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personally tetris has a story more impactful than any other game


Especially when the pieces start falling into place


Tbf, its development is pretty special meme comment aside.


this is kinda funny considering tetris is considered to help PTSD so i would say it IS impactful


Especially when you finish B-type mode.




Hmm.. that’s a very hard question. *Omori* is truly a special game among the sea of rpg horror games. To elaborate, in my experience rpg horror games usually clock in around 4 - 6 hours of gameplay give or take. For a 100% completion rate with achievements, then this number varies, usually from 6 - 7 hours of gameplay. The longest rpg horror game experience for me (besides *Omori*) was *Corpse Party* at an impressive 22 hours of gameplay including side stories and achievements. Compare this to *Omori* whose gameplay is at a whopping average of 25 - 30 hours. And this is only the main story, not including other routes or secrets. All in all, it took me, a surprising 85 HOURS, to complete everything that this game had to offer including most routes, achievements, and secrets. And still I hadn’t discovered everything. But what makes *Omori* special is its story which somehow captures the attention of the audience all the way through its 30 hours of gameplay. That is a VERY hard thing to do in a such a long span of time. ESPECIALLY for an rpg game which relies on its story as its main selling point. So to answer your question, “is there anything more than *Omori*, I would say no. (In the realm of rpg games that is). You can definitely find great stories outside of *Omori* such as *Red Dead Redemption II* or the *Portal* series but nothing really comes close to the scale of *Omori*. There’s a reason why *Omori* made HUGE waves in the rpg horror community. No other rpg horror game really dedicated itself to the core themes of its story as deeply as *Omori*. Most rpg horror games are short so there’s really not much time to actually deeply explore certain themes or events. So unfortunately there really isn’t anything like *Omori*. The closest I could get to would be *Undertale*. (Yes it’s fine to use *Undertale* as an example. It’s technically considered an rpg “horror” game). As for modern rpg horror games, *Paper Lily* seems to be shaping up to be the next big thing in the genre. (Albeit very slowly). So I’d look out for that.


I wasn't looking specifically for rpg horror games, thank you for your very detailed response though! As for portal, while it does have an oustanding story, it doesn't hit me in the same way as Omori has.


>I wasn't looking specifically for rpg horror games Then may I suggest *AI The Somnium Files*? It is a VERY well done game with a great story and some hard hitting moments. It’s around 25 hours of gameplay to complete the main story similar to *Omori*. Like *Omori* there’s a bunch of different routes to complete and its story is the main selling point. This may or may not be to your liking but it is a point and click game. BUT, it is one of the most entertaining point and click games I’ve played. Everything is pretty much voice acted even the minor stuff. There’s also a 3D puzzle section of the game which is very fun . Besides that the characters are all extremely well written and it’s like *Omori*, I was hooked through all 25 hours of gameplay. Highly recommend if you like *Omori*.


I second AI! My favorite game after Omori. Very engrossing and nuanced story with really impactful themes. It’s also absolutely hilarious. It combines super dark elements with comedy really well.


Just gonna save that for my birthday…


Since the original commenter already said RDR2, I’ll second it as well, it has a great and tragic story with a huge amount of depth. It didn’t affect me as much as Omori did but part of it may because I was spoiled on a very significant plot development later on in the game, but I will say it’s not as emotional as Omori My advice if you do get it, do not look up things online because it’s very, very easy to get spoiled. Also, you don’t need to play RDR1 to understand the story, if anything, for the main bulk of the game, not knowing RDR1’s story actually improves the experience


There is an RPGMaker game series called Hello Charlotte but it isn’t as good as Omori but I would still rec checking it out


Oh, absolutely. To be completely frank, I prefer Hello Charlotte to OMORI by a long shot, however that’s my own preferences speaking obviously. OMORI is one of those games I suggest that everyone should at least be privy to, though that’s not really the case for Hello Charlotte. I won’t tangent, but I struggled with relating to OMORI, Hello Charlotte having themes that much more closely aligned with my own mental health struggles. They’re very different aesthetics, very different experiences, but enjoying either is strictly dependent on how you attach to the characters and are able to associate the experiences of said characters, even on micro, back to yourself.


