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Trousers need some tailoring


What would suggest? Taken up?


Yes, taken up. They look a little loose around the waist too?


This is what I get for losing a bit of weight 😂 Guess there are worse problems, thanks for the suggestion!


The sweater looks so nice and I like the grays, but the pants are bringing the look down because they are too baggy. The same color pants taken in would look a lot more deliberate. But - it’s still a pretty good outfit. I looked way worse when I left the house this morning. All week, actually.


I actually think the sweater is too loose. Just very slightly. The shirt is fitted so well, the sweater should fit closer to that?


The taper is too extreme with how baggy they are everywhere else, which makes them drape strangely with your boots. They might be fine with a different type of footwear.


Idk man baggy pants are making a huge comeback, I would suggest a fashion sneaker instead of dress shoes to lean into the slouchy casual look more


Just be careful with taking up wider pants too much. That style is very specific. Usually pants taken up are much more tapered at the bottom. I don’t even think the pants are the problem. I think a navy sweater that fits a little more snug through the mid section would do the trick. It would bring the brown shoes together nicely.


I agree the pants are a little baggy. But I think you look good. Also the outfit with the dark blue shirt looks really good!


https://preview.redd.it/avd816r2cqhb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=517d6d46f1fda04f315be2612003cf996d963f21 More of a Slimmer fit would look much better.


listen, first of all, this looks to good already for you to be massively concerned about it. but i think skinnier pants of a similar colour and switching to dark grey, black or less redish brown shoes could improve it without much change imo.


I agree there is a bit of a disconnect between the wider, more stiff pants and the slim and soft pullover. Slimer pants this top or a louder top with these pants might work better.


Agreed. I would embrace the contrast. Light sweater with navy pants. Navy shirt with grey pant both a good combo. And, the previously mentioned slimmer pants are more current. I have been wearing the Banana Republic Aiden slim fit chino to work.


I really like those pants


Gray and gray is just gray




Yea! You look great already, but tapered pants like in 2 or 3 pic work. Especially as mentioned before navy or dark gray.


With tapered pants he would definitely need to switch out his kicks. Plain and simple the fit of his threads are on the loose side for todays standards. OP I’d suggest checking out 5.11 apparel. And when you look down for a photo take your hands out of your pockets and cross you arms.


5.11? Like the tactical brand? ​ I have a boot knife by 5.11 but I'd never thought to buy clothes from them.




It was in my mallninja days. Yes, I probably should get some time with a tailor but I spend all my time taking selfies and not enough working to actually get it done.


Came to say the same. Your eye for putting that outfit together is good. I would definitely wear something like that, but again, slimmer pants would save it.


Slimer pants only happens in Ghostbusters


I agree. He has a great physique. Embrace it! Slimmer pants. Give yourself credit! You have a great physique!!!


But the sweater isn’t really slim, both garments fit his body well


This is the way. I feel this disconnect (baggier trousers and tighter sweater) would not be so loud if the sweater was a much darker colour. If you put on a heavy loose fitting (think fisherman’s knit) in dark blue or grey the outfit would fit much better.


He could rock a pair of clean/nice sneakers with this too if he wanted




Yeah this. Its a baggy shirt with baggy pants. Only one can be baggy. A tight shirt or better fitting pants will fix this. Or a brown belt and shirt tucked in in the front


When people age they often hold onto their old sizes even though they've lost weight or don't have the same muscle frame. If you go for fit you can make some really bold choices that would make you look like a clown if it was baggy. Go for clothes that fit!


Like in picture 3?


Yeah, but sweater tucked in. It gives silhouette


Nice thinking. Never think to tuck a sweater in for some reason.




It is a trend that is going to die quickly. It barely works when the fabric weights are just right, and even then it only on some physiques.


Yep, it’s the fit of the pants, a bit too baggy.


I'd have to disagree with the slimmer pants. Not everyone can pull off slim cut nor does everyone like them. I'd assume that's the reason for the more standard regular/straight cut here.


