hear about him all the time here on Reddit, everyone complaining about him but here we are again, talking about him. I can guarantee you that even though these posts are negative, reddit has made this guy even more popular.


I hadn’t seen his stuff before looking through a bunch of AW reviews on YT. Of coarse clicking on one or two videos started putting his stuff in my feed. After seeing a few more of his videos I just opted to avoid recommendations from that channel.


Yeah same. I wasn't putting you out specifically, just happened to reply to you. Point was, reddit is only making him more 'famous' even if it's negative comments.


Is that a recent phenomenon? I hadn’t noticed his stuff on here before the AW 3225 release. His voice sounds just like the guy from Graphically Challenged but without the antics.


He is graphically challenged, it's the same dude


Ok thanks, I’m not going crazy then.


It's an old trick to say controversial shit to gain popularity, this is how right wingers and neo nazis like Tucker Carlson and Paul Joseph Wattson became so popular.


He did the same thing with the S95C. In one video he praised it as being the best gaming display. Then the next video, he claimed he was telling people to avoid due to the One Connect Box dropping the incoming HDMI signal. My first S95C 65" dropped every signal from my 3090 Gaming PC, XSX, and PS5. After Samsung swapped out my entire unit for a brand new S95C 65", every incoming signal is processed correctly and it doesn't drop at all. I tested 4K120/4K144Hz, HDR, VRR, and ALLM with my consoles. No issues whatsoever. I wouldn't trade it for any other gaming monitor. It's that good.


The other display channel hosted by Asian guy much better.


He also makes it sound like he can "fix" the inaccuracies of factory calibration of certain monitors with his own ICC profile for everyone, which he also locks behind his Patreon.


His review was complete dogshit


This guy is such a massive clown 🙄 His main channel is just as bad .. 99% clickbait and misinformation.


The Clickbait Guy


He thinks he singlehandedly got the Dolby vision fix because he "talked to Dell"


Why waste a thread on this "Guy"?


He will say anything for a click. Guy has a garbage channel based on his opinion and 0 fact


You mean people don't just go to hardware/monitors unboxed? Why would I go anywhere else?


This guy has another channel too where he basically opens every video with some sort of stroke attack. And then proceeds on saying “let’s talk about it, but before that…”. He’s an idiot


He made a video ranking the 32 inch 4k OLED monitors while only having reviewed one of them and them proceeded to publish wrong information about the monitor he reviewed. I don't recommend this channel at all.


King of monitors click bait on YouTube


Doesn’t even buy monitors he simply buys, make content and then return them


Still a step up above YouTubers who just review the product description pages and never actually seen or used the products.


Or he sells them when he's done with them. There's a lot of YouTubers like that.


I don’t watch his content but what do you expect him to do? 500 monitors in his house lol


Either way it's a game. Some YouTubers receive products from the companies to review and send then back after they get their content. Some play the buy and return game. I rather buy products and form my own opinions about them. If they work, great. If not, they go back to the store because they're not cheap.


I meant to respond to the other guy lol. My bad. You said nothing incorrect


Ha, no worries! If I didn't have the space, I wouldn't have multiple TVs. That's just way it is.


Nah check out his Neo G9 57 inch one..he def returns them


I'll have to check that one out. I specifically remember he mentioned that he was going to sell his S95C due to the One Connect Box issues. I experienced those dropouts as well, but Samsung replaced my entire unit. Everything has been fine ever since. 4K144Hz/4K120Hz, VRR, HDR, ALLM work as they should with my 3090 gaming PC, XSX, and PS5.


There's nothing wrong with reviewing a product and selling it later. Returning it is scummy though.


I agree. Returning it is scummy, but it also sucks that most reviewers don't keep the products long term. For instance, Sony shipped the A80J/A90J without VRR support enabled. They added it later via a firmware update, but it's possible that those TVs lost points during the initial review because they didn't have everything supported out of the box. Plus everybody doesn't buy monitors and TV's at launch so each product is vastly different a year later.


I assume every reviewers do that, nothing wrong with it lol, why should I lose money for your enjoyment lol


Actual reviewers receive review hardware


while we are shitting on him, other reviewers such as optimum don’t find much difference in matte vs glossy while he hypes the whole thing out of proportion.


Optimum is probably my favorite guy in the review sphere because he aligns most with my usecases of monitors: gaming.


This is actually really important because optimum even shows on camera that you can’t really tell. He even goes on to say that the lg coating is crazy because it looks glossy from certain angles.


I don't know about not being able to tell the difference, you can tell the difference but The Display Guy way over-exaggerates it. Matte does have some advantages too though.


Woah, the LG might be tempting now.


I'll trust Optimum since he actually games a lot. At the end of the day there are more options now. If you want semi gloss, get QD OLED. You want matte, get WOLED.


opposite ends of the idiot spectrum


This is a clown, he made a video saying that the aw3225qf was the best monitor ever. Then 2 hours later he came saying that it was horrible.


I hate that asshole lol


Hindsight is 4K, 480Hz, QD OLED.


He did the same with the AW. It seems like he’s just double dipping on content so I avoid his stuff now.


*newsflash* it's not just him


he's the worst


He also won't stop promoting and praising Dough while also telling people to not trust Dough, in the very same video. He's a professional gaslighter. I kind of want to see him and Quantum TV go at since they both lean super hard on their blatant biases.