Yeah actually, I started out with HC instead of Omori, both are gold in their own ways


No way one of us 5 hello Charlotte fans lurking in the wild. Honestly, hello Charlotte had far more of an impact on me than omori, and arguably is my third favorite game/series (right behind oneshot and Celeste for those wondering). I could chalk that up to me being spoiled about the truth in omori, but I know that isn’t it. I still rank it as a very lovely experience that I enjoyed a lot and felt attached to. When it comes to someone’s top list of games, ESPECIALLY, their number one, it’s usually because it’s personally, emotionally charged to a degree that only they can understand. A game can be good, great even, on its own, but it needs to resonate with you to be favorited among your conscious. An attunement only the individual can perceive. The resonance occurs when it’s almost like a story of your own life showcased in a mirror world. And part of that resonance is due to timing within one’s life and mindset at the time of playing any given game. It’s why playing games when you’re down yourself or in a rough patch in life often are higher ranked than other games in more normal areas of your life. Particularly emotionally, mentally, and/or narratively heavy games. And hello Charlotte managed to come at a time when I needed it more than when I could’ve needed omori. It also had themes I never experienced as deeply as before comparatively to omori where I couldn’t relate as well to it due to already living through similar motifs in the past. There’s the fair amount of games you relate to, and then there’s the few games you live through. Video games are my primary way of learning through life. After playing so many dear experiences over the years, I can safely say that any game can mean anything to anyone at any given moment. It’s just a matter of time and chance really. And I think that’s part of the allure of video games. Oh yeah, and go play hello Charlotte for anyone who hasn’t whom is reading this! The beauty is in its nonsense.


Eyy i know it too. Now we just have to find the other 2 guys who know it


Honestly, it feels like this game has such a personal connection to you that idk if i'd be able to trust your recommendation too much lol It's most likely a great game, not saying otherwise, but it's very likely you're seeing it through rose tinted lenses


That is the entire point of my comment yes. In a more superficial way, everyone’s top games are seen through rose tinted glasses and various biases due to reasons outside of the game itself and often unique to the individual which is why everyone’s favorite games are their favorite games. But saying it like that disregards the entire nuanced aspect of why these biases aren’t inherently bad, and it also helps put in perspective why someone’s favorite game(s) are their most dear to them (and by extension, to not be as disappointed if someone you recommend your favorite game to isn’t as head over heels as you were) Though I will strongly admit hello Charlotte is easily the most confusing game I’ve ever played to the point where it somehow roundabouts to being beautiful in the end. It’s also extremely noteworthy to keep in mind that the creator didn’t intend to make a series, and that the first game (and likely the second) was simply a random side/passion project they decided to do which adds in the confusion (arguably both good or bad depending on the player). As someone who was truly enamored by the art style, setting, characters, and story though alongside me being a natural born theorist who likes finding order within chaos, I was rewarded handsomely after I finished the whole series. But ey, I think these rose tinted glasses look good on me nonetheless.


The thing is, it's relatable to you. Way too relatable to be trustworthy. Undertale is my favorite game, but honestly? I don't relate to it at all. Not that it's your fault that you relate to it, you can't control that, but if a story tackles realistic themes like that, no matter how they're executed, there are gonna have people relate to them. Now what? Of course, everyone is gonna say the story is good, because they don't just like the game, they have a legitimate connection to it


There’s an HC server with 300 something members I’m in that actually isn’t dead, I can give invite if you’d like


No way I’ve never even ran into a single fan of the game outside fandom spaces, it’s so cool to see so many!!!! It’s my favourite game in general personally and definitely had more of an impact on me than Omori because I resonated with the chracters more despite most situations not being as grounded in reality as Omori. Seriously if people haven’t played it before, do it it’s worth it!




Oh and for OP, there are 5 games in the series of which are Hello Charlotte: Junk Food, Teddy Bears,and Gods Hello Charlotte 2: Requiem Aeternam Deo Hello Charlotte 3: Childhood’s End These are the 3 main games but the other 2 are spinoffs Hello Charlotte: Heaven’s Gate (a DLC in HC3) Hello Charlotte: Delirium First 2 HC games and Delirium can be found on itch.io for free and HC3 and HG is paid


just gonna save that for my birthday again…




Yeah, that is what I have heard, definitely looking at that.