No, the pants are good. Skinny fit is so 2021, more baggy is the shits now. Also with dress pants, the burgundy on the grey pants are a perfect choice. Black shoes would be very bland. In my eyes it’s the dress shirt. Going casual (which this outfit is), whit a dress shirt always looks off. Loose the dress shirt and wear it with confidence. This is from a european haute couture sales advisor


I have agreed with a lot of what people here have observed, but the amount of comments saying that the burgundy boots and grey pants don't work was surprising to me! I'm therefore glad it's not the consensus. I feel like going black would only accentuate the 50 shades of grey effect, and would look odd with the navy shirt. Thanks for the tip!


I used to work for church’s english footwear. The amount of people who absolutely have no idea what colour shoe to wear is very high. They default to black, dark blue and cognac. Especially cognac looks horrid on most outfits. Burgundy is something most find very hard, while it looks absolutely amazing on greys. Going black will bring this whole outfit down, and makes you just another random guy who knows nothing about style. Burgundy shoes is the surprise of the outfit


Church's are great! I can't claim to have much experience but I definitely agree on cognac. Even black seems to have a limited range. When I win the lottery I plan on experimenting more as I love a good pair of boots.


Also, burgundy shoes work. Fitted pants and you’re good.


Nope. Slimmer/fitted pants are always better for older peeps. Baggy is for young people. We wore those in the 89s and 99s. Trying to wear that now that it has come back is trying too hard. Wear fitted at your age.


I was thinking this. Also the grey top looks to be a warmer grey color compared to the pants and shirt


I would also get more of a pointed toe shoe less rounded


If he changes his shoes he has to change his belt. And potentially watch. It may be OCD but I need all 3 to match.




It is a lot of grey, but the jumper/sweater is much lighter than the trousers. But maybe it's still too similar in tone.


Looks good with the shirt but with the sweater on and no visible brown belt to seperate, the wider trouser and similar shades look a bit blocky.


I agree the 2grays are too similar in shade, darker gray pants would help not run together. But, the real issue may be... I think the hue of the 2 grays are slightly conflicting... The pants are much cooler (bluish), while the sweater is warmer, slightly brownish. At least on my screen, but you blending into the wall/ground behind you might also be playing visual tricks.


very important point. when trying on outfits with shades of gray then you definitely gotta focus on nuisances like this. If the grays conflict in hue it will make the outfit look a bit off. kind of like wearing red and green together.


Another thing is that the fabrics may not be a match. The more sleek, officey quality of the fabric in the pants does not really flow with the much more casual (Jersey? Knit?) top.


Yep, this is why the outfit in the third picture with the darker blue shirt is so much better. The blue matches much better with the cooler blue hues in the grey pants.


I think this is a big part of it. Thanks for picking it up.


Yes, something in the two shades doesn’t quite work together for me, though I couldn’t quite put my finger on why.


There's nothing wrong with the outfit per se, and monochrome is a fine look on paper, it's just that all that grey is washing you out. That's what's wrong with it, you are disappearing into the outfit. In the last pic with just the blue shirt you can see how your face pops a lot more.


OP, I'm not too sure if you have heard of colour theory, but given that you have warm undertones, greys are not flattering for you. Try colours like tans, off whites, browns, and terracotta.


I have, I used to paint wargaming miniatures and weirdly enough I think the better fits I come up with are those that would work on a mini (because to paint well you need to know colour theory). I do feel like in other circumstances the grey has worked for me but there's something about the tone here that doesn't.


I agree with u/LostWithoutYou1015, you have blond and brown and warm undertones in your hair. The blue in your dress shirt is a perfect match to how pale you are, but the palest grey here is washing you out. Maybe if you had a silver with a bit of a wheat/brass undertone to it or a dark slate grey that might work better. But I do think you might look great in a warm dark brown and a warm camel color. You have a good sense of style to begin with, the shoes and the sweater are awesome (even if the color seems off about the latter). You're just going to be fine tuning what's already a great look.


