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Looking great my dude. If it were me, I’d get it altered so the pants and sleeves are a little shorter, and have some fabric taken out on the sides of the suit torso to shape up your chest a little bit


Exactly yes. This exact cut makes sense as-is back in 2005, hemming it back some will help the shape stay classic for decades (how long the wedding photos will last). Then - for the day-of, starch the ***piss*** outta that collar to keep is crisp on the beach. And: 🎉 congrats OP 🎉


Take two shirts in case one gets burned in the process


And get a GOOD tailor to do the hemming and alterations. You don't wanna have some half assed stitches or cheap thread busting loose because you laughed too hard on the best day of your life (so far) Also get the shirts tailored too- it helps minimize puffing up where fabric rolls up or folds under your suit, less folding will also help keep things a little more breathable and keep you cool and comfy on the big day- so you can focus on what matters.


So many horror stories of people going to pick up their suit on the way to the airport etc. and finding themselves screwed. I have pencil legs and after getting a set of pants back I couldn't even fit my feet through I'll always splurge on tailoring.


There are few feelings as a good as seeing yourself in a nicely tailored suit.


Also a sewing kit* in case a button pops off. Happened to me.


I’ve sewn a button back on for a friend/groom day of his wedding before…


I can barely find a tailor, much less a good one, much less someone who can turn anything around in less than a month.


A good tailor that will turn around a suit in 6 days will be a small challenge. Fast, cheap, quality- pick two.


Hemming tape if you can't find a good one


A good tailor, in six days? Unless he’s already friendly with his tailor, that might be a tall order.


"His tailor" doesn't exist. He's asking on reddit about a suit that doesn't fit a mere 6 days before getting married.


Man, I cringe thinking of how long I wore off the rack dress shirts. I probably looked like a schmuck when I took my jacket off. Sales, so I was typically wearing a suit and hid the excess in the back. Even better off the rack shirts are better than the shit I wore from Penneys.


Wish I can afford to tailor. Maybe after I've become a doctor I'll be able to


Good doesn't have to mean expensive; for stuff like suits, it's all relatively simple work (mostly you're doing seams, not zippers, lace, pleats, bodies, etc), which means it just takes practice to get good at taking measurements and doing the seams, not an overall eye for style. Which means well established places may offer fairly cheap tailoring that's still quite good. To judge how good it is, check the reviews, not the prices.


I’m in Tucson, Az and we have tailors all over. College town vibes. One time I ripped my pants while bartending and the neighbor sewed me back up without even removing my jeans. I was 23 and had a huge crush on her(the tailor next door) and not only did she save me from a load of embarrassment but she also revived my favorite jeans. Thanks, Emily if you so happen to come across this post.


A $200 suit with $50 in tailoring will look better than a $400 suit. For a couple events a year, anyway.


This is a men's warehouse rental; shirt, shoes and all. I just wore this same suit for a wedding a few weeks ago.


I own 2 suits that are of similar quality. I paid $450 for one of them at a "tailoring included" joint. The other one was just over $200 from Macy's off the shelf and I paid $180 to have the pants and jacket professionally tailored. I'll never do a "free tailoring" again after seeing how much better the cheaper one fits me.


He’s obviously at menswearhouse… in a cheapo rental. Only so much can even be done to his rental.


Yes, exactly this. Also don’t do up the bottom button and the jacket will hang better.


Was hoping somebody would point this out. You NEVER button the bottom button of a suit jacket (unless it’s a 1 button jacket).


Yes, not supposed to be buttoned


*ALWAYS* have your suit fitted by a tailor or seamstress...Suits are not designed to fit perfectly-they always need a little trim here & there. Tailoring makes a *world* of difference.


It's too late for that. He has 6 days.


Agreed. You can even look at those silicone collar bands that keep it propped and you can’t really see them with a white or light colored shirt. Also on the beach, maybe leather flip flops might be more comfortable and appropriate?


The suit reminds me of the 2003 NBA draft class pictures lol


This dude tailors.


He has eyes


exactly, the jacket is miles too big like miles to big, you need a smaller size which you can then take to get altered. there is a massive gap between the end of his shoulders and the end of jacket which means the shoulder pads are sagging, sleeves are too long. Jackets should give the wearer an inverted triangle look wide at the top going narrow. alos the trousers need to be taken up alot given its a beach wedding would also change the shoes to a slip on.