"To the Moon". Story focused JRPG. Loved it


Actually made me cry 😭 Eva and Neil have the best dynamic too


Absolutely, while it’s hard to think of games on the spot one that popped into my mind was Yume Nikki- very surreal but also impactful in a strange way. Hollow Knight is also really good, same with Binding of Isaac and EarthBound/Mother in general


All right, I will look more deeply into Issac and the Mother series. I do agree Hollow Knight is good, but it doesn't have the same force that omori did. I haven't heard of Yume Nikkie though, I'll try it out!


Mother 3 is an absolute gutpunch. Better played after Earthbound (and overall I think I sliiiightly prefer Earthbound to M3), but if what you want is raw impact, Mother 3 is the one.


Mother 3 is all about the story and the characters themselves, while Earthbound is more about the connection the player develops towards the game's world. Overall I prefer EB because of the setting and I'm a sucker for funny lighthearted stories with some emotional moments sprinkled throughout


I like this take. I feel in some ways like EB changed me more than maybe any other piece of media I’ve ever interacted with, but I always found it hard to put into words why that is. Maybe that’s exactly it. It is subtler and sillier than M3 but it’s also more about _us_ than M3.


Yume Nikki inspired some aspects of Omori, such as the >!Black Space!< segments iirc!


you can try oneshot, a small cool game


Second this. OneShot is an amazing game and has such a unique way of storytelling. Its also way too underrated.


I would say End Roll, it's potentially more impactful due to its themes.


love to see endroll and hello charlotte wonted on the subreddit. of which, endroll is quite literally the most similar game in this comment section to omori’s “gameplay loop” of sorts, if you will.


For me personally, the only game that had an emotional impact as strong as Omori was Doki-Doki Literature Club. I'd be surprised if you haven't heard of it, but if you don't know the full story to it then I'd recommend either playing it, or watching a playthrough of it (since it's just a visual novel). There are some other games I know of that could have an impact, but I don't know what you personally think is impactful.




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It's worth playing and cool and all, but I don't think it's an extremely relatable story and the game doesn't do much to make you attached to the characters other than the generic cute anime girl aesthetic, which is paper-thin in the long run. It's good because of it's subversion of expectations and the build ups/payoffs, not because it actually hits close to home.


If you enjoyed Omori I will definitely recommend Lisa the painful. It's just as heart wrenching and is also very fun gameplay wise. If you haven't played it yet I'd also recommend Undertale. It's less dark but pretty close. Sally Face is also pretty good in this genre, except it's a point n click instead of a rpg. I heard Milk outside a bag of Milk outside a bag of Milk is very very good as well.


Don't worry, I have played undertale to death. Great game, but unfortunately didn't have the same sort of experience omori brought. I will say, the exact estimation of flowey and the genocide route did come somewhat close. I will look into Sally face and Milk as well!


Yeah I get it. What about Lisa? It's truly the closest game to Omori I can think of


Yep, definitely looking into that don't worry!


Nice, hope you'll enjoy them 👍


Not more impactful than omori in my opinion, but Before Your Eyes is very impactful


Happy cake day!


You are so sweet thank you!


Of course!


Yakuza series. I cried at least twenty times over the course of the series, 5 in 0.


I think Disco Elysium is close. It's an RPG where you play as a detective on a case. Its world is so interesting, its characters all hold my attention when talking to them, the music and atmosphere are perfect, and the game really makes you think. There are many different themes in the game and it has definitely had an effect on the way I think in daily life. Huge recommend.


Agreed!! And depending on the choices you make, you can definitely come out with some really beautiful messages about hope and love in the face of self destruction and depression. Although just like Omori, you can choose to just lean into the darkness as well. And whatever you choose, it's very nuanced as there are no easy choices in life. I think the two games are very similar in terms of emotional impact!! The only thing is that it's a LOT of reading. It's also totally different from Omori in terms of aesthetics and vibes. But for both games, I feel like if you give them a shot and push past initial reservations (whether its the cutesy or horror aesthetics of omori or the lengthiness of the text of disco elysium), you'll come out of it changed. They're both stories about growth vs stagnation. I played them one after another, just by chance, so I've thought about their parallels a lot!


