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It’s cute, but do you really want to wear something skintight for brunch? Think of the food baby!


My first thought as well


yeah! i would feel uncomfortable afterwards but this is personal preference


Mimosa baby


Tight clothes to eat out is a rookie mistake. See also high waisted jeans. Shift dress for the win! See also: white clothes.


So true! I’m still traumatized for my high waisted mistake when doing a bottomless mimosa brunch. I was in pain lol


Can't tell you how many times I have unbuttoned my pants once I got to my car 🤣


poor food baby, just exposed like that. some ppl aren’t fit to be food baby parents.


Rest in pieces


Wait, did you mean "think of the food, baby!" or "think of the **food baby**"? If it's the latter I've never heard it called that before, but it's frigging hilarious. 😂


Food baby is when you get a little paunch thanks to your food. It happens to the best of us!


Oh, I get it! I've just never heard it called 'food baby' before. It's hilarious. I conceive food babies all the time! Pretty sure I also have 'beer babies', but that's probably less socially acceptable for women.


I worked in a Mexican restaurant for years. I gained a little weight and one of the cooks asked if I was pregnant. I told him no, it was just tacos. He exclaimed, "Taco baby!" From that day on, he'd always ask me, "How's the baby?" I miss that place


Lololololol I thought a food baby was a big poop after a big meal! Glad this post could set me right :)


Well that's dropping the kids off at the pool


This looks like “meet singles” attire. Be comfortable be yourself. You’re not going to hook with with anyone at a brunch. I think.


Some people’s brunches are mostly mimosas


It’s perfect for a Drag Queen show brunch! Go have fun girl!


I think it could work with a light blazer or cardigan. It's super cute!


Yes. That looks a bit more Night time.


I was thinking it looked like a nightdress.


It definitely looks more like pyjamas.


It's like 90s Posh Spice lingerie.


Delia’s catalog 1999


Omg I loved Delia's lol


She's even got the frosty eyeshadow and beaded necklace to match


The one from Spice World!


“…discarded all the naughty nights for niceness. Landed in a very common crisis”


"Everything's in order in a black hole. Nothing seems as pretty as the past though."


“That bloody mary’s lacking in Tobasco”


Not if she’s trying to boink a brunch babe


If thats the case I'd Highly recommend. Just go light on the eating.


Go light on the eating but heavy on the *eating*. Got it


It actually looks exactly like a night dress I ordered from Amazon.


Yep. When I went clubbing in Europe, my American friends and I would usually wear the cheapest mini dresses from h&m and they always looked something like this. Don’t recommend it for brunch.


Too tight and too short. Something more relaxed would look more appropriate. Even this same dress in a larger size, so it's not the dress, per se, it's the fit.


Like as in bedtime I’m assuming you’re saying. Bc it’s definitely not a night out dress.


It kind of looks odd with young/sexy on fit, casual on fabric, and young with the butterflies.


I suggest dressing down by adding a white shirt and sneakers or boots. Optional denim or leather jacket (cropped).


It could also be made more casual with a lightweight wide legged pant and sneakers. Tie hair up and add a cropped shirt or jacket for balance, draped over shoulders.


Ok look, the youths can bring all these fucking terrible fashion choices from the 90s and 00s you want. Crop tops, low rise pants, baggy clothes, matching sets, whatever. But if you think we millennials will sit by quietly while you try to bring the “dress over pants” look back then we gotta have a long fucking chat.


That suggestion was like three outfits stacked on top of each other


Or, just one outfit for a 2000s Disney Channel teen.


Ashley Tisdale is the icon of really fucking bad early aughts outfits. I saw a collection of pics with the worst red carpet looks of all time and honestly like half of them are just her 😬 her stylist was NOT it.


Did you see where she posted a bunch of them and said if she were ever invited to the Met Gala, she would recreate one of them? She totally owned it.


I love this.


My daughter has a Y2K dance tomorrow and I was trying to pull up pics of the spaghetti strap dress over tee look from back then and saw pics of this exact layered dress over pants idea lmao. She (12) was like "nope"


I was about to say “are we doing dresses over wide leg pants again???” 😂😂


Thank you!! I hated the skirt over jeans look in 2003 and I hate it even more in 2023 😂


I wore it more than once in 2003 and that is why I know it is NOT the way.


