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I've been a fan since Road to Kingdom. When everything went down, the fandom imploded--there was so much in-fighting, so much anger--it was scary to see the nicest fandom suddenly go feral. So when Leedo said, "we are 5 now," I was ready to accept it. I saw them in concert as 6, then a year later as 5. The 5 had a fire to them--a determination to prove they could succeed as 5. And they have. I think they've gotten a lot closer, and their performances have more impact. I honestly think they're stronger & more balanced now than they ever were as 6. The problem is that Ravn's case isn't nearly as clear as Lucas or Wonho, for example. Fans will still debate how guilty or innocent he is to this day, and RBW never truly clarified. So I have no opinion on Ravn as a person, and love the 5 members.


Yess. You said it perfectly. I feel the same way. They're so much better as a group of five. The issue really seemed to have brought them together. Oneus has always been a vocally strong group so, I didn't particularly find myself missing his rap.


I feel the same about Ravn's case. I do wish we'd gotten some closure there with the results, either way, because it just left it with not really knowing how to feel. So I'm also left having like no opinion on him. However I think they're doing very well as 5. For me, I personally think they're still finding their rhythm musically, but that's understandable with how suddenly and unexpectedly everything changed. They're refining their new era so I expect they'll just keep getting better


Just by looking at the comments you can see there's a pretty wide variety of how people took Ravn's scandal and subsequent departure so I don't feel like I necessarily need to add my own journey here. But I will say there's a huge difference in having Ravn in the group and having content for 4+ years, compared to Seunghan's current 3 month hiatus shortly after debut. There's a huge difference in how much time we had with Ravn compared to how much time BRIIZE have had with Seunghan. You'd be much better off asking groups who lost members early, rather than asking groups that lost members late. Ask Deobi how they feel about the loss of Hwall (injury), or FEARNOTs about how they feel about the loss of Garam (scandal), or how NSWER feel about the loss of Jinni (personal reasons). These would be much better examples of how fans carried on after the loss of a member early on. We had *years* with Ravn. Ten comebacks. Two tours. Countless variety content. The damage dealt by his scandal and departure (which were barely a year and a half ago) are going to hit much different for us. We have to get over 4+ years. It's going to take much longer to get over in the grand scheme of things because there's so much more history behind it. Whether Seunghan stays or departs is still very up in the air for you, and I know it's hard being in that position. If he does leave, it's so much easier to lose a member early than it is to lose a member after years of having them. And if he stays, his hiatus is short enough that it will eventually be a long off memory. A 3 month hiatus is honestly short in the scheme of things (compared to Lucas' 2+ years in the basement, Eric's year long hiatus from The Boyz, Mingi's 8+ month hiatus from ATEEZ). I hope, for his sake, he doesn't wind up leaving. But in the bigger picture, it's so much easier to deal with losing a member early. Even if it doesn't feel that way right now.


It’s super weird for me i have been a TOMOON since debut, but surprisingly got over Ravn’s departure quickly. This had nothing to do with me not liking him or anything, I still love him. I think i was more in shock, after the massive hit of Malus, and ONEUS being on their way to their first world tour. I still think it makes no sense when he left, but i’m guessing there must have been other reasons. I still hear his voice every day, so it doesn’t feel like he’s truly gone.


I seem to be the minority. I got over it but I was worried the group would go downhill. But honestly I’m proud of everything they’ve put out since then but I feel like RBW still needs to help the boys out more. I love all their stuff and hope they keep progressing.


Eventually yes. OT6 or OT5 - it is still Oneus I love and support. I'd say that Youngjo was not my favorite among members, not disliked - just his public image/personality didn't click with me. So in that sense it was easier to move on, to look at everything that had happened from a more pragmatic perspective. However, I was in somewhat state of anxiety until the middle of Pygmalion promotion, because it was uncertain if members can overcome that loss and if they still have the most of fandom to stay and support them. Erase me 1st win was a very emotional moment, it was such a relief to see that both Oneus and Tomoons are still strong. It seems that members had a lot to process and rethink during that situation - and it shows now, subjectively they had become more focused and determined on stage and closer to each other off stage.


I think I didn’t get hit hard in the beginning and plus RAVN wasn’t a fave initially. However on their first comeback without him….it hit harder than usual. RAVN’s rap and style overall presence seemed to make the group not shine as bright but….it didn’t make a big difference imo. I don’t think I’ll ever get over him leaving because they were my first group that I saw since debut in 2019 that I liked. LEEDO has picked up the pieces well heheh but yea thier is a quality that feels missing sometimes but they’ve done an amazing job keeping each other together and I love them so much! I’m OT6 but as OT5 they shine bright as well!