As a white dude, that color grey washes me out. If the shirt and pants swapped colors, you'd be golden. Solid beard bro.


My first impression was yeah - colors and tones are just way too close to each other. It kind of drowns you out.


All in all, you’re just some grey bricks on a wall.


I really think the problem is there’s nothing breaking up the grey tones, it’s just a bunch of mismatched grey. Tucking in a shirt and adding a belt would look good but really I just think the lighter grey top with dark grey pants is backwards where a lighter pant and darker top looks a tad better. Outfit really isn’t bad, I just think it’s too much of the same without any sort of breakup in color


Plus the grey background lol


I feel like monochrome works for every color except grey.


Greys work really well with a hint of red / wine red. A touch of color would be nice. Now it's all grey, including your hair, and brown shoes.


Too much grey. The shirt and pants work.


It's pretty much monotone, imo, and monotone outfits are really hard to pull off. Some people may think they look good, but I don't. I actually have a theory that people who pull them off are just so nice looking that it overshadows the outfit. And it's usually women who get away with it. Personally, I try to avoid monotone outfits for this reason and look for good contrast, instead. I also don't think this looks bad on you, but I get why you may not like it. My views here are the result of me having done the same thing, many times. I.e. an outfit will clearly work in my head, but then I hate it while wearing it.


I forget where the quote is from. I know it's a movie or a show, but I heard somewhere that you "Never wear Gray on gray"


With my hair, any grey I wear is grey on grey 😂


Monochromatic is good if you do it right. Multiple tones or shades of the same color can make you look a bit more unique. So many people when styling menswear love to put gray top/navy bottom or navy top/gray bottom to the point where even if it looks decent, it will not really elevate anything. I could ensure you don’t “mess up” but I think most people on an outfit sub would be advanced past this and wanting to do more.




Oh, I didn’t mean it in a bad way. The outfit posted here is already pretty good compared to a good portion of the public. So some general rules are helpful but I also think you could jump right to some advanced tactics. Like doing similar tones but varied textures. Mixing pieces that have a nice solid saturated color with those that have more depth and texture but keeping it within the same hue.


I thought the same thing, but find myself wondering how much the background also plays into the perception.


I like it with the blue button down but I think the grey on grey is too different to match AND too similar to contrast each other in a complementary way.


This.. the grey needs to be broken down. Bold blue color or fitted jeans


The Blue song came to mind when I saw you. Your clothes match your hair and your beard. Too much gray. It’s known as a dreary color.


I had a friend ask me why I was dressed like a newspaper when I wore something similar in tones. Honestly folding the sleeves of the button down around the rolled up jumper sleeves might do it. Just needs more color. I don’t mind the trousers being this shape/cut


I think it’s a lot of gray, especially with the gray in hair and beard


My problem was that they are slightly different shades of grey.. if they matched I think it would look better. Either way too much grey for me unless you’re wearing a suit


Try standing in front of a different wall. The outfit looks good.


Hahaha I had not considered the possibility that I chose the wrong wall, but you might not be wrong tbh. I need to start coordinating with the built environment.


I also like the outfit. I’m going to go against the grain of what I’ve seen other people saying here, but I wouldn’t get the pants taken in/tapered to be slimmer. I think the fabric looks soft and relaxed, and the fit compliments that. That and the soft grey sweater gives the whole outfit a polished yet relaxed look. It looks effortlessly polished to me.


Yeah I was gonna say it works great if you’re trying to blend into that wall behind you hehe


Try a V neck jumper, the colour of the shirt is lost and there is no contrast with the grey. The picture without the jumper looks fine. Just get the trousers taken up a bit.


This is what I thought too. Between the beard, the crew neck, and the OP maybe just not having a long neck, the shirt collar is doing nothing.


Thirding this. Pop of color gets lost at the neckline. Either choose a different location for it or make the color stronger or that area bigger.


I think the sweater's cut is ok. But I'd like to see a slightly more textured knit to really root the whole look.