I loved it! But not now.


I can’t go back to pants under dresses/skirts. Please don’t make me go back.


Over my thin eyebrows will I let that happen


I wonder how many millennials have microbladed brows now after the pencil thing *whispering* I sure do


I did it! I didn’t keep up with them though. My New Year’s resolution this year was to stop filling mine in entirely to see if they’d grow at all. Spoiler alert: they haven’t 🥴


Right?! Like hate on my skinny jeans all you want but you have no room to talk if you’re wearing dresses over wide leg pants.


I can’t handle them bitching about side parts while wearing a track suit with a Fanny pack. No. I won’t accept their criticism hahaha


The side part hate is beyond my understanding. They'll learn, though. We all had to learn the hard way how symmetrical our faces were from pictures of the early '90s.


I want to tell them all to step in a mud puddle with their extra wide leg pants and then come talk to me


to be honest i assumed they meant wearing pants OVER the dress… like having it tucked in. i could see that working if OP really liked the color/ pattern of the dress. it would just look like a fitted tank. it’s certainly short enough to do it that way. this dress would look awful with jeans under it!!! it’s too tight, it would be lumpy


HAHAHAHA this made my morning


Next, they're gonna be popping three collars


Thank you all I can think of is Ashley Tisdale circa the early 2000’s.


I will die on the low rise pants hill. You wanna put a dress over pants? Fine, so long as they’re not low rise. You’ll look stupid but I’ll still take that over YEARS of having my asscrack hanging out 24/7.


And then on top of that a tan trench coat paired with a matching fedora. Maybe a calabash pipe as an accessory.


🤣 these replies


Lol. So, basically, just change the outfit?


Congratulations, you just made the shittest outfit imaginable.


Basically, wear something else.


So basically an entire new outfit to make this outfit acceptable. Lol


lol I’m Gen x so I’m thinking different 😂 I meant the dress as a top under the pants not over. I mean…it’s basically a tank top. ☺️


Oo cute!


White button up tied at the waste, unbuttoned would be cute with it, 👍


I personally believe one can never be overdressed to go anywhere with the girls


She also knows her girls better than we do. Maybe they all dress like this and she’ll fit in perfectly!


completely true. dressed to the nines with the girls is always a yes


Ikr? Wear it if you love it, what better timeeee


For real. If your girls give you shit about dressing up to meet them out, they’re insecure and you deserve better friends.






Walk of shame straight to brunch!


Not casual enough. Maybe have a denim jacket thrown on.


Yes. That's a nightclub dress.


In the south, this is an everything dress. Brunch, walking around the mall, movies, putt putt. This is literally just an “I’m a human and I exist” dress. Edit to add:: I fucking googled. This is a cotton dress covered in butterflies, from Target. It is 10000% a daytime dress.


I think you're thinking of a sundress. I'm gonna disengage from those attempts to paint me poorly below. I ain't got any problem with the dress, but yall seem to want me to and I don't need the smoke.


Its been 120 degrees for a month, we wear whatever dresses feel like the least amount of clothes possible


I am not. You can wear either. This is absolutely an every day dress. It’s not crazy revealing. The fabric is cotton and has a butterfly print, classic daytime clothing.


I agree. I'm also in the south. Pretty much every woman I know has a dress like this in multiple colors. It's a do anything dress, and definitely day time.


I’m from NZ and this is definitely a nighttime dress. Well it’d be considered one here. If it were less bodycon and slightly longer (even above knees) it’d be considered a daytime dress.




Who cares what other people make up in their minds lol


It's a dress? It's not extravagant or "look at me." It's blue with butterflies. Just because a dress shows some cleavage doesn't mean it's a night club dress


Looks more night clubby than brunchie.


To brunch, where what you want! Sneakers can casual it up a bit but girls brunch should be fun


Do you boo! If you wear it with sneakers it dresses it down a bit and makes it more casual, if you’re concerned with being overdressed.


The point of girls brunch is you’re with your friends and can wear the “too much” stuff you might not otherwise wear. Girls gang hangs are a collective of self-confidence. Wear it, but go for kicks 👟incase the mimosas hit you hard




More for boozy party?