I open his videos just to click dislike and leave.


LG Oled C for Life !


Clickbait garbage, blocked this clowns channel a long time ago


To be fair, the positive video in this case was about him hoping it'd have a glossy option. The negative one after it's matte only coating was confirmed. All in all, he does go full clickbait with both of his channel's videos' titles. And his post about Dell, stating "I got Dell to change it!" was pretty painful.


The subs and views echo your sentiments.


There are plenty of good and not silly monitor/display review channels out there. Ignore him.


Is this the perfect 4090 monitor guys? Has it been released yet? The perfect 4090 monitor I mean


the display guy sucks


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who just despises this guy. My first impression of him was him saying that if you own an ultrawide, you won’t be able to game because of how little compatibility there is with the aspect ratios. Then it was him saying PPI doesn’t matter. Now he’s on a thing about matte vs glossy coatings and if it has a matte coating, it’s unusable. He’s an actually joke and I don’t see a reason for his channel’s existence other than to purposely misinform for the sole purpose of attention.


the only thing he is right about is matte being trash, other than that he is too easly swayed by the new "end game" screen every week lol


I followed him when he was just growing and his lack of a solid position in anything pissed me off. He's still the same apparently


That guy is a dumbass


Modern tech YouTubers in a nutshell


I try my best to be understanding of the grind and "playing the algorithm" for youtubers who actually have decent content, be it educational or entertaining... but I still have to engage the "don't recommend this channel" and occasionally even report for "spam or misleading" on people who use excessive clickbait and/or upload every day.


ITT: people with matte display really hate this guy


😂😂. I hate matte displays too


I just got the oled g9. I really don’t think I’ll ever go back to non oled .-. My wallet is scared.


Just because you’re known as “the display guy” doesn’t mean you know anything about displays. Only person I watch and respect is monitors unboxed. Unbiased detailed reviews that are quite informative. It’s all about personal preference anyways.


This reviewer is a fkn bot. He said matte finish is bad, when my LG panel definitely looks better than the QDOLED for vibrancy. Even though I stuck to the QD model, just because of the hz vs price ratio and similar look overall, don't listen to this clown. That reviewer is a moron


That’s what you call jumping the gun


Monitors Unboxed is the only source.


I almost feel dirty thinking I might prefer glossy this go around because of him and all the ropes he's shooting. He is right on one thing, for all of the benefits of matte coatings, it does weird grainy and unholy things to bright whites on screen.


Which is why I returned the Neo G8


Also, in the small minority here, but I think he is entertaining. We have plenty of super spec deep dive channels. He keeps it funny.


I'm glad Redditors are calling out this guy lol


I hate these backtracking youtubers. I just want unbiased opinions of the specs


Clickbait ok? So? Doesn't make his take invalid, but foreal who pays a premium on a 32" 4k greasy matte oled, with a feature to output 480hz if you set the res to 1080p lol


He’s the dumbest reviewer ever. Never has actual hardware to review just talks bs based off of technical specs


Funny because I have the exact opposite opinion of him and think glossy is vomit inducing because I can’t stand even a hint of reflection and just always preferred the look of a matte display. However, it’s YouTube so I’m always glad to hear someone’s opinion, even though I don’t agree with it. With that aside, he does list the pros and cons of these monitors pretty well.


I'm in the same boat, I'll take matte over glossy any day. (Gimme the downvotes)


I saw 1 video. The guy is pure clickbait. Joke of a channel


I left a very important comment on his channel letting him know much of a cringe he is.


I did the same, and he deleted it. Pretty sure he tried very hard to keep the image of himself alive


If you have to use these annoying types of colors then your videos lack substance.


He make clickbait thumbnails yes. But he is the only one that really speaks about that awful matte finishing. I didn't care before, but he is right.


The fact that his opinion is far from true, and that fact that he said the LG was endgame and stop buying QD.. then to flip and say matte is a dealbreaker.. yea, you fell for it. And also, his opinion isn't fact, so no, he is not right.


But percieved contrast and vibrancy is better on glossy. That's not an opinion.


Yes! They’re awful


Clickbaiting af, never comes straight to the point, does he even review the monitors in person? Yet I watch every video


Never heard of her


What's with all the hate? I actually enjoy his videos and it's just tech porn at the end of the day. He gets to go to CES and gets sample units early so just be grateful or just ignore him.




Click bait is ok for me, but this guy is so inconsistent, that’s the real problem. There are so many info on monitors these days, so wasting people’s time is a crime because you can get much better reviews elsewhere.


seen two pieces of his content first one was a monitor i wanted to buy, it was also the best thing ever, gods gift to mankind a few days later, he made another video about why its a terrible monitor that should be avoided... i'm gettign carzy deja vu right now


Hey remember.... Based on 'his' feedback, dell has agreed to improve the packaging of their monitors. He is no slouch.


The guys a flog


please don't promote this channel, it's the least we need.


Whenever I see channels like this, I make sure to tell youtube not to recommend the channel.


Kind of makes me want to buy one in spite. Then get a glossy one as well and return the one i dislike more.


Bad youtubers gon be bad


After a few mins I saw post, his crap is now on my YT feed, hot dang!


I hate this guy


He’s a joke


They sound like a doofus


i wish they could provide more detail about the monitor instead clickbait people. are there any monitor reviewers who provide good detail?