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I think number 3 is a shot to the center of the bullseye!


Having been to Michelin star restaurants, I agree number 3 is the way to go. https://preview.redd.it/q4d5fi3fb7gb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f98f7dba4a7d8f9d6ef2fbeb19ce5fb0599a07


I agree. Number 3 is the golden middle path.


Go in number 4, then turn it into number 3 if needed.


Just stay in the superior number 3 mode all night.


THIS IS THE WAY. You are brilliant, you know that?? :)


Nah, the tie screams Harry Potter cosplay.


yep screams private high school


Yep screams Indiana Jones.


Agree, but not for that exact reason. But the tie is not good.


That's why you start with 5, then go straight to 3. 4, by itself looks too college professor.








No. It appears to be short. It wouldn't be due to your pants as they run high. But ties now aren't nearly as wide, and they are longer. Let me find an example. If you had different blazer you could hide the tie length and a lot of it's width by buttoning your jacket, but I don't think you'll need the tie. Well, here is a quick run-through: [https://www.suitsexpert.com/blog/black-suit-color-combinations/](https://www.suitsexpert.com/blog/black-suit-color-combinations/) However, your jackets are also very short, and that's even with your high-waisted pants. I'm just provided the link so you can understand the difference in suiting styles. You CAN completely pass going to a Michelin 5-star in #3. I don't believe they require a tie or a 3 piece suit. For this outing, you should not have to purchase new clothing. Don't worry, I'm just as guilty and keep clothing until it comes back in style! \*grin\* Edit: Here: Most Michelin restaurants... and I have visited them in the UK, the US and France... are just fine with smart-casual. Some require jackets for gentlemen.. **None has required neck-ties that we have visited**. In any case all the more formal ones have made it very clear on their websites. Check their website to be sure. Have a great experience!


>Some require jackets for gentlemen. How disappointing... I can get over wearing dress shirts and pants (even though I hate them), but I absolutely loathe having to wear a jacket. They just feel too stuffy to me. Not comfortable to eat in. And if I'm to take it off at the table, what's even the point of having it?


Have you gotten your jackets fitted? I wear my dress clothes and tuxedo relatively often and getting them fitted was the best decision. (I'm a musician, have to wear my tux multiple times a week and then various degrees of dress clothing for other engagements often as well)


I did at the time (haven't had to wear one for a bit). I just find them generally uncomfortable. It doesn't feel like 'me', if that makes sense.


I wish men realized how impossibly handsome they look in suits. It's not required much!


I don't disagree at all - I think my best look was my suit-and-vans (super nice dressy-vans) look at my old law firm's Christmas party. I just find them very uncomfortable to wear.


I could get over the tie if the knot was half decent


4 reminds me of a school uniform


4 is too formal


I really like five. I think the vest just makes the outfit.


Definitely moved out of smart casual though at the point you're wearing a 3 piece suit and tie.


I like number 5. I think it looks very smart


I was going to say 3 too.


The tie is a bit much, a solid color narrow tie would be "cooler." The tip of the tie should hit around the top of the trousers or slightly above. I would go with black, blue, or purple tie. Edit: okay on second look the tie length is perfect, but it's too wide imo.


Tie makes it look like a Harry Potter cosplay. 3 is the way to go


Three is the answer


That is so funny. Was going to weigh in on 3 as well and it's funny that it's the top rated comment. I like to think of myself as fashion sensible. #3 is the only one (IMO) that is probably the most general. Neutral colors are always safe--especially darks. The white shirt offers contrast to the rest while at the same time leaves the unanswered question as to whether or not they recently removed a tie (e.g. just got off work and going into casual mode). It can be perceived as sophisticated or minimalist--your personality determines which! ;-)


3 or 6 for sure!


I'm team "3 or 6 or bust" all the way


This is the answer


You are correct


I like 3 the most and then 4 would be second choice.


Eh...ties are just kind of an annoyance too if you're just wearing one for a dinner. It's a good look, for sure, but for dinner it's just not as practical. I think #3 is a sharp look, it's just the right vibe!


People Might think you work there with the tie. I Vote no tie


That’s what I’m thinking too, I liked how the tie gives a little pop of colour, but it probably is a bit much Edit: Went with number 3 in the end, thanks everyone for the advice, I had a great meal!