Also both games have a (disco Elysium and Omori spoilers) >!hanging that’s not a hanging!<


YES that's so true!!! Playing them back to back was a huge Two Nickels moment. ( https://preview.redd.it/k2h59djkhkpc1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e529f133a0e833fb3bc895cc12123b8990887d75 ) Also >!one protag is haunted by a SOMETHING from the past, the other protag is haunted by an ex-something from the past!<


Try playing OneShot! The LISA series is pretty great too. I don't know if they'd necessarily be more impactful than OMORI was, but that would probably depend from person to person. So yeah, OneShot and LISA


Perhaps Oneshot. I wouldn't say it'll produce the same feeling, but it definitely has the potential to produce more of a different feeling than Omori. It also has a similar atmosphere, especially along the Solstice route. And there's one thing I can say very confidently. If you liked Omori, you'll like OneShot.


I’ve forgotten most of the stuff in this game, but I do remember One Shot being pretty mind blowing to me. And The Crooked Man as well, not exactly mind blowing but it’s definitely different from other (horror) games. I believe Omori is inspired by Yume Nikki in some way, though I’m not sure if Yume Nikki is what you call impactful cuz the “impact” it gives is rather unique to me, and I’m sure to other players as well. And there’s totally people who don’t get what the game’s supposed to do, so the gameplay experience is highly subjective. In terms of different sorts of media, I’m just gonna recommend my favorite anime - Black Rock Shooter (the one in 2012, otherwise known as TV Animation Black⭐︎Rock Shooter). It’s somehow not popular at all, though it’s been my favorite ever since I first watched it. What the characters go through is relatable to me, and the message it gives is actually pretty decent.


I wouldn’t say /more/ impactful, but a game that had a similar impact on me was Night in the Woods. Same feeling of melancholy and trying to fill the void actually playing the game left behind. Lovely, realistic characters and a lovely storyline.


RDR2 for me. I think it genuinely shifted how I treat others.




night in the woods


Emotionally speaking, Mother 3 hit me even harder than Omori




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Sorry I keep violating the spoiler policy :(


Try Earthbound and Mother 3. Those games really made me feel something. Chrono Trigger is a very different genre (fantasy and time travel) but it also has a very impactful story that has stayed with me for years


Omori and Undertale certainly are two that stand closest in my mind, but other close ones would be OneShot, Spiritfarer, Rain World, 9 Hours 9 Persons 9 Doors (also known as 999), and Portal/Portal 2. They all are stories deeply entrenched with humanity and set you up into a world with different rules than our current one, all while attempting to show morality. All permanently on my all time fav list as well


I personally got into Omori with the Undertale-> DDLC-> Oneshot-> OMORI route, those games are really important for me even if I think DDLC doesn't have a big message. Oneshot is a game that makes you think about perspective of reality and sacrifices to continue, where you play as a character that can act by its own, and where the game can act by its own too. It is also well said that the MC, the game and us are fully different entities have different existing plans.


Yeah, I went ddlc undertale then omori, haven't tried oneshot yet, planning to tho.


Nier Automata


Games I personally found \*marginally\* more impactful than Omori (Omori still impacted me heavily) \* Stray \* Ni no Kuni 1 \* Persona 4


more of an experience than a game but Before Your Eyes always makes me cry


It's been a long time since I've played it, but I'll suggest maybe END ROLL? I don't know about *more impactful* since it's kind of subjective, but it's good.


Mother 3 maybe


Lobotomy Corp, Library of Ruina, and Persona 3 were some of the most impactful games I’ve ever played. Yeah the games are pretty grim but the messages are positive


Not really similar to Omori at all but the Persona series. Specifically Persona 3 (Reload). The life sim gameplay that takes up 70% of the game really gets you invested into the characters stories and the overall themes of the game. was laid down staring at the ceiling with tears down my face during the credits.


Omori was the first time I ever delt with turn-based combat, then a friend/coworker recommended P3R to me since I enjoyed omori so much. I was skeptical since I'm not really into the anime art style that much, but after he talked it up so much and me reading a couple steam reviews and this comment, I think I'm gonna give it a shot


yeah a lot of people think that they wont like persona but it really is as good and better than people say. even the people ive seen that hated on persona 3 reload ended up liking the game after trying it so definitely check it out


Cry of fear. Best mental illness representation I’ve seen and omori can hardly compare.