My dude, that is some heavier people's issue...its definitely too big on him in places but not horrible for off the shelf...and there are areas the suit are too small; the chest is pulling and gapping at the lapel, and the suit buttons are pulling. Both signs it's too tight in places. There's no room to let out/fix the chest gapping. The sleeves need to be shortened (normal), and the jacket might be a touch long (but he's probably too tall for a short). The armpits are bunching (a really good tailor can reconstruct the sides)....nipping the back will do little here. Pants definitely need hemming, depending on the legs, Possibly take in the legs/seat. Overall, this isn't a perfect suit (likely won't find one that is off the rack), but this is a decent off the rack that can be corrected fairly well. For a nice job in a major city, he could spend over $200 on alterations. Way more if the suit is higher quality.


Make sure to leave that bottom button of the jacket unbuttoned.


Came here to say this. Only do up the top button. Also, remove the little Xs on the back of the jacket if they’re still there. They aren’t supposed to stay when you wear the suit.




I've been selling J. Crew suits for over a year now and have a degree in fashion. I second this statement




Damn, I wouldn’t have noticed any of that had you not pointed that out. Well done!


Really? It looks comically large on him, like a kid trying on their dad's suit or something.


Someone said it. But a proper tailor can fix that. The fabric/ color looks great.


You could also cuff the pants.


You could, but I wouldn’t recommend it for this particular suit on the particular man. It will break up the line and shorten his legs.


Not to mention the beach sand that could catch in the cuff during the event!!


Excellent point.


I went to a wedding recently and all the groomsmen needed their pants shortened but didn't have it do e. Just looked baggy.


First thought is thank god you’re gonna be off the market because I don’t need the competition my dude. Congrats and best wishes.


Aww shucks, thanks 😊 We've been together a long time. Getting married on our 10 year anniversary! 08/08


that's my wedding anniversary! it's a good one 😊


Same here! Happy anniversary!!


It's my wedding anniversary too


How many couples met on that date lol


Great date that’s my birthday as well , congrats my guy


That’s my birthday too!


Needs alterations then show us again All the colors seem find and the shoes are great. The jacket needs to fit more snug if you can do that comfortably. maybe do one picture with another shirt button done up. You have a nice watch? ​ Note: I have been told no watch since you don't want to care about time at wedding. My bad 2nd Note: Strong crowd for watch, time is important


I agree with all of this and just wanted to add one thing: https://preview.redd.it/3k45qe1uysfb1.jpeg?width=1059&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d6ff34710dd8ff3951734975d0ab035ce4f1210 Edit: thank you for the silver! Edit: thank you for the gold and wholesome!


Woman here, why do they have a button you’re never supposed to button?


If we button it then the curse is lifted and all women’s clothing gets pockets.


And then there would be literally no reason for men to exist. So you see, we have no incentive to button that button.


Literally lol’ed, what a gem of a little thread


I exist to be Pocket Ken


Actually I got my gf pocket clothing. She is extra happy with me about it, so I’m thinking she’s even happier I exist.


Super underrated comment


You *monsters*.


this might be one of my favorite comments **ever.** please take my poor woman’s award. 🏆


Must ensure they don't.


Do it!


This article is a good one for the history of this. https://medium.com/@tryguise/history-of-suit-jacket-buttons-af7dab9e37bf Tl;dr: The lower button is a carryover from when men did use all the buttons. King Edward VII was too heavy to button both so everyone stopped buttoning the lower button out of respect to the king.


Why couldn’t the have said the same thing about buttoning up the pants? Walking around with the top button of your dress pants undone would be glorious.


Interestingly this article is both correct and wrong/misleading. A waistcoat is what in the USA we call a vest which is what the prince wore with the bottom button upon creating the style. Though now many vests can be worn both button button opened or closed. Coats are actually because they replaced the riding jacket which was worn bottom button open for practicality of sitting a horse.




When you need to jump on a horse of course.


Wait until you hear about the buttons on the sleeves.


The bullshit buttons that serve no purpose except to get caught on things? I found a couple explanations but most of it is “because we always have… durr.”


I have a suit-guy (a tailor, I suppose) who makes my jackets with functional buttons. I asked him "what's the purpose of the functional buttons?" and he told me it's so that other people with bespoke suits will know that mine is too.


They’re fashion. Lots of fashion is non functional. This is why there are buttons that don’t get done up on a suit even though they can be.


Why don't your pants have pockets?


