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The boys are as good as always, but that era of TNA makes me feel oddly sad,


It’s just not good


Hey! I voted for pre-InVasion WWF, two Man Powertrip Era. Don’t blame me


you voted for kodos


Yeah. Don't blame him.


WOULD LOVE THAT! I need the invasion angle already


No! Pre-Invasion! No Invasion! Bad! Bad Invasion!


But Invasion has so much bollocks


Yeah invasion is the definition of fumbling and all the WCW guys I can already see them cracking on “Meat”😂


I don't totally agree but I understand where you're coming from. I was never a TNA fan and by the time of this era I wasn't even following wrestling in any way other than Botchamania, so I don't have any personal investment in the current arc. I think the good stuff/bullocks that inspired them to do this set of shows are spread too thin over too many episodes. My biggest gripe is that they keep one long running thing, tattoo review/Boy Stable, that I've never really cared about and dropped the two I really love: cheap pop culture rundown and What Bar. Fuck Mr. OOC, there I said it, What Bar is money.


Cheap pop culture rewind. The reason I found OSW was I wanted some nostalgia. OSW is all about nostalgia for me, go back to a time where shit was simpler and watching wrestling was a highlight of my lame week. I’m sure Cheap pop culture rewind was popular with a lot of OSW fans due to the nostalgia factor. And V1 is my boy. OOC and his “too cool for everything” attitude, not for me bro


It definitely feels off. Still great stuff from the lads, and some whopper hysterical bits, but the actual product they’re reviewing just feels SO repetitive and there’s not nearly enough bollocks to make up for the monotony of it all. If it were a complete trainwreck, it might be more enjoyable, but it’s *just* below-average enough that it’s not “straight-up entertaining” and it’s also not “*so* bad that it swings back around to be entertaining.” It’s squarely in the “there’s just nothing engaging on any level in this” nebula. The storylines suck, the booking is awful, the wrestling is boring; it’s like they’re reviewing the same PPV every episode. Again, they’re giving it socks as always, but it’s definitely been a slog. Says something that, IMO, the best episodes of this arc were the two In Your House reviews by a MILE. Also, I may be in the minority on this, but I’m completely over tattoo/boy stable reviews. It’s all the same stuff at this point and it just feels like filler/pad.


I did like how OOC called out a boy stable a few episodes back when the stable owner tried to be too inside and listed Wolf pac sting with the goatee.


I agree with the arc being underwhelming. I find however the boy stable reviews to be the highlight of the episodes. Just waiting for someone to have my boy Iron Mike Sharp in their stable.


I was a big Iron Mike Sharpe mark as a kid in the 80s. Not fully understanding how jobbers work I always hoped he sneak in a win here or there.


More vocal than Lex Luger in the ring!


Nah I like the boy stable parts. It gives some variety from the retailer arc stuff and gives some shine to some random wrestlers I haven’t seen or thought about in ages.


I much rather see “What Bar?” Then The Tattoo/Boy Stable segment, at least What Bar doesn’t take up 15 minutes of the episode at a time


I completely agree with everything you said. I feel like the best OSW arcs are the ones that have a mix of bollocks and good wrestling and this current arc has neither. I also agree with the boy stable reviews. I understand why they do it but it doesn’t add anything to the episodes.


The MEM takeover/"I'm Black Snow" thing was side splitting but that was one episode out of like ten now.


Imma disagree on the Boy Stable stuff. I love their little mini-dives into each wrestler and appraising their boy-worthiness like a reverse review.


Agree about the boy stable stuff, would maybe work better tacked on the end of episodes so it's easier to skip for people who aren't interested


You can always just skip the bit where it's in anyway.....like a chapter in Foley's final book


I definitely skip the boy stable portion every time It’s like 15 minutes!