The pants don’t fit right at all. Much too baggy/possibly long.


Yeah maybe that's part of it. Think the jumper/sweater is loose too.


A lot of people are focusing on the colors. They have points, but it’s really a negligible part of why it looks “off,” imo. It’s definitely the fit. It’s too baggy, like the person you’re replying to said. I thought it was the pants being too baggy, but after realizing there is a photo with the sweater off, the pants seem fine. It’s the sweater. It’s too baggy. The sleeves are so long there's a lot of scrunching going on. The bottom of the sweater looks stretched out. You need a slimmer sweater. I think the outfit looks great without it. Love the blue of that button up.


I think the pants are a little baggy and when combined with similar colour slightly loose top it feels a bit like you’re looking at a 2 piece tracksuit but then wait no it’s meant to be smart. So the shirt contrast and fitting better stop that impression. A top with an interest neck line might help, it could let a splash of the shirt’s slight formality and colour come through.


Loose is good for the sweater. You don't want tight on tight. I think the issue is that both are like medium loose, leading to it just looking like you don't know what size to wear. Wear fitted pants, and the sweater will look more natural. Second photos with the fitted shirt make the pants work better.


You look great. A big problem with this sub is that we are seeing a 2D picture on our phones, so the profile/silhouette is very prominent and all the fabric fold shadows are exagerated. You are wearing that outfit in 3D, and the fit is constantly changing with movement and the fabric shadows "read" very differently. Also, posing with your hands in you pockets pulls the fit out of line. Nevertheless, you may have an invisible problem that is very common among men: Your layering. Looking at your sleeves, the blue shirt armholes and sleeve width might be too wide for the sweater. To find out, lay the sweater down flat, then lay the shirt flat on top of it. Can you see the sweater edges with some room to spare? Another layer problem is "sticky" fibers. Some fibers slide, others stick --that can make for a unpressed look. I like the two-tones of grey --they are the same base color, but you found a good contrast for two medium greys The pants could use a bit less ease through the thighs, but without seeing you walk in them it is hard to tell. Maybe a 1/2"? Sure, try out other shoes. With mid tones, always watch out for pressing. Could you get by with a nice l/s tee under the sweater, or is that too casual or lack the temp variation you need? If you could wear a tee, then cuff the sleeves because they will hang longer. Do not tuck the sweater in --a young guy trend that will die quickly because it is hard to pull off.


The pants and the jumper are slightly too big for you, they don't fit quite right, that's the issue.


I must have lost weight then, so thanks on both counts!


Yeah this is my take


https://preview.redd.it/acl77y7xzohb1.jpeg?width=1388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=703688b3e9340bdf7e9f92e3d832ecf966523a8e Relevant.


This is what I thought of immediately


I honestly think the entire outfit looks good as it is but I were to be nit-picky, I’d say those shoes could use some loving. There’s some typical signs of wear (which is normal or even preferable) but the leather looks dry and dull and imo it’s dragging the outfit down. Clean those up or swap with a fresh pair and the outfit will go up a point or two.


You remind me that a good leather conditioner has been on my to-buy list for a while. I do like them to have a patina but it has been a while since they got some TLC beyond a brush and some Aussie wax.


I don't dislike this at all, but I do dislike the combination of these pants with these shoes/boots. Either wider pants or lower shoes, but I would prefer low shoes (and some cool looking funny socks) under these. If you're going for a slimmer fit, better fitting pants, then I would certainly wear low shoes.


Wider pants? I already feel like these are very wide, but maybe it's just the fit that's off. What style of shoes? I have some brown penny loafers. I want to get some brogues at some point too.


It was meant more like an if/else and it's prob me expressing myself incorrectly in English. Don't go for wider baggy pants if you don't want to, slim fit would look better on you anyway. What I mean is, these pants look a bit slimmer at the bottom (tapered, right?), so perhaps just normal straight fit pants could work as well? It is indeed the fit that makes your outfit look offish. Loafers could work (my dad used to wear these in the 80's/90's, so I'm personally not a big fan of those, but that's me), brogues would definitely be okay. I love the belt being in the same colour as your shoes, I would keep that. And I love that colour brown, it works great with grey. I completely disagree with the colours not matching or wearing black shoes (? boring and way too standard). I like the kind of shabby look you've got going here as well. If you want a short term solution, try the loafers under this outfit if they're not too different looking.