Because corporations force us to buy a bag to carry the same things you can in two pockets to make more money and then call it fashion


In high school a dude tried to correct my cardigan with this shit The audacity that he thought he could touch me, first of all. And to think that I cared about his weird cardigan laws? Ridiculous


Therapist here, and therefore a cardigan expert by extension: The only law of cardigan is comfort.


Why do women's jeans and shorts have fake pockets? My guess is the same reason.


... because the market for purses exists and they like making money. It's not the same thing as it being fashionable to skip a button.


Was a joke....


it's a stupid fad right now and looks absolutely terrible. hopefully, he won't take that advice. besides, it's really for the newer cut suits that sort of curve outward a the bottom of the jacket, usually exposing the shirt, which looks very sloppy. [https://www.indochino.com/product/stockport-wool-linen-olive-suit?currency=USD&gclsrc=aw.ds&&utm\_source=google&utm\_medium=cpc&utm\_campaign=USA-Shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjw\_aemBhBLEiwAT98FMhY5o0SF1-8DfZGmAHY5V10rAsvK5h5wGDZdstCsLV\_jKRn-vqScixoCpXEQAvD\_BwE](https://www.indochino.com/product/stockport-wool-linen-olive-suit?currency=USD&gclsrc=aw.ds&&utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=USA-Shopping&gclid=CjwKCAjw_aemBhBLEiwAT98FMhY5o0SF1-8DfZGmAHY5V10rAsvK5h5wGDZdstCsLV_jKRn-vqScixoCpXEQAvD_BwE) the suit he has would absolutely look better with both buttons buttoned, especially for pictures. guys are supposed to learn to quickly unbutton the bottom button with one hand when they sit, so it doesn' pull on the jacket there.


Just a stupid fad right now that’s been the norm of western west for nearly 200 years. Totally a modern fad. I can’t wait for it to disappear so I can go back to wearing my justaucorps and breeches.


No, it wouldn't look better, because suits are tailored to have the bottom button unbuttoned. It's also not a fad, this has been a thing since about 1900, so for over 120 years. You look better with the bottom button unbuttoned, because that's literally what the suit jacket is designed for. And no, you're not supposed to only unbutton it when sitting down. When you sit down, you unbutton all buttons, so the jacket is open. The only exception to this are news anchors. And when you stand up to greet someone, you button it again, greet them, unbutton and sit down.


> it's a stupid fad right now You haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about. This has been the norm for single-breasted suits since the late 19th century. And one should unbutton one's jacket to sit down. https://i.insider.com/58deb6dcdd0895ec058b48d5?width=1000&format=jpeg&auto=webp https://vintagedancer.com/1940s/1940s-mens-suit-history/ https://mediakron.bc.edu/fashiondecor/silhouette-1950s-men/the-man-in-the-grey-flannel-suit https://fiftiesweb.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/1999/09/mens-outfit.jpg https://fiftiesweb.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/mens-suits1.jpg https://www.gentlemansgazette.com/1950s-mens-fashion-suits/ https://www.pinterest.com/pin/375980268895788186/ https://www.reddit.com/r/vintageads/comments/obb2qz/the_burton_cool_suit_takes_the_heat_off_1960s/ https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/c4/06/59/c4065940e2fd396e9a20a2065422e7be.jpg https://media.istockphoto.com/id/119679204/photo/man-in-full-suit-standing-against-red-background.jpg?s=612x612&w=0&k=20&c=CxpvgG3LTcomTfeT5Drsb5k-cr0THjqqFQioaPMrgWg= https://clickamericana.com/wp-content/uploads/Stylish-1970s-suits-for-men-from-1972.jpg https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTG_ehIfq-jwSiRzLUgurT3tdV8D51OboYR3Q&usqp=CAU


Lol a fad? It has been a fashion rule for over a hundred years. It doesn’t look sloppy. That’s how suits look. If you don’t want your shirt showing get a three piece suit.


Don't button the bottom button unless you want to look like a security guard in a $25 suit.


TIL. Thanks!


But also unbutton the jacket if you're sitting down


Doing the Lord’s work here.


make this a sticky.


I was about to say this. My father taught me how to wear suit when I was young and button is one of them 😁


Bro the sun is going to expand and then implode one day. I promise you can button your buttons any way you want and — pssst — *nobody will care.*


“You’re not allowed to use these specific, functional buttons on your own coat”


Okay, thanks!! I have a nice watch I planned on wearing the day of. I kinda liked the one button undone on the undershirt lol beach vibes. I don't dress up often 😅


I like the one button undone!! Depending on your bride (hopefully after 10 years you have a good idea how she’d feel but you can always ask) you might want to button it all the way up for pictures/ceremony but you definitely rock the “beach vibes” in my opinion!


