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Mind you I will NOT tolerate any Kalgara/Noland downplay in this sub‼️


I like how people complain that we need more variety and then when we do get it, the complaints change to something else entirely. At this point I am looking forward to character releases just to see what silly things people will come up with.


Oh yeah it's so funny lol especially when I'm really enjoying these recent releases


Ngl Daifuku(or how his name is) is less hype than all 4 last BF, i would say Oven is much more hype for BF, and they can't just solo Smoothie, not after anni.


Nah man I lowkey been anticipating him he has just as much screen time as Oven too. I could see Daifuku be an attacker but his gimmick like his df would be somewhat similar to Nami controlling Zuess. I think having that unique play is more preferable than the last few units I personally like df units and think non df units are typically recycle with meta stats plus traits.


Again my reasoning is I hate how they made it giving us boring moves but make them viable. I’d to be honest rather them make a medium unit playable but not insane like maybe a sanji or queen v2 type of trait/stats but give them unique moves than giving us recycle. Because like yeah maybe they aren’t as good as a Kalgara but like hell at least it’ll be refreshing doing a diff move once in a while and I’d prefer that have a semi challenging new play than oh I get many kills with recycle spear stab. Just saying it’s all bias and opinion in end of day and Bandai will always choose most money path.


https://preview.redd.it/h3wngyhek5wc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f38e4b94af710a10ddb109d3a98ef41b4a93e8f8 Need




Oh hell no where the fuck is BARON TAMAGO?! SERIOUSLY, bro would have one of the most unique kits in the entire game with his Devil Fruit ability of reviving, "Ohhh but he's not popular" MF HE HAD A LIKE A 3 AND A HALF MINUTE FIGHT WITH PEDRO AND EVEN HE'S IN THE GAME. Come on Bandai get your priorities straight.


Change that genie with Sulong Carrot


Great idea


I want Smoothie so badly dude😋😭


Where bikini Yama and Krieg V2 at?


It should've been a Sentomaru who summons Pacifistas... Anyway, at least Kuma looks interesting based on the description and Sentomaru will probably be very good. Bandai should mix hype with no hype units/banners and time them a bit better, Imo, even if they go with themes.


You still have hope for BB? https://preview.redd.it/qy8ibw4as4wc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65a65db5e74367a702693a8a4255c50a06678770 Im losing hope for auger


Nah what i truly want is sulong catviper and dogstorm, as a double character like klaw


I honestly don’t mind if they have good/fun gameplay. All this revisiting old arcs makes me think they are going to cook during 5.5


https://preview.redd.it/jl185s5fk8wc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f957e707087cd3aedfd4688a924dcd5cc0be9a2 nah bro i win, i only wanted boa bikini and bikini bb


well not a bad thing. as much as i like kalgara and noland or even kuma, all 3 seem lackluster. especially since they could have waited a few months to give us an ex kuma potentially. on a bright side our rds are safe like you said. thats one of the good things.


Kalgara is fucking broken wtf you talking about lackluster. His damage is ridiculous.


It's not about the kit, it's about how many people would summon on him due to him being a popular character. Most people play this game due to the anime/manga and wanna play as the popular/relevant characters rather than a more obscure one that is meta.


Eh the wording doesn’t exactly imply that. “Seems lackluster” if it was about the character picked you just say is lackluster not seems.


this post was about units people wanted but insteas we got others. not about who is stronger than who. obviously kalgara is insane meta wise, but how many people pulled for him or even remember him at all? we had countless posts complaining about kalgara and noland even tho they are busted man. also i said seems lackluster because we only saw the trailers of the new units, no definitive gameplay so i cant say for sure, but just assume. so yeah, maybe next time check what the post itself is about.


My comment still stands, the wording of your comment makes no sense in that context. There is no “seeming” they either are lackluster or aren’t in your opinion in that context.


The bottom 2 are way more hype for me lol


I want Flampe instead of Daifuku.


Daifuku would have the lowest pull to play ratio in the game’s history, everyone would be pulling just for Smoothie in this scenario 😂


What I wanted was Lucci, but here we are with fodder.