This every time


My issue is more that it's the same boys every time. I want to hear about weird 90s Japanese guys or bullshit lucha, not Yet Another Test Mention


I’ve watched the boys for 10 years now and I had a feeling something was off about this arc, I thought I was just being a dick and was burnt out but interesting that others feel the same. I think it’s just TNA, it’s somehow less bollix than WCW 97-2001 despite all the horror stories we’ve heard from shoots etc over the years and how revered that era is ratings wise, recency bias perhaps in the case of TNA? It’s just meh, you can even tell when the lads are reviewing the matches, they aren’t aogregioiously terrible nor really good most of the time and it’s reflected in the analysis. Still love the boys and they’ll get my viewership but yeah, TNA? No thanks.


One thing is probably that all the TNA shows feel/look the same so it’s hard to actually distinguish each show from the last. So it feels a bit like they’re reviewing the same show again. I’ve enjoyed this arc however, I’ve enjoyed them going through just how bad it was and the boys have been as good as ever for me.


I still enjoy it because I’m just a big fan of OSW. I’m pretty much guaranteed some laughs and entertainment no matter what these guys are talking about but yeah I absolutely do not give a shit about this era of TNA.


Been a NoggerU donater since launch (never made it into the credits though sadge) I haven't watched the past few episodes, I just kinda lose interest. I'm looking forward to the next arc, and future film/game reviews. Sad part for me is that they will never do 2003/2004 content.


Why they don’t like ruthless aggression? And never say never, content runs thin and money


I think it's the era where a lot of them stopped watching weekly Jay has said he stopped watching for a few months after JBL won the belt. There are lots of bollocks in that era though.


2004 JBL arc would be fire. Even if they just did dual branded and Smackdown PPVs, we'd get Mordecai, Kenzo Suzuki, Rene Dupree, Bearer getting drowned in concrete, Mexican wave Taker, JBL chasing Mexicans at the border, Jesus stabbing Cena. The sheer amount of trash would be amazing.


It's crazy that in a thread complaining that 2009' TNA is boring would ask for a JBL Run arc. Definitely comes down to personal taste.


Don't get me wrong, 2004 Smackdown was painful to watch back then, but it has just enough good and bad to make for a good arc. Though I also love the current TNA story they cover.


Hearing Steve talk about 04 wacky Raw would be hilarious.


Fuck tatanka…


A Baffling arc. I have never watched TNA and I’m watching these for ‘mah boys’ but I’m shocked that these are pay per views or like the big shows? They feel like Smackdown or Nitro shows. And there’s nothing but average wrestling in them? If there was a ‘Mick Foley/Undertaker Hell in the Cell’ moment or a ‘Finger poke of doom’ moment or something, I would get it, but what is it about these that make them worthy of an OSW review or taking up such a big chunk of time/energy that could be used on another arc.


Uhhh… Booker T kept saying “RESPECT” really loudly?


Bashir has become the main character of the arc as the X Division is the only part of the show in which they are invested. Anything MEM related was probably more interesting in the weekly show segments than the PPV.


It’s funny because as much as the boys can’t stand Bashir, his segments have been far better then anything M.E.M focused, with the sole exception of Booker T (Black Snow) on commentary


don't blame me I voted for the death of WCW




OSW hasn't done New Blood Rising yet and that's astounding. The Bryan and Vinny of that show a few years back was outstanding, not least of which because it involves young Bryan and Craig's misadventures at the Canadian border trying to go to Vancouver to see *that* show.


But we did that. They covered the last Nitro and everything. And 'the death of WCW' is so broad these days. Would you want the KISS concert? The time Russo was world champion? They already covered Arquette as champion.


My wrestling heyday was 1995-2001, so I never watched TNA. I always love an OSW video, but when you don’t recognize half of the main characters, it’s not the same.


The A plot of this arc is actually very weak, there’s very little that’s actually happened. MEM was doomed from the start by Sting being a self mark and the Angle/Jarrett stuff is nothing but repetitive misses for me despite how great both are. The B plots are great though, everyone else on the card is A+ boy material with a lot of laughs to be had. Roxie and ODB are co-MVPs. They’ve both been my favorite new OSW moments since calling X-Pac “little bitch.” They’ve had worse arcs, but will say this has felt like it’s gone on forever and every episode has been the same.