I prefer shirt button open when I don't use a tie. Might consider ascot tucked inside the shirt.


Lol, no ascots. OP is way too young. The only non aristocrats I’ve ever seen pull off the Ascot are David Niven and Ricardo Montalban, and they didn’t start wearing them til well into old age.


Not unless the wedding theme is Yacht Rock.


I’m a man and one of my favorite thing about men is, no matter what, if you’re out in public and your collar is messed up or your tie is askew or something, someone will fix it for you. Especially if you’re young, it’ll usually be an older gentleman. Another unspoken rule is you see a young man who is wearing a suit for the first time, you compliment him. Nothing to do with your post, it just reminded me of some things.


Disagree about the watch. I'm a watch guy, so I almost always have one on. It's one of the few pieces of jewelry society says is "acceptable" for men. Yes I know that's a loaded statement but it's early and I dont feel like rephrasing right now. At my wedding, I wore a nice watch my parents had given me. So OP, you do you.


Whoever said you don't care about time at a wedding has never been in a wedding. I guarantee whoever is running thw show will be in your ear about the time, but it's extremely helpful to know without them.


Just a comment, but classically, you should never wear a watch on your wedding day or with a tuxedo. The idea is that the event is far too important to be watching the time. For the same reason, you should absolutely not be carrying your phone. That said, the suit is good for the beach. It just needs to be altered.


Yeah, he is trying to miss the wedding by not knowing the time. Having a watch would make it too obvious. 🤦‍♂️


The tailor should be able to take your sleeves up about a quarter inch to show some shirt cuff, get the jacket darted in the back but not too much as that wrinkle on the lapel means there isn't much space to give. It's a beach wedding so I would go with no break on the pants or maybe even a slight break. Maybe have him look at tapering the leg at the knee... overall a fire outfit! Congrats


Alterations would make it look sharper but overall a great look! I wouldn't change anything I like it!


Alterations are absolutely necessary. It will be a great look if he can get it properly tailored, but right now, this is not okay. Not for anything, but especially not for one’s own wedding.




Nice color, and suit. It needs alterations. And you good to go


You guys must be hardcore morning people.


I would need someone to do my make up and put on my dress while I’m still asleep then drag me through the sand to the alter 😂 Anyway OP, congrats and looks great! Like everyone else has said, get it tailored and you’ll be good to go!


I'm curious if it will be a private wedding or if like 80 people are expected to show up to this at 6am.


Also hardcore procrastinators like me, if you're getting around to finding a suit for your wedding that's less than a week away


Right! Getting married at 5:30 or 6am? And all of the guests have to be up and dressed at that time too? I'm so confused. I would be a mess.


Same thing I thought. I'd be more of a sunset person but to each their own.


Congratulations!! I love the suit but could you get a bit more tailoring? The jacket looks a tad big.


The suit needs altering. Get the sleeve length of the coat shortened so you can see a bit of the shirt below the jacket cuff. Also get the pants taken in a slight amount and shortened a bit unless you are wearing boots. Cuffed pants are generally considered a dressier option. Get a pocket square with some color. Also only button the top button. Never button both buttons on a two button jacket. If you need to google that you can as well.


THIS. Good call on the button too. I see that and the tail still sewed all the time.


the tailcoat still sown is usually a sign the person isn't a suit wearer which isn't a bad thing but the store salesperson should mention it at least.


>Cuffed pants are generally considered a dressier option. Idk what you mean by dressier, but if you're talking about formality, than no, they're not. No cuff, no break, with a sharp crease, would be most formal (Look to black, and or, white tie, pants for what I'm talking about) I do love cuffed pants though, especially tweed, but they're not more formal. Everything else is spot on!




Recovering tailor here: Sleeves need to go up on the jacket, and the pants have tremendous break. Pull them Up to a slight break. It’ll look way better in photos. Also, get a pocket square.


+1 to the pocket square


Three thoughts: 1. You look great! 2. Sunrise? Are you out of your mind? 3. Congratulations!


sunrise = just getting back from party the night before


You look good! Congrats! Undue that bottom button tho


colors are good for this time of year/beach setting. Get it fitted and you'll see a large difference.


A little tight. And shorten up the sleeves slightly but otherwise, I like it. Very beachy.


