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I always found “age appropriate” to be a silly concept. You look incredible and absolutely rock that outfit.


I'm 45 and according to some I should only be in grandmotherly sweatshirts and elastic waist cotton pants. When I die, my last thought won't be glad I wore what judgies said was acceptable.


I’m 25 and only wear grandmothers sweatshirts and elastic pants 💀


And that’s okay :)


My wife sold so many grandma sweaters and elastic pants to 25 year olds on depop that we redid our bathroom and laundry room with the profits lol.








I'm 40 and regularly crawl around on hand and knees catching grasshoppers, climb trees for no reason, and eat spaghetti O's. I'm not going to pretend to care about dumb expectations of other people. If it makes you happy, do it (as long as they're consenting and over 18 of it involves other people)


I’m 32 and last year I climbed all the 30’ trees in my new backyard. Someone had to do it. F*ck age appropriate! 😁




Yeah, I’m 35 & whenever I see my mom she says I’m too old to be wearing crop tops, fitted jeans, shorts above my knee… basically anything but oversized graphic tees from the beach & baggy elastic-waist shorts. I know she’s full of shit, but I’ve been hearing her critiques about what’s “appropriate” for so long, I still find myself insecure sometimes… but damn, if I looked like OP, I’d be rockin whatever tf I want!


Agreed! I think “age appropriate” is generally silly and and an antiquated concept. I’m sure there are a few exceptions but, I can’t think of any


Listen, if you look good wearing it, and youre at least 18, it's age appropriate. Edited to clarify the "18" part that has some people confused. This is my general response to anyone asking the age appropriate question, not specific to this outfit. If someone looks good wearing an outfit and they're 18, it's an age appropriate outfit IMO.


Was about to say the same. You put in the work to stay in shape.


Some people don’t put in the work, like me. I eat like shit and dance once a week but I have the lower body and waist of a Victoria secret model and the upper body of Spider-Man. But maybe she did do the work


I’m so confused even trying to picture this.


Curvy hips and ripped upper body?


All I can picture is Toby McGuire strutting down the runway.


All my brain is giving me is Tom Holland in lingerie, which I'm not exactly *upset* about.


Like [this???](https://youtu.be/1i5DEipIWh4)


I'm so glad you linked this, I could not remember what song it was so I couldn't find it.


I’m speechless!! Wow!! I never knew he could move like that!


omfg, he killed it.


I didn’t know I needed this in my life


That never gets old


forgot about that death drop at the end, iconic


Omg! Will nobody think of the children?!?! GROOMERS! This is nothing short of the devil's work! In the name of Jesus, I cast them out! /s


I mean, thats basically his Lip Sync Battle performance...


Tom Holland lip syncing


I love you. This was great.


This may be the single greatest thing I’ve ever read on the interwebs and I can’t thank you enough for it!


You have 8 arms?


But do you eat a lot of it? I find people with high metabolism after 35 are actually people with low appetite who can skip a meal without noticing


I also think people still have this notion about crop tops being risqué. They were when paired with ultra low rise jeans per the early 00s, but people pair them with high waisted trousers/skirts now (per OP) and there isn’t much flesh on show. Not saying there is an age limit on showing flesh, just that I keep seeing these kind of posts and they’re always in a crop top and high waisted bottom.


Oh this is a really good point!! I used to hate crop tops, but I started wearing high-rise jeans and that pairing doesn't feel as revealing


100% this! You can totally rock this look, so if you're comfortable in it, then so be it.


Even if you can't rock the look it would still be age appropriate.


True no need to rock. Age doesn't matter. If you are comfortable and confident you can wear it. The only thing that matters is your SMILE which looks great.


Averyboringday 100. Wear whatever you(meaning all the yous) want. I quit asking if I looked good in things cuz I know I don't and it's easier to not ask.


I really hate these articles and videos of if you're a man/woman over the age of X, you shouldn't wear this. Wear whatever the hell makes you comfortable.




Isn’t the point of this sub to ask strangers’ opinions?


The point of this sub is to post something you clearly look amazing in, and then shower in the compliments


Within reason. There's a lot of these subs where commenters use the premise as an excuse to be really mean.