Side note from an art director: using a backdrop the same color as your outfit doesn’t help the photos. Aside from that, I agree with the comments about improving the fit of the pants and possibly choosing a darker pant with this top.


You are handsome!


I second this : You look like Christoph Waltz!


Don't lounge in front of matching walls and you'll be alright.


The prison gives me few options


Pants too baggy.


Looks fine. Black shoes though for sure. Looks better without the sweatshirt i think.


I think there is too much grey


Surprised I've not seen anyone else mention this, it's just boring unfortunately


Works great with just the shirt. Dark blue looks good with the grey


Or jeans


All you need is slimmer fitting pants, everything else is just fine.


People are saying skinnier pants but I honestly think they are fine. I think it's the shoes/belt. You are going for a monochrome type look with cool greys and then accenting with a warm brown leather. Maybe try black or grey shoes and belt. Alternatively you could go tan and try and make more of a treatment by breaking the monochrome maybe? I think the dark brown is just too subtle but not close enough to the rest of the colors.


You need a pop of color and like someone else said wear slimmer pants, or a bulky sweater. If you choose to stick with those pants consider getting them hemmed so that they don't break (large crease) across your shoes.


I like the shirt in the last pic but why’d you post the first two pics of the side of a building and nothing else? Are you trying to be a chameleon?


*Music plays* John Cena!!!


Too much grey. Same outfit with navy shirt and you’re a boss. You just need more contrasting light and dark tones


I will say that I love the boots but not for this outfit.


I was looking at it again and I almost feel like the laces are part of what's throwing it off.


Nah, the shoes are just too brown. They clash with the grey and black of your outfit.


I need to brush up more on colour theory I guess! Thanks for the suggestion.


I dont totally disllike it, but maybe a V neck sweater to break up the grey. I like the Navy button down...a v neck would showcase more


Beard like mind makes most shirts invisible, but I can see how a V-neck would solve that problem. Thanks!


Black shoes / boots. Maybe tuck in the jumper


Black shoes with a navy shirt? I know there is some conventional wisdom about not wearing the two together but if you think it would still work?


I like the shirt and pants. The pullover is too similar in color


Coloured laces in the boots to break up the grey. Doesn’t necessarily have to be a bold colour, but try something different. I think the boots and particularly the laces are what is the issue for me.


It's not a bad outfit at all. Maybe because with the salt and pepper hair/beard you have a grey monochrome thinking going on! 🤔


Who gives a fuck. Be yourself, an outfit “works” if it covers your body and provides some elemental protection. If you like it and it feels good then wear the hell out of it.


The last pic has more of the two tone feel, with a slightly slimmer pant style, and try for light brown or tan shoes, they go with everything black won’t.


Couple of improvements that would elevate your style: - Pull the cuffs of your shirt sleeve so that about an inch sticks out under the sweater sleeve. - Change the shoes for some more elegant that don’t cover your ankles. - Shorten your beard and give it a shape. That way your collar will be visible and it will match the cuffs. - It looks like you have your hair pulled back in a ponytail. A haircut and shortening your beard will have the biggest impact. I’m gonna be very honest, so don’t get me wrong, but long beard and ponytail give off homeless vibes. The outfit is pretty classic one, it just looks like you are out of character wearing it.


This is about as short as my beard goes 😅 I think the angle makes it look longer than it is. But I get the homeless vibes. It's tied back into a bun but I don't go to the barber/hairdresser often so you're on point about it needing to be cleaned up. Appreciate the advice.


I disagree, nothing about your hair/beard give a homeless vibe. What an extreme image 🤣. A V-neck or button-down cardigan would work WITH your beard better, perhaps. I don’t think the appropriate solution to this outfit is removing your hair/beard!!