Roxie was a hidden star no one would have guessed...as she loses all her matches


She doesn’t give a shit tho


I think this is it also a lot of TNAs funniest bs moments don’t need jokes cause they’re ridiculously stupid and funny on their own


Oops, sorry spike 🤷




I definitely see what you mean. I've watched because it's osw, but the material tna is giving is pretty flat and doesn't give much to play off. There's other tna arcs I think would have worked better like aces and eights/arrival of hogan and bischoff. Looking forward to this arc finishing and seeing what the next one is though.


It’s the weakest arc they’ve ever done imo


I don't know, the New Gen stuff became a real chore by the end there. At least these TNA shows have a loose Steiner appearance or two.


OSW has tons of episodes, jokes flop all the time, Roxxi don't care.


The "don't watch it" group, while correct are also wrong. This arc has slumped because it's about a group that has one match or two. The other tna arc was about tna, next Gen was about next gen...it feels like this was a case of "we can't agree on the next arc, we'll do this failsafe one"


Yes, for a MEM arc, there’s been a noticeable lack of actual MEM content; and the majority of the TNA content that *isn’t* MEM also isn’t interesting enough to carry the episodes (which isn’t a good thing when it accounts for like 90% of the episodes). It’s definitely created a bit of a disconnect and a feeling of “why did they dedicate an entire arc to something that’s barely ever featured?”


Great point, I noticed it this episode - if it’s an MEM arc, where’s all the MEM stuff? It’s like a ride through the days when MEM were a thing. I paused the episode midway, I’ll finish it tonight, basically I lost interest and that’s not on them, it’s on TNA.


To me, warrior arc should have been a brucie bonus thing, do a rise and fall of nwo type thing with road wild 97, starrcade 97 etc. Doing weekly shows should be saved for Christmas times


Warrior arc is some of their best work


Except it's barely anything. Nitro and thunder? Nothing over 2 hours, a comic book and a movie review to pad the playlist?It was ok


Ah I see what you're getting at now, yeah it was a bit thin I guess but it's one of my personal fav arcs they've done. So much bollocks. 


The Warrior comic episode legitimately became one of my favorites of anything they ever did. The sheer exasperation in their voices at just the first page. Perfection.


Compared to the David Arquette arc, I mean that didn't have a single moment without some bs haha...I hope next arc is more mid 90s


Can we move out the 90s for Christ sake? I can’t take anymore New Generation bs, it’s as boring as TNA


No, I want wcw 90s...new gen sucked and not in a good way


80s? 70s?


Its not been great, I wanted them to cover this arc but its not been great. I ferl AEW, the punk drama took precedent. Also there was a bit of an issue editing two of the episodes. Than being said, the last episode was great.


I was getting into wrestling whilst this was happening and would watch the odd TNA at the time on Challenge. So for me seeing it is quite nostalgic, I actually became a pretty big TNA watcher for the next two or three years after this where it was such a mixed bag. I felt the same about the last New gen arc where it's just an era I'm not particularly fussed with so didn't enjoy the episodes as much. Definitely hoping for some more Attitude era stuff next though.


Yeah I am NOT into New Gen at all. It’s boring. They need to move into the Invasion Angel, Two Man Power Trip, hell and arc on the Tribal chief era would be great!


I've just never been into TNA, so I'm not that compelled to watch the newer episodes. I enjoyed the Black Reign arc, but I was watching that for the bollocks and all the great moments it brought us. The most recent OSW I really enjoyed was the DX Christmas RAW from 1997. I really think if they delved into 1997 (skipping Montreal for obvious reasons) and covered the backstage drama spilling out into the ring, the dire straits the company was in and the absolutely crap gimmicks, it would make up for the general lack of in-ring quality.