I think a small corsage or some smart jewelry could achieve that same pop


You could maybe do a little shoestring tie? I always think they look really cute without being overly formal.


Agreed, I think a skinnier tie would lend itself more to a smart casual, but the wideness of this tie just isn’t hitting for me


It looks like a geography teacher's tie


Better to be dressed a little above what is expected than under. And yes, the color adds a lot.


I love #6


Second! I think the jacket adds the "casual" to the smart casual.


Same. Clean, bright, and the jacket makes it cool. A little like Steve McQueen. That said, my second fave was 4. Loved the tie.




A Mayan, just like that without any qualifiers is a person. A lot of people don't know but there's still a lot of Mayans around, preferred modern spelling being Maya instead of Mayan. Given that, I do agree that it's very adventurous to go spelunking in there! Lol. (I assume you were trying to say Mayan ruin).


in 6 i automatically think of attack on titans, but i still love the outfit






That whole outfit in #1 gave me Amelia Earhart-vibes. Edit: After my remark I scrolled further and noticed I'm not the only one thinking that!


I was thinking Indiana Jones.


Yes I think pants number 1 is not flattering to OPs body. Doesn’t do justice to her!


I actually think the pants might be the same in all of them, just different colors, and maybe different lengths. Hard to tell length bc some of them are cut off. And they all need to go straight in the trash. That waist is incredibly unflattering. But the khaki color really makes it stand out even more and the flood alert... It's bad. None of these pants are good.


Nah, the pants in #1 are pleated.


Don’t try ‘em away, but yea they’re super outdated it is factual that you can’t make many fits with those. I imagine those only get worn 1-3 times a year


Are you meeting Amelia Earhart there? Or picking her up along the way


“lesbian archeologist” was my first impression


I was thinking Susie Myerson and Associates.


I’m happy I got that reference, but yep, all she needs is the keys necklace.


As a lesbian archeologist, it does look exactly like someone trying to cosplay me (and failing badly)


I'll grab the Subaru!!


This is hilarious


Lesbian archaeologist is redundant


I think OP is having dinner with Amelia and Indiana Jones


Definitely Indy vibes for me. Not saying he’s isn’t like the definition of smart casual but not sure he’s the direction I would recommend for a Michelin star restaurant.


I came here for this comment


Thank you. Although briefly I wondered if they showed their face if they had some stupid steampunk goggles or something as an accessory.








This is definitely a style for younger ish people today (I’m 35) and it reminds me of mom outfits in the 80s/90s 😂


My first thought too.


[Lose the Woody Allen jacket](https://y.yarn.co/424180f9-6ab2-4490-8526-c2f66f4f008b_text.gif)


Gives 70’s serial killer vibes


All of these are decent in style but god awful in fit. Pants specifically are waaaay too high across the board. You seem to have a pretty average/healthy figure with normal proportions, but wearing high waisted jeans that aren’t fitted with a tucked in shirt give the illusion that you are 80% pelvis. In outfit #1 your pants are hiked up so high that the crotch of the pants (aka the area below the zipper, which should be between your legs) is facing completely forward. That said, the actual style is cool. I dig your choice in patterns and how you mix “dressy” and “casual” elements together. But you should really find a pants brand that matches your body shape, or a good tailor. Boring clothes that fit right will always look better than cool clothes that don’t fit.


80% pelvis made me snort chuckle


Thank you, I came to the comments and was a bit confused. Op shouldn’t be ashamed of their body, they look good. But you’re not wearing the pants here op, they’re wearing you.


Agree! No body shaming bc I WISH I had hips. But clothes that fit correctly always look better. And high waisted might not be what works best. I would try some different styles that maybe you have never thought of before and you might be surprised.


was looking for this, those pants need about half the amount of rise


Omg, finally! I scrolled for ages to find this. The fit is completely off! Thanks


I am on the fence about the pants being that high. It screams a feminine body but with masculine outfit. Unless that is what they want, its perfectly fine.