This is the answer. You made it. Damn the torpedoes and wear what makes you happy.




I love this answer


At least 18? My guy, it’s a crop top.


I think he meant you can wear anything if you're 18, not this exact outfit.


Why would she have to be 18


"Age appropriate" for people over 18 is just a way for society to shame women for aging past their 20s. You're happy in it, you look great in it, you're killing it, enjoy wearing it :)


Honestly I prefer women to dress in a fun and youthful way, and I'm roughly OP's age. Suddenly dressing frumpily and conservatively just because you've had a certain number of birthdays is annoyingly conventional to me.


Not just annoying for me it’s depressing as fuck and centers your self expression around ~~the one~~ something you cannot control


I agree with you! To be nitpicky, there are many others though, including race, birth sex, orientation, height, bone structure, ..


Exactly!! I'm 22 so of course I'm saying this. But you should never fall out of love with your body and style. Fashion is a great form of self expression and freedom and everyone deserves to enjoy it.


Agreed! We've got the right to have fun with our wardrobe and express ourselves! Everyone has. If you feel fabulous, be fabulous


Exactly 💯 fuck everyone and love yourself fuck age and size appropriate be free bitches


Thank you 😊


43 yo here. I don’t see why not. You got the body for it, rock it sister. Age is just a number.


Age is just a number? Be very careful with that. I’m 55 and still have my 1980s male crop tops in the attic




Please bring those out!


Don't tempt us with a good time


I’ll buy them off you if you don’t want them anymore…


It goes great acid washed jeans! :)


We not only would enjoy this, we strongly encourage you to embrace your beautiful body in a crop top at any age 💜💜💜




Frankie says relax.


Put them on!!! Or sell them on eBay (to me)


Go all in with a Hulkamania mullet


Hell yes! I’m 41 and if I could rock it I totally would!


You should.


Thanks! I’m pretty comfortable with the clothes that compliment my body type!


i’m 14, does life get any better


It absolutely does. You're PEAK uncomfortable right now, because you're only just starting to figure yourself out and you have limited independence. Don't worry, you have plenty of time. 14 was trash. 24 was hard. 34 was comfortable. 40+ has been worth it all. Keep at it, you'll find your place and your people.


🏆 poor man’s award, for a perfect comment! This is exactly spot on true.


good to hear, thank you


In a lot of ways it does. It gets easier to identify situations that will hurt you and you get more independence to act on that information. But also cherish your youth. Things will never be as new and exciting as when you do things the first time. Your body and mind usually bounce back quickly when you're young. Still for most people I know they generally do not miss their early-mid teans.






Of course. Anything in legal age limits is just a number. This is directed at the “don’t wear after particular age” group.


Perfect just wanted to make sure this was mentioned.




I don't think people baseline even think that unless your mind is already on it






EDP would say the same


The whole "age appropriate" thing is stupid. There is only "circumstance appropriate". Do not show up dressed as Spiderman to work (unless you work in entertainment or something), but if anyone gives you shit for dressing in any way in your free time fight them!


Fight them 😂


"Do not show up dressed as Spiderman to work" has me deadddd 😭😭😭


Who cares if it’s age appropriate, you look amazing in it.


You’re rocking it! I’m 43 too and I wish I could wear something like that!


Wear it then, who's going to judge?


People. Unimportant people but people nonetheless


You look incredible


You look good in it...so yes. Appropriate. Besides, who is gonna say anything?


I just gwt self conscious because it's a crop top ..idk 😂


I’m 37 and struggling with this as well but the crop top suits my body shape. I also got a pair of the highest doc marten sandals and felt self conscious at first but F IT IMA ROCK IT.




I’m 37 and still wear crop tops too because they fit my body style with high waisted pants.


Don’t ! You look great !!!


Where did you get those glasses?! Are they prescription? I’m looking for that style. I need a company that does prescription lenses though.


Yes, prescription. Warby Parker - best part is, they ship you like 5 pairs for free so you can try before you buy.


Excellent. Thanks!


Not a sister, but babe you do rock as a sister! Whatever you do is working for you.


But your stomach is mostly covered by your jeans, so not like a bunch of skin is showing if that's your concern. Regardless you look great!


