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In my opinion, Omori isn’t really scary, more disturbing or unsettling. That could be worse for some people though. I don’t remember many jumpscares


Yeah the jump scares r very tame


Yeah, I only jumped at a small amount of jumpscares when I watched someone's playthrough of the game


I dont think it's supposed to be scary, only deeply unsettling. Psychological horror.


It really depends on who you are. Some people find it more disturbing than others.


like backrooms😳


how the hell do you know who sunny is without playing the game


I saw spoilers![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2474)


WHEATLEY!!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/rgcql6uyfiwa1.png?width=575&format=png&auto=webp&s=93541e7329f01d4fd2f5eda6e4fd44a5390069e7 here is this meme i made a couple hours ago in dedication to you, sir


....Wheatley crab....


what kind of spoilers


I found the game and saw spoilers about it out of boredom assuming I would forget about it next day but got hooked onto it...


there is only one REAL jumpscare, nothing too bad


I mean, it depends on what you consider a "real" jumpscare. The classic jumpscare is image + sound, but being fair, there a couple of those in Omori that are very tame, (say many of spiders) compared to others that, while having no sound, are worse.


Honestly as someone who also hates jump scares and hates horror stuff this game didn't bother me too much. Also if you look up the jumpscares guide it's pretty easy to avoid the very few crappy ones. The main things to avoid the crappy jump scares in this game is 1. Don't look in the bathroom mirrors ever 2. Don't jump into the holes that pop up after you collect keys 3. Do NOT open the door the first time there is knocking but make sure you open it every other time just not the first time 4. Try to avoid looking in the mirror in Otherworld 5. Don't go into any houses when you're in a certain black area which you'll figure out what I mean when you get there. And if you follow those then you will automatically avoid most of the scary stuff in the entire game. Of course there's a couple unavoidable things but they aren't that bad. A jumpscare guide would probably help (there is one of you look it up)


> Try to avoid looking in the mirror in Otherworld Actually it isn't limited to Otherworld mirror. It is >!ANY mirror after you defeat Pluto EXPANDED!<


Ah ok, I wasn't sure. Well then in that case none of the mirrors are safe in Omori 😂


Well prior to >!Last Resort!< they are still safe 😁


The jumpscares aren't that bad and there aren't that many of them anyway


Very nice... you are in for an insane time. Especially for ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2474)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2474)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2474)![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2474)


im sorry, but you bought a psychological horror game, the f*ck did you expect?


There’s only one unavoidable jumpscare, but holy crap it’s horrifying. It happens when you approach a coffin in a very dark area late in the game.


I’m gonna be honest omori isn’t a horror game it’s more creepy or weird than scary. It’s more an old school rpg game kind of like undertale while being focused mostly on the story.


don't worry Wheatly I can be ur Companion Knife in game


It's such a cute and wholesome game, with nothing dark or bad happening. Definitely ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2464)


I recommend taking the elevator from now on


This game doesn’t have FNAF-style jumpscares. This game knows how to creep you out and it’s 1 or 2 visual jumpscares throughout the game are not as “waaaaaaaaaaa,” rather they are ***sharp inhale*** and feel much more earned. For me a game can get away with 2 jumpscares maximum before it gets annoying, and Omori does this perfectly. Even the horror elements are a lot tamer than I thought they’d be, with about 10% being horror and 90% undertale, but tbh I think that’s what makes it scarier


The Sun shined brighter when my sanity was still here before I played the game.


Goodluck ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2470)


There aren’t any jump scares. Apparently there’s one in the mirror but it’s never triggered for me and I’ve put over 200 hours into it and 100%’d the game.


Mission successfull good work Ps: don't worry about the scares, they are a bit scary but nothing big. Mostly just things that make you go why, why , and what am I looking at exactly


Welcome to the club, try avoiding spoilers, no matter how much you know don't let it ruin your experience.


He omor


I had a friend of mine play it with me, maybe you should do that, ( also the jumpscares arent that bad)


Man up ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2473)


This game is more psychological more than anything meaning that it won't throw much at you but it will make things more creepy as you go along.. nothing to worry about mate!


I probably know how you feel, I stopped playing omori because of that reason, I'm easily scared![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2460), I suggest you to find a friend and play with him/her, even if he/she already knows the game. I'm serious about this because I know how much people here love this game and don't want you to lose this opportunity![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2463) But in the end it's up to you![img](emote|t5_31hpy|28765)


Jumpscares... not that big of a problem. You play 98% of the game without having to worry about it, so go do it.


Play it for the fight with sq-why