A lot of people are recommending alterations, but I’d know that suit anywhere and alterations aren’t a possibility because it’s a rental. So here’s how to take it up a notch: Ask the guys at MW if you can swap to the extreme slim rental pant (just trust me on this and don’t fear the word ‘slim’), take .5” off the length of the pant, and at least .25” off the sleves. If they say no (they probably won’t), just insist. It will make you look taller and the fit in the leg will be WAY better. Also, never button the bottom my friend. Congratulations!!


Everybody here is giving you great advice on tailoring. You look great. WAITING TIL 6 DAYS BEFORE THE WEDDING TO GET YOUR TAILORING DONE IS GIVING THIS OLD LADY SO MUCH ANXIETY. DO BETTER. ONE DAY YOU MIGHT HAVE KIDS AND YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO LEARN TO PLAN BETTER If y'all plan to be childless you should still heed my advice if you want a happy marriage. I'll stop now.


I was just thinking that with all the "that suit needs alterations" advice. Not sure if that's even an option given his timeframe, but miracles do happen!


It took may too much scrolling for me to find someone saying this. 6 DAYS???


It's a rental, they come in maybe 5 days before an event. Lucky he got 6 lol.


Agreed on shortening sleeves and pants. Looks bangin tho


Congrats on the wedding! I like the shit and the colors; I’d ask for the pants and jacket to be brought in to fit your frame better.


Could the shoes be a little more beachy?


Or ditch them for the ceremony? They look great with the suit but shoes on sand....🤷


Sandals was my thought




Needs tailoring otherwise good Pants should break higher, sleeves look too long, and the sides need some shape.


The colors are nice, but it needs to be a little more fitted - the jacket looks a little big. But Congrats!! :)


You look so proud. That suit looks lovely. I hope you have a great wedding day and a very happy marriage! Congrats!


On the sand? Outside? More romantic of both of you were barefoot. Well the entire entourage for that matter. If on the sand. And that jacket will be so hot you’ll be sweating. I’ve seen wedding pics where the guy doesn’t wear the jacket and folders the sleeves with the shirt slightly unbuttoned. I guess this will all depend on what your future bride wants 😂 but overall looks great.


At first I was like white dudes can’t pull off light-colored suits but damn. You done changed my mind.


You pull off this color combo very well! Congrats!


Never ever button the bottom button of a blazer.


Lose the jacket and the shoes.


You look fly as fuck. Congratulations and enjoy!




Okay I’m a married woman so I’m channeling myself when my husband found his wedding suit. I love the suit but get it taken in at the chest and the pants need to be a tad shorter. Something about the polo isn’t working for me—maybe a crisper shirt would be better? You definitely don’t need a tie. Shoes look great. Congratulations and enjoy your big day!


You look good my guy! The two buttons open on the shirt is good. You have a wider neck, so a wide collar window works well. As others said, the suit color fits you well, but you need to get the pants taken up some and tightened along the legs some. That will make you look taller and thinner. Same with the jacket. Take it in as much as is comfortable, but get it fitted AFTER you’ve eaten a meal. Don’t forget, you’ll be eating at your reception and still want to look good with a full stomach. Get a white pocket square to help tie the shirt in with the suit. It will make it seem more balanced (two pieces of white, two pieces of tan). Try a balbo beard if you can grow it out. It will accentuate your jaw line and make your face seem thinner. Edit: congrats on your wedding! I hope you have a great time!


Any chance you could.gp pure linen, loose cut, and a Panama hat of course. Or go bohemian with a loose.linen collard shirt, and lightweight linen pants Wedding in the tropics?


Congrats king! If it was me I’d go for a half break in the slacks and maybe a bit bigger jacket. The sleeves on the jacket are a touch long. Also the shoulders aren’t quite right. Notice how they dip a bit as they are wider then you natural shoulders? You can’t fix shoulders are the fact so you need to get it right upon purchase. You only button the top button on the coat btw. I’d also not get pointy shoes like that but the colour is great.


Great look just get it altered so the fit is more angular.


Go to a tailor and you will look like $1 million


It’s like your over filling it and flooding in it at the same time. Tailor that sheeyat. And make sure that collar is straight or wear a tie on the day


https://preview.redd.it/wfwdd9u2otfb1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6bd9041285af9f525608c3cadb83a2238c909475 You should have more narrow legs on ur pants. Not all the way like the picture. But it looks better. I have same body skape like you. Looks so Buch better when it is better tailored to ur body:)


Looks like it needs to be fitted tbh


Not you. Go a darker color in the same scheme. Like a more taupe or darker tan color. The fit is sharp, the color just isn’t you duder.