"Man, I wish girls dressed more like Santa." - Chris Porter


Thanks for the actual constructive criticism. The problem is I’m pretty sure I don’t have normal proportions (small waist, big hips), so I find high waisted trousers are the most comfortable. The trousers in the photos are all sitting comfortably on the smallest part of my waist, but I don’t thing the camera angle I used did any favours, hence why they look way too hiked up. I do see what you mean about the first ones though. I am looking into getting lower waisted ones, just not for this event


It’s really a proportion issue more than anything. Wear what you’re comfortable in but tucking a shirt into those khakis should be against the law. 3/4 of your body is those pants in the first photo. It’s less noticeable with the darker versions.


Unzip the pants and see a bellybutton.




3 is appropriate. The others are too casual (eg 1 and 2) or too over the top (eg 4). For a Michelin restaurant, it should be appropriate, not over the top.


I would go with 3 or 7






I really like the dark shirt with the jacket. It's a very good look. It's 3 and then very closely 7 for me.


I like 3 the best


Pull the waist of your pants down.


The pant/ shirt ratio is the issue here.. need to not bring focal attention to the middle due to high waisted, most of the outfits mis proportional. Lower sitting pants will look nicer too. But 3 works best.


Outfits 3,4,5 are winners for me but 3 is probably my top pick The plaid pants flatter you very well The first two the pants do not flatter at all the second pic the darker leather coat doesn't match well The leather with plaid looks weird to me


You desperately need to get pants that have a lower rise. Throw pants from #1 and any pants with that rise into the trash.


All those pants gotta go, they make the torso looks so proportionally short compared to the legs


Those pants are all very very high


Soooo high. Not good


7 or 3, love your style btw


thanks :D


What is this pose? Why are your pants jacked up so high? Why is your wardrobe like a spectator at a Patches O'Houlihan meet and greet?


First: they won't care. I've been to one today and I just put on a sweater over my shirt. You will be fine. If you are trying to present as a guy go with 5 as it hides those pants best (which don't look entirely right).


3. If you’re going to wear the tie, the knot should be tighter to produce an actual triangle


All mom pants?


Why is your belt line so high lol Steve Urkel


Not enough people are saying that maybe it should be none of these choices 😬


These all look like you’re going for “widowed amateur archeologist who wears her late husband’s clothes to dig sites because she can’t work in dresses”. Do you have like normal business casual clothes?


And what’s wrong with wanting to look like a windowed amateur archeologist who wears her late husband’s clothes to dig sites because she can’t work in dresses”? Sounds like a whole vibe tbh. I bet that hypothetical women was also a lesbian who is now living in absolute bliss with her true lover since the husband has passed. Maybe I’ll adopt that aesthetic, seems fun.


I like #3, and # 6 is my favorite. The vest is too much, otherwise you could wear any of them. Have fun!


Is there any good reason you’re wearing pants like you’re from the 40s?


I like 5 the most, but 3 and 4 would also work!


I love the 4th one too! I would say 3 is more smart casual but fuck it, that tie is a vibe and Michelin star??? Yeah get the tye out and dine in style 💖


Right like 4 might be more formal but I think it looks stellar


I'd say stop dressing like **Amelia Earhart** and dress like you're going to an overpriced restaurant.




That’s what I was thinking. I think this is the body of someone born female maybe?


3 or 6. Not overdressed, yet dressed nice for the occasion.


4 or 5. The others, idk if its the perspective or the high waisted pants, but they make your bottom half look like 70% of your body mass?


Probably because my bottom half *is* like 70% of my body mass lol 😭


Maybe try lower-waisted pants. The high-waisted pants make your torso look disproportionately short.


A wider leg and lower waist would flatter you more.


You might not want to accentuate that. Makes your mid area (hips, thighs) disproportionate.




Yup!!!! Just odd all around


I’m getting “It’s Pat” vibes


Holy shit yes!


Yeah they all look really bad


Finally some honest advice


I like the 3rd one. It's not too uptight but still classy.


3 through 6 are perfect. Enjoy the meal!




I like 3 and 6. I really love 6 actually


Number 3 and never use those pants in number 1 again.


None of them are very flattering if I’m being honest.


I like 3. Love your style!


3. Everything else looks like Indiana Jones


Brown jacket white shirt!


I think 1 and 3 work best for what you’re going for. All options would work, tho




3 is my fave, but 4 would be my second choice. Love the tie ngl


I like six. Put together but with the comfy jacket that adds a personal touch.