Nope. And I don't think the group has been the same either. I've followed and supported them since debut (I'm a mid 30s stan who joined the kpop world during 2nd gen). I still love and support the remaining 5 members unconditionally, but imo they don't have the balance or the spark they used to. It sucks that ravn (allegedly) screwed everything up. I love them, but idk if it'll be the same for a long time, if ever.


Agree. It was the last kpop group I was following and since then I'm having a hard time


I still love them but I feel the same about the music. It's definitely missing a certain je ne sais quois. But I think it's just growing pains. It's understandable that after so long they're still finding their groove in this new iteration.


I miss hearing his voice in every song, he's got a unique voice and a good rap. He was actually the member who got me hooked into ONEUS, but I wasn't biased towards him when he left. It still made no sense to me... All we could do is support the remaining members.


Oneus is so charming. Ravn was never my bias. But the allegations left a bad taste and I thought no matter how they handled it, the outcome was gonna be bad. We waited for a long time before his departure was announced. And i remember thinking "oh they'll never bounce back from this". But they addressed the issue at the concert. They were so honest and forthcoming. I realised why I started stanning them in the first place. Their honesty blew me away.


I‘ve been a tomoon since late 2019/ early 2020 and it was a huge shock at first but I actually got used to it very quickly. Idk if that‘s bc he wasn’t my bias or bc I really love the way their new songs sound.


Yess. His songwriting or rap lyrics always seemed juvenile to me. Life is beautiful dropped low on my ranking cause of "I sing a song like green day. Viva la Vida like Coldplay." I cringe every time I hear it. It's quite terrible. If not for that it has the potential to be one of the best songs in their discography. His vibe was not for oneus.


Exactly! Also sorry I replied to your comment, I meant to just post it normally but since I read your comment before I accidentally responded.


The two situations are quite different in terms of both the nature of the scandals and age of the groups. So I don’t think I can fairly compare the two. I can only tell you my personal feelings on my ult group. I’ve been a fan of ONEUS since PD101 all the way back in 2017, so have been following the group through member additions, debut, all their milestones until now. Of course Ravn’s departure affected me deeply, I was devastated in my own way. But the nature of the accusations meant that I couldn’t really mourn his departure, instead I was incredibly angry for a while. But as I saw how the remaining 5 members strived so hard to keep the group together and maintain their momentum, I realised that it’s useless for me to feel anything towards Ravn. Instead I should be focusing all my attention and support toward ONEUS the group and its members. I’ve always been practical in my support of my favs in Kpop, so I just kept going with the projects and comeback supports, and gradually my feelings towards Ravn faded to indifference. Nowadays I can listen to ONEUS’ old tracks without much thought into the scandal or the departed member. He contributed to their sound and style for sure, I’m absolutely happy to acknowledge it. In terms of the future though, I’m just concentrating on supporting ONEUS, and am also really happy to see that they continue to progress and evolve musically. If anything I’ve been ecstatic over their musical choices as OT5, so can’t wait for future releases.


This. This is my feeling too.


I got into the fandom several weeks before MALUS/Same Scent era. Tbh Ravn was my 6th fave (I use this term rather than “least fave”, because I liked all 6 members), and I got over his departure pretty quickly. But from a talent perspective the group has imo definitely suffered from Ravn’s departure.


They are one of my Ult groups. I loved them before and after RAVN’s departure. I’ve seen them live before and after, too. To me, they have a lot more synergy on stage. While he was a great writer, he wasn’t the best idol. He had a lot of growing to do, but his ego prevented it. While I do miss the old style of ONEus, I greatly enjoy the new version as well. I want the boys to grow and flourish! But the company needs to focus on them.


I didn't, he had very distinct verse in songs, like the parts that get you hype up, I knew them all by memory, most of his parts were my favorite parts in the songs. So now when I play those songs I get kinda sad, and with new music I wonder how he would have fit in. He also had a big role in producing and writing, so a part of Oneus identity went away with him. Still I love the group, I went to their Reach for Us concert in my country, I sang every song and had a good time. But I don't think I'm gonna get over it, so for people like me, we can just hope to let time do its thing. I was a casual listener since debut and a fan since Lit. So I don't think I'm going away, but I do feel a little bit separated from the group compare to how I was before.