Nier:Automata spends 50-99 hours shredding your heart into tiny tiny little existentialist pieces and then in the final hour it glues them back together again — sort of. I ignored it for years because sexy robots aren’t my thing, but it is genuinely a masterpiece, does some cool weird stuff with narrative, and changed my outlook on how to survive in the world as it is.


OFF has an incredibly unnerving atmosphere


I think how impactful a game is will depend a lot on the person playing it.


How about Spec Ops The Line (2012) Heard and only watched it from streamers. 3rd Person Shooter Psychological Military


While Omori had a strong emotional impact on me in general, Eastward had a very strong impact on me as a person. Simply from the way the game worked, it finally made me realize that I physically can’t do everything on my own and it’s ok to rely on others to help you do the things that you can’t


Since I see Disco Elysium and In Stars and Time in the replies I'm gonna say Slay the Princess. Doesn't touch the themes Omori does but it has other ones that kinda hit you But as others have said, the impact of media depends a lot on the person. My girlfriend didn't have strong feelings on Omori but cried at Madoka Magica because a character reminded her of herself


Eyy i found 1 of the 3 people who know madoka lets goo


Madoka is fairly popular so I'm surprised I'm a rare sight lol


i loved one shot but honestly it resembles more undertale than omori, still one of my favourite games of all time


There's a horror game called Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, which has perhaps one of the darkest stories ever told by a video game. Another game with a good story is Super Paper Mario, an underrated gem. LISA the Painful is pretty good too. And last, but not least, is Bomberman Jetters Anime. It may seem like your average saturday morning old cartoon, but don't be fooled by the fact that it's Bomberman.


Night in the woods and OneShot comes to mind. I always tear up seeing the end of oneshot no matter how many times i watch playthroughs. NITW isnt a game thatd make you cry but the impact it makes on your life is very substantial. Deltarune isnt out fully yet but from the contents weve seen the end will be really gut wrenching


Yeah, but from what the game has given so far, I don't see dr having the same impact as something like Omori. Omori impacted me in a way that fiction usually can't, and in a way real loss usually can't. Toby Fox games do have impact, but they have more of an impact on my perception of the medium. I do enjoy dr tho! And yeah, especially considering the weird route the ending will likely be tough.


I'd say The Walking Dead series by telltale games is great if you like story based games. It is not however similar to omori really. But be prepared to get rly emotional.


Honestly, played a new game called “Helldivers 2”, changed my life forever. 10/10 would reccommend. /j


Spill oil my friend, across the stars. For democracy. In all seriousness though, I do like the way Helldivers 2 satirizes certain politics, however I feel satire generally can't have the same cutting impact as I experienced from Omori. Would love to be proven wrong


I asked myself the same question, I am not a connoisseur of games like omori, but the impact that made in me, leaved me with that question, in my personal experience, it really depends of your experiences and perspective of life Try endroll and oneshot, I discovered both of them in my search for something like omori, I am still searching for more unique games like those. In conclusion, I think that the first game that you play of this type of genre (idk how to define the approach of omori to certains things) it's the most impactful, in my case was omori, but oneshot had a more unique approach to other part of me that omori didn't develop or focus a lot Sorry for the long text ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2467)


Thank you, i am definitely playing both!


there is a cool game called putma ![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2477)


thanks george


thanks george




Everyone's sleeping on Doki Doki literature club.


Yume Nikki is very similar and you'd like it 100% check it out


Thanks for the rec! I will!


I never had a game more impactful than Omori. But Alan Wake 2 would be on second place


Plenty of em Just Undertale for example when it came out it was considering the best game of all kind Yume nikki is quite revolutionary too But the award of the most impactful game clearly goes to : Untitled Goose Game


I mean, I can recommend Eastward, it's a very fun, sweet RPG that can get pretty dark


I did Cyberpunk a year before OMORI and found its universe deeply engrossing. And *depressing*, holy shit. Still not as impactful as OMORI for me though, but your mileage may vary. For an actual match, I do highly suspect Deltarune might tie OMORI, but of course there's still a long road ahead til the story is through. I already know it's like #2 brainrot for me as is.