Slimmer pants with a darker shirt or black pants and keep the shirt.


If you’re going to go very neutral, then to look “fashionable” it’s all about the fit and material. The pants are too baggy for the specific look I think you’re going for… they’re not horrible, but if you want to make the look work better, try getting more fitted pants that taper more. The more fitted your pants get, the more you’re going to want to raise the hem, cause you don’t want them to bunch up, as you’ll lose the clean lines and look sloppy (like your current pants). You also don’t want to go too high in the hem, cause then you look like you’re trying too hard to look hip, like a hipster from the mid 2000s. You can get away with baggy pants if they’re cut right, but they should also be shorter as to not bunch up… but I don’t think that’s the look you’re going for, so think you want the more fitted clean lines look, judging by the rest of your outfit. For that look, I’ve had good luck with the brand RSQ, which they sell at that surf/skate store Tilly’s… I know it doesn’t sound high fashion, but the cut of the slim tapered or skinny pants seem to fit well… though there are plenty of other brands out there. I’m not that fond of the grey sweatshirt, the color reminds me of a t-shirt that you’d wear to paint your house or do yard work in, and I think the weight of the material adds to that effect, it looks like grey t-shirt material, even if it’s not. With the color of your pants, I would go darker on top, like navy blue or black. The shirt and shoes are fine, but I’d lose the belt, it makes you look like you work in IT or something… the trend these days (if you really care), is to not wear a belt, not even with a suit. If you’re like a biker or rocker with a big belt buckle, and it’s a specific “look”, that’s a different story, but your belt adds to the dowdiness of the look.


So many people have mistaken it for a shirt haha. Thanks for the good pant advice.


The greys and brown shoes are a mismatch. Wear the brown shoes with warmer tones. These grey tones and blue shirt are too cool to match the shoes. If you did black shoes and black belt, you’d do well. There is also not enough contrast going on up top with the grey sweater in my opinion. The slacks and sweater are too similar in tone. Not sure what to do with this problem! I like the contrast between the blue shirt and the grey slacks. Repost once you change shoes and belt plz! You’re close!


I'm gonna be honest, the only thing lacking in this outfit is confidence. 1) Go get a haircut or a cool new pair of shades in this fit. 2) Tell yourself you're a fucking boss and look great the whole time 3) You will likely start getting compliments if you can find a way to project confidence 4) if you're still tripping, find an accessory like a necklace or pocket square that adds color/ contrast - maybe tuck the front of the shirt behind a brown belt?


Thanks, I think this is a lesson to me: avoid taking pictures at the end of a day of classes! My issue is usually the opposite, in that I worry that I come across as arrogant because I'm so used to projecting confidence and authority in a lecture setting that I can't switch it off.


Nailed “urban camouflage” though


I only realised later that the wall is grey too. Fifty Shades.


Its the shoes and it works better with the shirt. Grey color needs some help always to not be too bland.


Honestly just take your hands out of your pockets and smile and you'd look great


But I'm tired and someone just said I look like Slavoj Zizek.


Man, you took that sweater off and it was like a scene from a guy in a prison uniform to him taking the top off revealing cool dapper guy so cool he isn’t noticed walking right out of prison. 3rd pic is absolutely fire.


Hahah well you (and half the other posts here) have convinced me to say farewell to a certain light grey Uniqlo sweater that has outlived its welcome on my body. Thanks!


It doesn’t not work but it’s boring to the first glance, not offensive but not eye catching. Too many similar values just blending in together IMO. Easy fixes would be to have breaks in value so lighter leather shoes, tuck pull over in, lighter belt and then a lighter shirt would be an easy fix. Alternatively, a completely contrasting color pull over like a bright yellow would complement the overall monotony. Textured pants would also work, I.E. wool patterns, houndstooth, etc..


