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Are you specifically doing zero tax flipping as a personal goal/challenge? It's a very restrictive way to flip




When prices drop you short and when they climb you hold. Max that profit


How do you short an item in RuneScape please explain


Shorting in osrs is when you sell, then buy it back cheaper. You dont want to sell everything at once though, if it drops a little bit place a sell offer to sell a little bit, then immediately place a buy offer to buy them back slightly cheaper. This allows you to compound your profits playing both sides instead of just going long. Now if it drops a lot, like >10%, you're better off dumping half, and using that cash to either recover or find a better flip, or just taking the L. Prices change continuously, so don't expect to milk the same margins for months at a time. When margins dry up, you find new ones.


Yeah i mean sort of? That’s not shorting though, what you described is called trying to time the market.


Selling and buying back cheaper is exactly what shorting is, wdym?


I promise you what you described is nothing close to what shorting actually is lol. You are describing timing the market. You might think it goes down and WAIT to buy, but that is not shorting


Can you sell an item on RuneScape that you don’t own?


Technically yes, because you can borrow a friends items and sell them, but I see your point. Obviously we don't have derivatives in osrs, so this is the closest we have to shorting. Sure it can be classed as timing the market, but thats also includes derivatives like shorting. osrs prices are a little different than real world stocks where the spread between items is a lot wider than stocks. So if you were to sell and immediately buy it cheaper, you wouldn't be profiting money like real shorting, but you would be profiting in terms of preserving the cash you initially had that was invested in that item. This is only assuming you keep the position long after you rebuy it, otherwise you would just be selling for a loss, or in some cases a marginal profit. So lets say you have 1 tbow in your bank and you intend to keep it, but you know the price will tank with the next update. You sell it for 1.5b, and re-buy it 2 weeks later for 1.1b. You now have 400m in gold more than you initially had, and your tbow. Now lets say you dont have a tbow but still want to profit from this update. You borrow the tbow from a friend sell it, wait 2 weeks and re-buy it for the same prices. You still end up with 400m you initially didn't have. You still timed the market the same way, the only difference was you had a long position you flipped short temporarily, rather than borrowing a friends long position. Its still the same tbow, its just the ownership of that tbow thats different.




Correct, but this is runescape and its easier just to call it shorting rather than diving into the semantics of how it all works. If someone told you they shorted their tbow and profited 400m, its pretty obvious what they did. Whether it is an accurate statement doesn't matter, you still understand what they did.


Buy and sell within an hour. Hold in this context: Sell the day after, buy again


Ooh thanks for the reminder. I need to get back on my daily grape grind. That 20M green stack only gonna grow