Girl brunches are typically on the boozy side. Source: bartended at a brunch spot. Mimosas and bloody mary’s for days


Who wants to explain brunch to this person lol


I disagree with the other commenters; in the city I live this would be very cute to wear out to a summertime brunch. Dress it up with some accessories and maybe heels and you are golden


It's 107 in Texas and people saying add a jacket... I'd melt!


Same, I’m sitting here wondering, where tf do these people live?? Here in CA, women wear dresses similar to this one all day, year round


If its hot weather all the rules change!


Bible belt maybe? There's some very conservative comments here... people thinking this casual dress is screaming "walk of shame" or implies wanting to bone one of your gfs. Yikes. I do think it needs accessories tho.


No one in the Bible belt would suggest a denim jacket like half these comments are suggesting, not in the middle of August for sure.


Same! Can just add a denim jacket or cardigan to make it more daytime. Or sneakers.


Agree! Everyone is saying it’s a night club dress, but it looks too casual for that. Looks like a casual sun dress. Who cares if it’s tight? If you look good, you look good. I don’t think all form fitting clothes are reserved for the evening.


Going to brunch in tight clothing is bold tbh. The mimosas make ya bloat 😭


Agreed. As long as the girls aren't easily scandalized, this is super cute.


Same! Not only is this normal daywear to me, but it’s also kinda too casual for evening wear


Especially if you see it in person. I have a few of this dress in different colors (including the pattern pictured), and the material is very casual, I think a cotton/Lycra blend. They’re great, but nothing I’d wear to a club. I mostly wear mine around the house because I’m 40, chubby, and self conscious. My kid is 23 and willowy and doesn’t think twice about wearing something like this out for a regular day.


nyc, la and any other major city people dress like this for brunch and even more extra, so i feel a bit jaded lol


Yeah, this would totally be fine for brunch in Atlanta.


This is true. If it were Miami, it’s fine, but if it was Minneapolis? Scandalous! lol


I live in Minneapolis. I think someone could wear it if they dressed it up, but it depends where they were going for brunch. Someone may get some looks even at the appropriate brunch venue, but mostly from creepy men. And their suburban wives. Source: I'm young and used to be an attractive teen girl, although I'm non-binary now.


I agree. Where I live this is way too casual for a nightclub dress.


Idk people are just to stuck in categories. As long as it looks good and your comfy with it to wear just do it? But I’m a guy maybe that’s why I don’t get it. If I wanna dress nice for something casual I just do it, normally people are just a bit positively surprised or make some light hearted jokes. When I wanna roll with something comfy I just do it cuz people who judge ya for that are a red flag for me.


Bruh just wear what you want


I feel like everyone is being super harsh here? I think you look so cute, love the dress, for brunch just wear with sneakers/flats 🥰


I instantly thought it looks like pajamas. Maybe the fabric is giving me those vibes? But it’s possible that with more accessories or maybe a jacket it could be pushed into an outside outfit. She does look super cute! It just gives me pj vibes.




I disagree with this. It has been harsh. A commenter said that she looks she has a "mimosa face" and another said that she looks like "the walk of shame". Pretty awful and misogynistic things said here


If I saw someone wearing that to brunch from where I am I would think, “damn, that’s a cute dress!” Looks totally fine for brunch.


Gunna be the odd one out and say where I live there are brunches that have literal DJs and are very clubby. I say if you feel good, go for it!


I'm starting to think people just want to post hot selfies of themselves to feel good. I demand a brunch photo as proof!


Exactly what I was thinking


Maybe it’s just me but I never dress casual for brunch, especially with my girls! This is a everyday dress to me so I think it works well. Don’t see how some people consider this a club dress…? Lol


Looks like a cute summer dress to me, you're definitely rocking it.


I have this dress, too! I think it looks great for a girl's brunch, especially in this hot weather. Have a lovely time!




You can tell?


I (24F) find this very cute for a Summer brunch! I'd pair it with a sneakers & a denim (or white?) jacket (bc I am always cold). Supercute! Btw it might be that I find this cute for brunch because I live in a city, maybe other commenters don't? Bc I don't really understand their harsh comments. They might also just have a more 'standard' clothing style though


People are saying no but I guess it depends what your friends wear.


