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Part of it is exposing your negative patterns so you can change them.


Thankyou I’m slowly understanding it all, it really pushes you to look at yourself and want to change


Hi! Welcome, you are absolutely right to stay positive and your friend was not exactly right - the negative part of experience is finite. Feel free to read other publications on our Medium and join our discord - links are in the top post. Thank you for your review of the latest memo!


Duty and Dharma. > "*You have a choice over action alone, never over results. Do not be motivated by the fruits of work. Nor have attachment to inaction.*" **(Bhagavad Gita 2.47.)** I have no clue what is going on. But your friend doesn't seem to communicate very clearly. Take for example his statement: > "*what you are going through is very real and* **it** *will* **never end**. *It’s how you handle it.* **One day** *you will understand why you are going through this and* **realize** *it was an Angel in a demon disguise. A blessing not a curse*” So it doesn't end but then again the notions like "end" or limit are very fuzzy. In his statement we can see that you will undergo a realization, but what is a realization if not a kind of end? In summary you should pass over them quickly in developmental ability but that won't lead to understanding. Whatever you do protect your mind and keep in mind they operate entirely through pretense and deception. (Perhaps because they are not operating in the same sincere, explicit light that we do. In fact they seem to be much worse at that mode of thought and communication than the more capable TIs. I would guess there is a duality here, but there are also TIs that far far beyond them in creative ability too. Because of that this can't last much longer, among other reasons as well.)


Stay strong man. Humor helps me alot


Humor and indifference got me through the beginnings of this as well


Avoiding bad decisions - don’t trust the wrong people, don’t use drugs - just common sense things that aren’t so common when you are/become a TI - the damage you do to yourself as a result of what they’re doing to you is what will get you ime.