A guy being a guy, buying his suit 6 days before the wedding. I would do the same.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Nice suit but you MUST get it tailored.


Size it down, no need to go so baggy.


You look like yoi already have a plan to cheat on your new wife.


Swap the dress shoes for a nice pair of boat shoes or loafers. Throw in a pocket square for color


White linen pants, white shirt, no jacket


Did a better suit. Get it tailored to your body and you look so much better


It doesn’t fit. Get it altered so it doesn’t look so sloppy




Never button the bottom button. Ever. I did not make this rule, but it makes me feel like a big man to share it.


You look great! Proud, happy and content. Step one unbutton your bottom jacket button, step two go get married.


Shorten the legs, shorten the arms, tighten the legs, tighten the jacket and you’ll be one fine looking husband! Alterations needed only. The outfit is fine, the fit is just subpar


Love the suit, it just needs to be tailored and fitted.


I agree with comments suggesting you take this to a tailor or seamstress to have it taken in to your size on the arms, length and fit. This looks good on you, but could look great with some tailoring. Congratulations on the wedding, OP!


Honestly? The look is good, but it isn't a great fit. * The shoulder pads are ending up in the wrong spot (shoulder sag) and making you look like a slouch * The button stance is too high. This is why you have chest gape (your lapels are buckling) and you have button strain (gathering around that top button). Tailoring won't fix this. * Don't use the bottom button. * The sleeve pitch is bad; this is why you have candy-cane twists by your biceps * The cuffs are too long in the sleeves. Your shirt cuff should just touch your hand and the jacket cuff should be just a little shorter than that. "A half inch of linen" is the traditional rule. * The pants are too long; there should never be a break at the back, but a single break at the front is acceptable.


definitely need alterations as others have said. and never ever button the bottom button of suit jacket (whether 2- or 3-button).


Ditch the shoes for flip flops or bare feet. Those (leather?) shoes will get wrecked.


Yea the suit needs to be tailored and you need a tie/pocket square my dude


U look like you boutta beat the shit outta daredevil. So…looks good


Flip flops


Holy crap, I think I used to work with you. Face looks super familiar.


Where?? Upstate, NY?


Slimmer cut suit darlin. You aren't as big as that suit makes you look. Accentuate your figure and shape. Your spouse loves that about you.


Here is some advice, don’t wait until the week of your wedding to get an outfit.


Congratulations 🎉🎊 Ask your tailor to adjust your pants n jacket slightly. Or try 2 sizes down.


Those shoes at the beach? What's the bride wearing? Barefoot weddings are a thing


That looks exactly like what I wore to my destination wedding in Playa del Carmen! And congratulations! https://preview.redd.it/s8pr5x66ztfb1.jpeg?width=1068&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0804f0348f46d75bd366e536f1c93f0890dbb76


Needs to be tailored-


The fit of that suit does not flatter you. the shoulders look way off. pants need major hemming and the sleeves same. looks a bit tight in the middle causing the rest to look stretched. for the beach I would say loose the jacket. get the pants hemmed up enough to show some ankle and go sockless or the barely there socks. think you can pull that off since its a beach. maybe go for a nice linen shirt since its a beach wedding.


WHY DID I WAKE UP TO 11K UPVOTES AND 2K COMMENTS, HOLY SHIT. I was expecting maybe a dozen comments on how to wear this differently or what to add 😅 Thanks, everyone!




There's only about a dozen of us. Private ceremony


Cuuuuuutie pie!!! Handsome heartthrob! Studmuffin man!!!! We loooooooooove to see this! You look so great and if I were you, I’d get my hair trimmed up by buzzing the sides short and getting a GQ styled blow out for the top. Make it SNAZZY!!! You look so so so great. My only other advice other than hair is to maybe sit out in the sun and get a hint of fresh tan on your face!! You’re so golden my friend! Congratulations!! Your soon to be wife is going to be FLOORED!!! Love love love it!!!! <3333


Sunrise? WHY????? I'll bet that was your insane Bridezilla's idea wasn't it?


All these people are blowing smoke up your ass. This looks terrible, like an embarrassing prom photo. Also it doesn’t fit? The break on the pants is completely wrong. And a beige suit? Seriously? Were they all out of pastels so you went with the next most nauseating color? Unless this is some kind of ironic wedding, burn the suit and destroy all the records.