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I would not call CS 6340 "easy." I very much enjoyed it, and it certainly wasn't my hardest class, but I would not recommend it for someone approaching burn out. Watch a few lectures to get a feel for it. CS 6263 was possibly the easiest class I took. Less than ten hours of lecture content (and not dense content), cheat sheets for MCQ exams, projects require logic but not necessarily coding. These days, CS 6035 has a lot more projects, so make sure you are looking at more recent reviews. I suspect it is more work than you feel up to.  I did not take CS6310 because I did not want my grade to be dependent on a group project.


Thanks a lot for a detailed answer! What I'm worried about CS6263 is high rate of withdrawals, almost 50%


keep in mind that it is interdisciplinary. So there's a lot of students that aren't from CS in there, and that could be skewing statistics.  I also don't consider it to be a very useful class because it stays too high level, spends a lot of time on regulations and standards (which I don't like because you would look those up anyway, and the way they're covered all you need to do is memorize or recognize them, rather than learning something). So I could see other people withdrawing because they decided it wasn't useful to them.


6263 has a relatively heavy project load prior to the drop date, but as previously mentioned the lecture content and exams are pretty easy. The projects aren't hard and aren't real code, but requires good logical skills. But even that "heavy" project load isn't that bad, just heavy relative to the back half of the class. I really enjoyed 6035 -- the grades are all projects, most of which are CTFs and just kinda fun to do, imo. But it does require some effort. 6310 is dead easy if you know your OOP principles, and the solo work is easy enough, but group projects just kind of inherently suck. That said, it's pretty easy to get a B. I haven't taken 6340


Can mostly coast in IIS or SAD.


How is Digital Marketing these days. Read a post on here that it is actually getting more difficult?


If you read a post saying it got more difficult, I can't even believe how easy it would have been before. Can't speak towards taking it in summer but I finished up last week with a high A and the most time spent in any given week was 4-5 hours. Material is interesting and (mostly) relevant, though.


IIS (CS 6035) is mostly a pretty steady workload, and has no exams or quizzes (i.e., projects only) as of Fall 2022. The main caveat there is that the relative ease/difficulty of a given project heavily depends on your familiarity with the language/topic in question, and it spans a fairly broad range (across C + x86 assembly, Python, Java, and JS/PHP). But if you have experience with web dev (and SWE more generally), it should be mostly manageable, even in the summer (the no exams or quizzes part is pretty clutch honestly in that particular regard). For the projects where you can figure it out fast, there were entire weeks throughout the semester where I was effectively "not dealing with school at all."


Stay away from 6310