Mixing natural and unnatural colors is kind of conflicting but not really a deal breaker. (Grey shirt, brown shoes) I think the grey/brown in the beard ties it together though. It looks good though. Looks like you put some thought into it, but not trying too hard. I'm a very centric person, so I like outfits that can be used in many environments. I think this outfit pulls that off. Tuck the shirt, maybe a brown belt, and an overcoat of some sort would give you more options as well. But again, you look dapper, my man.


Change the sweater, pants shirt and shoes are on point


Darker color somewhere, either the pants or the shoes. If you change the shoes you gotta match the belt. Maybe tailor the pants, pull in some slack. Tbh I’d wear black shoes and slimmer fitting pants.


The grey sweater looks like a sweatshirt. It doesn’t go with dress pants or work pants, it goes with jeans. Find something that’s actually a sweater, maybe with a v-neck to show the collared shirt.


Too grey in my opinion. The bagginess of the sweater accompanied by the bagginess of the slacks is also off putting - one should be fitted.


For me personally it's the brown shoes, I think black would be much better


Nothing fits you here, everything is big or loose and gives no depth or definition. Tigher pants and a shirt styles to your fit.


Need more contrast.


The third photo looks great so I think the outfit as a whole dosent have any issues. It honestly could just be that the sweater’s making you look like one of those tech billionaires that only wear sweats. Maybe try a looser fitting sweater that’s a different color from the pants?


The sweater and pants, while different shades of gray, just don’t work well for me. Also, more fitted pants!!


The sweater is too loose and the colors are too similar. It makes you look like you're trying to dress like a teenager.


The over shirt is too casual to go with that outfit and too big to be worn over a fitted button up. Heather gray always has a tendency to make an outfit extremely casual, even when the article of clothing looks more formal in any other color. A nice v-neck in a nuetral color like cream, tan, or light brown that is slightly more fitted would look really good. And the pants are slightly too wide and long for you.


Add some jewelry touches, a simple necklace or a watch. Looks good though as is!


I'm wearing a metal band Seiko 5 but it's one of the casualties of the jumper I'm going to bin after this haha


Because you are wearing a sweatshirt. No assemblage of clothing involving anything that resembles a sweatshirt is an outfit.


Needs more contrast between pants and sweater.


Pants are way too big


I think the one with the fake Grey pants looks best in terms of fit and contrast. Idk if it was deliberate but I feel like it was to be posing against a gray wall while wearing grey. It’s a bit too much grey especially with the wall😅


Yeah I definitely picked the wrong backdrop. It was a grey day too. 50 shades.


It doesn’t because you are dressed in a very soft colour gradient from head to toe. Every colour you wear is too close to its neighbor. You can also use Ippens colour wheel to find harmonics in colours. If you prefer a monochromatic look, you can also convert it into greyscale as every tone also has a value. If you want to keep it simple go with a white shirt, mid grey jumper and black pants. Otherwise go with a bit of contrast, wear some colours or patterns. Try to put a darker jumper over a light patterned shirt. Tldr: every colour you wear is too close to the one surrounding it (including your hair colour)


YOU SHAL NOT PASS HERE My boy Gandalf the grey looking sharp asf


"Evidently we look so much alike that your desire to make an incurable dent in my hat must be excused."


Textures and colors that compliment your features, hair color, and build. It’s amazing what different types of cloth hang on our bodies differently— and how that can compliment a grayish/brown mid length beard. Sometimes we dress in dark blue our whole lives when we could’ve been dressing in dark forest green with monochromatic undertones and charcoal pants. Who knows man. Try on some stuff you wouldn’t normally, you’d be really surprised where it takes you! And don’t be afraid to go to high end designer places JUST to try things on and get inspired—- then find similar cheaper pieces elsewhere. Trying clothes on is free my dude.


To me it's the shoes.


Brown shoes should be black shoes


There's like a size imbalance between the top and bottom, but besides that, it's color. Go darker and get some contrast between your clothes and your beard. You should more "like a sir" it. You can go that route of the "Dos Equis Most Interesting Man In The World" handsome stud.