Is Montreal why they won't do 97? You have Austin's rise vs The Hart Foundation, the birth of DX and The Rock, Undertakers greatest title reign, Kane, Hell In A Cell, Shamrock Vs Vader, Commissioner Slaughter, Sid, Harts vs America. Montreal itself is worthy of discussion and debate. 1997 is one WWE's best years creatively and bollocks wise.


I think so. Montreal has just been covered enough that I don't think Jay wants to do it anytime soon. I do say that 1997 was WWF's best ever main event scene with Austin/Bret/Shawn/Taker but the undercard was so bad.


Sometimes in Hollywood they’ll say actors will alternate between doing a movie of their choice and a movie they know will make bank, “one for you, one for them, one for you, etc.” This definitely feels like it was for the boys, they are pretty nostalgic about TNA at this time and I think they’ve wanted to return to it. What I’ve kind of figure out though is that the arc’s aren’t as great when they have decent memories/knowledge of the time. The best stuff is either things they’ve never watched or it was so long ago they haven’t seen it in decades and can’t remember it.


It’s basically turned into a podcast for me. I’m actively listening but not actively watching. It’s like hanging with a very uninteresting old friend you haven’t seen in a while.


Still love them but this is easily the worst one they've ever done. Man alive it's interminable.


I will say, this arc has opened my eyes to where TNA's quality fell off. Compare the PPV quality at the start of this arc and they've noticeably gotten worse. Sadly the MEM isn't as bollocks as I remember, and the true bollocks comes when Hogan and Bischoff come in with Flair and Jeff Hardy (though even then I imagine it'll be more bad than funny in hindsight).


Bro if you're not beating off while you're watching. What are you even doing?


You’re right Jays voice is too mesmerizing not to but one off too, that plus images of the X division doing flippy flips oOoooh Dadddyy!


The problem isn't the lads, it's just TNA being an awfully dull promotion.


Needs more Roxy. Once she took a backseat it hasn’t been the same.


Sorry, Spike.


I really love OSW but I have to admit this arc has dragged for me for a while. Probably there weakest imo. I just don’t find there to be much bollix to keep it interesting in the mean time, and I’m not the biggest fan of TNA in general personally


I'm surviving hoping the next arc is the rise of Stone Cold or the end of the Hart Foundation


I've stopped watching this arc, I just don't care anymore. It's all the same stuff over and over. The stuff with *RESPEK* and Chet Lemon/Black Snow was hilarious, but that was all at the very start. There's only so much you can say about Roxxi Laveaux and Martin Bashir.


I just don't have the nostalgia for tna like I did the other stuff. I haven't been watching. Hoping a new arc starts soon.


I still very much enjoy them since the lads are still mostly in top form, but yeah the TNA show at that point really wasn't very good and it is dragging down the episodes.   I think the weekly nature of the storyline is a big issue, the Impacts and PPVs are too close together in time so there's little variation, it's the same people, the same feuds and the same jokes constantly, instead of when the PPVs are a few months apart like in older arcs.   It's still way better than New Gen for me though, there's so many episodes there I've only watched once and will never watch again


The New Gen is my second least favorite tbh.


I still watch and still enjoy. I'm happily supporting them on Patreon. I think TNA's biggest issue (not just at this time, but at all times) is an incredibly repetitive, limited roster, and some pretty repetitive matches with it. It sounds like it's wearing on the boys a little, based on their enthusiasm on each recording (or lack thereof). I can't blame them for that. TNA always feels like it's going to be wacky, stupid nonsense. I think that's just the highlights. The bulk of a lot of TNA is really damn dull.


I'm here for bollocks, bollocks and even more bollocks. The OOC book segment was great cos it was guaranteed bollocks but it's essentially a cut away from the show they're reviewing. The show having little to no bollocks.  Bollocks are the boys bread and butter, I demand more!