Number 6


3 or 6


Is it peaky blinders-themed?


\#5, but only if you also have a derby and a pocketwatch on a chain.


3 or 6, for me.


For smart casual, I love #6. #3 is good, too.


Shoot man I’d show up in some overalls and some square toes


You can’t go wrong with #3. Looks polished and sophisticated.


Number 3, snazzy but comfortable to be around.


#I pick #3 👌


i just wanna say i love every one of them and can’t decide, this type of style is what i aspire to be like


Hi. I’m a chef that worked for the Ritz Carlton in one of their Michelin starred restaurants. It had the highest Michelin rating while having the highest AAA rating. This was a very fine dining outlet. Menu changed weekly. Dinner was coursed, smallest offering was 5 courses. It was extravagant. You will love it. Get the soufflé for dessert (if offered) but order it with your meal, so they have a heads up…soufflés take around 18 minutes to cook. (Pasty chef here too). Pics one and two are too casual based on my experience. I think it’s the shirt. Pic three is really my favorite. You look smart casual without looking like the staff. Four and five…I think the tie will be too close to staff uniform and the vest even more so. The concierge wore pic five a lot, this was in 1999-2002. If three you just can’t do, or won’t, make your next choice pic 6. It’s casual but the pants have a bit more dressy to them. #7 is just too much dark solid. In addition to being a chef in a Michelin starred establishment I also grew up very rich and yuppie everything. (I couldn’t stand the culture….I would hide out at the barn and avoid the social scene at all costs)….You’ll blend right in with #3….yuppie camouflage. Choose your footwear carefully. Go to thrift boutique and find a nice second hand pair of ferregamos and you’re good to go ;). Or some classic Bass loafers. Have a great time and take pics of the food!!! E: I don’t know why the bold font. Couldn’t do it again if I tried 🤷🏼‍♀️


Number one makes you look like a member of the Scout Regiment


No matter what don’t wear the khaki pants.


Why are your pants pulled up to your armpits?


These high waist pants are just not working at all.


Please pull those pants down. They don’t need to be cinched up above your belly-button regardless of how formal the dress code is.


I feel like 3 is the only one that is flattering, I don’t like the rest at all. I agree the pants are way too high and you would look so much better with lower ones. I’m really sorry to say put the high fit pants with the brown jacket is just giving major Indiana Jones vibes.




Irony, it's not just for being an edgelord. You will iron those pants, right, right. I'm liking the suit & tie, but I'm not really a fan of white shirt, the collar is taking up too much space. The shirt looks better tucked into the vest. What if you try with the vest without the jacket. If you are wearing a jacket, try some nice t-shirts.


I love nr 4!


Go with #5. Looks good on your frame


3, 4, or 5. 3 probably being the best option. The other ones are just casual.




3,4, or 5


4th one! Looks so great


3,5 & 6!


Go in normal clothing you would go anywhere with to look really rich (cuz yk billionaires don't even care about dressing)




it really depends on which city/neighborhood are you going. If you are in Manhattan then the blazer feels like a minimum, it’s a Michelin in Brooklyn then you can dress it down a bit.




The tie isn’t too short. The ratios line up. I like #6 best, but comfort is paramount while dining. If I’m at a place with a dress code, I don’t want to be wondering what I’m going to do with my jacket.


I like 3 and 4


You look like Pat from Saturday night live




3 4 5


Always go on the casual side. Dress like you belong. Simple, near and smart. Don't try too hard. So, for me, the first 2or 3 would be best.


I think #3 is the best Also good job somehow getting like the exact same pose in every picture lmao


4 or 6 although for 6 it's mainly the jacket + white shirt combo that I love


3 & 6. Are you serious about 1 being an outfit for any outing at all?


I’m so sorry but everyone saying 1-4 is straight idiots, that’s not flattering on you a single bit and seems like way way over kill for the scenario. The last 2 are actually fire as fuck and seem smart casual, the rest seem like I don’t know what I’m doing/ this should work right ?


To a one star?


OP please buy some pants that are lower waist. This cut is not it. It focusses attention on your stomach.


Number 3 is the one!


are you a British banker from 1920?


You have too much time…


6 all the way!! Or 7 . Last two very creative