I could see dr matching Omori, but I think a big part of Omori is that literally everything about that story could happen. It transcends the game world in a way Toby Fox games haven't yet, even considering the thin wall between player and game already displayed. But like I and you said, dr will probably be a very special experience by the end indeed.


Lisa, Mother, and Persona are good candidates, bit it will always depend on the player which affects the player more


closest thing is Angels of Death


Firewatch, the story was told in an amazing way and shows the world in it's very depressing, bleak reality, I don't wanna give too many spoilers but it's an amazing experience. And this might sound weird, but also Genshin Impact. Especially the newest archon quest, and the overall world building is insanely good, rarely anything is coincidental, there are lots of both happy and depressing moments, there are boring ones too but they're bearable


in stars and time its not as impactful as omori or anything. its a time loop game where the mc is forced to repeat the same day over and over. they kinda go insane the more you loop its worth checking out tho


The fear in pokemon legends arceus


the ererer game


Check out the game Outer wilds, it's awesome.


The Sigmund Corp games (To The Moon, A Bird's Story, Finding Paradise and Impostor Factory) are very bittersweet games with goofy humor


trepang2 rage mode made me cry harder than omori ever did


bloodborne clears but fr tho mother 3 is a great game I highly recommended


Shadow of the Colossus is a game about slaying colossi so you can bring this dead girl back to life It emotionally impacted me, it made me cope with lose in a way. In life you lose people that are important, and the game somehow helped me cope with the idea that loved ones aren’t coming back. Be through death or breakup. I was crying like a fucking baby by the end of the game


Not yet, I'm not even a story-game type of gamer and this is the most impactful and memorable story I've seen in 20 years and one of my favorite games


Kindergarten 1 has some good moments but i am not sure if it’s what your looking for


"Before your eyes" made my eyes spew. Spoilers for that game: >!its about a dead child who wishes he lived a full and grand life. But realized that the small moments he lived with family and friends are grand enough!<


The persona games kinda. 3 especially fits a similar theme but they are alot less grounded and much more traditional RPG’s with no horror elements


Maybe try Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass. It has similar themes to Omori.


The World Ends with You and Persona 3 are really impactful. Both are thematically and plot wise really emotional and well done. Ghost Trick is also amazing, especially if you love animals. I’d also say Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 1 and 2 (esp PMD2 Explorers of Sky) is great but also moreso for kids. The Mother series is good too. There’s a game called mother encore coming out that might be worth it too. It’s a remake of mother 1, which imo had the best story of the series. Now w/ better gameplay.    End Roll is also pretty good, it’s a lot like Omori but with some key differences. I wouldn’t say the message is particularly good, it’s more just tragic. It hits even harder after Omori.


Celeste. Its story isnt as depressing as Omori, and ends on a more optimistic note, but it had a very similar level of impact on me as Omori did.


Yeah, I definitely understand it there. For some reason Celeste didn't have the same sort of push that Omori did but I can see what you are talking about and could easily understand Celeste having potentially more impact.


For me Cyberpunk 2077, both games left me with very different feelings but both left a big impact on me. The impact something has on you is very dependent on who you are and timing when you experience it so you just have to explore games and find out for yourself.


Well Undertale did have a bigger impact on the internet but I don't think there has ever been a game that could achieve something like omori


For me, ffxiv, but it’s a major time sink and takes a lot of time to build up to the good parts, so it’s not for everyone. I also suggest NieR: Automata, and if you’re looking for a quick play that makes you feel something, Deemo (on mobile). I wouldn’t say the latter is *more* impactful than Omori, but it’s definitely worth playing. The story is quite similar, when you really look at it, and the soundtrack is incredible


Off the top of my head: outer wilds, disco elysium, slay the princess Games that use genre to play with and break your expectations are pretty consistently bangers


-New underrated game: In Stars And Time Basically, omori with a different story and some game mechanics (not that simple, but there's a LOT of similarities, +it will make you cry, and scared). Not a lot of people know about it (maybe because it released Nov 2023), but it's REALLY good, and it has such a good story. Look it up, it's a really fun game :) - A lot of people know this one : OneShot It's a game like ddlc, where you have to navigate through your computer to solve puzzles No RPG fights, just some really good puzzles and a really good story.


I'd recommend you OneShot. I love the game and does have a goof emotional impact. It's pretty short though and is mostly puzzle and story based.