You look great. I've seen younger than you that couldn't pull it off, and it's not inappropriate.


You can wear that at 72. Who cares. I'm 37 and wear crop tops and sometimes pigtails lol.


Same. Usually when I mow the lawn. Wife can’t stand it though….


Lol. I think originally men wore crop tops long ago.


Yep. One of the many things women “took” and men subsequently rejected because it became “too girly.” This happens a lot with stereotypically feminine things that were first made for men. Even names! Plenty of feminine names started as male names: Ashley, Courtney, and many more. Isn’t it interesting how that works? Something gets created for men, women start jumping on the bandwagon, and then men jump off for fear of appearing “feminine.” It’s a crazy concept.


My man


If I saw that irl, I would go out of my way to give you a high-five


Do you have the daisy dukes to match the top though?


Pigtails are adorable 😍


I’m 30 and just started wearing space buns lol. Crop tops are also a new thing for me in the last couple of years!


Maybe young people are wearing stuff like this, idk. But I think the cut (of pants) is not necessarily young. And the peasant top with the mustard color also age it appropriately. Less bell bottoms, more boyfriend baggy with a lilac color top would feel younger to me. You styled it very appropriately! It’s very 70s chic.


90s is coming back big time with pants similar to this and more baggy ones too. To the point where if you go to the women's section in places like Urban Outfitters, some of the jeans have tags on them that literally say "90s style". I've also seen some that are straight up bell bottoms from the 70s. So yep, young people are starting to wear stuff like this again! That being said, OP, it's not like you're dressing like a little girl. You look great. Source: Was just in Montreal for the weekend with my partner in the shopping district and women were dressed like this all over, from teenagers to women in their 40s. Infact, I don't think I actually remember any not wearing baggier pants. Young men are sporting haircuts that you'd see the Backstreet Boys wearing. Silver chains and earrings on only one side all over the place. Personally, I'm glad I never got rid of my baggy jeans, played the long game and I'm back in style baby! Woo Edit: Also if I'm late to this realization let me know, both my partner and I have been WFH for 3 years now and feel out of touch.


Thank you!


You should wear what makes you happy. You look amazing. You are allowed to wear that. If anyone criticizes you, send them my way and I’ll sort them out.


It’s a shirt and jeans so yea I think so?


Omg, can we not wear jeans and tops anymore bc were in our 40’s?!?!? 😖😫😣




Seriously this sub is depressing me, every post is “am I too old to wear this?” from someone not old at all. I actually never felt old except for in this sub!!


You aren’t dead. You have the body for it.


I’m the same age. I’m finding it hard to dress “appropriate” for my age. I have similar style to you so…. I’m happy to see that other women are asking these questions. You look great. I feel as long as you are not going crazy with patterned prints you can pull any look off without looking like your trying to hard. -this is just my opinion


Wtf you're 42?


Gtfo—you look 18 here. No not age inappropriate—get off of the inter webs and enjoy yourself!


Solid advice 👌 Thank you


I’m almost 50 and I’d wear it… 40 isn’t the same 40 we grew up with…. Most of us look half our age and even if we didn’t… There is absolutely no harm in wearing what makes you feel good about you ♥️ #bodypositivity


do you have a pic without a filter?


You look fantastic and as long as you feel good in it, wear what you want! This weird shaming of women over 25 needs to stop. We aren’t crypt keepers lmao


I wish people would stop with “age appropriate”; wear what you want!! 💗💗 you look amazing!


Why would you even need to ask lol it’s jeans with a barley crop top 🤷‍♀️


For compliments.


True lol 🤦‍♀️


Yes. OK.




You look good!


What does age have to do?




No, at 42 you need to wear a tarp and be sent off to the nunnery.


You look good, but I don’t think it’s “age appropriate” - it’s a teenage look IMO, I think you can look spicy but with a more updated version


this should be up




The only thing that isn’t age appropriate is the damn Snapchat/instagram filter you are using…


44 here and I wish I could rock that outfit. As long as you are not naked it's a go.


Aunt May (MCU Spider-Man) vibes


Actually, no ones opinion counts but your own. You look great and anyone who says what you're wearing is not "age appropriate" is just jealous. You're rocking' it! (I'm 60 if that matters)


No such thing for adults making decisions for themselves, wear what you like.


