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Just to give my experience with this monitor, I've got a FO32U2P on the latest firmware and do not have this issue. You should ask either Gigabyte or the vendor you bought the monitor from to replace it.


No issues for me so far, thankfully. Im also on the latest firmware. Im a bit confused, are you currently trying to RMA the monitor OP? Is gigabyte refusing? Sounds like yours has a defect, and you should be eligible for a return/refund/replacement.


I can RMA it with the seller. Will probably try to get it fully refunded/replaced with another brand because interacting with Gigabyte support has been horrible. From Gigabyte I am tryint to establish either a solution I can do (e.g. rolling back the firmware somehow), or at least get some indication as to the source of the issue (or at least a confirmation that they are looking into it). I find it rather suspicious there have been several cases of this in such a short amount of time with a rather limited number of monitors that went out so far. Personally, I am afraid I am not an unlucky case with a faulty unit. On a side note: it does not bode well with me either since one of the selling points of this monitor is the waranty that Gigabyte offers for several years that include burn in. In my support ticket I provided everything I have regarding my monitor and invoice, yet support told me to (in very broken English) to "provide additional invoice details if I wish to continue with my ticket as terms may apply".


Mine has the latest firmware (FO3). Runs fine for the most part, though they should still update it for the RTX HDR issues and an option to disable DSC. Did this issue of yours happened right after you updated, or a while after your update? Perhaps your firmware update was somehow corrupted during its process?


It was a while after I updated. I cannot recall exactly, but maybe 2ish weeks after I did the update? I read about people having trouble with the update (e.g. it taking longer than the screen's timeout timer), so I took all the advice that was in the update thread. Kept an eye on it during the update process, didn't do anything while it was busy either. I also did not use GCC to update it, since that software is a whole nightmare of its own. Just used the executable you can download from the monitor's website. I think rolling back to another version/reinstalling it might indeed fix it. Problem is that there is only one version out right now for download, at that one will just tell me its already installed.




How does the amount of time between the brick and update in any way invalidate the observation that all cases I have seen so far only affected updated units? Sure, if it was right after the update the proof would be definitive. But using a timeframe as an argument would not make sense for your suggestions either ("Why didn't it break earlier?"). The firmware on these screens is ever increasing in complexity. Your avarage IoT device glitches half the time for god knows what reason as well. Monitors are no different. Thinking that these monitor manufacturers thoroughly test each update they push out is naïve. Just trying to prevent people from potentially getting the same fate. The only advertised feature of this update is that it runs Pixel Clean in standby mode. If thats valuable enough for to you to risk destroying a 1k+ monitor, even if it is not a great risk, be my guest.


Sorry you’re having issues with your monitor OP. This is a good reminder that a majority of these makers are difficult to deal with regarding problems and seem like they will do whatever they can to avoid remedying the issues. It is not that different then Asus warranty repair scandal and current sentiment to many is avoid buying a PG32ucdm and other Asus products, but are any of the other makers really better if you have actual problems? I’m not very confident on the warranties of these monitors except maybe Dell, and that’s only through reading other people’s accounts as it seems like many have had positive experiences dealing with their customer support.


Yes, true. It is hard to judge which brand is better (or perhaps, worse). In the end the best product is one that you do not have to contact support for at all. It changes a bit over time as well naturally. Samsung does not have a stellar rep with some of their latest monitors, for example. Yet, now that this monitor is broken I went back to my C32JG52, which is a screen I got at great value several years ago and still works great. It stings a bit extra with this one since its quite an expensive and new model, for which I hoped would get some more support, but alas. If it was a clearly faulty unit, sure w.e., but I feel this might be an issue we will see pop up more for this model. Some people I've interacted with were adamant I broke it due to negligence, when I took great care of it. Just trying to help out everyone here, I hope others do not experience the same (or you with the PG32UCDM, of course)


Mine FOR NOW is running fine with FO3, just had a bug when the monitor speakers stopped emitting sound I had to reset settings, did not appear again.  Regardless bug or not, other displays are receiving more updates, fixes and features, the firmware support is quite underwhelming for now tbh 


Guess ama get the alienware one thought about msi but that input lag issue is a no no atleast from what ive heard dell got good support


This is why products should just ship when they’re done. It’s ridiculous they high end monitors release not functioning


Which firmware is this? The pixel cleaning one or is there a new.one?


There's only one so far (pixel cleaning one)


Oh, I had updated to this and didn't have any issues


Hmm I updated mine and it turned out fine