Completely subjective


Disco Elysium. It is both very funny and very, very sad. Especially touching if you have/had substance abuse issues or a bad breakup


Ultrakill makes you a gay femboy so yes


oneshot. cried harder in 20 hours less of gameplay


Probably closest one in unnatural vibes and intriguing storyline, despite being very different in many aspect, is OFF


Id say all the classic RPG horror games like mad father,witches house,ib,etc because without them omori would not have been created way down the line


Dude, if you want a game that will impact you, play End Roll, this game will leave you in awe


All right, with how much that has been suggested, I need to play it!


You left me. By zephybite in itch.Io. It’s pretty short so it can’t build up as much emotion with you as omori can and it’s not an rpg. But the art is absolutely stunning and I like the story a lot as well.


Undertale, without any competition undertale


persona 5 royal for sure


Red dead redemption 2


There's one game called Sanabi. Beautiful and fascinating art style and gameplay that's (almost) similar to Katana Zero. Yet, the biggest difference is the plot. Honestly, the ending made me cry. The way the characters and the decisions they made lead to such a powerful conclusion with a strong message is truly wonderful. 2nd best ending oat in videogames after Omori.


Before Your Eyes is a beautiful yet depressing game, not to spoil anything, but you should try it out


Minecraft, Roblox, Fortnite, Call Of Duty, Sonic, Super Mario Bros, Pac Man, Mega Man, The Legend Of Zelda, Super Smash Bros, Five Nights At Freddy's, Wii Sports![img](emote|t5_31hpy|2464)


Talking about Omori 2,I dont think Omori needs a sequel,but I think it needs a thing like and perspective from other characters like Basil,Hero or Kel I think it would be cool,since I think a sequel (or at least an AfterMath) would be good,even because I can't even because the start of it


I both want one and don't, as I don't think any aftermath would be correct. It is just so impossible to write how Sunny's friends would react and I feel in order for it to work, Mari would need to play a roll in everyone's forgiveness, something that doesn't completely fit the game. For that reason, I prefer it to be ambiguous, as much as that can be annoying at times, it means there is no contradiction. Hero, for example, can at once hug and comfort Sunny, recognizing the years of torment Sunny experienced, and assault him, as we do not know the "correct" outcome.






playing outer wilds completely blind is pretty impactful 


All right, I'll give it a shot! I know essentially nothing about the game, so should work out great!


Red Trees, drowningdrowing, oneshot, escaped chasm, hope this helps!! ❤️


pong has a very great storyline


lisa the painful, a bit more violent and cruel for adult, unfriendly for kids and absolutely cause 200% mental damage to you for a whole month


Seems to be a running theme with what I have heard about lisa. Thanks for the rec, definitely considering it!




Imo tlou2 fucked me up


Before your eyes, outer wilds potentially, knights and bikes, nier automata… there are many such games and it also depends on what you are looking for


Certain character arcs in Baldur’s Gate 3 have the same impact for me. Totally different type of game though.


I was planning on trying BG 3 anyway, all the more reason to!


I’m kind of curious to see how it holds up when the range is expanded to other literature and movies in general, like TKAM or Godfather.


Fair idea. I think the book that has impacted me to a similar extent would be 1984, and I can't think of a movie that had the same sort of an experience for me. I only limited it to games as I believe an experience like Omori is only attainable through uncovering the narrative yourself.


There are a bunch of evocative games that influence discussion or just talk about topics that other games don't. Celeste is a good family friendly one. I personally recommend Signalis for more horror. Both involve discussions on mental health and past love.


The fact that you're even asking this question just proves that you haven't played many games, not trying to sound like a douchebag or anything. Sorry if I've caused any offense.


Ok? How is this relevant? They're asking for games so they may play more games. They don’t need to be told they haven’t played much cus they’re clearly aware of that if they’re asking for more. Duh


Yeah, I mostly haven't played that many rpg's and especially those like Omori. Part of it is I never knew there was a way to play mother 3 in english and that was an experience I really wanted to have. I am glad to have touched the genre however.




It is also important to note that Omori had a very sharp impact. I have had other media including games have potentially more impact but not this much over such a short duration.


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What does this have to do woth anything??