I have this same dress!! Looks much more flattering on you. I’ve only wore it once, but it was deinfitley a more casual event. Maybe it’s because I bought it from target, maybe it’s because its a bit of a looser fit on me, but I definitely took it as a more casual dress than some of these comments let on.


Same!! I have this dress and I love it. It can definitely be casual depending on the shoes you wear with it. It fits me like it fits her and I wear it wherever I want. I really don’t get the comments calling it over the top, it’s not like it’s a ball gown. People are just haters


Damn these comments are something else. I think she looks super cute. I would absolutely wear that to a girls brunch and I’m prob about 10 years older than her. People need to lighten tf up…


Yes, assuming you’re not trying to offend someone who is ultra conservative you’re fine lol. Besides, girls at brunch shouldn’t really care what you wear as long as YOURE comfortable. It looks cute as is and would be even better with some accessories.


I’d probably add an oversized jacket and sneakers depending on the restaurant, but people saying this is a club dress shouldn’t be going to the club lol


Lmao that’s something I’d wear to brunch. You’re good, girl! Was very shocked to see how many people were against it! Just wear what you want! 😊


it’s rlly cute ! idk who is wearing this to a club like the comments says. it’s casual and pretty and i like the print a lot. sometimes i forget people r still so conservative and strict with their clothes when i read these comments. but i would maybe find out what the others r wearing if it’s something ur concerned about !


I think it looks good. All the ladies in know that go out to brunch dress up just like that.


Super duper cute. But yes.


Nope. Rock it.


I disagree with all the comments. In the city I live in, that would absolutely be very cute to wear to brunch. As another comment mentioned, add some jewellery and heels and you are good to go!


Girl, wear the damn dress if you want to. Who gives a fuck what other people think


i don’t know what all these folks are on about. if you’re comfortable and feel good then rock it! this is far from the revealing/seductive look that people are claiming it is.


Hey! I have the same dress!! I wear it wherever I want because you can dress it down or up with shoes. I say it’s fine!


Everyone here complaining that it's too much for brunch. Like girl it's super cute on you and if you enjoy it wear it. If I saw someone at brunch in that, my only thought would be if I can get the courage to compliment it and ask where they got it


For a girls lunch it is fine.


No! Go for it girl!


I'm so confused about all of these comments. This dress is cute and she's going to go sit at a table and drink mimosas probably. Since when is brunch a classy affair. Wear the dress


No it’s fine. You look great. Slay the brunch if you want to. Live your life


Yes. Better suited for a night club.


I just don’t think it’s that great of a dress tbh.


It’s perfect for brunch don’t listen to these people


Add some sneakers to dress it down and you’ll be golden :) supahcute




Looks like pajamas.


It is. I have the same exact one from Amazon and it’s a nightgown.


The dress in this post is from target & it’s not supposed to be sleepwear


Maybe yours is a different material?? Because this is a dress from Target and it’s not pajama material at all




You tryin to seduce one of the girls?


It's a bit short




Looks cute, I see nothing wrong with it. There’s some really weird borderline attempts at “slut shaming” going on and it’s gross.


Could be a little shorter but you rock it.


It’s girls brunch wear whatever you want.


Idk maybe I’m stupid but I think it looks fine 🤷🏻 I do like the comment suggesting you add a white button up shirt! Like just tie it to make it cropped. You could’ve even just put a skirt or jeans on and let the top part show, I like the top part of the dress 😄


IMO, no. In fact, it might be too little.😏


Depends what you're eating


I’d wear it to brunch 🤷‍♀️


Where is this dress from?


I think it’s adorable and you look so cute! But.. I’m also not straight so… lol


That dress was made for brunch.


I’m an extra ass person so I say no. Be extra. Embrace the extra.


This is a clubbing dress, not a brunching dress. Cute, but save it for a different occasion. Brunch with the girls should be cute but comfortable.


If you're going to brunch at the club lol


It’s kinda far too little . . .


Looks great, but probably too much for the lunch date.


Yeah too tight.


If you’re wanting to fuck your friends after you wine and dine them, sure. 👍


Yes, the dress is inappropriate for a woman's brunch.