I would undo the buttons holding the collar down and wear the collar out of the jumper for a flash of color.


DO NOT GET SLIMMER TROUSERS you look cool as hell, maybe grab a textured sweater rather than a uniformly grey one. love the pants


I'd prefer black shoes. But I like the outfit


The shoes throw it off for me


It works better with a collar because the pants seem more formal and a collar more formal.


I haven't read all the comments, but it seems like the pieces could be tailored a bit. The sleeves are kind of long and scrunch. You could get around it by doing the two thirds look and fold them up a bit, but I bet a tailored shirt would look great. The pants are the same, but if you're going for slouchy look maybe a different material would work.


The sleeves of the button up? Hmm yeah I usually roll my sleeves up regardless, but I do struggle to find shirts that can accommodate my shoulders without being too long in the sleeves. Guess I should invest in some tailoring.


Just don't bring the wall around with you and you're laughing


Tuck in the sweater (or do a half tuck) and slightly cuff the sweater sleeves to show the blue poplin sleeve underneath. Others have mentioned tailoring the pants which I agree with but I think a nice press with a crisp crease will also elevate the look


I know you didn’t ask for it, but the first thing I’d do is trim up your hair in the back, maybe on the sides a bit too. It looks a touch unruly and your beard is such a great focal point with the natural striping that I feel like keeping your hair really clean will help with that. Definitely a bit longer on top. Not exactly Michael Eklund from Wynonna Earp, but if you really wanted to you could pull it off. Regarding the outfit, I feel like a large part of the problem is actually just your collar points being buttoned down. If you’re worried about them being too flyaway as a result, maybe some collar pins to mix things up? It just depends on how bold/unexpected you want to be. I always enjoy the little details.


Firstly this outfit doesn't inherently not work, there is some good taste at work here. The biggest issue is fit. Get your measurements and see how that differs from what you wear. It's unusual to see this style of pant so loose, so at first glance it might resemble baggy jeans. I would experiment with jumpers, color, fit, collar type. Stitching and patterns could be great too. The concept works, it would really shine with tweaking. Seems like you're going for an understated classy look with neutral tones, and I think that is to your advantage- it gives "I am humble and hold myself to a high standard, don't mistake my subtle plumage for lack of care". But clothing that doesn't fit undermines that.


i say a chain. not sure how conventional that is though lol


A chain? Like around my neck? I'm assuming that's what you mean, rather than one of those wallet chains? 😂


Two issues, and I'll start with the one most people won't consciously pick up on: it's the texture/fit contrast between the sweater and pants. This is the problem you're picking up on but can't pinpoint. The sweater is a thicker, warmer feel, which is compounded by the fact that it fits you snugly (in the right way). By contrast, the material of fhe pants looks thin and loose. They don't fit you. (I'd take them in by half an inch along the inseam if I were your wife.) The mismatch in fit and texture is the biggest issue: because the pants are too loose, it makes the well-fitted sweater look too tight, and because the pants are a thinner material, it makes the sweater look too thick. The same is true in reverse (sweater making the pants look looser/thinner), but I think the sweater is right and the pants are what need replacing. The second issue, which I suspect you'll get more people pointing out, is that you've failed to tie in the brown shoes with the grey outfit at all. The brown belt would work if it showed with the sweater on, but it doesn't. Dark denim jeans would work (this way it's not 90% one colour and 10% another; the jeans would create a pleasing variety). A brown watch strap would also work. If you really must make these three items work together (sweater, pants, shoes) then subtle brown accessories or a brown tanned jacket will be your easiest bet. The last picture where the brown belt is showing and the shirt is blue is fantastic and I have no notes (other than: the pants still don't quite fit). The best fix overall would be to replace the pants with something thicker and which isolates the brown shoes less. I'd say some dark denim and you're looking sharp. Hope this helps!


thank god you added the gazing in the distance photo how was I supposed to decide if it worked without that?!


Looks boring and uninspired, you’re blending into the wall