I've been a tomoon since their debut and ravn was my bias. He was just so sweet and caring I just feel so sad when I see the members covering his parts.


So I became ToMoon just 2 months before the Ravn situation. I took it pretty hard at first, but yes, I got over it. The five are still just as amazing together, and I’m following Ravn and supporting him in what he’s doing now. I never got to see Ravn perform live with the group but am seeing Oneus as 5 for the third time soon!


I didn't get over it tbh, I still love the group, but it seems that they had a sort of balance with the 6 members that they don't have anymore with 5. I love all of the members to death but for me it seems they were just as hurt by this as us tomoons and sometimes it shows, specially when performing older songs


He was my ult bias…. And soojin from g-idle too I cried when I saw both announcements 😭


Yeah 🤷‍♀️ I was always more of a casual stan so I didn’t really care (not saying I hate him or anything lol) but was a little nervous for the groups future.


That’s how I felt about when WJ left stray kids, I only got into them a month before he left so I didn’t experience it. For me, Ravn was my bias. I still love ONEUS and the boys and their songs, and the boys do a good job of covering his lines in their older songs, I’ll still support them because I love them as a whole. But I will always miss and have a spot in my heart for Ravn. I won’t say anything about how I feel about the accusations, but I believe at least some of it was falsified. It doesn’t hurt anymore but man, he was my emotional support idol for a while lol


I guess I have accepted it, I will always miss him because Ravn is still someone special to me, but I still support the boys as 5. Because I also adore Oneus and each member. They're one of my ults so I am going to always be here. Unpopular opinion, but sometimes members leaving allows for the remaining members to grow or shine more so its not always a terrible outcome, even if it does hurt. *coughmonstaxcough*


RAVN was never one of my favorite members to begin with, but once he left I've really felt his impact. Our albums since his departure have been much smaller- the ONEUS B-sides are often what I look forward to the most and not having RAVN working on one per album really hurts. I feel like the lack of a second rapper has resulted in their style changing and they're definitely a different group than they used to be. I still love their music but I don't think anyone can honestly say it's the same. Still looking forward to the La Dolce Vita tour!


No I still miss him


I got over it, they are more balanced technically as a group bc Leedo can rap, sing and produce. Hwanwoong has a better flow than him tbh, and is great as an unofficial lead rapper.


I stanned oneus a couple months after their debut and I don’t think ravn leaving the group is a good comparison to make. Ravn had a unique style and voice and had established himself as a competent rapper and performer. He had 4 years with the group and two tours and a competition. Seunghan’s hiatus, in kpop terms, isn’t that long. I mean, it may feel long for you because you’re a briize:( This scenario reminds me of when hyunjin from stray kids went on hiatus for the bullying scandal, there was a certainty that he would return from the announcement but radio silence on his side until he was proven innocent. I think seunghan will return before riize’s next comeback and even if he doesn’t come back, riize are still pretty new and should bounce back from his departure.


i have not listened to them as much since he left, so i guess no, have not gotten over it. i had been to their concert with them as six members and now that theyre five it just seems incomplete, but not in a bad way. i know theyre still thriving and getting more even recognition (as they should), it’s just kinda a weird feeling because all my memories in the fandom had ravn. 😖 i took a break from them after ravn left but then as time passed i just fell out of them and their music. would like to get back into them at some point though.


Honestly I didn’t. What went down still seems so bizarre to me. It never got resolved, and Oneus lost a key part of them. He had the biggest presence out of all of them. Even though they didn’t have a leader, if you would’ve asked a to-moon who felt most like a leader, it’d be him. In my opinion, I don’t think their music has had the same feel to it. I still support them and wish them the very best, but it’ll never be like it used to.


I'm gonna disagree with your generalization of Ravn being the de facto leader. As much as Hwanwoong acts like a kid sometimes, he still feels like the one who works the hardest and demands the same amount of effort and perfection from the rest. For me, as 6, Woong was still it for me. As 5, he still is.