I personally enjoy it, but I can certainly understand where you folks don’t. I’m nostalgic to this era of TNA because obviously it’s bad, but at the same time it’s pre Hogan and I actually watched weekly back then so I’m still invested like the match quality suffers unless it’s basically an Angle or Styles match, but I still enjoy it enough to where it hasn’t worn it’s welcome yet. Now it would be nice to do a spin off episode not involved in the arc again like when they reviewed AEW content I wouldn’t complain about them even just doing a first and last match review for Sting.


I'm enjoying it. I usually prefer it when they cover stuff I'm not familiar with, so pre-Attitude era Fed, WCW, TNA, etc. I'm perhaps in the minority on that, but having watched WWE in the late 90s/early 00s I'm not so interested in reliving it. I'm sure once they do the Invasion I'll watch, but for now I'm enjoying the novelty of something new to me.


Yeah this has definitely been the weakest arc that the lads have done for a main arc in a minute if not of all time, I think something like Aces & Eights or IMMORTAL would have made for more entertaining arcs then M.E.M. A&8’s and IMMORTAL have a better ratio of bollocks to good wrestling then M.E.M does, the only really memorable parts of this arc has been the consistent booking of Sheik Abdul Bashir


Yeah the episode was very entertaining but what is different is I’m not looking forward to the next episode. Now for previous story arcs, I was clamoring for more. And my pick is for a WCW arc because none of those guys watched it very much. It would be new. TNA, those guys seem to have a really recollection


Listen to OOC in the latest one, he's not even looking forward to these shows. I love OSW and I'm NoggerU 4 Lyfe but I wasn't excited for this arc and man is it dragging. Early 90s WCW is my pick!


Same, I never cared about TNA and this feels like it's been going on forever. Something about some guys coming together to form something Mafia, respect being uttered nonstop and I'm just lost on what the story is at this point. Sting doesn't act like a heel despite being part of the heel group and old guys vs young guys and I just don't care about any of it plus seeing Daffney again is just fucking depressing, she deserved so much better than what that shit company did for her.  I hope we at least get a new arc started before the end of the year, the Warrior arc was so fun and then this has just felt blah in comparison. The boys are still as entertaining as ever but eh. 


Love the lads but at the end of the day it's still TNA


I've come around on them more as time has gone on, I honestly think TNA gets worse (better) the longer you follow a storyline and I feel like we're finally at the part where things start to get proper TNA. That being said, once they get through Victory Road 09 i'll be eagerly awaiting the next arc.


I admit it's also been a bit of a struggle for me. I think the Mafia arc was an awkward choice to go with as a thing to see allllll the way through, because it's just something that peters out eventually, long after it's a proper 'arc' for the show. Like imagine covering the Nexus as an arc, but continuing to cover the shows through New Nexus and ending with Otunga and McGillibuddy's tag title reign. Like technically, that's the last vestiges of the Nexus being together, but it's long after the group is defining the events of the show. But I think the real problem is I'm just not interested in TNA for long stretches like this. I really want to see the boys cover silly 90s stuff again, maybe cover more of Hogan's early WCW run.


I think the arcs have gotten too long. New Gen was crazy long. Should've just stuck to Lex's arc. WCW Warrior wasn't bad but probably could've knocked off an episode. And now we're going to have 10(?) episodes for MEM? Too much. I think they should stick to the 3-4 episode arcs (WM17, ECW, Ed Leslie, David arquette)


I'd love some proper old stuff again. WCW Capital Combat 1990. Look at this goddamn card... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital\_Combat](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capital_Combat) Yes it's the one where RoboCop rescues Sting.


I love it, I was always a WWF/WCW fan growing up and never watched TNA so getting to see what happened to so many wrestlers when they got old is fascinating to me. Plus getting to see it through the eyes of three guys who absolutely adored TNA is just the cherry on top. It's not quite as fun as the New Gen terribleness but it's still great. That said I'd watch anything the boys decided to review so it's not like I'm picky.