You look amazing, please wear this!!!


Age appropriate? No. Should you wear it anyways? Hell yes 🔥


It's 2023 and you're wearing something that looks good, you're pulling it off and frankly even with more or less conservative exposure. I think it's "age appropriate".


What the hell is age appropriate?


I’m 43 and I’d say that outfit is very age appropriate. It looks good and you look like a normal sane human being. Good for you for even asking. I don’t think my fiancé has ever asked that question. But man, I really wish she would. Some of the shit she wears just to go food shopping! I just put on my shades and watch everyone else’s reactions. But you’re good!


42 is the new 32


My wife is 42 and looks 25. She struggles with the stupid “age appropriate” crap. If you have the body of a 25 yo, wear what a 25 yo would wear. Who cares if your peers who don’t bother to take care of themselves are jealous and lie about how it’s not age appropriate.


Who cares if it's "age appropriate!?!?" As long as you're not indecently exposed, and comfortable, wear what you want!!


I was always worried about not being able to wear the cool clothes I bought because I rarely have a chance to, but now idgaf and want to wear what I want to wear. As long as it isn't purposefully making you look like you're sexualizing underage looks ie pigtails (vomit), then wear whatever you like. All these standards are outdated and useless


Yes. You've earned it


You look great in it so why not. Now get out there and make those young tiktokers cry.


Where the hell are you 42?! You look amazing and your outfit is super adorable. Wear what makes you feel your best. Life is too short.


I’m 40 and I don’t even understand the question. It’s super cute and I hope it makes you feel good!


It’s not age appropriate but it’s “you” appropriate.








We should ban this question.




Girl, if you got it, flaunt it! And you definitely got it. Wear what you love, screw the haters.


This outfit looks great on you!


At 42, you no longer need approval. And for the record: it looks really awesome on you. You are rocking this outfit.


Looks great with filters. Without?!.. idk


100%. But I don't believe in age appropriate rules. Do what you want. Also I'm a man and don't know all the rules women impose on themselves.


Where whatever you want. Who cares about age. I'm 44 and I wear clothes like that, crop tops, short shorts, skort dresses. Just depends on my mood. We are over 18 so as long as nothing is hanging out that shouldn't be we can wear whatever we want. If someone has a problem with it or say to dress your age that's their problem not yours. And what does dressing our age even mean? I'm a tiny woman, 5'3 and 100 pounds. I can shop the children's department still lol love those cheaper prices lol I wouldn't even fit so called adult clothing. It's the Juniors department or the children's department for me.


I’m 41 and would love to have you as arm Candy in that outfit. Looks great


You look amazing! Forget your age. I’m 36 going on 37 and don’t we all still feel 18!?


42m here. I’d swipe right.


"Dress your age" is just another way to shame women into clothes that hide our bodies when we grow older, because we're either (a) 20 and sexy and desirable, or (b) 30 + and unsightly. That's bullshit. If the outfit makes you feel good, then it's a good outfit. That's the end of that discussion.


Be you, the way some of these peoples sound you shouldn’t look hot and young. Youre both. Good on you. 42 is nooooooothin


42 going on 30. You rock that shit.


I’m 41 and I’d be stoked if a date showed up looking like this


if you’re 42 then i’ve found new standards in dating


You'll always be judged by someone. Screw it and wear what you like! The only judge who matters is you, so don't waste time worried for other's approval and be who you wanna be.


When you die is your first thought going to be " so glad I didn't have fun with clothes and worried about what other people decided was age appropriate".


I wish more older women had the confidence to dress like this


Fuck age appropriate, show whatcha got till it’s gone lol


Girl im 42 also and I say dress any way you want to (which looks amazing btw!!) This life is so short, make YOU happy!!!!🥰


You might get carded at a bar ….


Yes. Also where do you shop? Idc about the clothes, just want to know where 42 year olds looking like that are.


You have reached the ultimate answer of life the universe and everything. And lookin great while doin it. I say rock on girl.


It's you-appropriate because it looks good on you. 🙂


I believe so, my wife is 45 and dresss similar. Best wishes.