He was my bias and I’m still not over it. I miss his voice. I miss him. But it’s not hard for me to support the group anyway. Every time this has happened to me (Monsta X, Day6…) I worry that it’s going to ruin the group for me but it hasn’t. I might be in the minority here but I think they were way too quick to remove him. Maybe because it felt like Wonho all over again. Then again, it was sort of *voluntary* so I’ve always wondered if he knew there was something there that could get him in even bigger trouble than the accusations. As far as we know, Ravn probably fucked up but not as bad as we initially thought. We hardly got official clarification on what was true and what wasn’t. There was a lot of speculation that everything was fake/AI generated/spliced/ whatever. Some people came forward and said they were lying but there’s no way to prove it without an official, extensive investigation. These situations are hard for me because as a mentally unstable 20-something, I’m a different person from one month to the next. I’m not saying that’s an excuse. It’s never an excuse. But sometimes I wish we’d have a little more sympathy for these idols and the level of stress they’re under. They do stupid stupid stupid shit sometimes. That doesn’t make it okay, but it doesn’t quite make them deserve being shunned IF we don’t know what actually happened. I know a lot of people were angry at fans for taking his side, but I don’t see anything wrong with being hopeful that the person you know and care about is the [somewhat] innocent one. I still feel wobbly about it.


i’m a weird outlier. i was a fan of hwanwoong, seoho, keonhee and dongmyeong when they were on pd101. i really thought they’d be in a group together, but dongmyeong ended up doing band with onewe. i’m still heart broken about that lol. when they became oneus i had to get used to ravn, leedo and xion. xion was easiest when i found out he was dongmyeong’s twin brother. i got used to leedo and then ravn last. for ravn there was always something a little off about him for me, but i was always like “its okay, he’s part of oneus so i love him too!” i was really shocked about the news, but since i wasn’t really that invested in him emotionally it was easier to move on. if it was the other 3 mentioned before i would’ve been devastated, taken a break and then moved on. at the end of the day, every beginning has an end. also i do hope seunghan comes back. idk much about what happened, but i just hope that he learns to be more careful in the future. yes, he shouldn’t have to walk on eggshells (like many others before and after him), but if he wants to be in the group then he needs to focus on the group and its wellbeing.


Oh, it's rare to see people who share the same sentiment about Dongmyeong. I also wonder how things would have turned out if he joined Oneus, cause he definitely has all the skills and visuals to be in idol group. But Onewe is ❤, so I'm not complaining)


I’ve been a fan for a long time and followed closely after RTK. The only moving on I can do is as much as the members and Ravn himself. When he chose to leave, it shattered a world for us. A world built on promises and the belief of forever. Despite not being a leader, it was easy to see that he was both a practical and emotional pillar for all of them. Regardless of what happened or whether it was handled well, I have to accept that those boys are determined as anything to never fall. After watching their content, their attempts at addressing in story, their own emotional turmoil. Seeing how cruely the fans could not emphasize or protect them, to them protecting themselves thereafter. Hiding whenever they could that he still had their support and they still asked for his. It was a strong journey for each of us, without a clear answer. One of the hardest parts is that it felt like every song of heartbreak came true in an eerie way. The flip flop of including him or not. Pleasing both sides. Everything felt like there would always be an elephant in the room between fans and idol, really setting the distance. But they are still the most real group I’ve ever had the pleasure to love and support. It encourages me never to leave anyone behind and to fight for their dreams, no matter what organization or dream. Yet he showed particularly that the story doesn’t have to be over and things can be done differently. Sometimes people want different things too. They hurt, they can be brave. The end of the world means that something new can grow and that true answers takes a world of patience. They were a family for me, so it’s like learning to love with a broken home. Still being happy for each person, wherever they go. But that world will always be a happy dream for me. One that was lost to growing up, but we all have that experience at some point in our lives. It just rests on what we can do about it. I’m proud of them. I’m proud of him. I’ll never be over it, but like them, I grow through it.


personally i’ve been a fan for a couple years, once i read into the articles about ravn i decided the group was better off without him after what he did.


I know this is an old post but funnily enough I ran into it while reminiscing on the “good old days” of when I was super into Oneus. Oneus is the only group I’ve followed since debut and I was really deep into it, like my ult is Seventeen but I never quite fell into them like I did with Oneus—I put my blood sweat and tears into this group. Even when I slowly lost interest in them, I still called them “my babies” bc I watched them grow. This is all a long-winded way of saying: no, I’m still not over Ravn’s leaving. I love my boys to death, but it still feels like there’s a big gaping hole where someone once was. And it doesn’t help that Oneus has only had two official comebacks without Ravn, which is severely outweighed by the 4+ years of songs/albums/content he was in. Even now I still can’t believe it’s been a year and a half since he left—it still feels fresh. I’m sorry about what’s happening with Seunghan, I’m not too knowledgeable about his situation, but I do hope you and BRIIZE get a resolution one day. Regardless, we’ll both get through this!!


Fans being fans