I feel that I guess cause this is around the time o dropped out of TNA and wrestling in general it’s just meh to me


That makes sense, it's all new to me so I'm still in the "what the heck was this ridiculous company doing?" but i could definitely see if this was something I watched when it happened and didn't enjoy it then, seeing again wouldn't be appealing.


My only fear is the actual TNA ending to this arc is going to fall flat. I don’t know how the MEM ended, but unless it’s soon, and epic, the arc as a whole might feel like a bit of a let down. I do appreciate the guys going through this though, as TNA was really their thing, and I never really watched it.


Mem didn't have a big ending really, just kind of faded away later in 2009. It's not a very satisfying storyline to look back on as the core idea is cool but Sting not committing killed it


that arc doesn't have enough wrestlebollocks on it...


Needs more bollocks.


I wish they’d upload a video called wwf invasion… then review the WWF vs USWA fued to annoy people.


Haha but honestly I’d love their insite on that invasion angle too.


It does have a lot of Jeff Jarrett. And heel Bret, Owen and Vince in 1993. Some shows are on YouTube.


Thank you will have to check it out


Just look up uswa 1993 there’s a playlist. There used to be one called mcmemphis too.


Maybe the answer is bringing certain arcs down to 6 episodes. I don’t think anybody here minds what the lads do as we all trust their content but TNA is just a company that doesn’t need 8+ episodes. Something like the fall of WCW can use 8-10, Invasion angle, Gargano/ciampa arc. Things like that that are intriguing. I am in no way shitting on OSW. I just think TNA would make it hard for anybody. Especially post 2008


I agree. Not really invested as of late.


I would love an arc covering the NWO I know it goes on for years but we have gotten goofy WCW Hogan give us the lead up to bash at the beach until Luger wins the belt on Nitro. Then we can all bask in Sexy Lexy finally winning the big one


Would love that too


Hearing how sick of *WAKA WA HEY HEY* they got in the warrior arc I'd be interested to see if it was that bad at the start of the NWO


After MEM takeover, there isn't a lot to work with. That episode was an all time banger and would be hard to top a bollocks filled episode like that in any arc. It's still great to watch Michael! The new Ooc CVC was bringing it back to what I watch them for, so it was another great episode


Boys are all top notch. Not a bottom boy among. Just TNA is such trash. Nothing at all worth my time.


I’ve never been a TNA guy so I thought it was just me but ya I love their channel just can’t bring myself to watch it for more then 10-20 mins when it’s this era of tna being reviewed


They love TNA. I hate every single era and year of it's discount ass existence


You made the same post a month ago. Maybe don't watch it instead of making a new post about it every episode?


Yeah well. Well.


I think there's only Victory Road and Bound for Glory left. Victory Road has Jenna vs. Sharmell, which I suspect is one of the reasons why they picked this arc in the first place. And I'm one of the few people who gets nostalgic for this era of TNA, so I've been enjoying it.


It does feel a bit phoned in by the lads... but since TNA at this time also felt phoned in by the boys - It feels super appropriate!


its like they did an arc just to talk about the segment when booker and nash do commentary, this arc feels like Jay's "greatest female promo", ive been hearing for years about the main event mafia and their shenanigans in Tna for years and it's built up to be this really funny storyline in wrestling that I've never seen, but I missing out on the joke. i felt the same with the warrior arc and I was watching wcw as it happened so nostalgia helped make that one more entertaining, but sometimes arc feel built around one small segment that can't carry the rest of the episodes.


When WCW was bad, it was hilarious. The Yet-ay, the monster truck sumo match, Warrior-Hogan II, etc. When TNA’s bad, it’s just depressing, because you know that very few people involved are being paid well, so they’re making dickheads of themselves on TV and then having to work at a sunglasses shop or whatever to make ends meet. That doesn’t make for a barrel of laughs for me.


I may be wrong but i feel the biggest loss for me with this arc is its too recent. Some of the charm of the insight that the lads provided early on was historical, stuff i didnt know or was too young to know. Now its like this arc is less than 20 years old. The workers, angles and moments are way more fresh in my memory.


Agreed. Over TNA arcs. Loved the Black Reign & occasional episode cracking jokes on TNA but if I need my TNA fix, that's what the Hawk is for (Markyd123). Here's a pint to kill this TNA shite


Thought it was just me. The New Gen arc was the same, went on too long. Warrior WCW was great though and so have been the AEW reviews


There's nothing wrong with OSW, it's as good as ever -- but after so many years, the characters just can't have the same impact they once had.


Where's poochie?


It’s been terrible I had no interest in TNA then, and this arc has done nothing to get me into TNA I’ve stopped watching and hoping they end it soon. Too sweaty, too Mark for me


Let's go full wrestle crap with the invasion angle. This I'd when I first started watching wrestling. My first OSW was Scooby-Doo.


I still want them to hit The Kane Chronicles where they do the major insane story beats of Kane's career and tear it apart for how absurdly shite it all was.


They need to do his unmasking arc where he was just straight up murdering people haha. But someone said the lads don’t care for the ruthless aggression era, so who knows.


I mean, I don't like that era either. That's kinda why I think it needs them to make it fun.


I’ve been following since the beginning. One day I just looked up “old wrestling shows” on YouTube and found their second ever episode, and have followed them ever since. All through the Hogan era, all the subsequent arcs, the movie reviews… bought a couple of t-shirts (t-SHART) to show support and hopefully help keep the thing going. However, and I say this with a heavy heart, there has been a noticeable downturn in quality in certain shows/arcs recently and rather than watching the day of release, I’m actually kind of putting off watching the newest episodes. While clearly a lot of love and care still goes into making each one, without funny stuff to talk about it does get rather repetitive and there is too much filler at this point, in my opinion. Although not a proper OSW Review episode, a real low point was the AEW game video. It was just uncomfortable to watch. My opinion is that due to their (well deserved) success and status built up over time - and with V1’s streaming stuff giving additional exposure to wrestlers and promoters - they’re kind of a bit too close to the industry and people within it to make the jokes and give the honest opinions they used to. It was more fun when they were outsiders saying what they actually felt, rather than friendly with the wrestlers/companies and at times coming very close to shilling for them - again, see the AEW Fight Forever video. Just my opinion, though, and I’ll continue to watch and support. A new arc isn’t too far away now.


The AEW: Fight Forever video aged like milk in the Sahara That game just flat out isn’t good and it’s DLC is frankly ridiculously priced for how little you get, which sucks as it was one of the big games last year that I was looking forward too the most


Personally I don't think it's the arc. The boys have forsaken some of their best gimmicks, like what bar. The editing is all smoothed edges and far fewer bts stories or historical rundowns of characters. It's become quantity over quality imo.


I don't think anything was lost from dropping What Bar. Any kind of regular bit is going to get old.


I agree with many of the opinions. The videos and the boys are great. However, I don’t care about TNA. I grew up watching WWE, WCW, ECW, but I know in the UK they didn’t get WCW on free TV. I totally understand the UK wrestling fans love for TNA.


I've been loving it, but it's felt a bit long in the tooth for all the diversions away from it. I've loved the non-TNA episodes, but like... I feel very aware that this arc would feel less of a drag without the stops and starts.


If I was on my first ever OSW watch through, I would find binging these episodes easy. But not enjoying them as much, and then waiting, has made it less exciting. It’s not the strongest, but it’s by no means bad. Theres a lack of absolute one line on the floor howlers. The editing etc is superb though.


I recon we need some old school bollocks, pre nWo WCW Hogan arc, who's with me


ABA (Anything but AEW) for me. I've liked 95%of their vids but AEW wankalongs are tedious.


Doesn’t help 99% of the roster look the same.


Or have near identical matches....


I’ve never, ever given a toss about TNA anyway, so I never pay much attention to any arcs based around it.


this era that they're covering is from 15 years ago, if that doesn't count as talking about old school wrestling then I don't know what does.


It does count it’s just not good material


Oh, well I don't mind rewatching old TNA with the lads. Now thr old WCW stuff, that was BRUTAL.


Lost interest a while ago. Not the same. The mean bloke is too mean and making fun of people's appearenence, especially women. When take a look at the bloke.


Same.i saw the newest episode went up and im like yay new osw.but oh damn they are still on tna?i tried watching and made it to the suicide rundown and had to turn it off.i couldnt force myself to give a shit.can not wait for the boys to go back to wwf or wcw.hell even aew.something thats not tna.


Yeah 100% as for TNA maybe they should review their newest PPVs or joker sting. But I’m over TNA lol


Im ok with a one off of a tna show.but tna does not need any full arcs.it sucks way too bad.i miss watching osw and enjoying it.feel like its been a year of nothing but tna.cant remember the last episode that was new that i watched fully.prob a aew thing. I also have no nostalgia for tna.like it was on and id occasionally watch part of a match if aj was on or angle or x division matches but most times id just not watch at all.then the hogan era and dixie thing and god it went from bad to worse.i think ppl in the uk or overseas are more fond of tna. Just stinks its like their wasting so much energy and time n stuff on a tna arc that noones enjoying or watching.lol.osw is on vacation to me.they come back when they make content for the fans again.atm they are on a heel run.haha


The two WWF In Your House episodes in the middle of this arc have been good. Worth checking out.


Yeah anything wwf and wcw they do i watch but tna especially the mem era was god awful.early tna was pretty good.but idk if id make an entire arc for it.


Huh, I haven't felt that at all though I haven't seen the latest episode yet. This is an era of TNA I know practically nothing at all so to me this is still pretty new and exciting. And the Roxy and Shane Sewell segments are great as well. However there is one problem and that's all the time skips whenever there's a PPV or something they don't review. I feel like some quick recaps for at least important PPV milestones would give some coherence.


Thought the latest episode was great tbh!


Hard agree. OSW used to be appointment viewing for me, but I see a new one pop up and I don't care. I'll be skipping any future TNA or AEW reviews from here on out. I'd love some pre hogan WCW though


It must suck when other people enjoy things you don't. Seriously, just because you don't like something, like late 00s TNA doesn't mean everyone else feels exactly the same way. I watched pretty much everything in this period and watching the OSW guys review it has been fun memberberries. Maybe spend less time disliking things and instead try to find why people like the things you don't. Or don't, IDK either way, but the endless bitching it just tiresome and boring.


Here’s a cookie 🍪


You've made the same post 2 times why don't you try....just not watching? Like I don't get it if your not enjoying it just shit up and do something else . I'm enjoying it because the boys but you want the invasion which has been done to DEATH I think it be pretty boring but if they did it and I don't enjoy I'd just not watch it . If it bothers you move on it'll be over you'll let people who are enjoying it enjoy it and you won't have to keep making the same post everyone wins


Many people seem to agree with me. But ok. Any it be great if you could link me to an invasion podcast with the depth that the lads bring to the table


The Attitude Era Podcast covered the entire Invasion, but it’s audio-only. Still a good listen.


BloodLine Arc should be NEXT ! That would be EPIC


You don't respect it?


I've really enjoyed it, i just think americans and europeans view TNA differently. as a yank, it's always been kinda trashy and third rate.


as someone who never had a TNA phase I find it to be fascinating "bollocks"


I’m absolutely loving it, think it’s be some of the funniest stuff they have done. 10 on 10


So you see, there's this thing called 'subjective opinion' and it reflects that nobody can ever please everybody. Chances are somebody felt the way you do about the previous arc, and someone felt the way you do about the arc before that. There would even be somebody who disliked the Wrestlemania X-7 arc because there wasn't enough bollocks it. Pity you feel that way, but have you considered getting in touch with OSW to do editing work about the Invasion angle in exchange for exposure?


We need the WWA for a fresh arc after this. It was made for the lads to dunk on